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Nowadays, social media has become an integral part of our everyday lives. So it
should come as no surprise that these platforms are affecting the way we think and
behave in some significant ways. Which give an impact to people in different manners.

In many aspects of society, from education to business and government, social

media is a new generation’s method of socialization, as it is commonly used among
today’s young adults and teenagers. In addition to being a catalyst for the creation of an
online community, social media websites can also serve as a form of communication for
developing relationships and learning about the world around them in short, social
media connect us globally. There are three major social media websites that play a
large role in the development of adolescents: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Junior High School students are more connected than ever before through social
media, especially during these difficult times when they are physically distanced from
their family, friends and peers. Social media has completely revolutionized on how we
communicate. In some respects, it’s made us lazier now: instead of writing or calling
someone to help them out with a problem, we can simply post on their behalf and let our
friends do the work for us.

These habitual behaviours can distract students from their academic work,
adversely affect their academic work, performance, social interactions, and sleep
duration, and lead to a sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity, which in turn can
render them vulnerable to non-communicable diseases and mental health problems.
This research will go into detail about how social media is influencing the
behaviour of Junior High School students and its prediction to change in the future as
well. Moreover, the goal of this present study is to distinguish the impact of social media
platforms towards Junior High School students in GCC in relation to the Differential
Association Theory. Through collecting and gathering data from the respondents that
will serve as factual evidence in the aid of maintaining the reliability and authenticity of
this study to avoid any biases.

There has been a growing concern over the past couple of decades regarding
social media usage among senior secondary school students, and its influence on their
life and education. Today’s younger generation is hooked on social media, and this
digital landscape has put increased pressure on teenagers. Formerly, communicating
and free sharing of thoughts between individuals was limited due to distances, but now
even with the barriers of nationality or religion, the flow of information and knowledge is
still continuing through the new globalization of social media. Social media refers to the
means of interaction among individuals young and old where they create, share,
exchange, and comment within themselves using different networks at their disposal. In
todays’ society, social media has become a part of everyday lives. People access all
types of information with ease through the use of mobile phones and computers. Social
media networking sites like What Sapp, Facebook, YouTube are more and commonly in
use by students across the globe.

Psychosocial behaviour is seen as the response or reaction of how an individual

behaves and develop his/her relationship in the school environment or anywhere the
person found him/herself as a result of the use of mobile phones, IPods, tablets, laptops
and other internet services. Oberiri and Greg (2017) observed that most utilized social
networking site was Facebook hence only very few students use the sites for academic
progress or development. While the most encountered problems are receiving
unwanted comments, pictures, and videos, however, the idea of social media was to
keep this global world more connected, but it has done more than that, it has become
the fourth meal of the day for the younger generations.

This study is beneficial to the following people:

The students- This study will give awareness to student on the effects of social media
addiction on their behaviour. Moreover, they can be enlightened and may practice using
social media in a responsible way.

The parents- This study will help the parents to understand why their children are being
addicted to social media and how it affects their behavioural aspect. Through this study,
they can formulate some preventive measure to help their children not to use social
media frequently.

Co-researchers- This study can help co-researchers to receive research ideas and
information. Also, the findings of this study can be beneficial for them as they go on with
their research.

Future researchers- This study may benefit future researchers since this will serve as
blueprint for their researches. Also, it gives them the necessary recommendations in
improving their study from the information and data being gathered by this research.

H0: There is no significant relationship between student’s use of social media

and their behaviour.

H1: There is a significant influence of social media towards student’s behaviour.

H2: There are no significant effects of student’s use of social media towards their
psychological, emotional, academic, performance, and social well-being.

The purpose of this study is to know the effect of social media platforms in every
student especially in the Junior High School of Gingoog City Colleges Incorporated.

SPECIFICALLY, it seeks answer to the following questions?

1. What are the profiles of the respondent’s in terms of?

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Years level

2. What are the effects of the social media to the students?

2.1 Psychological
2.2 Emotional
2.3 Academic Performance
2.4 Social

3. Why is it that some students can’t socialize with other students? Do you believe
that this is the effect of social media? If yes, please explain; if not, please explain.

4. Why their some students adopted the behaviour of the scene, or a movie in the
social media. Example: Tiktok, can you explain why?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media as a student?


This study focused mainly on the student’s background of social media use and
its effects on the student’s behaviours in selected Junior High School students in
Gingoog City Colleges Inc. for the School year 2022-2023.

The student’s background of social media was limited only to the specific social
media platform they use such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter,
and Tiktok and their frequency in using the platform. Furthermore, the effects of social
media in the behaviours of students are limited only to procrastination of participants,
depression and withdrawal of personal interactions.

This study only evolves to one (1) selected Junior High School students in Gingoog City
Colleges Inc. Also, the study only focuses the Junior High School students.

SOCIAL MEDIA- are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of
information, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities
and networks.

DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION THEORY- It was advocated by Edwin Sutherland. He

stated that criminal behaviour is learned through social interaction in the process of

BEHAVIOUR- The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards

JUNIOR HIGH STUDENTS- are for students in grades seven through nine and middle
schools are for students in grade six through eight. As a result, middle school students
start high school in ninth grade, and junior high students start high school in 10 th grade.

SOCIALIZATION- is the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society.

Socialization encompasses both learning and teaching and is thus “the means by which
social and cultural continuity are attained”. Socialization is strongly connected to
developmental psychology.



