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Republic of the Philippines


Field Office 6, MH del Pilar St., Molo, Iloilo City

Kapit- Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services Project
National Community Driven Development Program

Municipality of Bingawan, Iloilo

Office of the Municipal/Area Coordinating Team

a. Title of the Activity : Design Planning and Analysis (DPA) Workshop
b. Date of Conduct : August 31, 2021
c. Venue : Municipal Civic Center, Poblacion, Bingawan, Iloilo
d. Target Participants :
Expected Participants Number
Community Volunteers / Barangay Local Government 28
Unit (CVs/BLGU)
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management 3
Total 31
e. Training Team
Expected Member Number
Resource Persons 2
Facilitators 10
Secretariat/Documenter 2
Total 14
f. Proposed Budget : 15,750.00
g. Source of Fund : KALAHI CIDSS NCDDP AF

This activity is the next activity after 2nd MDRRMC-COVID-19 Assessment and Needs Analysis
where BDRRMC Meetings have been conducted and the results of PSA are already consolidated.
The Design Planning and Analysis (DPA) is a training activity where Project Preparation
Teams (PPT), selected by each barangays during the BDRRMC are taught the key processes and
tools, to identify, select and design appropriate solutions to address priority needs. From the
previous modality it is identified as Project Development Workshop (PDW). Members of the ACT,
MCT and the MIAC provide valuable technical assistance inputs to community volunteers that will
aid them in drafting community proposals for sub-project funding of Kalahi-CIDSS. The lessons and
tools learned by the community volunteers during the workshop can also help them in developing
proposals for other projects that can be proposed to other funding groups.
The Barangay Development Council (BDC), convened as the Baragay Development Risk
Reduction and Management Council (BDRRMC), will appoint the members of the NCDDP-AF
barangay-level sub- project management committee (BDC- TWG). The BDC-TWG as well as the sub-
project idea, detailed design, cost estimates and implementation schedule and ESMP is presented in
(i) the immediately succeeding Barangay Assembly or; (ii) in a special BA called for the purpose; (iii)
through sitio/purok meetings. As part of proposal development, the MIAC assists the BLGU in
ensuring that the Barangay Development Plan (BDP) and Barangay Development and Investment
Program (BDIP) incorporates BLGU support needed for sub-project operation and maintenance
(O&M) in the current and subsequent BDIP and Annual Investment Plans (AIP).
Due to the municipality’s geographical location and poor internet connection among
barangays and even in poblacion area, this activity is proposed by conducting face to face. Most of
the barangays have no enough technological equipment to suffice the virtual sessions which is
currently the ideal mode. To authorize the conduct of this activity, consent will be secured from the
Local Chief Executive along the presentation of content process and methodologies for his approval.
There will be series of presentations among community volunteers that requires detailed analysis
and recommendations from project stakeholders and the resource person that can be better done
through face to face. The venue which is the municipal civic center covers an area of 900 sq.m. and
can hold a maximum of 400 participants. By following the 30% regulated number of pax in a venue
and implementing the one meter physical distancing, the venue is more than compliant to space
requirement. Above all, the activity shall strictly observe minimum health standards imposed by the
Department of Health.

After the conduct of the said activity, the participants could have been able to:
1. Form project development committees that will assist the Project Preparation Teams (PPTs) in
undertaking activities related to the preparation of community project proposals.
2. Create a Barangay Project Proposal Development Plan, Barangay Resolution forming the BSPMC,
Barangay Resolution requesting for the Technical Assistance Fund and opening of the TAF bank


A. Content and Process:
In preparing sub-project proposals for NCDDP-AF grant support, the BDC-appointed BDC-TWGs
are: (i) trained on the sub-project proposal preparation requirements, standards, and processes; (ii)
conduct safeguards screening and process/prepare required safeguards documents; (iii) conduct
technical assessments (e.g. site visits for infrastructure sub-projects, feasibility study for livelihood and
local economic development support sub- projects, etc.); (iv) prepare sub-project design documents
(i.e., technical drawings for infrastructure SPs, business plans for livelihood and LED support SPs, etc.)
and full sub-project proposals consistent with and informed by the results of the RDANA and PSA, and
the Barangay Profile and; (v) prepare required supporting documents including procurement plans,
costs estimates, program of works, financial plans and budgets, implementation work plans, operation
and maintenance (O&M) plans, sustainability plans, and other documents as appropriate, using
prescribed formats and templates, and; (vi) open a bank account to receive block grants.
This will be a one-day activity where-in the Area Coordinating Teams (ACTs), the Municipal
Coordinating Teams (MCTs) together with the Municipal Inter-Agency Committee will be extending
technical support/ inputs to the PPTs in project proposal development. Moreover, the RPMO
consultants will extend technical assistance as well to facilitate quality output in the long run.
In the morning sessions, discussion is focus on engineering design and project planning
preparation. The resource persons shall also present project assessments and familiarization of POW,
CPP, and Detailed Estimates among others.
In the afternoon, discussions will be a workshop type per barangay (this is to avoid close contact
from other participants) which is the preparation of project proposal, ESSC, SPCF and ESMP. After
presentation of output, there will be critiquing for recommendation and further enhancement by
resource persons and MIAC members.

