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Should the Drinking Age Be 18?

teen M LDA
s e
Is th er at 18
bett 21?


Reasons why YO
the Minimum THIS E

Drinking Age By

should be 18.  Roberts


1 2 3
MLDA and what it is Teen Drinking Why do they
MLDA better known as
Minimum Legal Drinking Age Drinking is often misused Now why do kids drink?
has been used in every by society today often in This is an often asked
country world wide: Although adolecents. To combat question in todays world.
this is true the U.S. has kept this there are hopes to There can be many reasons
theirs at 21 regardless of the lower the MLDA in the such as stress, binge
fact that most of the world U.S. to stop the fun drinking, for fun, and to
including long lived Eurpoean antics of "Binge Drinking" relax. Whilst drinking should
countries have theirs starting that most kids have, be fun kids should know
from 16-18+ when to stop and have

College Drinking
”Instead of pretending that prohibition on
college campuses is realistic, we should be
investing in helping those young people learn
to make healthy and responsible choices.”
(Nea Blackham)

5 6 TEE
Drinking Fact #1 Drinking Fact #2 NG I

"Although there are restrictions "After the MLDA drinking act was placed
based upon teens they are able to in 1984 which made states change their WO KS
do most of the things ages 21+ can collective MLDA to 21+. This has led to a
do once they turn 18.... they can decrease in drunk driving fatalities for
serve in the miliatry... They can get not only the driver but citizens aswell."
married... get sued... they can also (ThatsWhyTV)
be put on trial... but no drinking."

10 k
Drin nsi
Res ly
Military Drinking

In an article written by Hayley

Britzky she goes on to talk about a
study in which its known that
military members spend roughly
100 days out of the year drinking.
This excludes age and reasoning as
if you can fight for our country you
may enjoy all the freedoms you
provide us.

11 12 BE
Do a little act of
Saved Lives
kindness weekly
31,417 lives were saved from the We should lower the MLDA for several reasons listed below
MLDA being raised from 18-21 in which concludes this infographic
1975-2016 which were predicted

to have been caused by young Freedom is a god given right and we should be given it in its
drunk irresponsible drivers. entirety if the we are seen as adults in the eyes of the law
(Procon.org) This however can Parents should start to teach their kids safe drinking habits
be said to be caused by many from when their kids to ensure no binge dirnking happens.
things such as the safety of cars All of the points listed throghout this infographic conclude
as-well as the maturity and my claim that the MLDA should be lowered to 18 in the U.S.
knowledge drivers now possess
Source   |   collegelifemadeeasy.com/new-years-resolution-ideas/
which differed from back then.

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