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Private Capital- private equity,

ECONOMICS venture capital, private debt, real estate,
infrastructure, and natural resources.
3 Major Economic Sectors
1. Agricultural Sector- 0.2 %- fishing,
farming, livestock
AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS- is an 2. Industrial Sector- 6.3%-
applied science that deals on how producers, manufacturing, mining, construction
consumers, and the society uses scarce 3. Service Sector- 9%-
resources in the production, consumption &
Food Industry
marketing of food & fiber products.
Is a complex, global network of
2 Fundamental Facts diverse businesses that supplies most of
the food consumed by the world's population.
1. Scarcity of Resources
The term food industries covers a series of
Types of Resources: industrial activities directed at the
production, distribution, processing,conversion
Natural Resources- Land ,preparation,preservation, transport,
a. Marine Resources- sea certification and packaging of foodstuffs.
b. Biological-livestock, chicken, The food industry includes:
cow, pig
c. Plants Agriculture- raising crops,
d. Wildlife livestock, and seafood.
Human Resources Manufacturing- agriculture
- Young generation products with chemicals
 Physical- Carpenter (agrichemicals), agricultural
 Mental- Doctor construction, farm machinery and
All Man-made Resources supplies, seed, etc.
- Manufactured Food Processing- preparation of
2. Unlimited Human wants fresh products for market, and
manufacture of prepared food
Capital Marketing- promotion of generic
products (promotion, campaigns,
1. Fixed Capital- Machinery, packaging, public relations, etc.)
Equipments Wholesale and Food Distribution-
2. Circulating- Raw materials logistics, transportation, warehousing
3. Sunk Capital- may not be recovered Food Service (which includes
easily catering)
4. Social Capital- Parks, public Grocery- farmers’ markets, public
hospital, roads, bridges markets and other retailing
Regulation- regulate the business
(Food and Drugs Association (FDA)
- Local, regional, national, and - Republic Act, 8486, Feb 11,
international rules and 1998
regulations for food production
and sale, including food quality,
food security, food safety, (From Ppt)
marketing/advertising, and
industry lobbying activities B. Key Concepts in Environmental
Education- academic, consultancy, and Resource Economics
vocational Efficiency in Markets
Research and Development- food
science, food microbiology, food - A central focus of economics is
technology, food chemistry, and food the efficient allocation of
engineering resources to supply goods and
Financial Services- credit, insurance services to satisfy the demands of
consumers living now and in the
future. Natural resources are
Retail Sector created as goods that yield direct
consumption benefits (water for
- Increase of national and upscale human consumption, recreational
supermarket chains throughout benefits from the use of land) or
the country as inputs in the production of
- Allocative opportunity for other goods that are ultimately
imported at high value food items consumed (crops and forest
- Account for 1/5 of our GDP products). That is, their value is
viewed from the perspective of
Food Service Sector
their direct or indirect
- Fast food restaurants, casual consumptive utility, or
dining, restaurants preference satisfaction, for
- Restaurants operator individuals.
- Amounts to $7.2 B - Economics is sometimes
criticized for its focus on
Fiber Industry Development Authority
consumption. However, it should
be borne in mind that this
- Dept. of Agri – parent agency includes the ability of individuals
- Executive order No. 709 on July to ‘consume’ health care,
27, 1980 education, and a range of other
- To promote the growth and services and to be able to
development of the fiber industry exercise choice in the use of their
(abaca, cotton) time for leisure and recreational
pursuits, that is, to have access to
CODA (Cotton Industry Development the things that many would
Administration) associate more broadly with the
‘quality of life’. Besides,
production is not limited to This is particularly relevant for agriculture
physical goods, it includes as many of its externalities (e.g., pollution
services provided by natural resulting from the application of fertilizer to
resources, such as environmental land or agriculture’s contribution to
amenities, that are valued by maintaining wildlife habitat) are associated
people. One of the implications with land management practices and the use
of this is that when consumptive of inputs and externality outputs may be
resource use in agriculture is difficult to observe or measure. Taxes and
consistent with the maintenance subsidies are not the only approach that can
of a given ecosystem (often be used to deal with externalities; measures
referred to as ‘sustainability’) that establish property rights can also
there is unlikely to be any address the issue, as discussed further below
conflict between agricultural following a brief elaboration on the nature of
activities and the provision of externalities.
ecosystem services, whereas the
Intertemporal Allocation
opposite can be the case.
