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T his ECD Standard Service Delivery Guidelines and Checklists was made possible by the gener-
ous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International De-
velopment (USAID), Cooperative Agreement Number AID - 663 - A - 11 - 00005. The contents are
the responsibility of ChildFund and its Yekokeb Berhan Program for Highly Vulnerable Children
(HVC), and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Yekokeb Berhan is indebted to the Ministry of Education for the “Strategic Operational Plan and
Guidelines for Early Childhood Care and Education in Ethiopia”(2010) and Guidelines for Early
Childhood Development Services in South Africa(2006), both of which were used as sources of
information for this Guidelines.

We would also like to extend our deep appreciation to our colleagues at ChildFund, who led the
effort to develop this Guideline, as well as to our colleagues at Pact and FHI 360 for their input and
support. Everything we do at Yekokeb Berhan is a team effort, and this directory is no exception.

June 2012


Bole KifleKetema, Kebele 20 House No. 2129, P.O.Box 13180,

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Telephone: (251) 11-661-4800, (251) 11-662-3796
Fax: (251) 11-662-3789 e-mail:

T he ECD Guidelines are intended to provide staff, caregivers, volunteers and parents for effec-
tive, efficient delivery of ECD services, i.e., delivery that achieves desired outcomes using an
optimal level of resources on early childhood Development (ECD) for YekokobBerhan project (see
ECD manual and ECD strategic direction)

It offers practical guidance for users through all stages of the program in
identifying the main elements in ECD service delivery and in designing
ECD appropriate ECD program to respond developmental needs of young
HVC,covering six areas namely premise and Equipment, Health, safety
Guidelines are
and Equipment, Management, Active learning, Practitioners and work-
intended to ing with parents.
provide staff, This ECD Guideline is therefore to be used when planning, Implement-
caregivers, ing, and when reviewing progress.

volunteers In order to implement these guidelines, Implementing partners pro-

gram coordinators staff, andPractitioners/caregivers will need to strate-
and parents f
gize carefully. The guide will best be implemented with the capacity
or effective or the skills to implement any of the guidelines with commitment of
training and technical assistance. ChildFund therefore have a key role
and efficient to play in deciding how best to introduce the Guidelines as a collec-
delivery of tive or individually within the implementing partners. In order to do so
two methodologies is recommended: 1) Introduce the Guidelines right
ECD services from the start in for new implementing partners through training and
2)Introduce the Guidelines in any existingprogram that has the capacity
and support to do so

The ECD Guideline is organized into two sections that deal with the critical standards and ad-
ditional consideration to start and strengthen the ECD program. Each sections is organized in a
similar manner so that the reader can easily identify standards, and indicators of progress in the
process of implementation

It is not the aim of these Guidelines to be comprehensive but to provide basic information as set
out in two approaches namely, the Center based and home based ECD services.

This Guideline only focuses to address children, in particular young children (from birth to six ears
as indicated in YekokobBerhan project implementation guideline). The guideline is prepared in
such a manner that they could be used as separate entities in service provision. It is hoped that
this will facilitate easy reference for practitioners. For example, if yourun an ECD center, you only
need to refer to Center based section to find all the informationyou need.

It should be emphasized, however, that not all standards are relevant to all ECD centers or home,
and the staff, Volunteers and caregivers must select the standards that are most relevant in the
specific context.

For proper ECD program implantation the Guideline may be used together with the ECD’s manual
and checklist.


M ost young children in Ethiopia do not go to early childhood development centers. They
spend their days with their families or go home to their families after school. In this docu-
ment, “family” means anyone the child lives with and who takes care of her/him. A family may be
two parents, one parent, grandparent or grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters or neigh-
bors. Some children in Ethiopia live only with other children in child headed households. There
are many reasons why there are so many different types of families.

