Technical Proposal - Identification and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities (R)

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Urban Revenue Reform Project office

Bid Reference No: URRP/NCB/002/2019

Technical Proposal
Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique
Properties in Three Cities- Mekelle, Bahir Dar, and Dire Dawa

Soberland International Institute of Development Services, Pvt. Ltd. Co.

In assocation (Joint Venture) with

P A C E Consulting Architects and Engineers PLC

Feb.07, 2020
Kirkos Sub-city, Woreda 9 Tel 251-911-374837 or 251-118334252
Dembel Bldg- Room 913C Email: or Dereje.Dejene@gmail
P.O. Box 1913/1250, Addis Ababa Web site (under construction)
Committed to provide straight, factual and rational business and development services
Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

1 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL SUBMISSION SHEET - FORM T 1 ................................................................... 3

2 CONSULTANT CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE - FORM T 2 ............................................................. 4

A) GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE CONSULTANT ....................................................................................... 4

B) FINANCIAL STANDING .............................................................................................................................. 5
C) CONSULTANT'S ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................. 8
E) PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND CAPABILITIES ..................................................................................... 35
F) COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS ON THE TERMS OF REFERENCE ..................................................................... 40
H) MANAGERIAL AND CONTROL PROCEDURES................................................................................................ 41
I) CONSULTANT AUDIT AGENCY ................................................................................................................. 42
J) BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER AND BANK ADDRESS .......................................................................................... 42

3 3. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL - FORM T3 .................................................................................. 43

A. TECHNICAL APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ................................................................................ 43

1. OUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONSULTANCY REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 43

3.1.1 1.1 Background of the Consultancy Requirements ................................................................. 43

3.1.2 1.2 Objective and Scope of the Service ................................................................................... 44


3.1.3 2.1 Definitions and Concepts of Property ............................................................................... 45

3.1.4 2.2 Definitions and Concept of Value and Property Valuation ............................................... 46

3. VALUATION APPROACHES AND METHODS .................................................................................... 48

4. STEPS OF PROPERTY VALUATION................................................................................................... 50

5. DATA COLLECTION METHODS ........................................................................................................ 51

5.1 REVIEW SECONDARY DATA........................................................................................................................ 51

5.2 COLLECTING PRIMARY DATA OF THE PROPERTIES ........................................................................................... 52
5.2.1 Geographic Data ......................................................................................................................... 52
5.2.2 Property Characteristics Data ..................................................................................................... 52
5.2.3 Sales Data ................................................................................................................................... 53
5.2.4 Income and Expense Data ........................................................................................................... 54
5.2.5 Cost and Depreciation Data ........................................................................................................ 54
5.3 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURES AND QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................................ 54
5.3.1 Data Collection Manuals ............................................................................................................. 54
5.3.2 Data Collection Format .............................................................................................................. 55
5.3.3 Initial Data Collection and Entry ................................................................................................. 55
5.3.4 Data Accuracy Standards ............................................................................................................ 55
5.3.5 Data Quality Control ................................................................................................................... 56

6. VALUATION/ APPRAISAL OF SPECIAL AND UNIQUE PROPERTIES ................................................... 56

6.1 DEVELOPING VALUATION MODELS FOR SPECIAL PROPERTIES ............................................................................ 57

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
6.2 ITEMIZED VALUATION FOR UNIQUE PROPERTIES ............................................................................................. 58
6.3 LAND VALUATION.................................................................................................................................... 58

7. DOCUMENTATION AND CAPACITY BUILDING ................................................................................ 58

B. WORK PLAN ................................................................................................................................... 60

C. ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING ..................................................................................................... 65

D. WORK SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................................... 67

E. CORE ASSESSMENT TEAM COMPOSITION AND TASK ASSIGNMENTS ............................................. 76

F. STAFFING SCHEDULE...................................................................................................................... 82

4 FORM 4- DATA ON JOINT VENTURE/CONSORTIUM ....................................................... 84

8 ANNEX. COMPANY LEGAL DOCUMENTS AND TESTIMONIES ........................................................ 162

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Place and Date: Addis Ababa, 07 Feb. 2020

Procurement Reference Number: URRP/NCB/002/2019

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Ministry of Urban Development & Housing,
Urban Revenue Reform Project office
Project Finance & Admin
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Complete Name and Address of the Seat of the Consultant Nationality

Soberland International Institute of Development Services & GB Pvt. Ltd. Co. Ethiopian
Kirkos Sub-City, Africa Avenue, Dembel Bldg. #913C
Leader Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:
Tel: 251-911374837; ++251-8334252
Soberland or
PACE Consulting Architect and Engineers Pvt.Ltd.Co Ethiopian
TEL: +251- 116511092, +251 0912 609150
In response to your Request for Proposals for the above Procurement Number:
URRP/NCB/002/2019, we, the undersigned, hereby declare that:

(a) We have examined and accept in full the content of the Request for Proposals for the,
Procurement Number: URRP/NCB/002/2019. We hereby accept its provisions in
their entirety, without reservation or restriction.
(b) We, the undersigned, offer to provide the Consultancy services for Identification and
Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities- Mekelle,
Bahir Dar, and Dire Dawa in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated
01/05/2012 EC and our Proposal.
(c) We are hereby submitting our Bid Proposal, which includes this Technical Proposal, and a
Financial Proposal sealed under a separate envelope;
(d) We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Bid Proposal are
true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our disqualification.
(e) Our Bid Proposal shall be valid for a period of 60 days from the date fixed for the Bid
Proposal submission deadline in accordance with the Request for Proposals, and it shall
remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before expiry of that period;

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
(f) If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Bid Proposal we undertake to
negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our Bid Proposal is binding upon us and
subject to the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations.
(g) We, including any Sub-consultants for any part of the contract resulting from this
procurement process, are eligible to participate in public procurement in accordance with
ITC Clause 4.1 and have not been debarred by a decision of the Public Procurement Agency
from participating in public procurements for breach of our obligation under previous
contract ;
(h) We have read and understood the provisions on fraud and corruption in GCC Clause 5 and
confirm and assure to the Public Body that we will not engage ourselves into these evil
practices during the procurement process and the execution of any resulting contract;
(i) We have not committed an act of embezzlement, fraud or connivance with other
(j) We have not given or have been offered to give inducement or bribe to an official or
procurement staff of the Public Body to influence the result of the Bid Proposal in our favor.
(k) We are not participating, as Consultants, in more than one Bid Proposal in this bidding
(l) We do not have any conflict of interest and have not participated in the preparation of the
original Terms of Reference for the Public Body;
(m) If our Bid Proposal is accepted, we commit to submit a performance security in accordance
with the GCC Clause 55 of the Request for Proposals, in the amount of ETB 10% of the
contract price for the due performance of the Contract; and as grantee for advance
(n) We, including any Sub-consultants or suppliers for any part of the Contract, have
nationalities from eligible countries [Ethiopia];
(o) We will inform the Public Body immediately if there is any change in the above
circumstances at any stage during the implementation of the contract. We also fully
recognize and accept that any inaccurate or incomplete information deliberately provided
in this Bid Proposal may result in our exclusion from this and other contracts funded by the
Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
(p) We understand that this Bid Proposal, together with your written acceptance thereof
included in your notification of award, shall not constitute a binding contract between us,
until a formal contract is prepared and executed.
(q) We understand that you reserve the right to reject any or all Bid Proposals that you may

Name Dereje Dejene

In the capacity of: Managing Director.
‘Soberland International Institute of Development Services and G.B Pvt. Ltd. Co’

Duly authorized to sign the Bid Proposal for and on behalf of the Consortium
Dated on 07 day of February, 2020

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

1. Business organization registration certificate (2)

2. Valid trade license indicating the stream of business in which the Consultant is engaged (2)
3. VAT registration certificate issued by the tax authority (2);
4. A valid tax clearance certificate issued by the tax authority (2);
5. Relevant professional practice certificates (2).
6. Bid Security; and

Technical Proposal Submitted by Soberland International & PACE Page 5 of 185

Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Place and Date: Addis Ababa, 07 Feb. 2020

Procurement Reference Number: URRP/NCB/002/2019

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Ministry of Urban Development & Housing,
Urban Revenue Reform Project office
Project Finance & Admin
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

a) General Information About the Consultant

Consultant’s Legal Name:
[Soberland International Institute of Development Services and General
In case of Joint Venture,
Business. Pvt. Ltd. Co] (Lead) and
legal name of each
party: PACE Consulting Architect and Engineers Pvt.Ltd.Co (Partner)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Place of Registration:
Soberland International Institute of Development Services & GB Pvt. Ltd. Co.
Legal Address in Country
Kirkos Sub-City, Africa Avenue, Dembel Bldg. #913C
of Registration:
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:
Tel: 251-911374837; ++251-8334252
Soberland or
PACE Consulting Architect and Engineers Pvt.Ltd.Co
TEL: +251- 116511092, +251 0912 609150
Name: Dereje Dejene Engdashet
Authorized Position: Managing Director
Representative Address: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Information Telephone: 251-911-374837
E-mail address:,
In case of JV, letter of intent to form JV including a draft agreement, or
Attached copies of agreement governing formation of JV, in accordance with ITC Sub-
Clause 4.1
original documents of:
Form Data on Joint Ventures

We have attached an official written statement by a power of attorney (or notary statement,
etc.) proving that the above person, who signed the Bid Proposal on behalf of the company/joint
venture/consortium, is duly authorized to do so.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
b) Financial Standing
Soberland International Institute of Development Services & GB Pvt. Ltd Co has
adequate financial resources to manage this Contract as established by our financial
statements, audited by an independent auditor, submitted in this Bid Proposal. The
following table contains our financial data. These data are based on our annual audited
accounts. Figures in all columns have been provided on the same basis to allow a direct,
year-on-year comparison to be made.

Historic Information for Previous 4 (four) Years

2008 2009 2010 2011
A. Information from Balance Sheet
1.Total Assets 2,285,770.87 2,613,364.86 2,695,652.00 4,940,716.00 3,133,875.93
2. Total Liabilities 73,716.52 367,306.76 57,912.00 1,976,983.00 618,979.57
I. Net Value (1-2) 2,212,054.35 2,246,058.10 2,637,740.00 2,963,733.00 2,514,896.36
3. Current Assets 393,041.53 1,468,564.18 1,517,652.00 3,339,344.00 1,679,650.43
4. Short-term debts 73,716.52 367,306.76 57,912.00 1,976,983.00 618,979.57
II. Working Capital
319,325.01 1,101,257.43 1,459,740.00 1,362,361.00 1,060,670.86
B. Information from Income Statement
1. Total Revenue 5,895,623.54 2,811,165.81 3,508,300.00 3,117,865.00 3,833,238.59
2. Pre-tax Profits 1,242,241.32 772,901.94 295,713.00 884,032.00 798,722.07
3. Losses - - - - -

Along with financial data we provided above we have attached the following documents as
proof of our financial standing, as required in the BDS:

(a). Recent Bank Statement showing current cash Balance

(b). Audited financial reports for EFY 2010 and 2011

Attached documents comply with the following conditions:

 Documents reflect the financial situation of the Consultant and not sister or parent
 Historic financial statements are audited by a certified accountant;
 Historic financial statements are complete, including all notes to the financial statements;
 Historic financial statements correspond to accounting periods already completed and

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Annual Turnover Data

Year Amount and Currency

2011(EFY) 3,117,865.00

2010(EFY) 3,508,300.00

2009(EFY) 2,811,165.81

2008(EFY) 5,895,623.54

Average Annual

*Average annual turnover calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in
progress or completed over the number of years specified in Section 3, Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria, Sub-Factor 1.3(a), divided by that same number of years.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

(a) Financial Standing For PACE Consulting Architects Plc.