As noted in the Sections Efficiency in
Externalities, Public Goods, and Market
Markets and Externalities, Public Goods,
and Market Failure, resource management is
The recognition that private decision making an important question in economics with
in competitive markets might not lead to a attention focusing on the efficient allocation
socially optimal allocation of resources dates of resources across time and space, the
back to the early part of the twentieth implications of alternative regimes for
century. The British economist Arthur C. property rights, market structures, the role of
Pigou (1932) is credited with introducing the information, and the design of market or
concept of externalities, whose existence is nonmarket institutions to correct for market
central to the environmental dimension of failure. In terms of individual decision
agricultural activities. Externalities are making attention focuses on the economic
sometimes said to result from institutional returns from the use of natural resources.
failure in that they reflect missing markets
Resources can be classified as expendable,
that result in missing prices. The solution
renewable, or depletable depending on the
proposed by Pigou was to impose a tax on a
period of adjustment involved in their use
negative externality-causing activity and to
(Carlson et al., 1993):
provide a subsidy for an activity that
generates a positive externality. These 1. Expendable – adjust rapidly such that use
Pigouvian taxes and subsidies ‘internalize’ in one-time period has little effect on
external costs and benefits, that is, ensure availability in subsequent periods.
that they are taken into account in the
decisions of individuals that determine 2. Renewable – self-renewing within a
resource allocation. It has also been shown period relevant to economic decision
that under certain conditions the use of making.
subsidies and taxes on inputs can achieve 3. Depletable – adjust so slowly that one
equivalent results (Peterson et al., 2002). can meaningfully treat them as being
available only once within a period relevant - Developed throughout the 20th
to economic decision making. century as a branch of general
Agricultural Environment and Natural
Natural Resource Management
Natural resource management, or natural
3 Main Areas:
resources management, (NRM) is the
management of natural resources such as 1. Designing Incentives to control
land, water, soil, plants and animals, with a environmental externalities
particular focus on how management affects 2. Estimating the value of non-market
the quality of life for both present and future benefits from natural resources &
generations (stewardship). environmental amenities.
3. Complex interrelationship between
Natural resource management deals with
economic activities and
managing the way in which people and
environmental consequences.
natural landscapes interact. It brings together
land use planning, water management, bio- Agricultural Economists Have developed
diversity conservation, and the future
1. Quantitative tools for improving land
sustainability of industries like agriculture,
mining, tourism, fisheries and forestry. It
2. Preventing Erosion, preventing
recognizes that people and their livelihoods
livestock diseases.
rely on the health and productivity of our
3. Managing Pests
landscapes, and their actions as stewards of
4. Protecting Diversity
the land play a critical role in maintaining
this health and productivity.
Natural resource management specifically Agricultural Production - Involves the
focuses on a scientific and technical application of labor, capital fuel and material
understanding of resources and ecology and inputs to land to produce conventional
the life-supporting capacity of those agricultural commodities. Takes place
resources. Environmental management is within the agroecosystems that encompass
similar to natural resource management. In crops, pasture, livestock other flora & fauna,
academic contexts, the sociology of natural soils, water & the atmosphere and their
resources is closely related to, but distinct interactions with the land.
from, natural resource management.
Land – provides for space and access to
essential natural resources.
Henry Charles Taylor Ecosystems Services – are benefits that
people receive directly or indirectly from
- the greatest contributor with the
establishment of the Department
of Agricultural Economics at
Wisconsin in 1909
Classification: Agricultural Land & Production
Activities – influences the volume &
1. Provisioning Services – Food,
composition of various material flows from
Fiber, Fuel & water
farms to the environment –affects
2. Regulating Services – Regulation of
environmental public goods.
floods, drought, land degradation &
disease. Excludable goods – refers to goods that
3. Supporting Services – Soil restricts some people from using them.
formation, nutrient cycling (private goods)
4. Cultural Services – Outdoor
recreation, esthetics and nonmaterial
benefits. Concept of Externalities – introduced by
British Economist ARTHUR C. PIGOU
Factors that influenced the environmental
consequences of Agriculture
Externalities – existence is central to the
1. The amount of agricultural activity
environmental dimension of Agric’l
affecting the environment
2. Characteristics of farming system
3. Characteristics of soil, climate & PIGOU proposed a solution to impose tax
topography on a negative externality –causing activity &
4. Ecological Structure of the to provide a subsidy for an activity that
agricultural landscape. generates a positive externality.
5. Type of sensitivity of the
environments that are affected by Pigourian Taxes & Subsidies – internalizes
Agriculture. external cost & benefits.

Agricultural Production POSITIVE externality –

Involves combining private market goods Negative externality –

with nonmarket public & quasi – public Resources can be classified as:
goods (ecosystem services) to produce
private market goods (commodities – Expendable – designed for a single use, not
provisioning services). reusable. Adjust rapidly such that use in one
time period has little effect on availability in
Public Good – a valuable material or subsequent periods.
service that satisfies 2 conditions:
Renewable – self-renewing within a period
1. Nonexcludable – people cannot be relevant to economic decision-making.
excluded from using them.