Young children need an

One of the main reasons today is that many adults are dying older person to help him/
because of the HIV and AIDS pandemic. Most adults and older
children who care for young children want to know the best
her to meet his/her needs
way to do this. Everyone has needs and everyone has rights but and enjoy his/her rights
young children need an older person to help him/her to meet
his/her needs and enjoy his/her rights

Target population
Parents and /or caregivers of children from prenatal to age regardless of gender, social
status or ethnicity with special focus on the Highly Vulnerable Children
Both working and stay-at -home parents/caregivers


Minimum standards
The Home must be clean and safe place for young children. Chil
dren must be protected from physical, social and emotional harm
Clean and or threat of harm from themselves or others.
safe place The inside and outside play areas must be clean and safe for
forchildren young children. Each child must have enough space
to move about freely.
Equipment should be clean and safe for young children.
Additional standards
Homes must be a safe place for young children.
Babies need space where they can see what is going on around them but where they
are not in the way of other people or children.
Babies can also be carried around so that they can see what is going on and feel the
warmth of another human being.
Sharp and dangerous things must be kept where they cannot reach them.
They must not be able to reach cleaning fluids or any other poisonous liquids or medi
cines. Move all these things to a higher level or locked cupboard so that everyone can
A fence with a locked gate is necessary when there are young children in the home.
The area around the house where children play must be kept clean and all sharp ob
jects, rubbishand poisonous plants must be cleared away

Toilet facilities must be safe for children.
People taking care of babies must wash their hands after changing nappies.


Minimum Standards
There should be health and nutrition promotion service for
all families with children 0-3years.
All home-based ECD service should encompass a holistic ap
proach to child development and the fostering of a healthy
parent (caregiver)/child interaction.
All parents and caregivers are recognized and supported
as the first educators of their children, their opinions and
concerns are treated seriously and with respect, and their ca
pacities are enhanced Health and nutri-
Caregivers (parents, mainly mothers) attends least one child tion promotion
and maternal health care session/month
In one year, every parent/caregiver is counseled at least service
twice about the ECD
Integrate key
Child caregivers and family members are aware of the servic
es and activities provided for early child stimulation on dis childcare and
abilities in infants and young children
stimulation prac-
Implementing Partners working in ECD program pro
grammes integrate key childcare and stimulation practice in tice
their operation plan

Additional Standards
The health of children should be protected and illnesses dealt
th quickly and correctly.
Children should be immunized and receive their doses of Vi-
tamin A.
Take children for a full course of immunization according to the timetable marked on
the Health Card.
Diarrhea must be dealt with correctly
Children with chronic illnesses should have their conditions described by the doc tors or
parents and caregivers should know their regular treatment and situations that pre
sent hazards for them in order to seek fast, appropriate care when necessary.

Take children to the clinic immediately when one or more of the following
When the child is unable to drink or breastfeed;
 When the child vomits up everything;
If the child has convulsions;
When the child is lethargic or unconscious;
 When the child has diarrhoea and sunken eyes or a sunken fontanel;
When the child has diarrhoea with blood;
When the child coughs and breathes fast - more than 50 breaths a minute;
When a child under two months has a fever;
Any other emergency.
Children need to eat different kinds of food to make sure that they grow and develop.
Sometimes it is difficult for families to find all the right foods but some families or centers
grow their own vegetables so that children have a supply of these.
Children also need clean water to drink at any time when they are thirsty.
Before preparing food or feeding children, hands should be washed
with soap and water.
All children and especially HIV positive children need to be well nourished to help pre
vent infections, achieve good growth, and for general health where possible.
Children should be kept safe at all times and their rights protected.
All children have rights. HIV positive children, very young children, children who have dis
abilities and those who cannot express themselves easily have the same rights and needs
as other children.
Orphans and vulnerable children whose parents are very ill need particular care, love and
psychosocial supportfrom those around them.
All births must be registered and the documents kept in a safe place. Every child should
have a Health card.
Avoiding harmful traditional practices (uvulectomy, tonsillectomy, female circumcision,