PACE Consulting Architects has adequate financial resources to manage this Contract as
established by our financial statements, audited by an independent auditor, submitted in this
Bid Proposal. The following table contains our financial data. These data are based on our
annual audited accounts. Figures in all columns have been provided on the same basis to allow a
direct, year-on-year comparison to be made.
Historic Information for Previous Years


Year 2 Year 1 Last Year Current Year Average

A. Information from Balance Sheet

1.Total Assets 2,911,084.78 1,204,301.09 860,387.08 1,276,642.31 1,563,103.82

2. Total Liabilities 85,819.31 454,136.31 66,506.74 839,027.75 361,372.53
I. Net Value (1-2) 2,825,265.47 750,164.78 793,880.34 437,614.56 1,201,731.29
3. Current Assets 2,328,737.76 732,152.10 395,905.43 1,717,205.18 1,293,500.12
4. Short-term debts - - - - -
II. Working Capital (3-4) 2,328,737.76 732,152.10 395,905.43 1,717,205.18 1,293,500.12
B. Information from Income Statement

1. Total Revenue 3,415,599.92 3,114,148.99 2,873,721.91 4,090,828.42 3,373,574.81

2. Pre-tax Profits 388,276.09 687,519.43 198,303.34 1,681,307.01 738,851.47
3. Losses - - - - -

 Historic financial statements correspond to accounting periods already completed and

Annual Turnover Data
Year Amount and Currency
2018/19 (2011 E.C) 4,090,822.83
2017/18 (2010 E.C.) 2,873,721.91
2016/17 (2009 E.C.) 3,114,148.99
2015/16 (2008 E.C.) 3,415,599.92
Average Annual
*Average annual turnover calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in
progress or completed over the number of years specified in Section 3, Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria, Sub-Factor 1.3(a), divided by that same number of years.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
c) Consultant's Organization

C.1 Organization of the Lead Firm (Soberland International

Institute of Development Services)

Mission, Vision, Values and Management Competence of Soberland IIDS

Soberland IIDS was established in 2012, as Private Limited Company under the Ethiopian Law; to
provide Development Service. Soberland IIDS is working to be recognized throughout Africa as a
progressive force in the development community. The firm’s founders and staffs individually and
collectively, remain committed to the personal and professional values that make us exceptional
in our service industry.

Soberland IIDS is guided by the core values (professionalism, honesty, loyalty, rationality,
responsiveness) that are close to the heart of the firm’s founders. It evolves to meet the
complexities and challenges of a dynamic environment: Soberland International is creative
problem solvers committed to its clients’ success. Soberland IIDS has standard policies,
procedures and practices that promote quality in the workplace, as well as its interaction with
clients, and the outputs its produces. It is these systems and values that helped the founders of
Soberland IIDS to earn public trust.

The Managing Director of Soberland IIDS, Mr Dereje Dejene, who will assume overall
responsibility for this assignment, is a known Researcher and Development Management
professional. He has 30 years of total professional experience in Development Studies and
Management. He has worked with Government of Ethiopia, Government of Rwanda, Non-
Governmental Organizations (in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda), United Nations and the World
Bank. He managed a lot of multi-million dollar urban and rural development projects, Studies,
Technical Assistance and Evaluations.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Fig -1 Organizational Chart of Soberland International Institute of Development Services &GB PLC

HRD and

Development Business
Studies and Office of the
Development Managinig and External
Management Director Relation Unit
Core Team

and Tour

Logistic Capacity of Soberland IIDS

Soberland International Institute of Development Services Pvt. Ltd. Co, is a well-

organized firm with adequate finance and logistic capacity.
1) It was established with paid-up capital of ETB 1.5 million.
2) Uses fully furnished and beautiful office –located in the heart of Bole, on Dembel City
3) Own 4 field cars (3 Land cruisers, 1 HILUX D4D), and an Automobiles)
4) Own plenty office equipment’s: 12 computers (4 Desktops & 8 Laptops), 4 printers (2
B&W and 2 colored) as well as 2 photocopy/ printing machines. It also owns over 25
Tablets used for CAPI.

Geographical Competence of Soberland IIDS

The founders and Staff of Soberland IIDS have been working in different Regional States of
Ethiopia and also in different countries. Most of our staff knows almost all ULGs and the 9
Regional States. They have conducted different studies and provided training, funded by
different organizations, for the staff of Regional Government and Cities of these regions.

Special Area of Interest/ Practice Areas of Soberland IIDS:

Special Area of Interest/ Practice Areas of Soberland IIDS mainly revolve around Development
Studies and Development Management, which includes:

o Research and Analysis of Development Constraints, Potentials and Solutions, with

special emphasis on integrated Urban and Rural Development
o Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Development Activities
o Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Research and Analysis

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
o Agro-Industry and Agri-Business Development Research and Analysis
o Trade and Regional Integration Research and Analysis

Soberland International Institute of Development Services was established and managed by

professionals with long year of experience, over 30 years, in Quantitative & Qualitative Data
Collection and analysis. We have solid experience and also profound understanding of the
development challenges and relevant local policies, strategies and programs of Ethiopia. We are
the pioneers in using CSPro software and Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) and
employ GIS referenced data collection. As indicated above, we well organized and well
equipped firm with high logistic capacity.

Therefore, we are uniquely positioned to immediately take off and precisely conduct the data
collection and provide high quality professional technical advice to improve their performance.

We work with people for people

d) Technical Qualifications, Competence, and Experience in

the Procurement Object

As proof of the Soberland International Institute of Development Services Pvt. Ld Co and its
Managing Director technical and professional ability in providing the Consultancy Services
similar to the ones requested under this assignment the tables below summarize the 10 major
relevant contracts successfully completed in the course of the past 5years with a budget of at
least that of this Bid Proposal.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Project 1 of 10

Assignment Name: Approx. value of the contract (in

Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) (ETB 5,642,130)
Country: Ethiopia Duration of assignment (months): 8
Location within Country: 25 cities in Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, months (from Nov-2018 to Jun 2019)
Tigray and Harari Regional States and Addis Ababa &
Diredawa Administration.

Name of Client: Total number of staff-months:

Ministry of Trade and Industry; Federal Small and Medium 14 professionals and 26 data collectors/
Manufacturing Industries Development Agency of Ethiopia enumerators participated.
and the World Bank

Address of Client: Addis Ababa Approx. value of the services provided

Tel. :+25111-551-11-22, +251-11-868940 , by your firm (in current US$):
+251-911-33-90-57, +251-911-48-03-41
E-mail address:
Name of Associated Consultants, If Any: No of professional staff-months
provided by associated Consultants: 3
Abugida Educational Consultancy and Training PLC professionals

Names of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed:
Dereje Dejene, Managing Director of Soberland IIDS, was the Technical Manager/Team Leader of the
study, for 14 professionals and 26 data collectors/ Enumerators
Narrative Description of Project: The general objective of this assignment is identifying the needs
and intervention points to provide demand- driven and tailor-made Business Development Services to
project beneficiary SMEs.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:

Carried out intensive assessment, in which the characteristics, practices, challenges, opportunities
and BDS needs of SMEs were investigated based on representative survey of over 1160 firms and
consultation and discussions with various stakeholders and 31 BDS providers

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Project 2 of 10

Assignment Name: Approx. value of the contract (in

Scoping study for people with special needs (urban destitute) current US$) 126,110
and service providers

Country: Ethiopia Duration of assignment (months): 5

Location within Country: in 11 cities of Ethiopia: Addis Ababa, From Dec 2017 – to--April 2018
Adama, Hawassa, Harar, DireDawa, Jigjiga, Semera- Logiya,
Dessie, Mekelle, Assosa and Gambella Cities of Ethiopia

Name of Client: Total number of staff-: 11

Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Financed by The World professionals and 16 data collectors
Bank. (Ref. Mr. Feleke Jember, Director, Social Protection and
Development Directorate, MoLSA), Mudris Abdulai, World
Bank Task Team Leader, Ugo Gentilini Deputy Task Team

Address of Client: Addis Ababa Approx. value of the services provided

Telephone number: +251-911897179 by your firm (in current US$) 126,110
E-mail address: Feleke Jember
Mudris Abdulai. <>,
Ugo Gentilini,
Name of Associated Consultants, If Any: No of professional staff-months
None; Soberland IIDs was Sole Consultant provided by associated Consultants:

Names of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed:
Dereje Dejene, Managing Director of Soberland IIDS was the Technical Manager of the study, and Dr
Feleke Tadele was the Team Leader for 11 professionals and 16 data collectors.

Narrative Description of Project:

This study is meant to estimate the Population and Composition of Urban Destitute, uncover
characteristics of urban destitute the pathways to homelessness/ street life, identify support services
being provided and the priority needs of urban destitute; and provide an overview of service providers
and their capacity of delivering services to urban destitute.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:
Mixes of practical quantitative and qualitative methods which include ‘Respondent-Driven Sampling
(1979 respondents) as quantitative method and various qualitative methods that encompass Key
Informant interviews (KII), Focus Group Discussions (FGD), case studies and secondary data, were used
to conduct the study. The outputs of our staff were: 1) A comprehensive study document on the
number, situation, problems, characteristics and challenges of urban destitute for each of the 11 USPNP
cities, 2) Mapping the service providers and provide an overview of existing experiences in providing
support to people with special needs. 3) A guideline for clear implementation strategy/ guidance for
targeting of these people.

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Project 3 of 10

Assignment Name: Productive Safety Net –Public Approx. value of the contract (in current
Work Impacts Assessment US$) = 280,777

(ETB 5,127,223.48 +VAT)

Country Ethiopia Duration of assignment (months):= 4

Location within country: Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, Start Date (Month /Year): 07/2015
Tigray, Somali and Afar Regions
Completion Date (Month/Year): 10/2015

Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture (Ref. Mr Total No. Staff = 13 professionals and 35
Tefera Tadesse, Director, Natural Resource data collectors/ Enumerators
Management Directorate, MoANR.