Depletable – adjust so slowly that one can
2. Nonrival – consumption by one person meaningfully treat them as being available
does not reduce the amount available for only once within a period relevant to
others. economic decision-making.
species, output increases were noted in
roundscad, skipjack, yellowfin tuna,
milkfish, tilapia and tiger prawn.
On the average, the price received by
Economic Performance
farmers for producing palay in 2019 was
In 2019, the country’s Gross Domestic down by 19.3 percent. Farmgate prices of
Product (GDP) grew by 6.0 percent. The white and yellow corngrain were lower by
Gross Value Added (GVA) in Agriculture, 10.8 percent and 6.7 percent, respectively.
Forestry and Fishing (AFF), which Reductions in farmgate prices were also
accounted for 9.2 percent of the GDP, recorded in coconut, coffee, and mango.
registered a 1.2 percent growth during the Except for hog, all livestock commodities
year. had increases in farmgate prices. Hog was
priced lower by 8.6 percent. For poultry,
Production Performance in Agriculture farmgate prices improved by 3.8 percent for
The gross output in agriculture inched up by chicken and by 13.4 percent for duck.
0.3 percent in 2019. Crop production Meanwhile, the prices paid by consumers for
decreased by 1.0 percent. Production of food and non-alcoholic beverages went up
palay was down by 1.3 percent while corn by an average of 2.1 percent.
recorded a 2.7 percent increment in output. Agricultural Trade.
Banana production contracted by 2.1
percent. Coconut had a 0.3 percent output In 2019, the country’s earnings from
gain. Increases in production were exhibited agricultural exports, which accounted for 9.4
in the other crops such as mango, pineapple, percent of the total exports, increased by 9.1
calamansi, rubber, sweet potato, eggplant, percent. The top agricultural export products
onion, tobacco, abaca, tomato, ampalaya, were fresh banana, coconut oil, and
cabbage, and cacao. Meanwhile, output pineapple and products with a combined
decreases were reported in sugarcane, share of 52.5 percent in the total value of
cassava, coffee, potato, and mongo. agricultural exports. The major export
Livestock registered a 1.0 percent decline in destinations for fresh banana were still Japan
production in 2019. Except for dairy, all and China, and for coconut oil, Netherlands
livestock components exhibited output and United States of America (USA).
losses. Hog production dropped by 1.0 Pineapple and products were mostly shipped
percent. Production of poultry was up by 5.9 to USA and China. The expenditures for
percent. Chicken registered an output agricultural imports grew by 3.1 percent in
growth of 4.9 percent while duck had 2.3 2019. These shared 13.0 percent in the
percent reduction in production. Uptrend country’s total imports. Wheat (including
continued in chicken egg and duck egg spelt) and meslin, soyabean oil/cake meal,
production. Production in the fisheries grew and rice were the leading agricultural import
by 1.5 percent in 2019. Among the major commodities. Collectively, these accounted
for a share of 28.9 percent in the total value The Gross Value Added (GVA) in
of agricultural imports. USA was the major Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing (AFF),
supplier of wheat (including spelt) and which shared 9.6 percent in the GDP,
meslin and soyabean oil/cake meal, while declined by -0.3 percent during the period.
Vietnam for rice. The country maintained a
(Table 1.1) Value of Production in
negative agricultural trade balance in 2019.
Agriculture and Fisheries. At constant
While it recorded an agricultural trade
2018 prices, the value of production in
surplus with Japan, it continued to record
agriculture and fisheries went down by -1.7
trade deficits with the other major trading
percent in 2021. Decreases were registered
partners such as Australia, USA, ASEAN
in the value of livestock and poultry
countries and the European Union.
production, while fisheries recorded a
Employment and Wages turnaround and posted a growth in value of
production in 2021. Crops grew at a faster
The country’s labor force in 2019 totaled
rate of 2.2 percent in 2021. Reduction in the
44.69 million persons and about 94.9
value of livestock production was noted in
percent were employed persons. The
2021 at -17.0 percent. Meanwhile, poultry
agriculture sector absorbed 9.72 million
production was down by -0.3 percent in
persons, contributing 22.9 percent to the
2021 and this can be traced to the reductions
national employment. In nominal terms, the
in the production levels of all poultry
daily wage rate of agricultural workers in
commodities except chicken eggs. Fisheries
2019 averaged PhP 331.10.
production recovered from the previous
Agricultural Support Services year’s contraction and came up with a
growth of 0.1 percent in 2021.