B. Participants
The activity will be participated by two participants from each barangay, the Project Preparation
Team and BDC-TWG Chairpersons, to undertake proposal making and project design planning. Both are
important in attending the activity in consonance to their roles and functions as the one who prepares
documents such as Project proposal, SPCF, ESMP, and ESSC. Technical assistance will be extended by
ACT-MCT, MIAC members, and RPMO staff. The BDC-TWG will be assisted by the Facilitators of the
NCDDP-AF and members of the Municipal Inter-Agency Committee (MIAC). The MIAC is a body formed
as part of the MLGU’s commitments to the project during Municipal Enrollment. It is composed of the
heads and technical staff of relevant technical units of the MLGU and is tasked with providing technical
support to Project implementation.

C. Activity Management
The members of the Area Coordinating Team (ACT) and Municipal Coordinating Team (MCT) will
be responsible in the overall management of the conduct of the CANA Consolidation. This is the reason
why there are 8 facilitators from ACT-MCT. However, the Regional Project Management Office (RPMO)
consultants will be invited to extend technical assistance, since this will be done in the municipal level.
Due to the ongoing Covid 19 Pandemic and the required health protocol mandated by the local
AITF, there is a need to limit the number of participants to its minimum. Mandatory wearing of mask
and a one meter social distancing will be imposed. A No Mask No Entry signage will be posted at the
entrance of the bldg. and a frequent reminders on how to wear the said mask properly will be done by
the facilitator of the activity.
Chairs in the venue/hall will be arranged following the 1 meter social distance from the next
participants. No group works/SLE will be used as method of learning, only with the use of audio visual
presentation and ready template workshop materials for individual work. Co-facilitator will ensure that
sharing of ideas between the facilitators and the audience during the actual training is still expressed.
Contactless Hand sanitizer must be located at the entrance of the venue and alcohol in the
tables where participants can readily access to it must be made available. If possible each participants
must bring his/her own ballpen. A logbook will be provided aside from the attendance sheets. Complete
name, address, and contact numbers will be required from them and will be submitted to the
concerned agency when needed for contact tracing purposes.
From time to time, a reminder on social distancing at all times and frequent sanitizing will be
announced to remind the participants of the health protocol being imposed.

a. Meals 1 meal (lunch) & 2 snacks (AM & PM snacks) 15,750.00
Php 350.00 x 45 participants x 1 day

As with the above stated rationale and activity details, the proponent therefore finds the realization
of the proposed activity very important specifically in the preparation of request for fund release
documents. It is therefore recommended that the Design Planning and Analysis (DPA) Workshop be
approved along with its budgetary requirements amounting to Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty
(Php 15,750), charged to Kalahi-CIDSS National Community Driven Development Additional Financing (KC

Prepared by:

Area Coordinator for Bingawan

Certified as to Funds Availability:

Administrative Officer V

Certified as to Purpose:

Assistant Regional Director – Operations
Regional Program Manager



Regional Director

Schedule of Activity

Activity: Design Planning and Analysis Training (PDW) of Bingawan, Iloilo

Date: August 31, 2021
Activity Time In-charge
-Opening Prayer 8:30-9:00am Secretariat
-Lupang Hinirang
-Welcome Message Municipal Mayor

Objectives of DPA Training 9:00-9:30am Area Coordinator

Project Design Planning and

Related Engineering Documents 9:30am-12:00nn Technical Facilitator

Social Process Documents:
Workshop on Project Proposal 1:00-2:00pm BDC-TWG Volunteers

SPCF, ESSC and ESMP Crafting 2:00-3:00pm BDC-TWG, ACT-MCT

Presentation of Outputs and 3:00-5:00pm Municipal Area Coordinator
Synthesis of Learning

Prepared by:

Area Coordinator

Noted by:

Training Specialist IV


Activity: Design Planning and Analysis Training (PDW) of Bingawan, Iloilo

Date: August 31, 2021

Am snacks

Day 1 Rice,beef steak,fried chicken, salad,water, softdrinks

Pm snacks-bakedmac,softdrinks

Prepared by:

Area Coordinator

Noted by:

Technical Specialist

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