Address: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Approximate Value of Services Provided by

Soberland IIDS:
Tel: 0116611480
ETB 4,127,223.48 +VAT
E-mail. <>,

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: SuDCA No of Professional Staff Provided by the

Development Consultant Associated Firm(s): 3 (Three)

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions
performed: Dr Azene Bekele, Team Leader and Mr. Dereje Dejene Co-Team Leader, Spearhead

Narrative description of Project: Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources Management

Directorate is executing public works to reduce the chronic food insecurity of households residing
in selected Woredas of these regions. As the project was implemented for the four years during
the third phase the client wanted to undertake impact assessment to help understand how the
project is progressing and what can be learnt for the fourth phase implementation

Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:

Preparation of Inception Report, a compressive Quantitative survey of 1712 households,
Qualitative assessment with various stakeholders, mapping of the various interventions and
changes in Land Use Land Cover Situation, rigorous statistical analysis to estimate the impact, and
production of comprehensive Impact Assessment Report based on diagnosis of social,
bio-physical and economic changes in selected target watersheds

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Project 4 of 10

Assignment Name: Approx. value of the contract

Assessment of Sanitation Situation and Development of Sanitation (in current US$)
Service improvement and Investment Plan of Ten Cities in Ethiopia 127,482

Country: Ethiopia Duration of assignment

(months): 8 Months
Location within Country: Ten Cities in 4 Regional States (Adama,
Batu, Sebeta and Nekemet cities of Oromia RS; Gonder, Kombolcha (11/2015 to- 08/2016
and Lalibela Cities of Amhara, RS; Wolkite and Wolita Sodo Cities
of SNNP RS, and Mekele City of Tigray regions)
Name of Client: The World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program Total number of staff-: 5
(Ref.: Gulilat Berhane, Senior Water Supply Sanitation professionals, 5 survey
Specialist) supervisors and 32 data

Address of Client: Addis Ababa Approx. value of the services

Telephone number: +251 115 176112, +251 911 740291 provided by your firm (in
E-mail address: current US$) =52,250

Name of Associated Consultants, If Any: Noof professional staff

ECOPSIS of Switzerland (Lead Firm) and SuDCA Development provided by associated
Consultants. Consultants: 2

Names of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions
performed: Dereje Dejene, Managing Director of Soberland IIDS was the Team Leader and Socio-
Economist for the study

Narrative Description of Project:

The overall objective of the project is to assist the government of Ethiopia refine an Integrated
Urban Sanitation and Hygiene Strategy and the National Action Plan, while supporting selected
cities/towns to assess the status of sanitation in their jurisdiction, and plan for improved,
sustainable urban sanitation investment and service delivery

Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:

A comprehensive --Situation Assessment Reports of 10 cities ( one for each city) were produced
based on quantitative survey on practices of residence (3,600 sample households), diagnosis of
institutional framework and service delivery.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Project 5 of 10

Assignment Name: Overall Municipal Revenue Approximate Value of the Contract:

Baseline study in Three Cities
US$ 65,072 ( ETB 1,815,304)

Country Ethiopia Duration of the Assignment (months): 11

Location within country: Bahir Dar, Amhara RS, Start Date (Month/ Year): 07/2015
Mekelle Tigray RS and DireDawa
Administration. Completion Date (Month/Year): 06/2016

Name of Client: Modernized Property Tax Total number of staff-months: 65

Project Office, Ministry of Urban Development
and, Housing; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Address of Client: Addis Ababa Approximate Value of Services Provided

by your firm.
Ministry of Urban Development and Housing;
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia US$ 41,200 (ETB 1,115,304)

Name of Associated Consultants, if any: SuDCA No. of Professional Staff Months

Development Consultant (Lead Firm) Provided by the Associated Firm(s): 25

Name of Senior Staff involved and functions performed: Dereje Dejene, Team Leader; He
lead and coordinated preparation of inception report and assessment tools, the data
collection, and analysis and reporting.

Narrative description of Project: A comprehensive Municipal Revenue Surveys Report,

including Legal system, Collection Capacity and System, Public Opinion of Revenue
Collection; and preparation of Municipal Revenue Improvement Strategy,. Produced.

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Project 6 of 10

Assignment Name: Technical Assistance to Approximate Value of Services /Contract:

10 New and 8 Existing ULGDP Cities in
Oromia NRS (10) and SNNP RS (8) ETB 24,580,000.00

Country : Ethiopia

Location within country: (Assela, Burayu, Start Date (Month /Year): 09/2013
Sebeta, Ambo, Robe, Batu, Adama, Bishoftu,
Shashemene, and Jimma in Oromia Regional Completion Date (Month/Year): 09/2014
State and Mizan, Areka, Hosaina, Butajira,
Hawassa, Arbaminch, Dilla and Wolaita Sodo
in SNNP Regional State) Country: Ethiopia

Name of Client: Urban Governance Total number of Staff Months: 7

Capacity Building Bureau, Ministry of
Urban Development, Housing and

Address of Client: Addis Ababa Approximate Value of Services Provided by your

Ministry of Urban Development and
Housing and Construction; ETB 2,556,800.00
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Country Ethiopia Professional Staff Provided by SIIDS: 5

Location within country: Bahir Dar, Mekelle

and DireDawa City Administrations.

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: No of Professional Staff Provided by the

SuDCA Development Consultant (Lead Associated Firm(s): 15

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions
performed: Dereje Dejene, Team Leader - for 20 professionals. He spearhead the whole
assessment including situation assessment and producing the inception report, leading the team
in the provision of training and mentoring services, producing report and conducting reviews of
the support

Narrative description of Project: The project aims to increase the capacity of new local urban
governments to fulfill the minimum conditions and the existing ULGDP cities to perform better on
performance criteria. To this end Soberland in Association with SuDCA Development Consultant
produced various training materials in 16 different disciplines and five manuals and guidelines.

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Project 7 of 10

Assignment Name: Annual Performance Approximate Value of Services Provided by

Assessment of ULGDP, EFY 2004 Soberland IIDS: ETB 1,500,000.00

Country: Ethiopia:
Location within the country
Professional Staff Provided by SIIDS: 11
19 cities (with the largest urban population), which
include Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa, Harar; and Bahir
Dar, Gondar, Dessie and Kombolcha in Amhara
Region; Mekelle, Adigrat, Axum and Shire
Endaselassie in Tigray Region; Adama, Bishoftu,
Jimma and Shashemene in Oromia Region; and
Hawassa, Arbaminch, Wolayta Sodo and Dilla in
Name of and Address of the Client: Urban Start Date (Month /Year): 05/2013
Governance Development Program,
Ministry of Urban Development, Housing Completion Date (Month/Year): 07/2013
and Construction Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: No of Professional Staff Provided by the

SuDCA Development Consultant ((Lead Associated Firm(s): 10

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions
performed: Dereje Dejene, Team Leader. He spearhead the whole assessment including
assessment tool preparation, organizing the assessment team, analyzing the data and
report production

Narrative description of Project: The project aims to increase the capacity of local urban
governments by providing performance grants. This annual assessment is the basis for
allocation of budget for the next fiscal year (2006). Therefore, as the client was very late in
undertaking this assessment we had to do it in a very short period of time.

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Project 8 of 10

Assignment Name: Development of the Approximate Value of Services

National Social Protection Action Plan and provided by Soberland IIDS:
Four Regional Social Protection Action Plans
ETB, 1, 250,000

Country: Ethiopia Professional Staff Provided by

Soberland IIDS: 3
Location within country: Addis Ababa (Federal
Government Ministries) & Amhara, Tigray
Oromia, and SNNP Regional States

Name of Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Start Date (Month/ Year): 04/2016
Affairs ( MoLSA)
Completion Date (Mon./Yr): 09/2016

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: No of Professional Staff Provided by

the Associated Firm(s): 1
SuDCA Development Consultant - Ethiopia

Name of Senior Staff involved and functions performed: Dereje Dejene, Team Leader,
has coordinated preparation of inception report and formulation of Key Performance
Indicator to be measured: Data collection and analysis is on-going.

Narrative description of Project: A comprehensive National and Regional Social

Protection Action Plans that outlines key interventions, Performance measures and
Resources required to execute the action plans.

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Project 9 of 10

Assignment Name: Socioeconomic Baseline Approximate Value of Services provided

Survey of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining by Soberland IIDS:
(ASM) Communities in Ethiopia
ETB, 850,000

Country: Ethiopia Professional Staff Provided by Soberland

Addis Ababa, Tigray, Afar, Amhara, Oromia,
SNNP , Gambella and Benishangul Gumz
Regions of Ethiopia

Name of Client: Ministry of Mines Start Date (Month/ Year): 11/2012

Completion Date (Month/Year): 02/2013

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: No of Professional Staff Provided by the

Associated Firm(s): 1
SuDCA Development Consultant (Lead Firm)

Name of Senior Staff involved and functions performed: Dereje Dejene, Team Leader, has
coordinated predation of inception report and formulation of Key Performance Indicator to be
measured : data collection and analysis and report writing

Narrative description of Project: A Comprehensive Baseline Survey Report for Tigray, Afar,
Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, Gambella & Benishangul Gumz Regional States of Ethiopia and
recommendation how to improve situation of Artisanal Miners.

The Clients' Certificates concerning the satisfactory execution of contract are attached to
this document

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Consultants Experience 1
Assignment Name: Study of Synthesized strategic Country: Ethiopia
Development Frame (SSDF) and Strategic
Development Action Program (SDAP) for Adama
Location within country: Oromia, East Shawa Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
Zone, Adama Town. Architect planners, Physical Planners,
Environmentalists, Hydro-geologist,
sociologists, and Economists.
Name of Client: Adama Master Plan Project No of Staff: 38
Office/ Adama City Administration.

Address: Adama Master Plan Project Office Tel. Duration of Assignment: Six Months
(01) 53-62-25/24
Start Date: February, 2004 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 240,000
Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: None No of months of Professional Staff provided
by Associated Consultants: None
Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions
performed: Adugna Degefa
Narrative Description of Project: Identifying the key development issues and their time
framed action program.

The Master Plan revision project was aiming at facilitating the highly demanding rapid
development in all aspects of life for the then regional capital, Adama. The specific assignment
of our firm focuses on all services pertaining to the technical matters. The issues treated by
our firm include, among others:

Characteristics of the whole urban system, resource potential assessment, regional and
hinterland level socioeconomic profile, urban Land and Housing Development and
Management, urban drainage and waste management, city center development,
environmental issues, urban social development challenges, unemployment and urban
management, site identification for various major development projects along with
implementation strategies. Revenue mobilization and expenditure management as well as
alternative energy source identification and use were parts of the assignment accomplished.

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: all services pertaining to the technical

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Consultants Experience 2

Assignment Name: Marketplaces: urban scope Country: Ethiopia

study for Adama

Location within country: Oromia, East Shawa Zone, Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
Adama Town.
Environmentalists, Architect planners, Physical
Planners, sociologists, and Economists.

Name of Client: Adama Master Plan Project Office/ No of Staff: 7

Adama City Administration.