Minimum standards
All families and caregivers are provided with
Informationand supportto access
whatever services
and activities that are available for early child
Establishing a good attachment with the child
Ensuring that parents/caregivers understand and
Respond to the signals of the child
Providing the child with things to look at,
touch, heart, smell,taste
Providing the child with opportunities to explore the world
Stimulating language development through storytelling,pomes, rhymes, etc
Supporting the acquisition of new motor, language and thinking skills
Encouraging the development of some independence
Helping the child in learning how to control his/her own
Providing opportunities for the children to begin to learn to care for
Providing daily opportunities for the children to play with a variety of objects
spect their children and others show children how to respect themselves as well as oth
er people.
Children should be helped to become independent and confident.t
Families help young children to learn how to do things for themselves. They show him/
her and let him/her practice even though they may make mistakes what he/she has learnt.


Target population
Children participating at the centre should be between 4-6 years old regardless of cul
ture, gender, social class, ethnicity, and including children with special needs.
Focus will be on Highly Vulnerable Children.
For centre based ECD services, the following six elements need to be considered.


Minimum standards

Protected from The buildings must be clean and safe for young children. Children
physical, social and must be protected from physical, social and emotional harm or threat
of harm from themselves or others. All reasonable precautions must
emotional harm be taken to protect children and practitioners from the risk of fire, ac
Disability friendly cidents and or other hazards.
Developmentally The premises should be disability friendly.
enough equipment Equipment should be clean and safe for young children. There
and resources should be enough equipment and resources that are developmen
tally appropriate for the number of children in the center.
Clean drinking water
At least the child-to-child locally available children’s materials and ba
sic materials like crayons, paper etc.
latrine for boys and
There are no more than 40 young children for one teacher and one
girls helper.
Available of climbing frames and locally made swing and seesaws
The ECD centre has a fenced place where it is safe for children to
learn, run and play games together with other children

Each child must have enough space to move about freely; there must
be 1.5 square meter of indoor and 2 square meter of outdoor play space
per child.

The room should be well ventilated, with enough window space to allow a good follow
of air
Clean drinking water, water and soap for hand washing and separate latrine for boys
and girls are available

Additional standards
The structure must be safe, weatherproof and well ventilated.
If the same room space is used as a playroom, office and kitchen, each area.
Where more than 50 children are enrolled for a full day, provision must be made for a
separate area where staff are able to rest and lock up their personal possessions.
Where food is prepared on the premises, there must be an area for preparation, cooking
and washing up.
Where children who are bottle-fed are cared for, suitable facilities must be provided for
cleaning the bottles.
Separate toilet facilities that are safe for children must be available.
Where potties are used, the waste must be disposed of hygienically in a toilet.
Provision must be made for the safe storage of anything that could harm children.
All furniture and equipment must be safe and in good repair.
ECD services should be delivered through community based ECD centre, preschools at
tached or to primary schools
The ECD centre , whether a community hall, classroom, home or school, should be li
cenced as an ECD centre
Children must be protected from physical, social and emotional harm or threat of harm
from themselves or others.
There should be an area for displaying the children’s creative work


Feeding program Minimum standards

Food should be provided for children at least once a day, either by par
Health ents or the center.
Children should be cared for in a responsible way when ill.
The parent or responsible family member of a child with a disability
should receive information on the services and treatment the child can
access locally.

