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Anthony's School ICSE

A. Begur Main Road, Yelenahalli, Bangalore 560 114, Karnataka, India
+91 7406656658

Subject Commercial Applications (ch14) part 2

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Tools of Communication
II. Long Answer Questions
1. Explain the needs and functions of a business letter.
A)Letters are a very important tool of communication. Letters
help to maintain contacts with persons or institutions. A
business firm can maintain contacts with its customers,
suppliers, investors, Government agencies and others with the
help of letters. Letters provide a record for future reference
and can be used as evidence in case of a dispute. Letters can
be sent to distant places easily and quickly. Letters are
drafted after careful thought. Therefore, the message is
presented in a systematic and logical manner. The messages
transmitted through letters are clear and precise.
2. Discuss the essentials of a good business letter.
A) A good business letter must contain the following features:
 Clarity: The message contained in a business letter must be
clear and precise. There should be no ambiguity at all.
 Accuracy: All facts, figures and statements must be accurately

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"Because education matters"
St. Anthony's School ICSE
A. Begur Main Road, Yelenahalli, Bangalore 560 114, Karnataka, India
+91 7406656658

 Simplicity: Simple and easily understandable language should

be used in a business letter.
 Completeness: All the necessary details should be given.
 Appropriateness: The tone and language of the letter must be
appropriate to the purpose and occasion of the letter. All
business letters should be acknowledged and replied promptly.
 Courtesy: A business letter should be polite. Gratitude should
be expressed, wherever appropriate.
 Tactful: Letters seeking credit and concerned with complaints
and adjustments should be tactful. Requests should be turned
down without affecting the firm’s goodwill.
 Prompt: A business letter should as far as possible be replied
acknowledged on the same day.
3. Explain memo with a specimen.
A) A memo is the short form of memorandum. A
memorandum is a brief official note used for
communication between the members of the same
organization. It is also known as ‘letter in brief’. It is a
written message and serves as a record. A memo is used
for internal communication between executives and
subordinates. It is never sent outside the organization.
The format of a memo is different from that of a letter.
Since a memo moves from one department or employee to
another, it is essential to write the name of the sender and
the name of the receiver. The designation or department of
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An end to end eco system for educational needs
"Because education matters"
St. Anthony's School ICSE
A. Begur Main Road, Yelenahalli, Bangalore 560 114, Karnataka, India
+91 7406656658

both the persons are also written.(draw the specimen given

in page no 126).
4. Describe the merits and demerits of telephone as a method of
A)Telephonic conversation offers the following advantages:
1) It permits instant communication and thereby saves time.
2) It is cheaper than a personal visit.
3) It is a kind of ‘equalizer’ because the caller and the called
persons are almost on equal footing.
4) It can provide immediate feedback.
5) Several types of telephone services are available for
different needs.
Telephonic conversation suffers from the following
1. The communicator and the communicatee cannot see each
other. Therefore, facial expressions cannot be used to
supplement spoken words. They have to depend entirely
for voice to convey the message.
2. A telephonic conversation does not provide a permanent
record for future use and legal purposes.
3. It is not possible to ascertain the appropriate time of
making a call.
4. Telephonic conversation offers only one chance of receiving
and sending the message. The message may be
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An end to end eco system for educational needs
"Because education matters"
St. Anthony's School ICSE
A. Begur Main Road, Yelenahalli, Bangalore 560 114, Karnataka, India
+91 7406656658

5. Telephone services are not very satisfactory in India. A lot

of time and money would be wasted in wrong numbers. Un
usual noises may also disturb telephonic conversation.
Qn. Explain facsimile method of communication.
A)Fax or Facsimile is a machine used to copy, transmit and receive
documents electronically along a telephone line. The machine is
connected to a public telephone line. The sending fax machine
scans and converts the documents to be transmitted into
electronic signals. The signals are received and an identical copy of
the document is reproduced on the receiving fax machine. Under
the fax system, both the sender’s fax machine and the receiver’s
fax machine are connected to the main telephone line. The sender
inserts the message in his fax machine and dials the fax telephone
number of the receiver. A photo-copy of the message fed into the
sender’s fax machine appears in the receiver’s fax machine in a few
Qn. What is E-mail? Explain its advantages.
A)E-mail or electronic mail is a system of electronic correspondence
used to send and receive messages through a network of computer
and telecommunication links. E-mail is a subscription service. The
main advantages of E-mail are as follows:
 It is the quickest means of transmitting written messages.
The message can be transmitted to any part of the world
within seconds.
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An end to end eco system for educational needs
"Because education matters"
St. Anthony's School ICSE
A. Begur Main Road, Yelenahalli, Bangalore 560 114, Karnataka, India
+91 7406656658

 An E-mail does not disturb the receiver at the other end.

 It is a very flexible method because the message can be
changed easily by cutting or improving it.
 Transmission of a message over telephone can be very
inconvenient, when the message is to be sent overseas due to
differences in time zone. But E mail message is convenient
because the receiver can receive it the next morning, when he
comes to office.
 An E-mail message can be sent to only a select few or to a
large number of people simultaneously depending upon the
needs of the sender.
 E-mail messages can be easily stored for future reference.
 E-mail messages can be kept confidential and secure.
 Messages can be sent across the globe with a click of mouse
24 hours and 365 days at nominal cost.
 If both the sender and the receiver are simultaneously before
their computer terminals, classifications can be sought and
offered immediately.
Qn. Explain internet as a tool of communication.
A)Internet is a worldwide or global network of computers connected
through telephone and other high speed links. It provides the
facility for communicating and sharing information with people all
over the world. Internet users can share information in a variety of
forms through telephone wires, cables and satellite links. Internet

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An end to end eco system for educational needs
"Because education matters"
St. Anthony's School ICSE
A. Begur Main Road, Yelenahalli, Bangalore 560 114, Karnataka, India
+91 7406656658

is also known as ‘cyber space’ and ‘Information Super Highway’.

Internet offers the following benefits:
 Fast mode of communication
 Round the clock and year round facility
 No distance barrier across the globe.
 Marketing of products and services possible.
 Can be used for entertainment.

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