Address: Adama Master Plan Project Office Tel. (01) Duration of Assignment: Six Months

Start Date: February, 2004 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 240,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: None No of months of Professional Staff provided by

Associated Consultants: None

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions performed: Fekadu
Lemma and Imam Mahmoud Hassen

Narrative Description of Project: identifying the key development issues in relation to urban
marketplaces for Adama and their time framed action program.

 The scope of this study is limited to urban level.

 Spatial, functional and administrative
 Review and analyze problems of marketplaces in Adama within the context of
inter/intra urban transportation, existing facilities, and growth of the city as well as in
relation to the 1995 Master Plan of Adama and recommend mechanisms for their
improvement and development
 Develop a healthy hierarchy of marketplaces in the city
o Primary marketplace
o Intermediate marketplace
o Local/ Neighborhood marketplace
Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: all services pertaining to the technical staff.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Consultants Experience 3

Assignment Name: Public Transport Terminal Country: Ethiopia

Detail study for Adama

Location within country: Oromia, East Shawa Zone, Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
Adama Town.
Environmentalists, Architect planners, Physical
Planners, sociologists, and Economists.

Name of Client: Adama Master Plan Project Office/ No of Staff: 7

Adama City Administration.

Address: Adama Master Plan Project Office Tel. (01) Duration of Assignment: Six Months

Start Date: February, 2004 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 240,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: None No of months of Professional Staff provided by

Associated Consultants: None

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions performed:
Dandena Tufa

Narrative Description of Project: identifying the key transportation issues and their time
framed action program.

 Select and development public transport terminal at appropriate location for Regional
bus, city bus and taxi
o Accessibility
o Distance from BD
o Existing situation
o Stakeholders preference
o infrastructure
 Introduce the implementation and management mechanisms of the terminals

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: all services pertaining to the technical staff.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Consultants Experience 4

Assignment Name: Tis Abay Town Master Plan Country: Ethiopia


Location within country: Amhara National Regional Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
Architect planners, Geographer, Sociologist

Name of Client: Federal Urban Planning Institute. No of Staff: 4

Address: Federal Urban Planning Institute, Addis Duration of Assignment: Four Months

Start Date: May, 2007 Approx. Value of Services Birr :90,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: None No of months of Professional Staff provided by

Associated Consultants: None

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions performed:
Dandena Tufa

Narrative Description of Project: The Planning Project is aiming at facilitating the highly
demanding rapid development in all aspects of life for Tis Abay Town.

The objectives of the basic plan as stipulated by the ToR among others include:-

 Undertake socioeconomic study on Tis Abay town and provide a condensed study
 Provide simple and implementable spatial development plan; a framework that
constitutes basic land use functions,
 Provide guided development directions to the town under study, so as to motivate
the implementations of the country’s urban development strategy;
 Suggest appropriate and sustainable approaches to urban development initiatives;
 Indicate policy directions & intervention strategies.

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: The specific assignment of our firm
focuses on all services pertaining to the technical matters.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Consultants Experience 5

Assignment Name: Adama City Park Country: Ethiopia


Location within country: Oromia, East Shawa Zone, Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
Adama Town.
Architect planners, Urban management Professional,
Engineers & Building Engineers.

Name of Client: Adama Master Plan Project Office/ No of Staff: 6

Adama City Administration.

Address: Adama Master Plan Project Office Tel. (01) Duration of Assignment: Four Months

Start Date: February, 2003 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 150,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: None No of months of Professional Staff provided by

Associated Consultants: None

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions performed:
Dandena Tufa

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Narrative Description of Project: Special study on Adama city park development: Situational Analysis,
Development Plan Proposal, and Implementation Guidelines

The objective of the study was to prepare guidelines for city park development to

 Increase tourist attraction potential of the town.

 Provide playfields for the community (children, youth, elderly, etc.)
 Help develop indigenous culture of the region and opens an opportunity for integration among
different cultures.
 Preserves the ecology and protect wildlife.
 Mitigate flooding.
 Give respite to residents and tourists from commotion.
 Create fresher weather (regenerate the city’s climate).
 Provide a place to hold social events and ceremonies

Location of parks included in the study:

 Dembela city park – 85 ha

 Migira city park--115.4 ha
 College community park--18.4ha
 Boku zoo--907 ha
 Ketchema garden—155.8 ha
 Total area of the proposed parks (formal green)= 1281.6 ha 5972ha/ pro.parks ha
 9.6% of proposed area
 42.72m2/person

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: A complete study of the issue: - from assessment to
preparation of solutions.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Consultants Experience 6

Assignment Name: DESSIE CADASTRE AND Country: Ethiopia


Location within country: AMHARA NATIONAL Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
TOWN Architect - urban planners, Physical Planners,
urban planners GIS experts, IT expert, surveyors,
lawyers and Economists.

Name of Client: BUREAU OF WORKDS AND No of Staff: 41


Address: Dessie Cadastre and land information Duration of Assignment: ten Months
Project Office Tel. (033) 111-61-19/24

Start Date: September, 2008 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 6,500,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: None No of months of Professional Staff provided by

Associated Consultants: None

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions
performed: Dandena Tufa

Narrative Description of Project: It is a project dealing with supporting the city development
through introducing the cadastre work and establishing efficient land management system in
Dessie Town.

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: site visits to Dessie and its surrounding rural
kebeles, conducting ground surveying and collection of individual housing unit’s socio-economic
and land information. Data will be helpful for detail studies on ranges of relevant factors in the
built-up areas of the town and the surrounding kebeles.

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Consultants Experience 7

Assignment Name: DESSIE TOURIST MAP Country: Ethiopia

Location within country: AMHARA NATIONAL Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
Architect - urban planners, Physical Planners,
urban planners, GIS experts and IT expert.

Name of Client: BUREAU OF WORKS AND No of Staff: 5


Address: Dessie Cadastre and land information Duration of Assignment: two Months
Project Office Tel. (033) 111-61-19/24

Start Date: March, 2009 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 90,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: None No of months of Professional Staff provided by

Associated Consultants: None

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions

Narrative Description of Project: It is prepared with an objective of facilitating tourist information

for Dessie Town

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: Assessing tourist attraction places in Dessie
Town and the surrounding areas, and preparing Tourist Map

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Consultants Experience 8

Assignment Name: Country: Ethiopia


Location within country: AMHARA NATIONAL Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
Architect - urban planners, Physical Planners,
urban planners, GIS experts, and surveyors,

Name of Client: BUREAU OF WORKDS AND No of Staff: 7


Address: Dessie Cadastre and land information Duration of Assignment: Two Months
Project Office Tel. (033) 111-61-19/24

Start Date: February, 2009 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 150,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: None No of months of Professional Staff provided by

Associated Consultants: None

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions

Narrative Description of Project: This is a preparation of street addressing system for Dessie Town

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: conducting data collection on individual
streets and land information and developing system of addressing streets by using relevant

Consultants Experience 9

Assignment Name: MARKET PLACE Design Country: Ethiopia

Location within country: GONDAR: Azzezo Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:

Architect planners, Engineers, and CAD expert

Name of Client: GONDAR CITY ADMINISTRATION No of Staff: 9

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Address: Gondar Duration of Assignment: Three Months

Start Date: May, 2009 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 280,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: GET No of months of Professional Staff provided by

CONSULT PLC. Associated Consultants: One Month

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions performed: Ato
Fekadu Lemma and Ato Getnet Sahle.

Narrative Description of Project: Preparing Architectural, all Engineering works and Tender

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: all services pertaining to the technical staff.

Consultants Experience 10

Assignment Name: BUS TERMINAL DESIGN Country: Ethiopia

Location within country: GONDAR: Azzezo Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:

Architect planners, Engineers, and CAD expert

Name of Client: GONDAR CITY ADMINISTRATION No of Staff: 9

Address: Gondar Duration of Assignment: Three Months

Start Date: May, 2009 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 248,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: GET No of months of Professional Staff provided by

CONSULT PLC. Associated Consultants: One Month

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions performed: Ato
Fekadu Lemma and Ato Getnet Sahle.

Narrative Description of Project: Preparing Architectural, all Engineering works and Tender

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: all services pertaining to the technical staff.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Consultants Experience 11

Assignment Name: Regional Agricultural Output Country: Ethiopia

Wholesale Terminal Market

Location within country: Burayu Town, Oromia Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
National Regional State.
Architect planners, Engineers & Building Engineers,
Agricultural Economist, Surveyor

Name of Client: Oromia Agricultural Output No of Staff: 15

Marketing Agency.

Address: Oromia Agricultural Output Marketing Duration of Assignment: Four Months


Start Date: May, 2007 Approx. Value of Services Birr :242,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: None No of months of Professional Staff provided by Associated
Consultants: None

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions performed: Fekadu

Narrative Description of Project: Planning of the wholesale terminal market and preparation of
Architectural and Engineering designs in Burayu Town, Oromia National Regional State.


 Topographic survey
 Situation analysis
 Program development
 Land use Plan
 Road layout plan
 Architectural and engineering design of
o Auction halls, Market shades, Stores and drying functions, Offices and cafeteria
o Roads and parking services
o Standards and grading laboratories


Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: The study includes all indoor and outdoor
spaces including pedestrian and vehicular circulation areas.

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Consultants Experience 12

Assignment Name: Country: Ethiopia

Neighbourhood Design, G+7 Condominium

Apartment Typology Design, Site work Design
and Construction Supervision for

Lideta, Bash wolde and Meskel Entrance Urban

Renewal Projects

Location within country: Addis Ababa: Lideta Site Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:

Architect planners, Engineers, and CAD expert

Name of Client: Addis Ababa Housing No of Staff: 40

Development Project Offices.

Address: Housing Development Offices Duration of Assignment: 4 years

Tel. 011 515-65-50

Start Date: March, 2009 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 8,953,697.28

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: None No of months of Professional Staff provided by

Associated Consultants -

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions performed:
Fekadu Lemma and Imam Mahmoud

Narrative Description of Project: Preparing Neighbourhood Design, Site work Design, for
Lideta Bashawolde chilot, and Meskel Entrance urban renewal projects; Architectural Design
of L3 G+3 typology for the Lideta urban renewal project and all associated Engineering
designs. Construction supervision, quality control and contract administration for 2 Z1 -
B+G+12 typologies, 13 L3 - G+7 typologies, 63 L1 and L2 G+4 typologies in total 78 Blocks at
Lideta, Basha wolde and Meskel Entrance sites.

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: all services pertaining to the technical staff.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Consultants Experience 13

Assignment Name: Neighbourhood Planning and Country: Ethiopia

Architectural Designs Modification

Location within country: Southern Nations, Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS) -
Arbaminch, Dilla, Hawassa, Hossana, Wolaita Sodo, Architect planners, & Building Engineers.
Wolkite, Yirgalem (7 Towns)

Name of Client: Housing Development Office of No of Staff: 6


Address: Housing Development Office of SNNPRS, Duration of Assignment: Two Months


Start Date: November, 2006 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 75,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: MH No of months of Professional Staff provided by

Engineering Associated Consultants: Two months

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions performed:
Dandena Tufa

Narrative Description of Project: Planning of the neighborhoods and sites within 7 towns of the SNNPRS.

