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BY Riaz Khan Petroleum Geologist

The observation of amplitude variation with offset (AVO) or amplitude variation with angle of incidence (AVA) is termed as AVO analysis. AVO is a seismic technique that uses pre-stack seismic data, instead of the more normally used post-stack data, to detect the presence of hydrocarbons in the reservoir. Three physical parameters of seismic data are fundamental to seismic interpretationdensity, P-wave velocity and S-wave velocity. Understanding these is necessary for the application of AVO technology.

AVO and Basic Rock Physics In reservoir rock, AVO response is dependent on the velocities of Pand S-waves and on density to define the pore space and fluids within the rock matrix. Density effects can be modeled in a fluid-saturated rock using the relationships of porosity, and water saturation in the matrix and fluids. Seismic velocity involves the deformation of the reservoir rock as a function of time. The P-wave response changes polarity in going from a wet to a gas sand, but the S-wave response retains the same polarity. This difference in function allows the operator to predict where the presence of gas will occur in the reservoir.

AVO and Basic Rock Physics.. cont. Unfortunately, most seismic data does not give S-wave data but only P-wave data. The recording of P-wave data at various offsets, which is always recorded, can be used to record a component of the Swave data. The offset recording is the basis of the AVO technique. The value of using AVO to interpret gas sands was first proposed in 1984 using low impedance value for the sands and higher impedance values for shales. In 1989 Rutherford and Williams extended the AVO method to anomalies other than low impedance sands. Other anomalies that the method can be applied to are identification of sand to sand boundaries. The Aki-Richards equations were used to perform forward modeling and data analysis.

Crossplotting AVO attributes Crossplotting of intercept data against gradient data can be used in the interpretation of AVO anomalies. Modeling flow for application of AVO offset data. An appropriately trimmed, muted, moved-out, and migrated set of gathers is analyzed on a sample by sample basis A least-square, best fit line is fitted to the amplitudes The slope of the line gives G and the intercept of the line, when projected back to the ordinate, gives P. The values of P and G are used to calculate the AVO type


AVO analysis can give the information of lithology change in the subsurface, which has led to several successful cases of finding oil. AVO analysis in CMP gathers gives useful knowledge of lithology changes especially when the subsurface is bound with horizontal reflectors. When the subsurface has dipping reflectors, one CMP gather includes the reflection information corresponding to a segment of dipping reflector but no longer a reflection point.


For AVO analysis in complex media CMP reflection dispersal has to be removed. The high amplitude reflections on the P-wave response of the gas model are called "bright-spots. There are other geological situations that create "bright-spots" such as coal seams or hard streaks. The P-wave response does not reveal the presence of gas clearly, and needs to be supplemented with an S-wave recording. Unfortunately, S-wave recording is not that common. This leads us to the AVO method, which allows us to derive a similar result without actually recording an S-wave section.

Common Mid Point



The acoustic impedance (Z) of a material is defined as the product of density (p) and acoustic velocity (V) of that material. Z = pV


Reflection Coefficient (RC): The ratio of the amplitude of the reflected wave and the amplitude of the incident wave. The reflection coefficient is given by

where Z 1 is the impedance toward the source, Z 2 is the impedance toward the load, the vertical bars designate absolute magnitude, and SWR is the standing wave ratio. standing wave ratio (SWR) is the ratio of the amplitude of a partial standing wave at an antinode (maximum) to the amplitude at an adjacent node (minimum) A node is a spatial place along a standing wave where the wave has minimal amplitude A standing wave, also known as a stationary wave, is a wave that remains in a constant position. This phenomenon can occur because the medium is moving in the opposite direction to the wave, or it can arise in a stationary medium as a result of interference between two waves travelling in opposite directions.


