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_{sytabus: Ventilation and infiltration : Natural ventilation, Mechanical ventilation. Duct Design : Definition of duct and types of ducts, Economic factors influencing duct layout, Materials for ducts and its specification, Flow through duct, Pressure in ducts, Friction loss in duets, Friction chart for circular ducts, Equivalent diameter of a circular duct for rectangular sections, Methods of duct designs. (Numerical treatment on duct design). Air Distribution System : Factors considered in air distribution system, (simple numerical) ‘Types of air distribution devices. Fan coil unit, Fan laws, Types of fans used air conditioning applications, Types of supply air outlets, Selection and location of outlets, Filters, Diffusers, Grillers, and Dampers. Section No. | Topic Name pt. 12 ‘Ventiaton _ i 78 | Ventilation forCooling - =a 7.4 Introduction to Air Distribution System a |_75 __AirHaneling Unit (AHU)_ _ 7.6 | Classification of the Duct = | 7.7 | DuctMaterial _ = _ 78 : Pressure in a Duct _ Continuity Equation for Ducts __ . T 10 _ Equation of Bernouli's for Du Ducts 711 Pressure Losses in Duct_ oe oe [_ 7A2 - 1 | Equivalent Diameter of Circular Duct for! Rectangular Duct 7A | Methods of Duct Design. . 7.14 715 7.16 | Fan AirPower | Fan Efficiency Ventilation Infiltration and Al Distribution Systems Duc Nentiation tnflea nSyetems Duc) Heating, Ven A Conaning an Reigeraton Space Air Distribution | Types of Air Distribution Devices _ Types of Air Distribution System Fan - coil Unit 7.27 | University Questions with Answers TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge e SESE sie which enters through window cracks and ing of door in a conditioned space is termed ad sitzation. es infiltration is also called as air leakage tation is caused by pressure difference oni two : aes of windows and doors. suésly infiltration depends upon the wind velocity, its "gion and difference in density | pfitration has significant influence on heating and | goling load. “nan not replace specified outdoor air ventilation -equirements. | yat sometimes the indoor space relative humidity jnceases gradually because of infiltration, sinfltrtion rate is volumetric flow rate of outside air into building typically it is in Cubic Feed per Minute (CEM) or Liters Per Minute (LPM). ‘The estimation of exact amount of infiltration is very difficult. . ‘There are two methods of estimation of infiltrated air 4) Crack length method i) Air change method Ventilation SSS ‘Ventilation is a process of supplying and removing air ty natural or mechanical means to and from the space, ‘Natural ventilation is caused because of the flow of outdoor air only to density difference, Mechanical ventilation is also called as forced Ventilation as it uses the fan. ‘The amount of ventilation required depends on Tumber,of occupants and their lifestyle as well as the design of home. “The main purpose of ventilation is to minimize the dour, concentration of smoke, carbon dioxide and other undesirable gases so as to maintain the freshness of air in a conditioned space. | ‘Kitchen and bathrooms have exhaust fan to control dour and sometimes humidity. Ventilation for Cooling + Ventilation is supply of fresh air to the conditioned space either by natural or by mechanical means for the ‘purpose of maintaining acceptable indoor air quality. * However outdoor conditions are suitable, the ventilation can also be used for cooling of the * buildings for cooling of occupants or both. ) Ventilation for cooling of buildings : ‘If the ambient DBT is lower than the building temperature then the outdoor air can be used for cooling the building. “Normally due to solar and internal heat gains, building can become hotter than the ambient air. This provides an opportunity for cooling the building at least partly, by using the freely available outdoor air. + This can significantly reduce the load on air conditioning plant. Through the cooling of buildings during daytime may not be possible on all days, in an year there are many days during which outdoor air ‘an act as a heat sink for the building. * Greater the opportunities exist for cooling the building especially during the night, when the outdoor air is considerably cooler. This is especially effective for hot and dry climates where the intemal temperature variation is quite large. b) Ventilation for cooling of occupants : Some conditions outdoor air can also be used very effectively for cooling the occupants of a building directly. By allowing the outdoor air to flow over the. body at a higher velocity, it is possible to enhance the heat and mass transfer rates from the body, thus leading to a greater feeling of comfort. + As a thumb rule, studies show that each increase in velocity by 0.15 m/s will allow the conditioned space temperature to be increased by 1 *C. * Maintaining the conditioned space at a higher temperature can give rise to significant reduction in the energy consumption of the air conditioning system, * However, in general the air velocity if it exceeds about 1 m/s may give rise to a feeling of draft or irritation to the occupants, ‘+The cooling effect provided by ventilated outdoor air is mainly sensible in nature, even through, it may also TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - en up-thrust for knowledge Heating, Ventilation, Ait Conditioning and Refigeration | extract latent heat from the occupants if it is cool and dry. The sensible cooling rate provided by the outdoor = | air Qy'is given by, Qy * BWC y(ex~%) | | | where thy = Mass flow rate of ventilated air Temperature of outdoor air q Ty = Temperature of exhaust air Natural Vs Mechanical Ventilation : «When the ventilation is provided by natural means such as the wind or stack effects ie, due to temperature difference, then it is called as natural ventilation. «When the ventilation is provided by using mechanical ‘means such as fans and blowers, then it is called as, mechanical ventilation. «Natural ventilation is considered as the 1% line of defense against summer heat but cooling by natural ventilation either for buildings and / or occupants may not always be possible or it may impose severe restrictions upon building design. «This is die to the uncertain nature of natural ventilation, which depends on outdoor conditions such fas the wind and ambient temperatures - two highly variable parameters. ‘© Mechanical ventilation though requires extemal power inputs extends the applications of ventilation for cooling. Tt is also highly controllable and is available as and when required with a relatively small expense of electrical energy. «Thus a sensible building design must be such that it makes use of both natural and mechanical ventilation in an optimum manner. 7.3.4 | Natural Ventilation i +The natural ventilation is very well known and is widely used. sMost of the older buildings before the aq electricity relied on natural ventilation for maingiy, comfortable conditions. ‘ eThe amount of airflow due t0 natural venation also uncertain as it depends on + of 1) Magnitude and direction of prevailing winds 2) Ambient air temperature . 3) Landscaping and adjacent structures 4) Design of the building and position of windows, doors, etc. 5) Location of furniture 6) Movement of the occupants ete. «Due to uncertain nature, natural ventilation is treated as a secondary objective in the design of modem buildings. Natural ventilation depends on wind effec and stack effect. Wind induced Natural Ventilation : «When wind blows over a building, a static pressure difference is created over the surface of the building ‘The pressure difference depends on the wind speed, wind direction, surface orientation and surrounding structures. In general, the magnitude of the wind pressure (P) i proportional to the velocity pressure and in an ideal case it is given by, Vin Py = Get = Surface pressure coefficient p = Air density Vw = Wind speed Cp depends on wind direction orientation of building ete. ; : oe xe ie oe ~ ee Wind ward]—p +e ate Guide [== preseure]| Bulg | pacer Fig. 7.4 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge rotation, Alt Conditioning and Reftigera oe fpr Sema ts se | pane P gates a potential for air flow through the fg iropenings are avaiable an the bullaing, WY jaw rates through the buildings due to wind | if" can be obtained approximately using the | i | «The airflow rate m/s je The area of opening m? «Constant that takes the value 0.55 when perpendicular for winds and 030 for oblique winds. : R * Factor that is function of inlet and outlet areas (A; and Ag) of the openings. = 01 Ain then greater speeds are “obtained _ tthe inlet compared to the outlets and vice versa. ‘Thus tanipulating the area, for example by. openi 6 dosing some windows it is possible to achieve bigher velocities in certain areas compared to others. ‘The shape of the window also plays role, if the wind ‘tot perpendicular. TEGHNICAL PUBLICATIONS Ventilation, lndtration and Ale Distibutin Systems ean cae short and wide window provide mpared to square / narrow and tall windows. aa peairelieeaa such as curtains, luce w tate due to wind effect. Ventilation Due to Stack Effect : + When there is a temperature difference between the indoor arid outdoor, airflow takes place due to buoyancy / stack effect. During winter, the indoor air is generally warmer compared to outdoor air as a result if there are openings in the building then warm air inside the building rises due to buoyancy and leaves from the ‘openings provided at the top, while cold outdoor air enters into the buildings through the openings near the base of the building. «The reverse happens during summer when inside air is cooler compared to outside, warm outdoor air enters the building from the top openings and cold indoor air eaves the building from the bottom openings. Generally, due to stack effect, in a building at particular height, the intemal and extemal pressure become equal. This height is known as Neutral Pressure Level (NPL). «If openings ate provided at the NPL, then no airflow takes place due to stack effect, so it is useful in . enhancing the airflow due to stack effect. « Estimation of NPL is extremely difficult as it depends ‘on several factors such as distribution of openings, the resistance of the openings to airflow, the resistance of vertical airflow within the building etc. ‘Tdeal case, when the openings are uniformly distributed and there is no internal resistance to vertical flow,’ the NPL is at a mid height of the building. «General studies show that for tall buildings, the NPL- ties between 03 to 0.7 times of total building height. «According to ASHRAE the airflow rate out to, stack effect can be estimated by 0s Qs cafh #] ‘en up-trust for knowledge Heating, Ventilation, Alr Conditioning and Refrigeration where, h = The height difference between the inlet and outlet (m) y= The warm alr temperature, k AT = The temperature difference between ‘warm and cold ait ‘A = The free area of the inlets / outlets, m? C = A constant = 0.0707 when inlets and outlets are optimal ie. about 65% C = 0.054 when inlets / outlets are obstructed (50 %) Natural ventilation due to combined wind and stack effects. ‘Complication arise when it is required to estimate the airflow rate due to combined effects to wind and stack effects. + Generally, the total airflow rate has to be obtained using the combined pressure difference due to wind and stack effect and not by adding up airflow rates due to stack effect and wind effect separately, ‘This is due to the non-linear dependance of flow rate on pressure difference across the openings. In general taller the building with small internal resistance, stronger will be the stack effect and higher the area of exposure of the building, stronger will be the wind effect, ‘Estimate the airflow rate due to combined effects of wind and stack equation is erat * 1% +0811 Guidelines for Natural Ventilations : + As far as possible, the following guidelines should be followed for getting the maximum benefit from natural ventilation for cooling of the building and occupants 1) In hot and humid climates, maximize air velocities in the occupied zone for body cooling, while in hot dry climates, maximize the airflow throughout the buildings for structural cooling especially during the nights. 2) The building should be shaped suck that the maximum surface area is exposed to the extemal winds. 3) Locate the windows suitably. Windows on opposite walls increase the airflow rate, while windows an adjacent walls provide airflow over a ‘greater area. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® oe a 4) In buldings with only one extemal way. flow rates are obtained by 2 Widely leher windot ‘Pree 5) The windows should be placed as far ag from the NPL to maximize the stack efegt 6) Wide and short windows are generat, ete than square or vertical windows as they faaes higher airflow over a wider range of ios direction, 7). Windows shouldbe accessible to and operate y the occupants for greater contol of nays) ventilation. 73.2 + Ventilation using electric fans is 1ess expensive 4p outdoor conditions and hence more certain. ‘In general, depending upon the specific design, the farvassisted ventilation can aid or oppose natiral ventilation. Forced Ventilation using Electric Fans + If the aim is to cool use the outdoor air for colng then the design should be such that the mechanic and natural ventilations complement each other, rather than oppose. + The fan power consumption is quite small and can be estimated using Wag = 20:4Fan Tian = The power consumption of the fan (w) ‘The airflow rate provided by the fan (m°/s) ‘The pressure rise due to fan (P,) & The efficiency of the fan 035 for small shaded pole, single phase motor (= 1/6 HP) 0.85 for large shaded pole, S-phase motor (= 5 HP) Interior air movement : ‘Interior fans such as the ceiling or pedestal fans ct remove heat from the occupants, but not from the buildings, ‘The interior fans do not decrease the indoor ait temperature’ (in fact they may slightly incense temperature as the work input to fan is dissipated heat),” they may certainly provide comfort bY 3 upthrust for knowledge F fentlation, Air Ce gow mn Antone itn - ggiicantly enhancing the convective heat and mass % coefficient between the afr and body. “ sioweves they may be objectionable sometimes as they gay create excessive air velocity and / or noise, | jgoth ceiling and Pedestal type fans can be very cestive and can even substitute the air conditioning | ggtem ot at Teast partly offset the air conditioning | toad ‘in general, larger fans provide higher airflow rates wth less noise. | Generally for best performance, a ceiling fan should be placed such that the blade height is about 7 to 8 feet from the floor and there should be a minimum gap of {to 2 feet between the ceiling and the blades. «sudies show that by using celing fan in combination with air conditioning systems, the thermostat setting’ can be raised from about 25 “C to about 29 - 30 *C. «this can reduce the energy consumption by as much as 30 to 49 %. «This is particularly suitable in. areas with high humidity as the ceiling fan can enhance the dehumidification rate. Thus an intelligent combination of air conditioning systems with interior fans can provide substantial savings. Attic Ventilation : +ln addition to fans, a wide variety of devices as used in practice to improve internal air circulation. ‘It is installed in antic spaces. They draw the cold air from the outside and simultaneously exhaust the hot and humid indoor air collected near the attic. ‘These are normally actuated by a thermostat, which tums the ventilator on when the attic air temperature exceeds a cut-in point of say 40 °C and tums of the ventilator when the attic temperature drops to a cut-out temperature to say 9 °C. “A whole house fan simultaneously provides outdoor air to thé occupied zone and removes hot and humid air from the attic space. Solar Chimneys : ‘These are used to, boost the ventilation due to stack elfect. It is basically a passive solar air heater installed normally an the roof, with its inlet connected to the {ntetior of the house, “Due to solar heating, the air in the solar chimney gets ‘heated up and flows out to be replaced continuously by air from the interior. This induces flow of outdoor air into the building, ‘Thus a continuous air movement can be obtained by using solar radiation. + Though solar chimneys appear to be simple, optimized design of solar chimney could be complicated due to the effect of wind. The wind may assist the flow of air due to solar chiminey or it could oppose the flow. Jn worst case, due to the wind effect, the flow direction could get reversed, resulting in the entry of heated outdoor air into the building through the solar chimney. Keeping the solar chimney on the leeward direction, can prevent the flow reversal. [£4] introduction to Air Distribution System Air distribution system mainly consists of supply air duct, outlets and return air duct. ‘* Good air conditioning requires that the right amount of conditioned air is to be delivered in'each room. «As per the load the quantity of air must be distributed into the room. * The passage way for supply and return air is known, as duct. «The main function of the duct is to supply conditioned air from central: air conditioned plant to the various rooms and to collect warm air from air conditioned space to cooling coil. » The air duct system must be designed in such a way that capital cost of duct and running cost of fan is less. Air Handling Unit (AHU) + The unit which consists of fans and other equipments to perform one or more of the functions of circulating, cleaning, heating, cooling, humidifying, dehumidifying and mixing of air is known as air handeling unit. + The following parameters can be controlled by AHU. i) Temperature ii) Humidity iii) Air movement iv) Air cleanliness + AHU consists of fan, cooling coil, filters, humidifiers and mixing box. Fan: *Fan is used for circulation of air to the various sections, * Generally centrifugal fan is used for this purpose. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thmust for knowiedge esa Inflation and Ai Don ea Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning oe a fans are selected. od ir the « As per the requirement of state pressure and volume of the air «The fans are installed on the vibration isolator. sf the load is high the fan speed will be higher and if (Gee Fig.72) : : the load 18 Tow the fan speed will bi, Return air fs. Retum air duct ‘opening Outside air damper ‘Supply air opening ‘Supply air duct Mixing | box ‘Airconditioning \ equipment Fig. 7.2 90° register boot Oval to round. ‘elbow Adjustable register bow | Round duct | Ceiling register i ea Rectangular trunk duct Rotum agile : 3 | _ Endcap | Return air duct —}-= “Side takeof! — tre Register boot aS Air fiter : Elbow: Fig. 7.2 (a) Composite duct system TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-hnst for knowledge Botte aoitudini2iC HA ns reise, & gale "Arce bas cola sedatiney 2) HEPA tor? 1 ‘One can get. 99,,%, efficiency by the use of ‘HEPA - filter. ‘It is generally used in clean room applications. It can remove very minute particles from the air. “ats per design of the system, designer can use direct | xgansion cooling coil or chilled water cooling col sme anangement of coil ave in a Tow with diferent | 3) Eldtrosiate er: | elt is used to remove particles from ‘air™by using én spacing. | -owoihighly charged eléetfodess ince ub ein scenerally fins of aluminium” afd tubes ‘of copper ae preferred. | Humidifiers : ont | Following types of humidifiers can-be used if AHU. fre : ’) Spray type ra The fiters are used to remove the contaminants from | il) Steam, pan fYPE ys favs a late ee | iti) Steam grid type. vd gisow ant «There are various types of filters. i cae 1) Panel filter | A Spray type # ove J inaloe iA et can use spray water with aipressure.of,15 PSL or ii) HEPA filter tho, poe iii) Electrostatic filter. 1) Steam pan type ¢ ae a Theonsits of pan and heating cll 4) Panel Filter . al : «These are flat and rectangular in shape. ° |” "S-the evaporation of water is caused by heating coil The air velocity that moves through the filters is im. and it wil increase the ham of SOE oe the range of 2-3 m/sec. _ |i) Stoam grid Type + the pipe to distribute the sane qQeermetocgag are arranged vertically. Pe = Whereas low velocity filters are, arranged yin, bo ‘V-shape, 7 Siysisiom of Sorteizigar bne tlgiow To! | sod tuto sar 98 ovts rs rin ji fosinoals ot beniuper feo si FEGSWIEAL POBLIONTIONS® an ups fr Heating Velaon AleContonng and Refigeraion 7230, Venton nla and Al Patan [Zs] ciassincation of the Duct * Classification of ducts ‘Supply alr duct : ray 8 follows + ~e er Duct i | f " i] cere | | ng to | ‘According to According Aeoor ‘ype of alt velocity of flown in presse 4 | cartos duct in } 4 i High | i Supply Rowrnalr ‘Frosh air Low prossuro | ressuro pressure airduct duct duct duel ross ese | Low vlocty duet, High vololy duct coe Fig. 7.3 ‘This duct supplies the conditioned air from air conditioning unit to the required place. Return alr duct : «© This duct carries recirculating air from conditioned space to air conditioning unit. Frosh alr duct : ‘© This duct carties outside air. Low velocity duct : ‘Air velocity in such duct is 600 m/min, High velocity duct : « Air velocity in such duct is more than 600 m/min, Low pressure Duct : «The static pressure in such duct is less than 50 mm of water gauge. Modlum pressure duct : + The static pressure in such duct is upto 150 mm of water gauge. High pressure Duct : * The static pressure in such a duct if from 150 to 250 mm of water gauge. [7.7] Duct Material EE ‘Ducts are constructed from galvanised iron sheets of size 26 to 18 gauge. ‘+ Aluminium can also be used as duct material because of its lighter weight and resistance to moisture. + The galvanised iron has zinc coating which helps to prevent the rusting and avoids the cost required for painting. £ TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® «an up:hrust for knowledge fe . — 7a Ye — caraapaeee Seton Inileaon an Ai Datton Syems (Duce) or 2 day ssin bonded gles fire ducts are sea negese Hey ate strong and can be manufactured Continuity Equation for Ducts Merding 0 any desired shape, * Consider air flow through duct, t * Duct having two sections 1-1 and 2-9 Ag osibe wed, * Section 1-1 is for | | pte places where moisture content in the air is not 1 ay large, wooden ducts can be used, j | Galrressure In a Duct i | sie following three types of pressure associated with | uct system. entry of air to the duct and section 2-2 is for exit of the duct, : | } | \ underground air distribution cement asbestos 1 | | i Fig. 7.4 ' Duct pressure *Q m, Ay, Yj and p, are quantity of air passing, mass i flow rate of air, cross sectional area of duct, velocity | | oe . | Y Totalptessure «| «and density of air at section 1-1, | Pressure # | QQ m, Az Vp and pp are the same respective valties for section 2-2. [ia] sute Pressure | *We ‘can find out the mass flow rate through «This pressure is independent on air movement hence it section 1-1, isaalled as static pressure, | m = 1Q | she static pressure minimises the friction and shock But Q = Area = Velocity Iosses. | When static pressure is greater than atmospheric m = PAY * Similarh find ite pressure there is chances of bursting of duct. | ee a ‘mass flow rate through 182 | Dynamic / Velocity Pressure ™ = p2Q «This pressure is equal to drop in static pressure. i ™ = prA.% | *Dynamic pressure can be calculated by, _ Mass flow rate which is fowing through section 1-1 Density (Velocity)? and 2-2 is same. Dynamic pressure(p,) = PSAsty*(Velosity)® ——— ‘Dynamic pressure is a function of both kinetic energy | re PIAL = p2A2% | lensity, a : | AY = AY 12 kg/m? | [ras] rota! Pressure | e.-0, ‘Total pressure is algebraic sum of static pressure and or is ip aim of conte, . : * Similarly if the duct has two branches, Pr = Pstpg ool ii PLA = p2A2%+p3A3 4 Pr- Total pressure . = 9247324 Stale PQ = p2Q+PsQ Pa Dynamic pressure Qs = 2+Q [- ©P1 2 =p3 density of air. 1 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thast for knowledge re Ver Equation sk eerie teribuets x] pub dyed) | *Bemoulis equation, for, frigiionless incompressible. stead EE BY Bh at ot in Yo ums rot ai FF rate « pry rez = Constant «ifs 10 tixa aw al § Applying above equation for two sections of duct, seam signa sie 0. WidKeUp aaceqa Sn IF dw pat LO ree espn bacle HipgBzyien v 1 = notte ies 10 Hizash fi pouley ovitogenn PLE BY AME ABR Ck os he 2 FSS potion aot . psi +L op, P20) f rioitaea vot Mguowl) sty vA eeain oP to bait PsitPyi = Ps2tPy2 Ps = Static pressure pyoVelécity:pressire «Total pressure can be calculated, Hguoul ott GoPsibBv™ PsztPv20 oe yrolimie « +The pressure in duct is always expressed peeve pee 5 A Pr = Pe an Pe = XPV . j > The frictional pressure joss car be obtained by using following slaton (Bee Fi / i676 on Page No-7 =15) oousz2yy8 Pe=- or Bah ou o.og {A baminar 299° Feaniton 0.07 0.06 0.05 ; i F 9.03 Cemnnlite turbulonee, rough pion aye P H oa Ventilation, Infiltration and Al Distribution 008 oe 0.008 © 2M 0,028 i 8.004 Fig. 7.5 2 & 0.018 ration ——— Fret tactor ———> ————— Ralative roughness > TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an uptrust for knowledge oot ing and | oo00t* 234588qg. 208 Fe BaBeuI 2 See 01 2 V4esaI 2 9466810 Reynolds number, Ry = QV. K Heating, Ventilation, Alt entation tftration and Ale Distesbutlon Systeme (DES). ee oye eo 5 Ar volume in im? Friction loss in m7 of water per metre————1 Fig. 7.6 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge Dynamic Losses in Duct ‘© Whenever there is.change. in direction or velocity is ‘occur the loss is known as dynamic loss. ‘The dynamic loss is because of following reasons. 4) If there is change in direction of flow of air” | through bends and ‘elbows. 5 1 ii) If there is change in area due to- enlargement, contraction, suction and discharge openings: ; « Dynamic presstire loss can be find out using following relation, VPs : (a mm of water C- is dynamic loss coefficient ‘*To express the dynamic loss additional term is used i.e. equivalent length. fle Pa * aX PY “Ge v ia Jism of water ‘* Dynamic loss coefficient can be found out, ee Lee Se ™ t 7.44.24] Pressure Loss duo to Sudden Enlargement in ‘Atea of Duct ‘As the air flows from’small area to large area of duct velocity of the area decreases. Because of the sudden enlargement cross - section causes the formation of eddies. ‘These eddies are formed at the comers of enlarged section. in. duct Fig. 77 ai oe eatin Inflation and Ai Distrbatn A ae mi a) “ Because of formation of eddies there wij. =9e loss. Presiure « The initial velocity of air ¥ and final velogiy difference in velocity (¥-VQ) conyerts ae pressuté and is known as static g “ « The pressuie, loss for section X the Static psitPvi = Ps2*Pv2 Rearranging above equation - Pvi-Pv2*/Ps27I “IF the divergence is giadual then, above equation j true (ps)~Psi) Which Js known .a8 Static Regan om die to divergence. "5 SR = Psi-Psi= (Pvi-Pva)= AP She OP aay + Applying the momentum equation, Os padar = ms 72) But, m= pA W=P2%A2 9 ‘« Using equation (7.1) and (7.2), Pp SR = ps2 Bt aed (We zm + From equation (7.1) and om we can write Welw Sie SP (P)max = 30(-%5)? 