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: The services include assessment of the sites, design
works and planning spaces using necessary norms and standards.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Consultants Experience 14

Assignment Name: Local Development Planning Country: Ethiopia

(LDP) and Neighbourhood Design

Location within country: Addis Ababa: Bole Summit Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:

Architect planners, Environmentalist, Infrastructure

expert, CAD expert

Name of Client: Addis Ababa Housing No of Staff: 9

Development Project Offices.

Address: Housing Development Offices of. Tel. Duration of Assignment: Six Months
011 515-65-50

Start Date: November, 2008 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 355,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: None No of months of Professional Staff provided by

Associated Consultants: None

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions performed:
Fekadu Lemma and Dandena Tufa

Narrative Description of Project: Preparing Local Development Plans (LDP) and Neighborhood
Designs (NHD) for Bole Summit Site

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: all services pertaining to the technical staff.

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Consultants Experience 15

Assignment Name: Neighbourhood Planning and Country: Ethiopia

Architectural Designs Modification

Location within country: Oromia National Regional Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
State (ONRS) – Adama, Ambo, Assela, Bishoftfu,
Burayou, Chiro, Jimma, Nekemte, Sebeta, Architect planners, & Building Engineers.
Shashemene, Woliso (11 Towns)

Name of Client: Housing Development Offices of No of Staff: 6


Address: Housing Development Offices of Oromia. Duration of Assignment: Two Months

Tel. (01) 53-62-25/24

Start Date: October, 2006 Approx. Value of Services Birr: 109,000

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: MH No of months of Professional Staff provided by

Engineering Associated Consultants: Two months

Name of Senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator or Team Leader) Involved in Functions performed:
Dandena Tufa

Narrative Description of Project: Planning of the neighborhoods and sites within 11 towns of Oromia.

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: The services include assessment of the sites, design
works and planning spaces using necessary norms and standards.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in
Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

e) Professional Qualifications and Capabilities

In order to proof our professional qualifications and capability the following table contains
Soberland International Institute of Development Services & GB Pvt. Ltd. Co personnel statistics for the
current and the two previous years.

Year before last Last year This year

Specialists in Specialists in
manpower Specialists in
Overall Technical Overall Technical Overall
Technical Area
Area Area

Permanent 7 4 8 5 8 5

Temporary 25 7 42 14 45 15

TOTAL 30 9 48 17 51 18

The following Team Skill Matrix identifies the skills that are relevant to the role in the contract
team and are required for successful execution of the contract:

Expert Name Dereje Dejene

Role: Project Manager

Knowledge Resume Page

Knowledge Comments
Level Reference

He is holding MA in Development High level See details in the resume.

Economics (Development Expert
Evaluation & Management), B.Sc.
Degree with honor, in Agricultural
Economics and two postgraduate
diplomas- in ‘Development and
Management of Small Business &
Industries’, and ‘Survey Research
Methods and Data Interpretation’

Managed multi-million dollar/birr High level See details in the resume.

projects and surveys that require Expert
huge logistic arrangement, as
huge as over 11,000 sample
respondents by deploying as large
as 95 enumerators in 20
teams, at a time, in various

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
regions of Ethiopia

Have conducted over-33 surveys High level See details in the resume.
(quantitative and qualitative), Expert
mostly as the team leader, in
almost every regions of Ethiopia
and visited over 300 woredas in
different regions of Ethiopia and
participated in and managed the
collection of complex socio-
economic related data.

Knowledge Resume Page

Experience Comments
Level Reference

Over 30 years of High level See details in the resume.

experience in development Expert
research and development
management (baseline and
socioeconomic studies,
program design, monitoring,
evaluation, and training,

Have worked as socio- High level See details in the resume.

economic researcher, Expert
Project Officer, Project
Manager, National
Backstopper, Program
Manager, and
Development and Capacity
Building Advisor, Program
Director, Team Leader with
Government, Non-
governmental Organizations
and United Nations

Have wide experiences as a High level See details in the resume.

Consultant and undertaken Expert
a number of
project/program proposal
formulation, project/program
evaluations, training on

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
various fields for various
clients- national and
international organizations
and the United Nations.

Additional Knowledge and Knowledge Resume Page

Experience Level Reference

He is best at Development High level See details in the resume.

Evaluation and Action Expert
Research, Strategic
Planning and Management,
Development and Capacity
Building, and RBM (Results
Based Management).

Have hands on experience High level See details in the resume.

in climate change and Expert
adaption, Gender and
Development and
formulation of M& E
systems for various

(b) Professional Qualifications and Capabilities of PACE Consulting Architects

In order to proof our professional qualifications and capability the following table contains
personnel statistics for the current and the two previous years.

Year before last Last year This year

Specialists in Specialists in Specialists in
Overall Technical Overall Technical Overall Technical
Area Area Area

Permanent X X 9 8 11 9

Temporary X X X X X X


The following Team Skill Matrix identifies the skills that are relevant to the role in the contract
team and are required for successful execution of the contract:

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Expert Name Fekadu Lemma

Role: (e.g., Project Manager, Technical Specialist, etc)

Resume Page
Knowledge Knowledge Level Comments

x x

Resume Page
Experience Knowledge Level Comments

x x

Additional Knowledge and Resume Page

Knowledge Level Comments
Experience Reference

x x

Expert Name Imam Mahmoud Hassen

Role: (e.g., Project Manager, Technical Specialist, etc)

Resume Page
Knowledge Knowledge Level Comments

x x

Resume Page
Experience Knowledge Level Comments

Additional Knowledge and Resume Page

Knowledge Level Comments
Experience Reference

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Experience indicated in the matrix is backed up in the individual’s resume.
We have used the following ratings in order to accurately reflect the skill ratings of our team:

Has exposure to education in the subject area but has not used this skill set
U Understanding
in practice.

W Working Has limited working experience using this skill set.

Has hands-on experience using this skill set to implement between 2 to 5

P Proficient
projects of various scope/complexity.

Has hands-on experience using this skill set in a key role to implement more
X Expert
than 5 projects of various scope/complexity.

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f) Comments and Suggestions on the Terms of Reference

We have exhaustively reviewed the contents of the Terms of Reference. The TOR is clear
and concise and covers important tasks to achieve the overall objective of the study.

While confirming the clarity and detail on the description of services required, time of
deliverables, we have to expresses concern about a number of areas important to
ensuring the quality of the final output.

 Beyond what was described in the TOR, to ensure data quality; we found it
necessary to make GIS specialists three in number , i.e one GIS specialist per city
so that they will work hand in hand with Quantity Surveyors. Moreover we felt
necessary to add an experienced Technical Manger to manage the whole process
and report to the client regularly.

g) Comments and Suggestions on the Staff and Facilities to be

Provided by the Public Body

From our experience during the various assessments we conducted with our clients
efficient utilization of time and resources depends on the administrative efficiency from
the client’s side. We expect that
 The client should announce to all stakeholders (Regions and Cities) the coming
of the team and what kind of support the team requires.
 To facilitate the communication between the client and the consultant we
suggest the client assign one staff each at the 3 cities and one focal person at
Federal (MoUDH, URFP office) level for this work for the whole duration of the
 In addition of documents related to urban revenue reform project we expect
that the client will provide the consultants with imaging tools , which include
the following:
• Current high-resolution street-view images (at a sub-inch pixel resolution
that enables quality grade and physical condition to be verified)
• Orthophoto images (minimum 6” pixel resolution in urban/suburban
areas, updated recently.
• Low level oblique images capable of being used for measurement
verification (four cardinal directions, minimum 6-inch pixel resolution in
urban/suburban areas,

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Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

h) Managerial and Control Procedures

To ensure reliable data collection, Soberland International Institute of Development
Services and PACE developed a system that encourages the data collectors, to be
rigorous in their work. Each data collectors will fill logbook prepared for this purpose,
which detailed the name of individuals interviewed, sites visited and number of (quantity
of) and quality of data collected every day. Moreover, on top of the Technical Manager
and the Team leader the Managing Director of SOBERLAND and Managing Director of
PACE consulting Architects will regularly visit and supervise the data collection process
at the cities and in the regions.

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i) Consultant Audit Agency
Chartered Certified Accountants and Authorized Auditors
Addis Ababa, Yeka Sub-City, Hanko Bldg. Megenagna Area, In front of Marathon
Motors (Hyundai Co.)
Tel +2510116261278/ Mob. +251-911860515; +251-911723703; +251-930110292
P. o. Box 28622

j) Bank Account Number and Bank Address

The bank account into which payment should be made is the following:

Soberland International Institute of Soberland International Institute of
Development Services & G. B. PLC. Development Services & G. B. PLC.
Acct No. 298175 Acct No. 1000030873274
Oromia International Bank S.C , Commercial Bank of Ethiopia,

Name Dereje Dejene

In the capacity of: Managing Director.


Duly authorized to sign the Bid Proposal for and on behalf of ‘Soberland International
Institute of Development Services and G.B Pvt. Ltd. Co and PACE Consulting Architect
and Engineers Pvt.Ltd.Co

Dated on 07 day of February, 2020.Attachments:

1. Statement issued by a power of attorney authorizing the signatory of the Bid Proposal;
2. More than 10 certificates of satisfactory execution of contracts provided by contracting
parties to the contracts successfully completed in the course of the past 5 years, as required
in the BDS.
3. 7 individual’s resume for Key Professional Staff of the firm-Form T 4.
4. Audited financial statements (EFY 2010, 2011).
5. Documents required as proof of the Consultant's financial standing, as required in the BDS

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Place and Date: Addis Ababa, 07 Feb. 2020

Procurement Reference Number: URRP/NCB/002/2019

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Ministry of Urban Development & Housing,
Urban Revenue Reform Project office
Project Finance & Admin
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

A. Technical Approach and Methodology

1. Our Understanding of the Consultancy Requirements
3.1.1 1.1 Background of the Consultancy Requirements
Ethiopia is the second most populous African country (with over 90 million people) and
the seventh largest economy, US$ 130 Billion (Africa Development Indicators, World
Bank 2015/16)1. The Ethiopian Government’s vision is to reach middle-income status
with an estimated gross national income per capita of US$1,560 by 2025.

Although Ethiopia is under-urbanized, even by African standards, the recent growth

attracts the attention of government and development partners. Urban growth in
Ethiopia has been running between 4-5 percent per annum. It is also projected that, by
the year 2025, the urban population constitutes 30% of the total population of Ethiopia
and by 2030 about 35% of Ethiopia population will be living in Urban areas..