Wave propagation is expressed mathematically by the set of following equations; = Ao Cos 2[(ft-(x/)] v = f and f = 1/t Where = stress at any time t and at a distance x within an elastic wave; Ao = amplitude of the stress at the source; = wavelength or the distance between successive maximum compression or refraction at any point, f = frequency of cycles of compression and refraction; and v = velocity of propagation


The amplitude of a wave at a distance x from the source can be expressed by; = Ao e^-x where = is the absorption coefficient The source of the wave determines
1) the type of wave, 2) the frequency (f or n) of the wave (which is also related to the period T), and 3) the energy (E) of the wave

The medium determines the velocity of the wave The source and the medium together determine the amplitude (A) and the wavelength (l). EA


P- and S-Waves There are several important differences between P- and S-waves:
First, the velocity of the S-wave is slower than the velocity of the P-wave for a given geological formation. Second, S-waves are less sensitive to the presence of gas in a reservoir than P-waves, since the high compressibility of gas has more effect on the P-wave velocity. A third important physical parameter is the density that is strongly affected by the presence of gas. The P and S synthetics for the wet model are almost identical, but for the gas model the S-wave synthetic is the reverse of the P-wave synthetic and has lower amplitudes.

Generally the tops of sands are characterized by negative reflection coefficients (-RC) or by positive reflection coefficients (+RC), which become negative with increasing offset and hence are classified as conforming types. Near offset Far Offset RC = +ve or ve -ve Sands with positive reflection coefficients on both near and far offsets or those, which have negative reflection coefficients becoming more positive with increasing offset, are described as nonconforming types . Near offset Far Offset RC = +ve or ve +ve


G = a linear approximation to the slope of the amplitude variation with offset P = the value of linear approximation at the intercept, where the offset is zero. Shale over a non-shale (sand) interface can result in any combination of P and G Figure represents classification of AVO types as a function of P and G. P and G are both dimensionless and are scaled to have the same range of values. The division boundaries radiate from the origin with a fixed angular relationship. This basis for divisions has the benefit of being very straightforward to calculate.

Castagna and Swans modified by Young and LoPiccolo


Young and LoPiccolo, 2004


Generalized relationship between the amplitude of the reflection at normal incidence and the amplitude of the reflection with increasing offset for the different AVO types


AVO types are the results of the contrast of the rock properties of the overlying shale to the non-shale Different geologic environments tend to favor different types of contrasts, for example;
In shallow young rocks the sands tend to be lower in impedance than the shales and the resulting AVO type values tend towards the higher numbers (3s, 4s and 5s). With depth the sands generally become faster than the shales and the AVO types will decrease to 1s and 2s. Similarly, the expected AVO types in geopressure areas are 1s and 2s. AVO types 3 and 4 may be found in deeper overpressured sections.


AVO typing is also controlled by lithology; Sands that display a low ratio of compressional velocity to shear velocity will tend to be conforming AVO types. This type of sand is generally non-cemented or lightly cemented, but still granular in nature. If the sands are well-cemented or if a carbonate is encountered the AVO type will generally be negative (non-conforming). Coals always show a much slower compressional velocity than either sands or shales as a result coals tend to be types 4 and 5.


AVO type in the presence of hydrocarbons The presence of compressible fluids, especially gas, has the effect of lowering the impedance; the effect can be emphasized with offset. Usually P and G both shift in a negative direction with the addition of compressible fluids. Gas and light oil tend to cause the AVO type to be positive; a shift to the AVO type from negative to positive, if the sand is very wellcemented the effect may be slight. A wet type 2 AVO sand may show a transition updip into a type 3 AVO with the addition of gas.


Bold red arrows show the direction of the effect of various lithologic and geologic variations on AVO types

Young, Roager A. and LoPiccolo, Robert D.Conforming and non-conforming sands-An organizaing Framework for Seismic Rock Properties, Gulf coast Association of Geological Societies Transaction, Volume 54, 2004 Shuang Sun, Bancroft, John C. Amplitude Scaling for AVO analysis of CSP gathers, CREWES Research Report-Volume 12, 2000. Brian Russell, Geophysical Corner, Hampson-Russell Software Services Ltd., Calgary, Canada, 1999. Eastern Gulf Region PTTC workshop, October 9, 2003 in Jackson, Mississippi

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