Additional standards
The medical history of each child should be recorded and kept up to date and confiden
A record of each child’s immunization program and Vitamin A schedule must be kept at
the center
Growth monitoring charts to be used by the teachers need to be made available
Children must be provided with at least one meal a day by either parents or the center.
There must be action plans to deal with emergencies.
All staff, children and families and the surrounding community must know what the
plan is and what action will be taken in an emergency. Staff must be trained in first aid.
Staff should be able to recognize children’s illnesses and how to deal with these.
Staff should be trained to recognize early signs of child abuse and how to protect chil
Staff should be aware of special medical and health needs of children at the center and
their responsibility in terms of the law as well as the best interests of the child.
No child should be stigmatized or treated unfairly because of any illness or disability
they may have or for any other reason such as clothing, appearance, minority group
status, etc..
All meals and snacks should meet the nutritional requirements of the children
Children must be supervised by an adult when they are eating.
Safe, clean drinking water must always be available.
All those working with the children, including those who handle food in the ECD center
setting should be cleared of any contagious diseases. Caregivers should be medically
cleared of all contagious diseases
Staff should be able to recognize children’s illnesses and how to deal with
A first aid kit must be available and staff with the knowledge to use it must be present
Detailed referral system information should be available and maintained in a visible area
Where parents are allowed to pack food for their children, they should be encouraged
to pack nutritious and balanced meals
ECD centre feeding should be done in hygienic and clean environment
The parent or responsible family member of a child with disability must receive informa
tion on the services and treatment the child can access locally.

ACTIVE LEARNING Child center meth-

Each child should
be respected and
Minimum Standards nurtured
Children must be provided with appropriate developmen-
opportunities and effective programs to help them to develop
their full potential.
Children must be cared for in a constructive manner, which
gives them support, security and ensures development of positive
social behavior.
The culture, spirit, dignity, individuality, language and development of each child
should be respected and nurtured.
The teachers use the curriculum as a guide
Teachers prepare teaching and play materials from locally available materials
Locally available materials and the local environment are used for active learning
Additional standards
Young children grow and develop very quickly and holistically. This means that prac
titioners and caregivers should be aware of all aspects of the child: intellectual, physical,
emotional and social.
Young children follow a developmental path but do so at different rates. Young children
learn best when they are actively exploring their world.
Each day should be organized with many different and carefully planned activities.
Activities should help children develop their full potential
Practitioner should show that they enjoy working with young children.
Practitioners should show that they know and understand how children develop.
Children must never be punished physically by hitting, smacking, slapping, kicking or
pinching. Positive discipline practices should be used and children should be told the
proper behavior that is expected.
Children must be provided with appropriate developmental opportunities and effec
tive programs to help them to develop their full potential. (Each day should be organized
with many different and carefully planned activities, activities that would help children
develop their full potential)
Children must be cared for in a constructive manner, which gives them support, security
and ensures development of positive social behaviour.
Teaching must be child-centered, with the children actively involved in the learning
Materials, there will be ample age-appropriate materials that the child can use in a vari
ety of ways, learning grows out the child’s direct action on the materials
Social interaction: social interaction with peers is important to learn to communicate
and interrelate with others. Refer children to each other for ideas and assistance and let
them interact in small and large groups of children
The curriculum to be used should be designed to meet the holistic needs of different
age group
Where there is no curriculum, teachers develop a structured weekly day-to-day program
The curriculum should be adapted to the local context

Caregivers should be
Minimum standards trained and receive
All caregivers should be trained and receive ongoing train ongoing training
ing in early childhood development and the management of
nagement of nage-
programs and facilities for young children.
ment of programs
The ECD centre teacher has completed grade 10
The caregiver or assistant teacher has completed grade 8 and facilities for
young childre
Additional standard
All practitioners/caregivers mus also have experiences with young children and desire
to work with them
This task requires a responsible, trained and caring person who will be able to meet the
rchild’s needs holistically and in a child-friendly way.
Practitioners should receive training to deal with and identify children with disabilities
and other special needs.
The practitioner should be healthy enough to be physically and mentally capable of
meeting all the demands of caring for children.
The practitioner should have appropriate qualities to work with children- especially
patience, good control of their own behavior, enthusiasm, and respect for children and
their individuality.
On-going training and support should be provided through group discussions and
interaction with the practitioners of other centers and through attending seminars and