Urbanization without the necessary precondition but simply by population explosion

can create unintended impacts, as has been the case in many African and developing
countries cities. The World Resources (1996–97)2 report shows that, in developing
countries, urban areas often have huge populations living in poverty and their problems
are similar to those of the rural poor—lack of access to clean water, sanitation, and
adequate housing—compounded by overcrowding and exposure to industrial wastes
and urban air pollution. On the other hand, the study (urban profiling) conducted by
UN-HABITAT (2008)3 articulated that -low economic activity, a growing population,

1This is based on purchasing power parity gross national income calculation of the World Bank
2 World Resources 1996–97, a joint publication of the World Resources Institute, the United Nations Environment Program, the
United Nations Development Program, and the World Bank, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996.
3 United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), 2008. Ethiopia Urban Profile.

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inadequate infrastructure, and hap-hazard upgrading has over the last 40 years rendered
Ethiopian cities unable to provide facilities and services for their inhabitants.

In response to the various formidable challenges facing urban areas of Ethiopia, the
government of Ethiopia has been exerting efforts to address the deep rooted problems
of cities. Recently MUDH has formulated Ethiopian Cities Sustainable Prosperity Goals
(ECSPG), under the vision of “Creating Green, Resilient and Well Governed Livable

To realize this vision, a huge resource is required for substantial investments in urban
infrastructure, facilities and services. The sources of revenue for city governments
generally consist of (i) intergovernmental transfers from a higher level of government
(central and/or state) and (ii) own-source revenues derived from taxes and user fees,
revenues from investment income, property sales, and licenses and permits. But as
cities mainly really of inter-governmental transfer and own sources revenue from land
lease these was found to be inadequate or substantial investments in urban
infrastructure, facilities and services. To address resources constraints Ethiopia cities
need to effectively generate and use their own revenues. To facilitate urban local
government revenue reform, Urban Revenue Reform Project office was established in
2012, and the office has executed different revenue reform activities. One of the major
activities of the project office was formulation of policy framework and drafting of
legislation for urban property fee, and valuation survey of common properties. Now the
office need valuation of special and unique properties in the three cities (Mekele,
BahirDar, and DireDawa)

3.1.2 1.2 Objective and Scope of the Service

The main objective of this assignment is to undertake Identification and Valuation of

about 6,000 estimated special and unique properties in Three Cities - Mekelle, Bahir Dar
and Dire Dawa.

Those assignments includes.

1. Unique properties identification and Mapping using GIS application

2. Collect building material price data
3. Determine Building input price determinant factors
4. Based on the land grade of the cities collect Common properties sales and rental data (to
know the common properties Maximum and minimum price)
5. Determine Unique properties value unit range
6. Value about 6000 properties and present it in descriptive and Map form
7. Identify Unique and special properties value determinant variables and their respective
degree of influence.

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8. Develop Operating manual for Unique and special properties future data collection,
valuation upgrading and communication process
 how to take a measurement entire and compound attributes)
 Feature (feature that makes unique of special)
9. Come up with an intervention strategy of the study.

2. Definitions and Concepts of Property and Property Valuation

3.1.3 2.1 Definitions and Concepts of Property

Property is a legal concept. According the International Valuation Standards

Committee (IVSC, 2003), it encompasses all the interests, rights and benefits related to
ownership. Property consists of the rights of ownership, which entitle the owner to a
specific interest or interests in what is owned. IVSC recognize the following four
property types: real property, personal property, business and financial interests.

IVS emphasized that the word ‘property’, when used without further qualification or
identification, may refer to real property, personal property, or other types of property
such as businesses and financial interests, or a combination thereof (IVS 2003).

Real estate is defined as the physical land and those human-made items, which attach to
the land. It is the physical, tangible “thing” which can be seen and touched, together
with all additions on, above, or below the ground.

To distinguish between real estate, which is a physical entity, and its ownership, which
is a legal concept, the ownership of real estate is called real property (IVS 2003). The
combination of rights associated with the ownership of real property is, in some States,
referred to as the bundle of rights. The bundle of-rights concept likens property
ownership to a bundle of sticks with each stick representing a distinct and separate
right of the property owner, e.g., the right to use, to sell, to lease, to give away, or to
choose to exercise all or none of these rights.

On the other hand it is important to note the different types of real property. According
to the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO, 2013), there are at least
five types of real properties. These include;

a. Single-Family Residential Property

b. Multifamily Residential Property
c. Commercial and Industrial Property

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d. Agricultural Property, and
e. Special-Purpose (Special Use) Property

The special purpose (special use) property, which is the focus of this work, is defined as
a property that is rarely, if ever, sold in the market except by way of a sale of the
business or entity of which it is part (called the business in occupation), due to
uniqueness arising from its specialized nature and design, its configuration, size,
location, or otherwise.

According to the International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC, 2003), examples

of specialized properties include refiners, power stations, docks, specialized
manufacturing facilities, public facilities, churches, museums, and properties located
particular geographical locations for operational or business reasons. Such properties or
assets may also be referred to as limited or non-market assets.

3.1.4 2.2 Definitions and Concept of Value and Property Valuation

Value is an economic concept referring to the price most likely to be concluded by the
buyers and sellers of a good or service that is available for purchase. Value is not a fact,
but an estimate of the likely price to be paid for goods and services at a given time in
accordance with a particular definition of value. The economic concept of value reflects
a market’s view of the benefits that accrue to one who owns the goods or receives the
services as of the effective date of valuation. Value is therefore a hypothetical price, and
the hypothesis on which the value is estimated is determined by the valuation basis
adopted. A Basis of Value is defined in IVS 2 as a statement of the fundamental
measurement principles of a valuation on a specified date. A Basis of Value defines the
nature of the hypothetical transaction, e.g., whether or not there is exposure to a market,
and the assumed motivation and behavior of the parties

The value concept contemplates a monetary sum associated with a transaction.

However, sale of the property valued is not a condition requisite to estimating the price
for which property should sell if it were sold on the date of valuation under conditions
prescribed in the definition of Market Value. The Market Value of real estate is a
representation of its market-recognized utility rather than its purely physical status. The
utility of assets to a given entity or individual may differ from that which would be
recognized by the market or by a particular industry.

Property valuation is defined by Marston [1970] as, “the art of estimating the fair
monetary measure of the desirability of ownership of specific properties for specific
purpose”. He furthers refines the definition in terms of engineering valuation as,
“…engineering valuation is the art of estimating the value of specific properties where
professional engineering knowledge and judgment are essential based, fundamentally,

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upon [the asset’s]ability to produce some kind of useful service during its expected
future life in service....”

Within these definitions are several important points.

First, the process of valuation is an estimation of monetary value using engineering

judgment and knowledge. In engineering, estimation is a common practice that
indicates computation of some quantity, whose magnitude cannot be exactly
determined, usually because of a lack of real data and/or the reality that the data is
better represented as a statistical range of values. The estimate, therefore, is a close
representation of the true magnitude based upon values selected with engineering
judgment and knowledge of the asset being valued.

Second, a measure of desirability is required, that is, the property must provide value to
someone or something and that value is relative depending upon the desirability of
ownership and productivity of the property. For example, buildings in an area to be
flooded out will only have scrap value unless someone invests in moving them to a new
site where they can continue to be used for their original purpose.

Third the property value is tied to useful service during an expected life which requires
an understanding of the historical and future performance of the property. Properties
that are reaching the end of their expected service life and/or a threshold level of
service have a reduced value to the owner which can be expressed as a reduced value or
as an increased liability. Reduced value is an indication of the loss of past investment as
the service life is consumed: increased liability is an indication of the future expense
that will be incurred to return the asset to a higher condition and to regain service life.

Fundamentally, property valuation is governed by the way specific property is used

and/or how it would ordinarily be traded in the market. For some property, optimum
utility is achieved if the property in question is operated on an individual basis. Other
property has greater utility if operated as part of a group of properties, e.g., properties
owned and managed by a business entity such as a chain of multiple retail outlets, fast
food restaurants, or hotels. Therefore, a distinction must be made between a property’s
utility viewed individually and when considered as a part of a group. A Valuer will
regard the property as the market views it, whether as a discrete entity or as part of an
aggregate or portfolio. Typically, the Valuer estimates and reports the value of the
property as an individual entity. If the value of the property, taken as part of an
aggregate or portfolio, is other than its individual value, such value should be
considered and reported.

It has to be noted that there are cases where an individual property may possess an
additional, or special, value above its value as a separate entity by reason of its physical
or functional association with an adjoining property owned by others or its

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attractiveness to a purchaser with other special interests. The extent or amount of such
additional, or special, value is generally reported separately from Market Value.

3. Valuation Approaches and Methods

A valuation approach or method refers to generally accepted analytical methodologies

that are in common use. In order to estimate the price implied by the appropriate Basis
of Value, a number literatures suggests three types market based valuation approaches
or methods.

Market based valuations normally employ one or more of the valuation approaches by
applying the economic principle of substitution, using market derived data. This
principle holds that a prudent person would not pay more for a good or service than
the cost of acquiring an equally satisfactory substitute good or service, in the absence of
the complicating factors of time, greater risk, or inconvenience. The lowest cost of the

Sales Comparison Approach. This approach considers the sales of similar or substitute
properties and related market data, and establishes a value estimate by processes
involving comparison. In general, a property being valued (a subject property) is
compared with sales of similar properties that have been transacted in the market
(IVSC, 2003). Listings and offerings may also be considered.

The sales comparison approach estimates the value of a subject property by statistically
analyzing the sale prices of similar properties. This approach is usually the preferred
approach for estimating values for residential and other property types with adequate
sales. But it can be problematic if the selected comparables are not well validated or
representative of market value. Because they predict market value directly, direct
market models depend more heavily on careful model specification and calibration.
(IAAO 2013),

Income Capitalization (Yield) Approach. This approach considers income and expense
data relating to the property being valued and estimates value through a capitalization
process. Capitalization relates income (usually a net income figure) and a defined value
type by converting an income amount into a value estimate. This process may consider
direct relationships (known as capitalization rates), yield or discount rates (reflecting

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
measures of return on investment), or both. In general, the principle of substitution
holds that the income stream which produces the highest return commensurate with a
given level of risk leads to the most probable value figure.

According to the standards defined by International Association of Assessing Officers,

the income approach is, in general, the preferred valuation approach for income-
producing properties, when reliable income and expense data are available, along with
well-supported income multipliers, overall rates, and required rates of return on
investment. Successful application of the income approach requires the collection,
maintenance, and careful analysis of income and expense data (IAAO 2013),

Cost Approach. According to IVSC, this approach considers the possibility that, as an
alternative to the purchase of a given property, one could acquire a modern equivalent
asset that would provide equal utility. In a real estate context, this would involve the
cost of acquiring equivalent land and constructing an equivalent new structure. Unless
undue time, inconvenience, and risk are involved, the price that a buyer would pay for
the asset being valued would not be more than the cost of the modern equivalent. Often
the asset being valued will be less attractive than the cost of the modern equivalent
because of age or obsolescence. A depreciation adjustment is required to the
replacement cost to reflect this (IVSC, 2003).

