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1.2 Define the finite set and infinite set; countable set and uncountable set.

set. State which set is finite

or infinite, countable or uncountable?
(i) {………2BC, 1BC, 1AD, 2AD, ……..2004AD, …….}
(ii) {0, 1, 2, 3, ……….}
(iii) {x/x is positive integer}
(iv) {x/x {a, b, c, ...... y, z}}
(v) The set of living beings on the universe.
(vi) The set of lines passes through the origin.
(vii) X = {x/x2 + 1 = 0}

(viii) X = {1/2, 3, 5, 2 , 7, 9}.

1.3 Does every set have a proper subset?
1.4 Prove that if A is the subset of then A = .
1.5 Find the power set of the set X = {a, {a, b}, { }}.
1.6 Prove if X Y= then X Y.
1.7 Consider the universal set U = {x/x is a integer}, and the set X = {x/x is a positive integer}, Z =
{x/x is a even integer}, and Y = {x / x is a negative odd integer}, then find,
(i) X Y (ii) X Y
(iii) X – Y (iv) Z – Y
(v) (X Y) – Z
1.8 Define a binary relation. When a relation is said to be reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
1.9 Distinguish between a relation and a mapping.
1.10 Let a relation R = {(x, y)/x, y ? R and 4x2 + 9y2 = 36} then find the domain of R, the range of R, and
the R–1.
1.11 State the condition when a relation R in a set X
(i) not reflexive (ii) not symmetric
(iii) not antisymmetric (iv) not transitive.
1.12 Let R1 and R2 are two relations then in a set X then prove the following :
(i) If R1and R2 is symmetric then R1 R2 is also symmetric.
(ii) If R1 is reflexive then R1 R2 is also reflexive.
1.13 Let a relation R = {(x, y)/x, y N and (x – y) is divisible by 3}then Show that R is an equivalence
1.14 Comment on the relation R i.e., if R R–1 = and if R = R–1.
1.15 Let X be the set of people and R be the relation defined between the element of the set X, i.e.
(i) R = {(x, y)/x, y X and ‘x is the husband of y’}
(ii) R = {(x, y)/x, y R and ‘x is poorer than y’}
(iii) R = {(x, y)/x, y R and ‘x is younger than y’}
(iv) R = {(x, y)/x, y R and ‘x is thirsty than y’}
Find the inverse of each of the relation.
1.16 If X = {1, 2}, Y = {a, b, c} and Z = {c, d}. Find (A × B) (A × C).
1.17 Which of the following graphs represents injective, surjective, and bijective function ?

1.18 Let a function f : R R be defined i.e., f(x) = 1 if x is rational and f(x) = – 1 if x is irrational then
(i) f(2) (ii) f(1/2)
(iii) f(1/3) (iv) f(22/7)
(v) f( 2 ) (vi) f( 4 8 )
1.19 Let a function f : R R be defined as
1 2 x2 for 2 x 4
f(x) = x 4 for 5 x 7
x 3 for 8 x 12

Find :
(i) f(– 3) (ii) f(4)
(iii) f(7) (iv) f(12)
(v) f(u – 2)
1.20 Let f be a function such that f–1 exist then state properties of the function f.
1.21 Let a function f : R R be defined as f(x) = x2, then find
(i) f (– 4) (ii) f–1(25)
(iii) f (4 x 25) (iv) f–1(– < x 0)
1.22 –1 2
Find the f if function f(x) = (4x – 9)/(2x +3) (by assuming f is surjective).
1.23 Let function f and g are surjective then show that
(g o f)–1 = (f–1 o g –1)
1.24 Find x and y in the following ordered pair :
(i) (x + 3, y – 4) = (3, 5) (ii) (x–2, y + 3) = (y + 4, 2x – 1)
1.25 Let X = {1, 2, 3, 4} and Y = {a, b, c}, can a injective and surjective function
f:X Y may be defined. Give reasons.

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