2 “elt “Tbe 2 Where, Fal {s dynamic loss eSetficient = C “ (AP) max = CX Py| Pressure Loss due to Sudden Contraction in Area of Duct ‘*Due to sudden contraction in area of duct it causes formation of eddies which results into pressure loss. * Pressure loss due to sudden contraction of area, -an-up-thusttor knowledge ——— ANIMUS IAOWIMORT Conditioning and Retigen re Sea a st __. Ventilation Infiltration | * Pressure loss at dischar J gad TPIT OTs (rage hm ot deme 6 PL STR BAN t?.9 wel ae De on Fig. 7.8 | jen 20 al 20 od tras | psi ‘ere UZ4124] Pressure Loss due to Obstruction in Duct i itnsup brie tions obstructing ia, the Shaw (ES) notioup’ sont Equivalent Diameter of Circular Duct for Rectangular Duct = +The ducts having rectangular sections are more portott toorpesrei Mae Bg lie ovr sgicad i doub io daa: i pt a eine ri 220 epee pe eae ‘ ‘economical than the ducts having circular Sections. - faa) eal ‘Loss atthe Suction ‘and Dischargo of * Specifically we have to consider followinigtwo cases : Sai | [2.4] ouantity of Air Passing through 3, 42 ‘AREA ‘Abrupt opening’ Spit i y of Air Passing through i. iia ‘Milies ‘abrupt opening is ‘provided, He alt whic Rectangular’ and Circular Ducts are Sane flowing through a duit gts" dcderated die! W!whch | Jena contractaare'formedinside a'dhict x10 « | sits igre erecta oer * Velocity of air pasting through cifailar duct can be | calculated from the fe 9809 | alto 9 ly t3 sre + We know, pressure loss dui to friction." oa | po gga fl : ° thes ni oxo! woitvisi Formed entrancejecos eine ©) idhe is ee Le at ou sseeory ni nispigoy, gues visio a fl | he ogg} dynamis loss coefficient will be O85. | 5 an ‘Be teditced’ upio"0.05" to 0.05 by provi | We know, une ee Ms a | ™ = Perimeter : poor ig mae ani « For circular duct we can find pressure loss aufLp cad Sot bus sist tae aie Pe + For rectangular duct we can find rectangular duct. PstL (pp) @Y on E(B) ra HE) Pressure loss, friction factor, densitty and quantity of air passing through circular and rectangular duct is same. «+ From Equation (7,3) and (7.4) 7 a Solving above equation to find value of D ya [2 I (a+b)r? ab ys D- asl 25] 7422 Velocity of Air Passing through Circular ind Rectangular Duct is Same + Pressure loss due to friction for circular duct, pfL¥ Lr z) « Pressure loss due to friction for rectangular duct, ED - ard) x & qo a D = 2ab_ 2a ary * Pray a f oa > Aspect ratio [713] mothods of Duct Design 1s The duct is designed to carry the A air from the fan to an air conditioned space, Mantty of + Whi ing this air there must be a While carrying 2 kina pressure loss. = «The velocities in the duct must be as high as There are mainly tree methods are Wed or desing of duct. 7.43: | Equal Friction Loss (Pressure Drop) Methoy + By using this method for duct design we wi gy equal frictional loss per meter length of duct. +As this method gives equal pressure loss in various branches, for symmetrical duct layout then there is ng need of dampers. In case of runs are of different lengths, then shortest run will provide minimum loss. # This method does not balance the pressures at the outlet if the lengths of run are different. Jn this method high velocities will create an objectionable noise therefore noise absorbing outlets must be provided. [7.13.2 | Static Regain Method ESOS + For a duct, itis important to get the pressure at all the outlets must be same. *So that the pressure losses in various branches should be equal. + This is only possible when the friction loss in each branch is made equal to gain: in pressure due to reduction in velocity. “The gain in the pressure is considered as static pressure regain. ‘+ Complete. regain - It is not possible to. design economically very long branches which are very close to fan. ‘ln such a case, it is possible to design main duct for complete regain and provides the same pressure at al outlets. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an upthrst for knowledge wenn Mont mst f al regain - It is considered as better practice for Ut few outlets from main duct so that same pressure on allowed in the beginning. ; jelocity Reduction Method iy using velocity reduction method, the ducts are ‘signed in such a way that velocity decreases as the gow proceeds. «the pressure drops are calculated for these velocity for respective branches as well as for main duct, this is the simplest and quickest method of duct design. The major drawback of this system is that it is not tesed on any principle so this system can not be used by new designer. vin this method fan "is designed to overcome the " pressure losses. sin this method, the velocities can be adjusted to avoid the noise. 1.43.4 | Solved Numeticals 7d The main air supply duct of an air conditioning system is x 400 mm in cross-section and carries 250 m/min of air. It branches into two ducts of cross-section 500 mm x 300 mm and 500 mm x 200 mm. If the mean velocity in larger branch is 480 mimin. Calculate, 4) Mean velocity in main duct and smaller branch ii) Mean velocity pressure in each duct, Sol: Given data : 4= 700mm =0.7m —Q = 250 m/min = 4.16 m/sec b= 400 mm =0.4 m Vj = 480 m/min = 8 m/sec 4-500 mm=05m b; = 300 mm=03 m 4)=500mm=05m — b; = 200mm =0.2m Fig. 7.10 * Cross section area of main duct Avs ayxb, | = 07 «04 = 028 in? * Cross section area of larger branch Ay = axb; =: 05 «03 018 a? * Cross section area of smaller branch Ay = a3xb; = 05 *02=0.10 m 4) Mean velocity in main duct and smaller ‘branch. 4.16 Mer Pe HS 1485 msec air passing through larger branch Q = AXY = 015 ~8 = 12 m/sec * Quantity of air passing through smalier branch, B- Q-@ = 416-12 . = 296 m/sec * Velocity in smaller branch y = 2296 u = 29.6 m/sec fi) Mean velocity pressure in éach duct + Velocity pressure in main duct V_Y (1485 ov = (abe (“ae = 13.51 mm of water | +Velocity pressure in larger branch MY (8 Pv: = | goa) “(aoa = 3.92 mm of water | © Velocity pressure in smaller branch | Ente Noun arco VN) nt >a fi Rann mo = (alee = 52.67 mm of water ee The mit SPRY refify Aust ni hf io ‘cm x 90 cm in cross section and Ex 72 conditioning. system #8 100 fares 10 nB/s of air. It braces of ‘it two ducts, one Atonx tm and tt. 0 gx 60 om, if fhe eon 9 mls in the main duct —a Sol: Given data -sioolay mins ( Duct arpasiad Sasa 095 0.P:ana! REG Ay ways 08 +08 084 w? a Ay 7 ask Ay = 08 « 062 0.48 ni? Flow rates, Q, = 10 mijs8 «210 = Q = ArCpai64 &9 = 5.76 m/s inst rsllsme dguoit grizasg ws io xine ou soso ni sxseeang vi@ev asl (i ve gb pige of omen wh Fig. 7 Seal Q@ 5 QQ From continuity equation we know that, nine tin est © Air velocities = Shs 76 =14.24 m/s nag yiroloY © “PRINCE PUBLICA area a | =! Os 1ONS, ,2en.upriust foe frewledae ¢ _ Nenu dnsbten a é B73 A ee = bug St ae Pa ye ye lys ae itm y oyyessilte sige Wala ci ih A ahha ie Wet in eS eee air power. F608! Ll ee te + Given data: 014 poltoubost yiisoley ay angular duct ~ 045 mx O12 ed OE eee botists noltanbor “gids = / Pe ea We know that, frictional pressure eee is set wrk eee AL sy ’ j gor disoloy sess 30 Be VPs costars Steen Pe ae, Bb otis joub, Yo borllons $22 aise ow ei iat, agteist hers: aiheee Eso, byes od Som 82 Ara ntl, & aid le “Perimeter 2D sa yi toy 02 sown sit ol TOTS +012) OBA ai ean Hytnaiite dia. RY piove of bbiznibs sig of alc scp tkgfmitt ov Let, Density of air is, py 12'ke/m’ vive | 230525 Nin“ \sionksa ne 6 alah savi 0 = ate OR ay B= sam O08 = = 166.73-Nim 0% * <2 ony 2,0 = one O08 Ans. Sa equollent diameter of circle duct | Sneguanity of air carried in Both-the case i sme \ avetity of rin ne. - orssheet metal find pressitre loss’ per 100m th of duct " gob: Given datas 2.0 « « (07m b= 05m Q* 80 m/min yr a5 kg/m? . 47001” and" 100 ) Equivalent diameter when quant both cases. asp D- 12) > = 120 re 0x05? J i D = 0.619 m eal i Equivalent diameter when. velocity of air is same in both the cases. 