According to the standards issued by IAAO (2013), the cost approach is applicable to
virtually all improved parcels and, if used properly, can produce accurate valuations.
The cost approach is more reliable for newer structures of standard materials, design,
and workmanship. It produces an estimate of the value of the fee simple interest in a

Therefore, given the focus of this work, which is valuation of unique and specialized
properties, and according to the International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC,
2003), the depreciated replacement cost (DRC) method will be used in the valuation of
special and unique properties. Depreciated replacement cost (DRC) is an acceptable
method used to arrive at a surrogate for the Market Value of specialized properties.
The method is commonly applied in a valuation situation involving a property for
which there are no readily available or otherwise dependable market data to analyze in
developing a Market value estimate (IVSC, 2003)

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4. Steps of Property Valuation

The accuracy of values depends first and foremost on the completeness and accuracy
of property characteristics and market data. These data must also be accurately and
consistently collected and property characteristics data must be georeferenced using

Given the ToR and the nature of the real property, we adopted 9 steps for the valuation
of the special and unique properties found in the three cities. These include:

 Step 1: Defining the special and unique properties Categories and Sub-Categories.
 Step 2: Building the Property Inventory Templates.
 Step 3: Inventory of Properties and Mapping out its location using GIS.
 Step 4: Assessment of the Condition of the special and unique properties.
 Step 5: Collect data from the market to support and/or explain the valuation process
 Step 6: Develop land value estimates from market information.
 Step 7: Cost and Value the identified special and unique properties and its deficit
(accumulated depreciation).
 Step 8: Develop logical attributes and models for the valuation of similar properties in
the cities and other similar cities.
 Step 9: Documentation: Developing Operating manual for Unique and special
properties and intervention strategy as outcome of the study.

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5. Data Collection Methods

Uniform and accurate valuation of property requires correct, complete, and up-to-date
property data. The consultant will establish effective procedures for collecting and
maintaining property data (i.e., property ownership, location, size, use, physical
characteristics, sales price, rents, costs, and operating expenses). Such data are also
useful for defence of appeals, public relations, and management information.

The stakeholders, including property owners/ occupiers will be involved throughout

the study process to let them own the process, purpose and outcome of the study. The
active participation of stakeholders will also help to identify their interests, capacities
and readiness to take-up the project interventions as well as capacity building
interventions required to raise their capacity.

The consultant will follow the following procedures for collecting these data.

5.1 Review Secondary Data

The consultant will review various secondary data with primary focus on five issues

(1) Review of Institutional and Legal frameworks (policies, laws, regulations,

procedures and systems, etc.) with regards to the urban special and
unique real property market and in property valuation
(2) Assessment of system in Use for identification, mapping and valuation
process of special and unique properties
(3) Review City Maps, Cadastres and Previous Works such as the 2016 city
map prepared for integrated land holding file management and the 2016
common properties survey data base by the project office
(4) Review of the organizational structure and staff capacities (at federal,
regional, city administration and private sector, etc.) involved in the urban
special and unique real property market and in property valuation.
(5) Identify the underlining factors that play a signification role for the
identification, categorization and valuation of existing special and unique

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5.2 Collecting Primary Data of the Properties

In order to generate the required information for the study the Consultant will collect
and make use of primary data collection and analysis methods complimented by
secondary data.

There will be five types (sets) of data to be collected by the consultant

5.2.1 Geographic Data

Maps become especially valuable in the property appraisal process when a geographic
information system (GIS) is used.

The consultant will undertake inventory of special and unique properties using GIS
(geographic information system) and cadastral maps or parcel boundary maps or land
use /property ownership maps, as available, covering the entire jurisdiction of the city
under the study, with a unique identification number for each parcel.

Using GIS and cadastral maps the assessing officers will identify and locate all parcels,
both in the field and in the office. A GIS permits graphic displays of sale prices, assessed
values, inspection dates, work assignments, land uses, and much more, which is very
useful for property Valuation.

5.2.2 Property Characteristics Data

The consultant will collect and maintain property characteristics data sufficient for
classification, valuation, and other purposes. Accurate valuation of real property by any
method requires descriptions of land and building characteristics.

Property characteristics that will be collected and maintained are based on the
following key factors and requirements:
• Factors that influence the market in the locale in question
• Requirements of the valuation methods that will be employed
• Requirements of classification and property tax policy
• Requirements of other governmental and private users

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• Marginal benefits and costs of collecting and maintaining each property

Determining what data to collect and maintain on property characteristics for a

property appraisal/ valuation is very crucial decision with long-term consequences.
Collecting data that are of little importance in the assessment process will be avoided
unless another governmental or private need is clearly demonstrated during the

The following property characteristics are usually important in predicting property

values and will be part of the important data to be collected:

Improvement Data
• Type of area (Residential, Commercial, Industry, etc.)
• Construction quality or key components thereof (foundation, exterior wall type,
and the like)
• Effective age or condition
• Building design or style
• Building area including basements, garages, covered porches, and balconies
• Building features such as bathrooms and central air-conditioning
Land Data
• Lot size
• Available utilities (sewer, water, electricity)
Location Data
• Market area
• Submarket area or neighborhood
• Site amenities, especially view and golf course or water frontage
•External nuisances, (e.g., heavy traffic, airport noise, or proximity to
commercial uses).

5.2.3 Sales Data

Sales data are required in the development of land values and market-based
depreciation schedules in the cost approach. Depending on the Regional States laws
and Urban Local Government Regulations with regards to disclosure sales data, a file of
sales data will be properly reviewed and validated. Moreover, sales data will be
collected through Key informant interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD), as

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5.2.4 Income and Expense Data

Income (rent or otherwise) and expense data will be collected for income-producing
property and reviewed by senior expert together with key stakeholders to ensure their
accuracy and usability for valuation analysis.

5.2.5 Cost and Depreciation Data

Reliable cost data are imperative in any successful application of the cost approach.
Current cost and depreciation data adjusted to the local market are required for the cost
approach. Cost and depreciation manuals of MoUDH will be adapted or new manual
will be developed by the consultant in consultation with the client to come up with
reliable cost and depreciation data. Current construction costs will be based on the cost
of replacing a structure with one of equal utility, using current materials, design, and
building standards. The data must be complete, typical, and current.

5.3 Data collection procedures and Quality Control

Collecting property data is a critical and expensive phase of appraisal. A successful data
collection program requires clear and standard coding and careful monitoring through
a quality control program. Therefore we will develop and use data collection manual to
achieve accurate and consistent data collection. We will follow data collection program
that will result in complete and accurate data.

5.3.1 Data Collection Manuals

A clear, thorough, and precise data collection manual is essential and will be developed,
updated, and maintained. The written manual will explain how to collect and record
each data item. Pictures, examples, and illustrations are particularly helpful. The
manual will be simple yet complete. Data collection staff as well as counterpart staff
will be trained in the use of the manual and related updates to maintain consistency.
The manual will include guidelines for personal conduct (ethical standards) during
field inspections, and, when interior data are required, the manual will outline
procedures to be followed as well as when the property owner has denied access or
when entry might be risky.

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5.3.2 Data Collection Format

Data will be collected in a prescribed format designed to facilitate both the collecting of
data in the field and the entry of the data into the computer system.

A logical arrangement of the collection format makes data collection easier. For
example, all items requiring an interior inspection will be grouped together. The coding
of data will be as objective as possible, with measurements, counts, and check-off items
used in preference to items requiring subjective evaluations (such as “number of
fixtures” versus “adequacy: poor, average, good”). With respect to check-off items, the
available codes will be exhaustive and mutually exclusive, so that exactly one code
logically pertains to each observable variation of a building feature (such as structure or
roof type). The data collection format will promote consistency among data collectors,
be clear and easy to use, and be adaptable to virtually all types of construction.
Specialized data collection formats may be developed to collect information on the
unique properties.

5.3.3 Initial Data Collection and Entry

A physical inspection is necessary to obtain initial property characteristics data. The

inspection will be performed both by senior expert as well as specially trained data
collectors. In a joint approach, the senior expert make key subjective decisions, such as
the assignment of construction quality class or grade, and data collectors gather all
other details. Depending on the data required, an interior inspection might be carried
out. At a minimum, a comprehensive exterior inspection will be conducted.

To avoid duplication of effort, the data collection form will be able to serve as the data
entry form, as we are using CADC (Computer assisted data collection), by high capacity
GPS mounted Tablets. Data entry will be routinely (daily) reviewed by team leader and
senior experts to ensure accuracy.

5.3.4 Data Accuracy Standards

As recommended by International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO, 2013) the

following standards of accuracy for data collection will be applied by the consultant.
• Continuous or area measurement data, such as living area and exterior wall
height, will be accurate within 1 meter (rounded to the nearest meter) of the
true dimensions or within 5 percent of the area. For estimation of areas,
dimensions, or volumes, the property record will note the instances in which
quantities are estimated.

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• For each objective, categorical, or binary data field to be collected or verified, at
least 95 percent of the coded entries should be accurate. Objective, categorical,
or binary data characteristics include such attributes as exterior wall material,
number of full bathrooms, and waterfront view.
• For each subjective categorical data field collected or verified, data will be coded
correctly at least 90 percent of the time. Subjective categorical data characteristics
include data items such as quality grade, physical condition, and architectural

5.3.5 Data Quality Control

A quality control program is necessary to ensure that data accuracy standards are
achieved and maintained. Independent quality control inspections will occur
immediately after the data collection phase begins and will be performed by senior
staff, the team leader and the management of Soberland International and PACE
Consulting Architects and Engineers. The inspections should review random samples
of finished work for completeness and accuracy and keep tabulations of items coded
correctly or incorrectly, so that statistical tests can be used to determine whether
accuracy standards have been achieved. Stratification by geographic (plots) area,
property type, or individual data collector can help detect patterns of data error. Data
that fail to meet quality control standards will be re-collected.

Data entry accuracy should be as close to 100 percent as possible, and will be supported
by a full set of range and consistency edits. There will be error or warning messages
generated in response to invalid or unusual data items. Examples of data errors include
missing data codes and invalid characters. Warning messages should also be generated
when data values exceed normal ranges established for this purpose. The warnings will
appear as the data are entered. When feasible, action on the warnings will take place
during data entry. Field data entry devices, tablets, provide the ability to edit data as it
is entered and also eliminate data transcription errors.

The accuracy of subjective data will be judged primarily by conformity with written
specifications and examples in the data collection manual. The data reviewer will
substantiate subjective data corrections with pictures or field notes.