NOTE: Training of caregivers should include training on HIV and

AIDS, bereavement (grief ) and special techniques of helping
young children who are grieving, chil
drenunder stress, gender bias, as well as various forms of dis-
Practitioners /caregivers should have at least the minimum
qualification and work towards improving their qualifications.
Anyone working at the centre must be clean from any record
of child abuse
The maximum teacher-child-ratio in the ECD centre is 1:30 for
the four to five year olds and 1:40 for the five to-six year olds.
In addition to the teacher there is an assistant teacher or ECD
caregivers for the age group (four to five year olds and to six year olds). The assistance
teachers support the work of the main teachers
Assistance Teachers are adults of sound mind and no criminal record

Minimum standards
Primary caregivers such as parents (and other caregivers that fall
within this definition) are the most critical providers of stimulation,
care and support for their young children and should be enabled to
provide their children with the best possible care and support.
Parents are the primary caregivers of their children and must be
involved as much as possible in the functioning of the center.
Early childhood development services are part of the community
and ECD personnel must make sure that there is a good relation-
ship between them and families.
Families and children must be free to express dissatisfaction with the service provided
and their concerns and complaints must be addressed seriously.
Additional standards
Families are the first educators of young children. They teach them by the way they be
have, as well as involving them in different things they do during the day.
Parents/caregivers and teacher should regularly share information on the child’s pro
Regular ECD parent committee meetings should be within the year
Clean and comprehensive information about the ECD centre should be made available
to all parents/caregivers
Adequate opportunity for children to participate in the activities of the community
should be provided
Collaboration with community representatives and parents/caregivers should be estab
lished for supporting the activities at the ECD centre
Community representatives and parents/caregivers are given the opportunity to pro
vide input for running the ECD centre

Minimum standards
Administrative systems and procedures must be in place to ensure the efficient man
agement of the facility and its activities.
The privacy of families and children must be respected and protected.
Procedures and rules regarding reportable incidents or actions should be provided to
Families must be given information and knowledge about child protection.
Additional standards
Families should be given information and knowledge about child protection.
Administrative systems for managing the center should be developed and maintained.
Records and information on the children should be kept up to date. Families

should be given information and rules relating to the center if possible.
Centre information should be given to families before the child is admitted.
Families should know what is expected of them and what rules and regulation
guide the center:

The days and hours of opening;

The age group catered for;
Rules in connection with times of arrival and departure;
Arrangements regarding the fetching and transport of the child;
Procedures to be followed when planning an excursion;
Steps to be taken in case of an injury or accident or if a child is taken ill while at
the center;
Admission of ill children or those with contagious diseases (children who caught
up wit contagious diseases such as flue etc remain at home temporarily ;( this has
to belabored)
The feeding of the children;
Monthly fees payable or contribution
Details and conditions for administering medicine to children;
Notice of termination of attendance at the center;
Rules on admission of children with disabilities, chronic illnesses, HIV and AIDS in
fected and affected children;
Parents should also have access to
general goals of the center’s program,
how to reach staff in case of desire to discuss their children or any other matter.
Information should be available in languages common to the geographic location
of the center.
Records on each child must be kept up to date.
The following forms must be kept on the child’s file:
The child’s registration form. This form should include:
A copy of the child’s birth certificate;
Full name, gender and date of birth;
The child’s home language;
Home address and contact details of parents/family;
Work address(es) and contact details of parents/family;
The income of parents/guardians (only in the case of subsidised places);
Name, address and contact details of another responsible person who can be cont
acted in an emergency;
Name, address and contact details of a person who has the parent or guardian’s
permission to fetch the child from the center on their behalf (this person should
know a secret code word in order to pick up a child);
A complete medical history of the child. This can form part of the registration form.

The ministry of Education is the leading and responsible ministry; the Ministry of Health
is responsible for the health and nutrition activities carried out in the ECD centre
The regional education bureaus and the regional health bureaus are responsible at
regional level
At Woreda level the education and health officers are responsible
At kebele level the responsibility will be with the ECD implementing committee and
ECD parent committee



The checklist guides caregivers, volunteers and parents in implementing Early Childhood
Development (ECD) for Yekokeb Berhan project through all stages of the program in identi-
fying the main elements in ECD service delivery and in designing appropriate ECD program
to respond developmental needs of young HVC.