In 2019, the expenditure of the Philippine
government in the agriculture and agrarian (Table 1.1a) Production. Palay and corn
reform sector reached PhP 133.71 billion, production were recorded at 19.96 million
higher by 9.5 percent from the previous metric tons and corn at 8.30 million metric
year’s level. Agricultural expenditures tons, respectively. Production for sugarcane
accounted for 3.7 percent of the total was at 26.28 million metric tons while
national government expenditure. The total coconut was at 14.72 million metric tons.
service area provided with irrigation system Gains in production were observed in
reached 1.97 million hectares in 2019. banana, mango, pineapple, rubber, eggplant,
Irrigation development was estimated at tomato, ampalaya, calamansi, and cacao. On
63.0 percent. the other hand, production declines were
noted in cassava, sweet potato, onion,
AN OVERVIEW OF THE PHILIPPINE coffee, tobacco, abaca, potato, cabbage, and
AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY mongo. Hog and dairy exhibited production
Economic Performance. In 2021, the losses, while carabao, cattle, and goat
country’s Gross Domestic Product reported production growth in 2021. All
(GDP)bounced back from the previous poultry commodities except chicken eggs
year’s contraction and recorded a 5.7 percent posted declines in production. Production of
growth. milkfish and tilapia went up while
roundscad and skipjack declined.
(Tables 2.1, 3.1, and 4.4) Prices. On the were mostly shipped to the USA (0.28
average, the price received by palay farmers billion) and China (USD 0.13 billion).
in 2021 was recorded at PhP16.76 per
(Tables 7.1 and 7.3) The value of total
kilogram, recording the same price as in
agricultural imports in 2021 amounted to
2020. Farmgate prices of white and yellow
USD 15.71 billion, an expansion of 24.9
corngrain were higher at PhP 14.77 per
percent from the 2020 record. The top
kilogram and PhP 13.98 per kilogram,
agricultural imports were wheat (including
respectively. Farmgate price increments
spelt) and meslin (USD 1.75 billion),
were observed in coconut, rubber (cup
soyabean oil/copra cake (USD 1.25 billion),
lump), pineapple (Hawaiian) and mango
and rice (USD 1.14 billion). Collectively,
(Carabao). Meanwhile, majority of the other
these shared 26.4 percent in the total value
reference crops reported lower prices in
of agricultural imports. The major supplier
2021. All livestock commodities exhibited
of wheat (including spelt) and meslin at
farmgate price hikes. Hog recorded the
USD 0.91 billion and soyabean oil/cake
biggest price increment from PhP 111.98 per
meal at USD 0.94 billion was USA. Most of
kilogram, liveweight, to PhP 155.80 per
the rice imports came from Vietnam (USD
kilogram, liveweight. For poultry, increase
0.91 billion).
in prices were reported in chicken (broiler)
at PhP 118.52 per kilogram and duck at PhP (Tables 7.4 and 7.6) The country sustained a
185.98 per kilogram. In the same year, negative agricultural trade balance in 2021
prices paid by consumers for food and non- at USD -8.92 billion. Among the major
alcoholic beverages grew by 4.2 percent. trading partners of the Philippines only
Japan recorded an agricultural trade surplus
at USD 0.84 billion. Trade deficits with
(Tables 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5) Agricultural Australia, USA, ASEAN countries, and the
Trade. European Union continued to register in
In 2021, the country’s export earnings from
agricultural products amounted to USD 6.79 (Table 7.7) Employment and Wages. In
billion, an increase of 9.4 percent from the 2021, 47.70 million persons comprised the
previous year’s level. The top agricultural country’s total labor force and of this
export commodities were coconut oil (USD number, 43.99 million persons were
1.43 billion), fresh banana (USD 1.14 employed. The agriculture sector employed
billion), and pineapple and products (USD about 10.66 million persons, contributing
769.94 million). Their combined shares 24.2 percent to the national employment.
accounted for 49.2 percent of the total value
(Table 1.2) Agricultural Support Services.
of agricultural exports. The major markets
In 2021, the expenditure of the national
for coconut oil were Netherlands (USD 0.48
government in the agriculture and agrarian
billion) and United States of America (USA)
reform sector totaled PhP 143.36 billion and
(USD 0.36 billion), and for fresh banana
this amount was -20.2 percent lower than the
were Japan (USD 0.49 billion) and China
previous year’s level. Agricultural
(USD 0.39 billion). Pineapple and products
expenditures shared 3.2 percent in the total
national government expenditures.
(Table 1.4) The country’s total service area
provided with irrigation system was 2.04
million hectares in 2021. This corresponded
to an irrigation development of 65.3 percent
of the estimated total irrigable area.

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