Eapp Essay 12

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According to Amy, family is where life begins and love never ends. Family is the
most important, wonderful and valuable gift that God has given to us. Our life begins with
them, we are no one without them. They are the ones who nurtured us to become who
we are today. We are incomplete without a family and family is incomplete without love.
The love of a family is life’s greatest blessing and it is irreplaceable. Family has always
been a good guide, trainer as well as the teacher for each and every phase of our life and
their words of wisdom lead us to a life that we unexpectedly dreamed of.

Every time we feel that we are unwanted by anyone, a society that full of criticisms,
those people who caused us pain and brought up such things that made our life miserable
and became mess. Our family was the one who offered their helping hands to help us
and stands with us in such at the toughest situations of our lives. They are our home, our
nest and our pillars of strength whenever life becomes harder and we feel like we could
not hold it anymore. Family does not run away and leave us whenever we receive tough
challenges instead, they are continually there for us to provide a helping hand during the
critical situation. Life is full of surprises, in times of hardships only your family and true
people will arise and stick by your side to whatever life throws to you.

The love of a family is unconditional and infinite, no one can replace the genuine
joy they give to you. It does not matter where you find it, you know you can always get a
warm hug, a never-ending support no matter how far away you are. They will always
accept you and love you for who you are and what you are despite of what people
throwing to you. We, human beings are not perfect. There are times that we make
mistakes or make such things that could hurt their feelings but they always forgive us and
give us the unconditional love even in the worst situation. The best, most genuine and
beautiful kind of love that we can receive is from our family, and we definitely deserve it.
We could not get it from anybody but only from our family, their unconditional love is
forever engraved is our hearts and no one can destroy or break the love that my family
puts inside me.
As we grow up, we always think what is best for our family and how we can pay
back them for all the sacrifices they did for us in the long run. I have always been thinking
on how can I improve myself to become successful in life and provide the needs and
wants of my family because at the end of the day we eventually be the one who will be
taking care of them. The fact that they are getting older, they also could not work anymore
in their stage of age and it is their time to rest and enjoy life. There some times that I am
about to give up in life but everytime I look at them , their hardworks , the pain that they
need to endure just to provide my needs and wants in life I always see a millions of
reasons to keep alive , to stay in this world , they are my reasons to live in this world. I
have always tell to myself that I need to work harder, aim for success and make them
proud as their only loving daughter. They are my everything and I am nothing without

To conclude, family is one of our greatest treasure and blessing that others do not
have. They taught me what reality is. They get different lessons from extra-ordinary
places and share it with us, put it our minds and hearts. According to an article written by
Hetal Kabra, Family is one of the most significant things in our life. It is something that
you should not take for granted. Even after loved ones are gone, they are still
remembered heartily. The family love that you feel for these people does not disappear
when they pass away. Your family has been there since your life began. They are the
ones who know all about you and they hold these very closely in order to protect you.
True family is never unfaithful. They are ever ready to give you the love and affection with
motivation and support in your life which fruitfully highlights the importance of family with
the unconditionally wholehearted family love. I agree to what she said, family is indeedly
the best source of everything and the greatest blessing that God has given to me.

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