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A. Ask for an interview with a person. Take your interviewee’s opinion regarding flexible
learning. After the interview, identified the following elements of communication. Write
your answers on the space provided.

Me as the sender, Ton, and interviewed my colleague about their
opinion regarding flexible learning. With my gained knowledge on
SENDER how to properly ask questions the way my colleague will
understand, io proceeded and initiated my interview with him.

Since the message was properly introduced and verbally encoded

to my colleague, he understood properly the question about, what
MESSAGE is their opinion on participating in flexible learning and being one
of the students that is now affected with its pros and cons.
Oral is the medium that was used to transmit the message to the
receiver, since it is the most recommended and most effective
CHANNEL way to transmit any type of message to someone, wherein we can
properly understand each other and avoid being misunderstood
with the use of proper tone.

Noise is the type or form of any disturbance or barrier that we may

encounter, but we did not encounter any problems that cause any
NOISE issue of sending and receiving the message and feedback since we
mainly used Tagalog as our language.
The receiver, which is my colleague, Mark, properly understood
RECEIVER and receive the message and my question or message was never
misunderstood. Since the receiver is a very knowledgeable
person, he used that to his advantage to understand and provide
great feedback.
Mark said that even though it is hard we should still be thankful
that we were given a chance to experience face to face class even
though it is only once or twice a week, it is still better than just
studying at home and having no one to talk to. We get to socialize
and share our ideas and take it home when its time for online
class. But still it is physically and mentally tiring especially for
those who travel far just to come to school once a week.

Since the receiver properly understood the question or the

ADJUSTMENT message, I did not have to adjust anything, instead I repeated the
interview to make sure everything is clear for the both of us.

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