2ab as D- 2x (07x05) D = “Orr037 D = 0583 m * 7x05) FESO PURLRATIONS isda attos wikia ane a smi size duct carries 90 cmm of air having density of 1.2 kgin?. Determine the eittatett diameter of the circular duct : e nleriups i If the quantity of air carried in both the cases is same Ai Ifthe velocity of cir in both the eases is the same. If friction factor, f = OTT, fird the pressure loss per 100 m length of duct. Find ai power required. Ea Size of rect. duct = 600 mm 400 mim (Lette tysau Sol. Given data : Flow rate = 90 mJ min = 9 =1.8 m'jsee Density of air p =1.2kg/m> Friction factor f = 0.011 4) If the quantity of air carried in both cases We know that, age Ws Equivalent diameter, D = 139 ao ) where a and b are duct dimensions for réctangular us (04? D= 1208 160s = 05373 m or 537 Renee » Hicling, Vertlation. Ale Conditioning and Reteigeraion Flowmte 1S Exp feos? Velocity of ait, V = = 6.6155 m/s ‘Thus, mean hydraulic depth is D _ 05373 Ba 053 01340m pf tm me Friction loss. = Pressure loss per 100 m length 2011 x 100% 12 x (661559 Tx OTHE = 215.076 Nim?” = 215.076 981 21.92 mm of water ii) If the velocity of air in both the cases is the same We know that, Equivalent diameter, Ds = 0.48 m or 480 mm Flow rate , Velocity of air, V = po is roa? = 828 m/s Hydraulic mean depth, m = D048 a m= 012m a Pressure loss per 100 m length = Of | | = 368,018 Nin? 368.018 - oe = 3751 mm of water wen A | Be 76 A rectangular duct at section 500 mm x og —~ | size carries 70 nf/min of air having density inte) | Determine euintentdamter of circle dct so | ai caried in both oases is same 4 Ff = 001 for sheet metal find pressure less per 1p y length of duct Sol.: Given data: a =500 mm = 05 m, b= 400 mm = 0.4m Q=70 m/min, p, = 1.18 kg/m? £=001, L= 100m | Equivalent diameter of duct when quantity of ap | passing is same in both cases, exp) D- 12 SE ; 0.30.43 i o = io( zat D = 0491 m Pressure loss, Velocity of air pe v= 8.0 «oe 5x05) = 350 m/min “= 5.833 mise ‘Mean hydraulic depth of duct, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an upthust for knowledge © yextilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration pons _2:23_Venaton, ifitration and Air Distibution Systems (Dues) { E + {05x0.4) 1 1.2 x 0.005 x 40 x (11.1 P 205+04) I ne 2x OOS = 0.111 1 i Joss, | Ex 78 A 30 m long rectangul 2 m x 0.15 m pene i | carries air at rate of 25 m/min. Air has density 1.2 kg/m? ee pak | and f= 0.0048, Calculate, = | i Total pressure required at the inlet to the duct to maintain 2 LIS x 0.01 x 100 x (5.8337 | this fl. 2% Ol | ii) Air power required. Sol. : Given data : > Toa We L=30m; a=02m, b=015 m 17.966 mm of water Q=25 m/min p,=12, f= 0.0018 276 s mm of water) To find velocity of air flowing through duct, 77 Calculate the frictional drop at 40 m length of retangular duct 0.3 m x 0.5 m size for 100 nP/min of ing density 1.2 kg/n?. Take f = 0.005 Sol: Given data: j = 833.33 m/min = 13.88 m/sec L=40m,a=03 m,b=05m | “to tad betes | To find hydraulic mean depth of duct, Q= 100 m/min, p, = 1.2 kg/m’, f = 0.005 ae i A. Gx «To find air velocity flowing through duct, L eb Q__Q v= 98.2. A GH * 2020.15) 100 | * 015 = 0.0328 m Decete aa To find frictional pressure loss afl = 11.11 m/sec pr = Pa + To find hydrauli depth of duct, ga dens ° | 8 x 30 x (13.887 n-3 2x 00428 I 2 _ _axd 388.90 N/m? zee b)) To find velocity head, = 03x05 Aa FOTOS weet = 0,093 = 12«(13.887 ‘Frictional drop through a duct, 5 pyflv? = 11559 Nm Pee = 388,90;4'1155921 2 mnBOkMANaA, gyrot ws OA \ vii wail iA sein 2 ig ne reguize = PrxQ susie) 3 am of touh ailgy abr lags Hosiupss suds nto sro sft = 2102 Watt igen wong ——__$+-skeb-oilat A srelar duct of 100 ram diameter converges, Static presoure just up stream | | | | x79 gradually to 70 mm duct. The’ st of reducer is 40 mom of thts nd velocity is $00 rifmineSTHE) eid ee “naee tf 1. of lot | downstream of Calcite total pres | ‘and down stream of reducer. Co wy | Sol: Given data: ee | D,= 100m, por = er i Dy 70 mm_¥ = 500 mvimin = 839 msec | coelar BEE = | PL = 0.04 py | we To find total pressure upstream and downstream of reducer velocity pressure apt ‘stream 6 of reducer, Total pressure up stream of reducer y< Pri = psi +Pvi re = 4044251 = 44251 mm of water To find out the down streant velocity of reducer, AWM = Aa\y flys ere Pix ey FDixy = | Pv2 = (=) = 17 m/sec 2701 imag sire losin eden, We have given pressure loss Ex. 7.10 Using equal friction method, detétmine the duct diameter and velocity for section AB, BD and BC. Assume velocity in the main duct AB = 600%%n/min. Also calculate maximum pressure drop in the ‘duct system. Distance AB=30 m, Distance BC =, .30 m and.Distance BD = 10 m. Refer Fig. 7.13, Sol.: Given data : Velocity of air in ‘imain duct, i yorb isnoitisl + Fig. 7.43 5.4 From figure, it is clear that, the flow rate of air in main duct AB must be, Ne a 480 Hs Bm/s friction chart, find the friction Jo Point corresponding to flow ra psy of 10 mis in duct AB, ‘gn + 960 Cm = 480 crm = 88 and dis at He of 8m) /s and (Maximum pressure drop in duct system ; | Madmum pressure drop in system is the pressure drop to farthest point from originating point. So in given case | itis between the point A and C. | Length AC = 30+30 =60m | I Maximum pressure drop = Length AC x Friction loss = 60x01 | | i 1 | 1 6 mm of water Ans. “A main circular duct consists of three branch uct taking equal air volume at equal intervals, Each interval duct has friction loss of 1.3 mm of water and static pressure of 4 mm of water is necessary at each branch to cope up swith frictional loss. If the initial velocity in the main duct of 14m | | diameter is 9 misec, Find out velocities and diameters of | second and third length when static pressure regain is ‘suficient to overcome the frictional loss. Assume static regain factor is 0.58 Sol: Given data : P=13 mm of water Ry = 0.58 Ps =4 mm of water \=9 m/sec Dq14m 1 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS” Qa Ay Fig. 7.44 + Quantity of air passing through each branch. + Velocity pressure head at AB, o> (al = 4.96 mm of water Slate peeoeuré regain = By(vi Pra) .uRge= Static pressuire regain factor Ry(vi-Pvz) = Pa 0.58(4.96- py,) = 13 2876-0.58pyz = 13 Py; = 271 mm of water Pv = (zh) Vp = 404x V2.7 But, Vz = 665 misec + Quantity of air passing ‘through duct CD. @=a-g Q = 1385-461 = 9.24 m'/sec - an up-thnust for knowledge Heating Ventnion lr Condtonng But, Q * FD 94 = FD}x 6.65 D; = 133m Considering flow through duct of diameter D3. Static pressure regain = Rye(Py2~ Pvi) RerPv2-Pvs) = Pa 0.58(2.71-pys) = 13 15718-058py3 = 13 Py3 = 046 mm of water Bp = (si) a 046 = (a) F ‘Vy = 2.74 m/sec * Quantity of air passing through duct, EF. Ba a-G = 924-4, 61 = 4.63 m/sec To find diameter, D3, x, Q = FRY 400 = Beojear ‘Appropriate point of charge en 7-36 Ex, 7.12 carries air flowing at the velocity of 600 min, as three branch ducts receiving equal cir to qual intros. Each inert duct Has ity 112 mum of water and a static pressure of & mm of ined at each branch. Calculate the velocities ang requ of the second and third lengths 80 4810 have sta por ‘A circular section main duct of 1, esa 2 diay This duct hme ty dass of i find jt the frictional loss in the {just enough to overcome ze length of main duct tipto the next branch. The sheng factor is 06, Draw the simple sketch of above duct syn, Ey So Friction of each duct (Ap,) = 1.2 mm of water Given data : Diameter of main duct = 1.2 m Velocity = 600 m/min Static pressure p = 4mm of water Static regain factor (SRF) = 0.6 ‘As per condition, the line diagram for duct system is as shown in Fig. 7.15. Fig. 7.45 We know that, Flow rate = Velocity x Area of duct For For For duct OA, (Qloa = Area of duct OA 600% F (1.27 = 11.304 m/s (an’= 3 oa = }x11304 = 7536 mis se = Fon = 4 11,304 = 3.768 m/s TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an upthust for knowledge pw es ‘V; are the velocities in duct OA, AB and: ively. geese Pa = 1.2 kgim? "jor duct AB : We know that, the fection loss is given |W 1 ‘Ap Static regain factor x 4p (vB) , 12x98i = 06 x4%12% (1-2) Vz = 8204 mis yelocity of duct AB is, Vp = 8204 mjs We also know that, Flow rate = Velocity x Area of duct ae Aap * dap = 108 m Ans, For duct BC : loss = Static regain factor 5p.c#-w) _ = 12x981 0.6% 41.2% (8.2047—V) % 5.883 mys Floe rate ac * Velociyse x 3.768 Rake = SRS dpc = 0.903 m Ans, Ex 713 Determine the duct sizes of the duct system as shown in Fig. 7.16 using equal friction method. Determine the FTP and dampering required at each branch. Assume the velocity in main duct A as 300 mpm. Also dynamic loss coefficient in elbow k = 0.22. Use static regain factor = 078. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® D sm ome) Fig. 7.46 Sol.: Given data : Velocity in main duct A = 300 mpm = 30° = 5 m/s + Dynamic loss coefficient in elbow k = 0.22 Static regain factor R (SRF) = 0.75 + Using friction chart we can prepare following table : For section A of the duct, from friction chart at 2 m’/s flow and 5 m/s of velocity, the friction pressure drop ‘per ‘meter length is 0.03 N/m*, The corresponding diameter of equivalent round duct is 0.9 m. | For subsequent sections of the duct the velocity and | duct diameter is found out for the respective flow. and friction pressure drop of 0.03 mm of water per meter length. The values are shown in Fig. 7.16. ‘an up-thrust for knowledge 4) Fan total pressure We know that, maximum pressure loss = Maximum length x Friction rate = 3.2% 003 FIP = 0.96 mm of water 4) To find velocity head in each section, let us consider air density Py a8 1.2 Ke/m ‘Thus velocity head In section A = 22 = 1.59 mm of water In section B= fey = 1078 mm of water 2 In section C= 22 = 0.883 mm of water 2x98 stion p = KOa'B In section D. Dog, ~ 0-138 mm of water : Kp, In section E = P47 = 0.1131 mm of water In section F = ‘A centrifugal fan with 90 em * 70 om outlet i moving slanderd air at a rate of 115 mls though a system oka consists of stright inlet and outlet ducts. The inlet duct i 90 om in diameter and 15 m long. The outlet duct i 100 on ig diameter and 60 ms long. There isa fan difuser between the fan discharge and the 100 cm diameter duct for tohich the press less is one third the difeerice in velocity pressures, The pressure drop atthe filter, damper and cooling coi nthe inlet duc i 5 1m Hy0. The los at the entry to the inet is 05 « velecty pressure. The ction factor for the outlet duct i O.ON3S end ht Ex 7.14 the inlet duct is 0.004. i) Determine the fan total pressure ii) Determine the static pressures at fan inlet and outlet The sucked in by the inlet duct and delivered by the outlet at atmospheric presure. EE) Sol : Refer Fig. 7.17. 4) Fan total pressure, Area of inlet duct is, Al = A2=] (09)? =0.636m? eo rs ~ \ en a ie | | From atmosphere | pt-——7- {4 TSH] | to etmosphert / | or conditioned z HO conditioned | pace | ay tpace i NC Fan! rt | Apparatus: i Fig. 7.17 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge: ore etn Ar Contrng ant Rigen we ° yi Ged ways G9 Gag é C= gah = 184 ove pl velooity pressure is Pu val (184 . ao). = 20.1 mm H,0 area, velocity and velocity pressure at fan discharge is, Ay = 09 «07 = 063 m? 15 Ge DB -Heg~ 1825 mis 18257 Pa (sar) =204mm H,0 ‘Area velocity and velocity pressure in the outlet duct Ay = Ag= Fc)? =0.786 m? s Brag” 464 mis Gacy . 1465 ta * oe} «The various pressure losses are : Inlet pressure loss = Ap =0.5 py = 05 (20.1) = 10.05 mm H;0 ‘Inlet duct friction loss 3.14 mm 1,0 AP g-2 = Pu fib Di = 4(0.004)15% 20.1 =a = 536 mm H,0 * Loss at the filter, damper and cooling coil is, Apgi-2 = 15 mm HO (given) * Loss in the fan diffuser 1 . 4p = 30.3-Pa) 1 = } 04-1314) = 242 mm 1,0 Vervtiation, infiltration ane Ale Drstibution Systema (Det) * Outlet ict friction toss is, Afb Spo = Aya 4 00035 x 60 x 13.14 = _e = 11.04 mm #0 * By adding all the pressure drops we get the total duct loss at 43.87 mm 11,0. Note that po has not been included. |) Fan total pressure = Pressure loss in duct + Outlet velocity pressure = 438741314 = 87.01 mm H,0 a Ans. Now, equate total pressure in atmosphere and fan inlet 0 = Apert Petia Hence, the static pressure at the fan inlet is ps. * APo2~Pv2 = = (1005 + 5.36 + 15) ~ 20.1 = -3041 - 201 ‘= = 50.51 mm Hy0 (Negative) Now energy balance is Pay tPuy ™ Pat Py2 + FTP | Apa = = 5051 + 20.1 + 57.01 ~ 204 = 62 mm 11,0 (Positive) [a] + It is used to provide the necessary energy to move the air. 7.14 | Fan ‘It is also used for circulating the air through entire duct system and conditioned space. ‘st consists of two major components i) Rotating impeller ii) Housing. «The air which is feed into a fan is called as induced raft while the air which is exhaust from fan is called forced draft, # The fans can be classified in following way. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up.thrust for knowledge Heating, Ventilation Air Conditioning and Rergertion Fan —o Contra al Radial fan Forward Radiol Backward. Propeller Tube alal Vane axial cuvedien bladefan cuvedten fan fan fan [745] contritugal Fan In this type of fan air enters axially and discharges radially, '*Such types of fans are used in air conditioning and ventilation purpose. «All types of centrifugal fans have an impeller mounted in a housing. « The centrifugal force created by rotating impeller. 7.15.1 | Forward Curved Fan ‘In such types of fan the tips of the blade is curved forward, in the direction of rotation of fan. * The blades are very shallow in depth. Such types of fans delivery more quantity of air. * SR Tip of he blade is curved forward wih respect to the direction of rotation ‘ofthe fan wheel Fig. 7.18 Forward curved blade fan 7.48.2 | Radial Blade Fan «The blades of such fans are straight and fixed radially. + These fans have simple impeller construction. {| Blade nas no curvature, fixed redialy| Fig. 7.19 Radial blade fan «These fans can provide very high presguey speed. hig, | These fans are used in electic motors op, itera | cooling purpose. | [115.3 | Backward Curved Fan i | in such types of fan tp of the Blade ! | backward away from rotation of fan whee, UVed | + The construction of such fans ae more stay, | These fans requires higher speed. | « Also these fans have higher efficiency, | | | i | | « They have no overloading power characte, Tipe aay valvarwoncrt, iacon cra fan wheel Fig. 7.20 Backward curved fan ‘Axial Fans ‘In this type of fan air flows parallel to the axis ofthe impeller. | [216] Propetter Fan | Such fans are used only when resistance to air ‘movement is very small. || #'These are useful for ventilation purpose‘in kitchen and bathroom. «These fans are low pressure high capacity fan. + They can deliver large volume of air with less power. «These are wall mounted fans. Propel or dsc ‘ype wheel fp Air infow [Motor Air out | . ‘Mounting rng | ‘or plate Fig. 7.21 Propeller fan TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thnst for knowledge Tube Axial Fan {jn tube axial fan, the propeller wheel simple cylinder, «The wheel'is driven by electric motor, | these are duct mounted fans _ These fans can produce high noise, type wheel bytincial housing Fig. 7.22-Tube axial fan [rss] [716 ] Vane Axial Fan «These are tube axial fans with vanes, aIthelps of reduce the turbulence of flow. «The efficiency of operation and pressure characteristics are better than tube axial fan, Axial ype Cringe reine "ie (five Guide vane | Fig. 7.23 Vane axial fan | ‘The operation of these fans are quite. 7.47 | Fan Air Power Fan air power indicates power output of a fan and it fepresents work done by the fan. i haan = 281.2 @ren% Ke, war} Based .on total ea pressure (Pr) | Q = Quantity of air flowing at fan inlet, min Phrae = Fan total pressure in mm of water | Kp = Compressibility coefficient Its the ratio of total fan alr power to brake power. Total fan air power (radon = TAREE PSS * Static fan efficiency ipa! It is the ratio of static fan air power to brake power: Static fan air power Ulan = Se power 7.49 | Fan Laws Sa 4) The volume flow-rate of fan is directly proportional to fan speed (N) and cube of impeller diameter (D). Q«NeD = Wang A =D “ Noe Oy OF = Constant ii) The total pressure developed by fan (Fr )roat is directly proportional to square of fan speed (N), square of impeller diameter (D) and density (p) Gran = N= DP =p @edroat =. _ Pe Drout WFO er MP Ory p2 iii) The power of fan (P) is directly proportional to cube of fan speed (N), fifth power of impeller smeter (D) and density of air (p} = Constant PeNaDep — A = __2___~ constant “ GP DF OF O2y%p2 7.19.1 | Factors affecting + While selecting fan, for a p articular air conditioning system, some of the points to be taken into consideration are on follows, () The selection of fan based on. space requirement. (i) The fan runs quit at highest efficiency. Moses 2220p e ar Bed 8 HME ay pon ar ape enon canton pressure (Ps) selecting fan. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge | | Gv) Fan should be selected for particular volume flow "rate and pressure drop in system. (v) Selection of fan depends on size, inlet and outlet size of air duct. (vi) Selection based on availability and cost. Characteristics Curve of Fans EE The fan curve is a performance curve for the particular fan under a specific set of conditions. The fan curve is a graphical representation of a number of inter-related parameters. Typically a curve will be developed for @ given set of conditions usually including : fan volume, system static pressure, fan speed, and brake horsepower required to drive the fan under the’stated conditions. Some fan. curves will also include an efficiency curve so that a system designer will know where on that curve the fan will be operating under the chosen conditions, ©The requirement of static pressures and power requirement for different type of fans are given in following Fig. 7.24. 