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NAME: _____________

issac Science DATE:__________


Help I’m Falling Lab: A scientific method lab

Does paper fall faster when it’s flat or crumbled into a ball?

Define the variables:

Independent paper

Dependent time

Materials needed:
● 1 piece of paper (lined or printer is fine)
● stopwatch (use chromebook or phone)


does paper fall faster when it's or crumbled into a ball?

Hypothesis (if, then statement):

i think that the crumbled ball is faster because its more weight on it in time is faster than a paper

1. Choose the height you want to conduct your experiment from (suggestion: arm raised all
the way sitting in your chair OR standing).
a. How will you be dropping your paper for the trials? (keep it the same for all trials)
of a lab table

2. Then time how long it takes for the flat paper to fall from that height in seconds, repeat 4
more times. 3.6 / 3.1/ /3.0/3.5
3. Then crumble your paper into a ball and drop from the same height and record the time
in the data below, repeat 4 more times. 2.3 constant
4. Finally, find the average time of each by adding all five trials together then dividing by 5,
round your answer to one decimal place if needed. 0.612234
Data table:
Trials Flat paper (in full Crumbled (in full
seconds) seconds)



1. Which type of paper had the fastest average falling time? And why is that?

2. Does this match your hypothesis? (write “yes” or “no”)

3. What were the controlled variables in this experiment?

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