In a report called Digital in 2017 it showed the number of hours Filipinos spend on
social media platforms, such as Facebook, which is averaging from 4 hours and 17
minutes, while 15 to 24 years old Filipinos are the biggest consumers of information
technology (10 Eye-Opening Facts about Social Media in PH, 2016; ‘Filipino youths are
biggest Internet users’, 2014). Moreover, millennial in the age range of 20 to 29 years old
followed by 13 to 19 years old age group are the top users of one of the most-used SNS
today, Facebook (Castro, 2016).

Snapchat (Lenhart, 2015) are the top three SNS most popular and most used
among teenagers. Not only do teens participate in one social networking site but 71% of
their population are actively participating in other SNS. While in a recent survey in the
Philippines, it showed that the top 5 SNS are Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Skype,
Viber and Google + (Castro, 2019).

Social media gave a big help to everyone, especially among the students
businessman and other members of the society. Social networks has different features
that may enjoy by the people all around the world, what the problem is, people loses
their self-control in using them.

Facebook is the most popular social networking site today wherein people may
share and upload videos, pictures, messages and chat. Twitter is also famous to every
people nowadays wherein people can share feelings, thoughts and ideas. Through
twitter, they can easily be connected to their favourite celebrities and they can also be
updated on what is trend all around the world. Aside from these two. Tumbler,
MySpace, and Bing also became a raging craze to everyone (Delo Santos, 2019).

Social networking communities will definitely stay due to its millions of users. In
addition, students today stay on these accessibilities of information they may get in
social networks. Social network may help them in giving knowledge in thesis and
journals but still negative effects of this still overweighs especially about losing their self-

Social networks bring a big benefit about communication because through this
we can easily communicate our loved ones despite of the geographic distance. Social
network may also help celebrities to be more contact to their fans because through
these sites they can easily post what are the recent happenings about them. Through
social networks we can be updated in every happening not just in celebrities but also
the recent updates to our country and also in the whole world (Cruz, 2017)

Social networking sites can be a good way to make connections with people who
has similar interest and goals. Communication is one of the main things why social
networking had been viral. Social networking sites are the huge place to gather
information on what is trending nowadays. Trending topics regards celebrities, polities,
sciences, technologies, discoveries and amazing facts (Santos, 2017).


Social Media For the past decade, technology has evolved immensely and with it
the internet was born. The internet has been useful to us for so many reasons such as
connecting us to our loved ones, search about one’s different interests, for students and
professionals they can do research, to name a few. For short, the internet helps us
connect and share information (Sheppard, 2014) with anyone.
With the use of social media students can easily search materials for their
homeworks or projects, can contact their classmates for group works even if they are at
home, and they can use it to research topics that they find difficult (Brannan, 2014). Not
only is it useful for the students but it is also efficient as a learning tool for the teachers.
Yet, however helpful and efficient the use of social media is, it also has its downside. As
mentioned, social media and its different platforms gave way for education to be efficient
for the students but some students who fail to find balance with the use of it face difficulty
in their studies as it increases students’ distraction thus being detrimental to students’
performance (Jacobsen & Forste, 2011; Mythily, Qiu, & Winslow, 2008).

Social media and multidimensional platforms allow users to exchange

information and discuss ideas through posting, commenting, chatting, and other actions.
Importantly, these platforms allow users to access knowledge and exchange information
expeditiously, communicate easily and cost efficiently, and create collaborative
environments (Zhang et al., 2015;Kaya and Bicen, 2016;Hu et al., 2017;Manwong et al.,
2018;Yu et al., 2018). In addition to facilitating learning, communication, and
collaboration, social media provides supportive leisure and entertainment environments
(Kaya and Bicen, 2016;Zha et al., 2018)

There are positive aspects of social media use among students, and also there
are equally as many negative effects concerning the use of such gadgets. Since their
introduction, social networking sites have drawn the attention of many adolescents and
university students as observed by (Lenhart & Madden, 2007). The manner in which
these sites are paving their ways through the educational setting cannot be over
emphasized, hence the belief that these sites have even more potential for the
improvement of teaching, learning and sharing of information among learners as well as
educators (Ferdig, 2007). Social media have positively impacted in so many ways in
human life thereby connecting millions of people from all over the globe; also the use of
these sites has another impact as an interactive world full of ideas, insight, and
opinions. It acts as an aid for school work, in the sense that students have a wide range
of information, knowledge and experience to learn from and to report on. Flad (2010)
asserted that internet when used as a tool, has many advantages in sharing and
cognitive innovation among teachers and students

Many parents are worried over their children’s habit on Facebook, WhatsApp,
2go, and other social media sites because they are of the opinion that their children now
hardly have time to read, as reported by Flad (2010), social media networking do not
only allow students to keep profile and host of friends as well as followers but the
sending of emails, messages, sharing of videos and pictures at their fingertips. There
has also been a concern on the possible effect of day time and sometimes all night
browsing on the internet by students on their psychosocial behaviours. Oji (2007) stated
that the rate at which students are using internet for anti-social means rather than
academic grow is very alarming. Students used these sites for fraud, pornography,
blackmailing, racketeering etc. Moreover, many students currently lay more emphasis
on the availability of information on the social networking sites in order to get answers
easily, which causes low focus on learning as well as knowledge retention. Similarly,
their writing, and communication skills (personal and academic) have both been
affected, as students are attempting multi-tasking that is chatting while studying.
Furthermore Bateman, Bonn, Curtis, Shaw, & Simons (2016) reported four major
advantages of social media site usage to include enhancing relationships, motivating
learning, availability of personalized course materials and development of collaborative
skills. It also decreases face-to-face interaction among these students, lack emotional
connection, facilitates laziness, and conveys inauthentic expression of feelings, which
may have led Bateman, Bonn, Curtis, Shaw, & Simons (2016) to suggest that human
behaviours are enhanced through basic social norms.

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