7.49.2 onward ouved statce Pressure fale Ti vouame @ ‘AirVoume ° Fig.7.24 Fan charactertics «The term giles $6 commonly applied to ayy ate or intake. Suet «It consists of square or rectangular face, rilles are most common} eae «eRetum grilles usually have fixed blade or con, ‘es be located in sidewall or ceiling. «The supply and return air grilles are essen, any HVAC system. The return air grille connects t0 duct Work ay air to return to any cooling or heating system, | "® «The grilles which are equipped With @ damp, a called as supply grilles. Patt of Space Air Distribution «The required amount of supply air 8 transite jy the conditioned space, it is essential to distibue gy air properly within the conditioned space. Thus Important to design suitable air distribution seq, which satisfies the following requirements : 1) Create a proper ‘combination of temperate humidity and air motion in the occupied zone The occupied zone is defined as all the space in the conditioned zone that is from the flor to a height of 1.8 m and about 30 cms from the walls, 2) To avoid draft in the occupied zone. Dra is defined as the localized feeling of cooling warmth, Draft is measured above or below the controlled room condition of 244 °C and an ait velocity of 0.15 m/s at the center of the room. The effective draft temperature for comfort is given by, EDT = (DBT ~ 24.4) - 0.1276 (V - 0.15) DBT = The local DBT (°C) V = The local velocity (mm/s) << 0.36 ms EDT = -17°Cto 11°C Air Distribution Performance Index (ADPI) : It is defined as the % of measurements taken at may locations in the occupied zone of space that meets ED! qriteria of - 1.7 °C to +11 °C. Ny ADPI = (Ham TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge on, Alt Conditioning and Ref -N = The total number of locations at Which observations have been made = The number of locations at which thé sion daft temperature is within 17 5¢ yo och the objective of air distribution system design ii see the pce the supply air dlifisens ip 2, that the ADPI approaches 100 %, my sthe ADFI provides a rational diffuser. Studies show that the vat of depends very much on space cooling Toad | ae an. A lage value of space coling ond sot tends to reduce the value of ADP — way of sel te space Diusion Effectiveness Factor (SpER) The efectiveness of sir distribution sytem i sometimes assessed ising Space Diffusion bieeivene Factor (SDEF) as 7 SDEF = eS ‘Tx ~ The temperature of the exhaust air J = The supply air temperature T, = The temperature of the room air, ‘+A SDEF value of 51 implies that some amount of cold supply ait has not mixed with the room air and is leaving the conditioned space as exhaust. The space air distribution is considered to be effective if SDEF > 1.0, 7.21.1 | Design of Air Distribution Systems +The main aim of air distribution system design is to choose the location and type of supply air diffuser and the location and type of the retum air grilles. The parameters that effect air velocity and temperature at a sven point in the conditioned space are 1) Velocity of air at the inlet to the supply diffuser : Noise, criteria to be observed. 2) Supply to room temperature difference (T,~,) 3) Geometry and position of air supply outlet 4) Position of retum air inlet 5) Room geometry 8) Room surface temperature : lower the surface temperature stronger are the natural convection currents. 7) Internal heat sources (people, appliances) 8) Room turbulence. “The exact prediction of Profiles inside the conditioned space requires Simultaneous solution of mass, momentum and energy Sqtations for the conditioned space. However, in Seneral this task is extremely complicated due to the Several factors that affect airflow and heat transfer inside the conditioned space. However, a basié understanding of room air distribution requires the understanding’ of buoyancy effects, deflection of air streams and behaviour of free-stream jets, velocity and temperature ‘+ Normally the locations and type of return air grilles do not affect the air distribution significantly. a) Buoyancy effect : + Due to buoyancy effects, a supply air stream that is cooler than the room air will drop and supply air that {is warmer than room ait rises. + However, from thermal comfort point-of-view it is important that the supply air stream does not strike at occupancy level ‘Tt is understood that the buoyancy effects are due to temperature difference prevailing between the supply air and the room air. It can be shown that the velocity of an element at a height h due to buoyancy is given by, c wea) aT = The difference between the local temperature of fluid 1; and room air temperature T,. J, = The room air temperature (K) 8 h = Height Gravitational acceleration (m/s?) For equilibrium at a height H, the velocity of the fluid element should be equal to the entrance velocity of supply air Vp Le. Ve = Voat equilibrium vee on) Ty = The difference between the temperature of air at supply outlet and the room air. TECHNIGAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge eating, Ventilation Als Conditioning and Refrigeration, Archimedes number : a a) Foon > \ Fig. 7.25 Drop of cool ‘Hydraulic diameter : 4WH h = WSR) W = Width of the room H =» Height of the room cA Fig. 7.26 Deflection + Archimedes number conveniently combines the supply air velocity at the outlet supply to room, temperature difference and the principle dimensions of the room - important factors that defines the air distribution ina room. * Several studies show that airflow pattem in a room is layetly dependent on the Archimedes number. A» G,/R? G, = Grashoff's number Ry = Reynold’s number ‘Thus combining the effects of natural convection due to buoyancy and forced convection due to supply air jet. It also effects the heat transfer between the air inside the conditioned space and the surrounding surface, “The avoid cold drafts in the occupied zone,” the Archimedes number should not exceed a maximum value which depends on the room dimensions. | | “paflcton: ‘When an air stream strikes a solid su ee beam or a wall it deflects, These or ‘+ Again from comfort criteria, it is that due to deflection, the supply air goa, © ecu Not the occupants. tke types of Alr Distribution Devices 4) Grilles and Registers = +A gaile is an outlet for SUPP air oF ay gy return air. + A megter is 2 gil with 2 Volume conte dane sin vane pe stiles, the vanes ether fay adjustable are used for deflecting air flow, + Gules have a comparatively lower entainnen rig greater drop, longer throw and higher air wisi in the oeupied zone compared 10 stand eng diffusers, for f+ Duet with —— 4 Frame Horizontal vanes Duct height i $ Fig. 7.27 Grilles and registers TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an upthust for knowledge | Nook ! ' | Outer { shell \ Fixed vanes: cond) | Neck ‘Adjustable vanes \ Perforated pan a 3 inholes Perforated panel } Fig, 7.28 Ceiling diffuser + Manufacturing specify the performance of the grill in terms of core size or core area, volumetric flow rate of ait, effective air velocity, total pressure drop, throw and noise levels. They can be mounted either on side walls or in the ceiling. +) Colling Diffusors : +A ceiling diffuser consists of rings or inner cones made up of vanes arranged in fixed directions. + Ceiling diffusers can be round, square or rectangular in shape. +A square diffuser is widely used for supply air. ‘In the diffusers the supply air is discharged through the concentric air passages in all directions. “The air distribution pattem can be: changed by adjusting the adjustable inner cones or the deflecting vanes ‘*Ceiling diffusers are normally mounted at the center of the conditioned space. * Ceiling diffusers provide large entrainment ratio and shorter throw, hence are suitable for higher supply | © air temperatures and for conditioned spaces with low head space. *Ceiling diffusers can deliver more air compared to grilles and slot diffusers. ©) Slot Diffusers’: + It consists of a plenum box with single and multiple slots and air deflecting vanes. «These are mounted on side walls or in the ceiling. Linear slot diffusers mounted on the sidewalls can be as long as 30 meters. These are used for both supply and retum air. « Liriear slot diffusers aré particularly suitable for large open spaces that require flexibility to suit changing occupant distribution. d) Light Traffer - Diffuser ‘Tt combines a flourescent light traffer and a slot diffuser, The’ slot can be used either as supply air outlet or return air inlet. Light traffer - diffuser offer the following advantages. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-hrust for knowiodge 1) The luminous efficiency ‘of fluorescent lamps can be increased by maintaining’ lower air temperature in the light traffer. 