The ECD checklist is a type of informational job aid used to reduce failure and helps to en-
sure consistency and completeness and that critical items are not forgotten in carrying out
a task.

Implementing partner staff, caregivers and Volunteers should use the checklist in identify-
ing ECD issues in the initial and during implementing stage for fact finding and in the es-
tablishment or strengthens of the center in order to provide technical assistance. Caregiv-
ers and volunteers should use it in carrying out support during the routine visit. It should
be emphasized, however, that not all questions are relevant to all ECD centers or home, and
the staff, volunteers and caregivers must select the questions that are most relevant in the
specific context.

Guidelines on the ECD serve provision are also included to demonstrate good practices in
ECD program for Yekokeb Berhan project.

For proper ECD program implantation, the checklist may be used together with the ECD’s
guidelines. The check list is organized in six ECD elements that are in lined with the guide-

ECD elements Availability Conditions Observation

PREMISEE AND Yes No Good Fair Poor


Sufficient areas and condition

Working latrines, boys & girls
Functioning water at home
based and center based
Play area, clean/safe and
Enough space and classroom
furniture, sleeping mat etc
Story telling place
Availability of center based
Space lacks adequate lighting
and ventilation
Children with disabilities have
the adaptive furniture they
Appropriate fine motor mate-
rials accessible for daily use
Outdoor or indoor space used
for gross motor/physical play.
At least 1 set of blocks (6 or
more blocks of the same type)
accessible daily.
ECD center fenced
enough space to move about
Hands of children, staff and
parent washed
Children are cared for to meet
health needs indoors and
Children immunized
Growth monitoring services
Children birth registered
Frist Aid kit
Feeding program
supervision to protect chil-
dren’s safety indoors and
Safety hazards that could
cause serious injury indoors
and outdoors
Children cared for in a respon-
sible way when ill.

Caregivers/parents attends
child care and maternal ses-

Psychosocial support service

Active learning
Attachment with child
Facilitator and children’s
art materials (chalk, paper,
markers, etc.)
Learning through play used
Stimulating language devel-
opment through storytelling
,pomes, etc
Stimulating language devel-
opment through storytelling
,pomes, etc

Posters, maps, charts, picture

colorful pictures or other ma-
terials displayed for children
Guides prepared by teachers
and adapted
Locally prepared story
books & play materials
Subject corners for major
Staff read books to children
(Ex. daily story time, indi-
vidual reading to children

Developmentally appropri-
ate ex.math/number materi-
als accessible daily
Provisions for children with
Involvement of children with
disabilities in ongoing activi-
ties with the other children.

staff to assess children’s needs

or find out about available as-
teachers use the curriculum as
a guide

Teachers prepare teaching
and play materials from lo-
cally available materials
Teachers develop weekly
day-to-day program based
on the curriculum
A daily schedule of activities
prepared and display in the
Adequate time scheduled for
play, discovery and rest
ECD center programs ideally
run half a day, from 8:00 a.m.
to 12:00 noon
Children allowed to go the
toilet at regular intervals

Caregivers trained and receive

ongoing training in ECD and
the management of programs
and facilities for young chil-
Interaction is impersonal or
negative (Ex .staff respond to
smile at, talk to, or listen to
Physical contact is warm or
responsive, or is harsh
Harsh verbal or physical staff-
child interaction
Staff guidance for positive
peer interaction.
The ECD center teacher has
completed grade 10
The caregiver or assistant
teacher has completed grade
Facilitator-parent relationships
Center management com-
Center improvement plan
Parents are involved as much
as possible in the functioning
of the center.

Once a day, when bring-
ing or collecting their child,
parents have a contact with
the teacher
Parents participate in
the parental education that
is made available as part of
the ECD center program

Child-to-child and center to
center networking
Parent participation
Children organized and imple-
mented events

Management of center

Engagement of Woreda edu-

cation and health officers
kebele ECD implementing
committee and ECD com-


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