2). An intergerated layout of light traffer, diffuser and return slots can: be formed on suspended ceilings. > 3) Improved aesthetics 4) A combination of light traffer and retum slot reduces the space cooling load as the retum air absorbs a part of the heat emitted by the lights. However, they should be designed such that the return air does not come in direct contact with the tube so that deposition of dust on the flourescent tube is prevented. In addition to the above air distribution devices, the floor mounted grilles and diffusers, low-side wall diffusers nozzle diffusers ete. are also used for room air distribution. (optima) oe” ) = 290 P, Outlet velocity (\5)= 800 m/min = 13.33 m/sec Inet static pressure (p;) ~ 200 P, Inlet velocity (Vj) = 500 m/min = 8.33 m/sec Q= 120m? /min = 2 m/sec ove Po oxe* ae xe 12x (13.338 era Total head at outlet (#1) = = 290 = Taxo8i* = 35.50 mm of water v2 pe pxg” 2g “Total head at inlet (H; ) i 200, 12% (8397 ~ Trx9g1* 2x 981 = 21.232 mm of water TECHNICAL PUBLI Ho H,-H; = 3550-21232 = 14268 mm of water £QH Power required by pump (P)= PO, Ex 747 A circular duct of 40 cm is selected to carry in sir-conditioned space at a velocity of 440 mbmin to keep noise level at desired level. If this duct is to be replace by a rectangular duct of aspect ratio of 15 find out size of an ‘rectangular duct for equal friction method when () When velocity of air im taro duct is (i) The discharge rate of air in too duct is sare. Sol: Given data : Circular duct, D=40 cn =04 m, v = £40 m/min = 7.33 misec Ape ao «Bas Case 1: When velacty in two ducts is same D- b os = OR b = 033m a = 15% 0333-049 m Case II: When discharge rate in two duct is same g {CATIONS® - an up-thust for knowledge Heating Venaen Air Contonng an Regent * am 15 x 29,8 » 44,7 cm Ss Slte of duct * 49,9 cm * 933 em Ror ense = T Size of duct * 44.7 em x 29.7 em’ ..Ror ease = II Bx 718 A circular duct of 400 num is selected to carry air ata velocity 440 mln. If duct is replaced by rectangular duct of aspect ratio 1.5, fiud the size of rectangular duct for equal friction when + i) Velocity in treo ducts is same it) Discharge in two ducts is same If f= 0.015, find the pressure loss per 100 m length of duct Take density of air ™ 1.15 ky/nP Marks 6 Sol.: Given data : Circular duet, D = 40cm= 04m V = 440 m/min = 7.33 m/sec. Aspect ratio f= 15 Caso 1: When velocity in two ducts is same, p= 20 20sHb 04 = 2x 15b? 3b “Tsp "25 28 oax23 04 = 0333 ms. a= 150.333 = 0.49 m Caso ll: ‘When discharge rate in two duct is same wp] ae (sb) x a D- ia a sa Tsb+b o4 bm S537 0297 m 15*298 = 44.7 em ‘Ventilation, Inflation and Ale Dist a size of duct * 49.9em%33.3 em size of duct » 44.7 em%29.7 em ‘To find frletlon pressure loss Hydraulle mean depth (im) “¢ 5 4 = 01m pfLve Pressure loss (pq) = Po 115% 0015% 100% 732 OT 463.4 N/m? 463.4 Tar 747-24 mm of water ae Roviow Quest 1. Give the classification of duct, 2, Explain equal friction method in duct design, 3, Derive expression from equivalent diameter of ae, 4. Write short note on AHU. 5, Explain various losses that occurs in duet, 6. Explain fan las, 7. Explain air distribution systems 8. Define fan efficiency 27 | University Questions with Answers | [aa Whot is fan coil system ? (Section 7.24) @ 2 Explain diferent air condltioning sem ‘components. (Section 7.23) a | [3 Write a short note on basic selection method for a fan in air conditioning system. Explain diferent air conditioning system components | (Section 7.19.1) 4 | | Q4 What is infiltration and ventilation, (Sections 7.1 and 7.2) 4 | Dec, - 2011 | | [@5. Write a short note on basic selection method for a fan in air conditioning system. | (Section 7.19.1) " | | Q6 What is fan coil system ? What are advantoges and disadvantages ? (Section 7.24) Le Mhancaes f Gection feel TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up.thust for knowledge 97 Write anote on fon laus. (Section 7.19) 14) Dec. - 2012 a8 What are the grill outlets? How the {in alr conditioning system. (Section 720) Cr May - 2013 a9 What is fan coll system ? (Section 7.19) 14 ‘a40 White criteria to select fan, (Section 7.19.1) (4, 11 What is infltration and ventilation load, (Gections 7-1 and 7.2) oy Dec. - 2013 12 Write a note on fan law. (Section 7.19) [4) 13 Write explanation of fan characteristics curves, (Gection 7.19.2) ia 4 Derive an expression for equivalent of circular duct corresponding to rectangular duct of side a ‘and b for same pressure loss per unit length when discharge and velocity is same. (Section 7.12.2) 6 15 What Is infiltration and ventilation load. (Gections 7.1 and 7.2) “ May - 2014 16 White classification of fon. (Section 7.14) [6] Q47 Write applications of various type of fans. (Sections 7.15.1, 7.15.2 and 7.15.3) iO Q.18 Explain equal friction method of duct design. (Section 7.13) 8 Dec. 2014 19 Give classification of air fiers. (Section 7.25) mn 20 What do you mean by Infiltration and ventilation load. (Sections 7.1 and 7.2) (4) Dee. - 2015 ai Explain in brief the different types of filers used in air conditioning. (Section 7.25) [6] bo entiation, infltration and Ale Distribution a2 a2 24 Q25 Q26 a2 a2 Q29 Q31 a3z Explain statc regain method in duct design. List commonly used duct materials, (ection 7.13.2) 110) Define the following as opplied to ‘Alr distribution. Intake, Outlet, Grille, Register, Difuser, Throw, Drop and primary alr. (Gections 7.25 and 7.20) wm Explain any two of the following alr distribution system: 1) Ejector system ti) Downward system il) Upward system (Section 7.23) 1) Dec. - 2016 Explain static regain method. Its advantages and applicability, limitations. (Section 7.13.2) [6] List the different types of fans used in air conditioning system. State applications. (Sections 7.14 and 7.15) a List minor losses and the methods of estimation of minor losses. (Section 7.11) 15) How the infitration load ore load are estimated. Explain with example. (Section 7.1) fo) 1017 Define the following as applied to ‘Air distribution’, Intake, Outlet, Grille, Register, Difuser, Throw, Drop and primary air, (Gections 7.25 and 7.20) 112) Explain any two of the following air distribution system : 1) Ejector system il) Downward system til) Upward system (Section 7.23) ® Derive an expression for equivalent diameter of circular duct corresponding to a rectangular duct of side a and b for same pressure loss per unit Iength when the discharge 1s same and when velocity is same. (Gections 7.12 and 7.12.1) em Explain static and velocity pressure in a duct. (Sections 7.8.1 and 7.8.2) la TEGHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thnust for knowledge Heating Venton, At Conon and Refigeaton © |'@33° Explain types of supply outlets for alstribution | © ofa, (Seetion 7.23) iO} : Dec. - 2018 Explain friction and dynamic pressure losses in 34 ducting, (Sections 7.11 and 7.11.1) (8) 35 With neat diagram explain working of AHU. (Section 7.5) (6 36 Explain static regain method of duct design. (Section 7.13.2) ] Q.37- Explain design consideration of duct system with respect to the followings. (O) i) Duct insulation ii) Duct system leakage fi) System and Duct noise fans, : 1) Duct insulation : «Insulation is used to enhance thermal performance and to prevent condensation and dripping. ‘ Insilation helps to minimize energy loss in duct. + Tthelps the air within staj at desired temperature. + Tt also prevent the leaking of air through duct. ‘Effective thermal insulation of ductwork reduces the heat loss. ‘*The most popular material used for heating and cooling duct is fibreglass. «Fibreglass insulation is thickness. « The type of insulation that is used depends on size and shape of duct. available in various ii) Duct system leakage 's Duct leakage is the leakage of air from duc. ‘Leakage also effects the cooling and heating plant energy consumption. “+ The size of effect depends on where duct is located, + Duct leakage depends upon three factors ‘The tightness of construction and installation, duct surface atea and pressure differential across duct wall iil) System and duct noi The objective of controlling . the noise in air conditioned system is that occupier should be provided comfortable noise free environment +The equipments such as blowers, motors, huinidifiers can contribute to noise. Sources pulses, i) Unbalanced rotation iv) ope 0.38 Discuss types of air distribution device, (Section 7.22) 0.39 Classify duct system. Explain cominon {hut materials. (Sections 7.6 and 7.7" nt Explain types of fons used in-dicting Give their selection criteria, (Gections 7.14 and 7.19.1) Explain, how pressure loss 18 caeubted iy yy followings : ) Elbow ii) Bends it) Tees iv) Enlargement and contraction v) Divided flow fitings. ie /Ans, : Pressure loss due to Enlargement in area’ 40 at ‘The result of enlargement of cross section in ducts is the formation of eddies at the comers which in tum causes pressure loss. pL = Cz (V2 / 4.04)? mm of watér, where Cz = (Az / Ar-1)? known as loss coefficient. Pressure loss due to Contraction in area Vena contracta 26 024 22} al fap 02 o.te} Pipe contraction ' Pressure, ba ote onal -02-01 004 Distance, m Fig. 7.33 0203 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - an up-thrust for knowledge agen ait is lowing through a duct Wy = _grupt contraction eddies are formed at the d the large section and beyond the entry at a smaller ection forming a vena contract penction can be considered as combination of two hows For computing the pressure lows for such gabination we can compute pressure lows for the hows separately and then add them. Ky = orf Ane For elbow-2. the loss coefficient ts Y 1-21 Ky = 061]

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