6. Valuation/ Appraisal of Special and Unique Properties

Property appraisal/ valuation analysis begins with assigning properties to categories or

strata based on highest and best use, which normally equates to current use. Some

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
countries require that property be valued for ‘ad valorem tax’ purposes at current use
regardless of highest and best use. Zoning and other land use controls normally dictate
highest and best use of vacant land. In the absence of such restrictions, the assessor
must determine the highest and best use of the land by analyzing the four
components—legally permissible, physically possible, appropriately supported, and
financially feasible— thereby resulting in the highest value.

In our case, the valuation will be based on critical consideration of the evidence from
analyses and experience based judgment. Limitation of the analysis approaches and
data used for the valuation will be accurately recorded and included in the valuation
report, together with other qualification on the valuation figure. The current cost to
construct the improvements will be collected from cost estimators, cost manuals,
builders and contractors.

As depreciated replacement cost (DRC) method will be used in the valuation of special
and unique properties, three different types of depreciation (physical deterioration, functional
obsolescence and external obsolescence) will be assed and measured though market research
and the application of specific procedures.

Land value is estimated separately in the cost approach

6.1 Developing Valuation Models for special properties

Any property appraisal, whether single-property appraisal or mass appraisal, uses a

model, that is, a representation in words or an equation of the relationship between
value and variables representing factors of supply and demand. Mass appraisal models
attempt to represent the market for a specific type of property in a specified area. The
consultant will firstly specify the model, i.e., identify the supply and demand factors
and property features that influence value (for example property ownership, location,
size, use, physical characteristics of the property, etc)
Then, the consultant will calibrate the model, that is, determine the adjustments or
coefficients that best represent the value contribution of the value determinant factors
or variables.

As indicated in the previous section, the cost approach is the most appropriate in the
appraisal of special-purpose properties, because of the distinctive nature of such
properties and the general absence of adequate sales or income data. Therefore, careful
and extensive market analysis will be carried out for both specification and calibration
of a model that estimates values accurately.

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Valuation models will be developed for defined category of properties (sub-groups).
For example G+x, G+y, etc. sub g-roups, Mixed use building sub-group, star Hotels
sub-group, etc,. In general, separate models will be developed for apartment,
warehouse/ industrial, office, and retail properties. For some properties, geographic
stratification will be done, as appropriate, when the value of property attributes varies
significantly among areas.

6.2 Itemized Valuation for unique properties

Special attention is required for unique properties. For unique property the valuation
will be conducted in itemized way /individual property level/ not based on formulas.
The valuation roll of each property will include not only the final value of the property,
but also, how the valuation was conducted, and description of the value determinant
factors for each specific property. The value and its description will be incorporated into
the maps as one layer of the special and unique properties identified and valued in each
of the three cities.

6.3 Land Valuation

The Federal and Regional State laws require the value of an improved parcel to be
separated into land and improvement components. When the sales comparison or
income approach is used, although it will be in rare case for special and unique
properties, an independent estimate of land value will be made and subtracted from the
total property value to obtain a residual improvement value.

The sales comparison approach is the primary approach to land valuation and is always
preferred when sufficient sales are available. But, in the absence of adequate sales, for
special and unique properties, other techniques that can be used in land appraisal
include allocation, abstraction, anticipated use, capitalization of ground rents, and land
residual capitalization.

The consultant will, possibly, use computerized valuation techniques that provide a
separation of total value into land and building components.

7. Documentation and Capacity Building

As part of the identification, Mapping and Valuation of special and unique properties
the consultant will produce a number of documents, maps and manuals. These include

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
a) Inception report (with elaborated proposed methodology, data Collection
Instruments/tools, description of capacity building initiatives, etc.)
b) Data collection manual, which is essential to explain how to collect and record each
data item. The written manual will be developed, updated, and maintained as we
progress and for the future use by the client.
c) Report of the ‘Situation Assessment and Mapping of Special & Unique Properties’
d) Detailed report of the ‘Valuation of Special & Unique Properties’ and
e) Operation manual and implementation strategy for mapping and valuation of Special
and Unique properties to enable the client and counterparts to carry out similar work
in the future and enhance a smooth implementation of the proposed change
f) Monitoring and evaluation guideline (that outlines objectives, activities, inputs,
outputs, outcomes and objectively verifiable SMART indicators of achievement), for
monitoring and reporting on progress of implementation

As part of capacity building the consultant will design and deliver training to the
project office, steering committee, counterparts in the 3 cities as well as any party
appointed to carry out the task. The training will be designed to realize the
objective of building the capacity of implementing institutions to carry out similar
work in the future and to implement the project.

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B. Work Plan

Implementation Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique

Properties involves a series of steps, including mobilization assessment team members,
collecting and reviewing key documents, orientation of assessment team and defining
ethical considerations, preparation of data collection instruments, preparation and
timing of the survey logistics, undertaking the assessment, and analysis procedures and
generation of maps, valuation score, preparation of reports .

1 Mobilization and Orientation of Performance Appraisal Team Members

Once awarded this consultancy service, to undertake Identification, Mapping and
Valuation of Special and Unique Properties for the 3 Cites, Soberland International and
PACE will first mobilize the proposed professionals and issue contract of employment
for the service.
To ensure equal understanding among the assessment team (AT) and to keep the
uniformities across the cities, we will start the assignment by discussing the purpose
and procedures of Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique
The main discussion points will be
1 The objectives of Urban Revenue Reform Project, the content of the TOR for
Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties;

2 Duties and responsibilities of each member of assessment team,

3 Data collection techniques, including self-introduction and systematic evidence and

measurement check.

4 Ethical considerations during the assessment (the do’s and don’ts) as well as how to
approach property owners/ occupiers with difficult behaviors.

5 Content of the on-site report and exit debriefing and getting the consent of the city

Moreover, to enable the AT members to gain better understanding of the purpose,

content and procedures of Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique
Properties; the whole team will attend the orientation to be given by MUDH, Urban
Revenue Reform Project office and other partners.

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2 Collecting and Reviewing Documents available at Federal Level
Soberland and PACE Assessment Team (AT) will begin this assignment by collecting and
reviewing Documents (policy memorandum, proclamations, regulations, guidelines and other
legal and study documents) related to urban property valuation and taxation) available at
Federal Level (Ministry Urban Development and Housing (MUDH), Urban Revenue Reform
Project office and other partners like MoF and the World Bank as appropriate. Obtaining and
reviewing documents at Regional and City level, will be the first task of the AT when they
arrive at Cities.

3 Design of Data collection Instruments

In order to ensure all relevant and important information are collected the team will
begin development of data collection instruments (GIS based inventory templates,
tables, key informant interview guides, etc) based on the set of data to be collected
provided in the forthcoming inception report and the expectation of the Federal,
Regional and City Level stakeholders as well as discussions to be held with the relevant
staff at MUDH, Urban Revenue Reform Project office and other partners.

The data collection instruments will also be designed to facilitate objective data
collection and analysis. The data collection instruments will be very specific to
minimize subjective judgment. Soberland International and PACE assessment team
members will disaggregate the data variables that will be recorded as ‘Numerical Data’
OR as ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ OR as ‘Date’; based up on available evidences and observation in
person for each and every property to assessed.
The Data collection instruments will be submitted to the client and partners as part of
the inception report. Soberland International and PACE AT members will amend the
data collection instruments based on feedback and comments from the client and

4 Actual Field Work (Data Collection from ULGs and Onsite)

Before dispatching the AT members, the clients (Federal, Regional and the Cities) will
be informed of the coming of AT and arrangements will be made with Regional and
City officials to facilitate the data collection and conduct the interviews.

The data will be collected and key informant interview will be held using the pre-
designed data collection formats and interview guide. As indicated above data will be
gathered for each and every special and unique properties identified based on factors
that play significant role for identification, mapping and valuation process of special

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and unique properties. The data collected and evidence provided has to be signed off
by property owners/ occupiers of the specific property and by the staff of the respective
offices of city administration for city wide data collected from government offices.

It has to be noted that all available evidences, for each and every property, will be
collected by way of photocopying and/or using a digital camera when necessary to
ensure all important data are properly documented and brought to Soberland
International HQ as evidence of the data collected and for further analysis and
valuation of the properties.

Once the data collection and key informant interview are completed, preliminary report
on the findings will be prepared following the format to be designed by Soberland
International and PACE for this purpose. Subsequently, the assessment will debrief the
City Administration leadership and staff in the presence of the Mayor or his designee.
The focus of the debriefing is ‘what is done or achieved during the data collection’ and
‘what is not done or evidence not available’ for the mapping and valuation of special
and unique properties.

There will be ‘Minutes of Meeting’, as per the Template to be developed, to capture

issues raised and discussed during the exit debriefing/ discussion with the city
administration as well as the regional BUDH.

5 Monitoring and Technical Backstopping

To ensure reliable data collection, Soberland International and PACE will develop and
enforce a system that encourages the professional staff to be rigorous in their work. To
ensure the rigor of data collection and professional analysis, the Senior Assessment
Team members, will regularly monitor the work of data collectors; and the Technical
Manager and the Team Leader will regularly monitor the work specialists through
regular communication. Each data collector will send completed data sheet to the
specialist every day and the specialst will send weekly progress and complete data set
to the team leader and technical manger every week by COB. The data collectors will,
on daily basis, also fill logbook prepared for this purpose, which detailed the name of
individual interviewed, property site visited and type of measurement taken and
evidences collected every day. Moreover, the senior specialist will visit and supervise
the data collection process at least once in a week. The Team Leader and the Technical
Manager will visit and supervise the data collection process at least 1 cities each per

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6 Data verification and generation of Valuation scores
Before generating valuation scores of the properties in each of the three cities, rigorous
data validity and consistency checks will be part of the data cleaning exercise. The data
brought from each city and each region will be checked for its consistency with the
evidence collected and remote sensing using GIS.

Once data validation and cleaning is completed, valuation scores of the city will be
generated using MS Excel or GIS or SPSS formula to be developed for this purpose by
Soberland International and PACE.

7 Reporting and Deliverables /Timetable Of Delivery

The consultant understood that the following deliverables/outputs in the form of

reports are expected from the consultancy service:
1.Inception report - brief (not more than 10 pages) report describing: the preliminary
assessment of the situation, summary human power deployment (consultant team
and their responsibilities) revised work plan for execution of consultants tasks city
contacts and description of capacity building initiatives, and other agreed issues with
the client. Within 2 weeks of commencement of the assignment
2.Draft report of Situation Assessment and Mapping of ‘Special & Unique Properties’.
Within 10 weeks of commencement of the assignment
3.Revised Report of Situation Assessment and Maps of Special & Unique Properties
Within 3 weeks of after feedback.
4. Draft report of Valuation of Special and Unique Properties together with
recommendation. Within 18 weeks of commencement of the assignment
5. Final study report of the Valuation of Special and Unique Properties of the 3 cities
together with recommendation. Within 24 weeks of commencement of the assignment
6.Progress report- brief (not more than 3 pages) monthly reports describing: tasks,
progress in completion of tasks, inputs made, outputs achieved and issues that needs
to be addressed. Within 1 week after end of the month.

N.B: The report will be easy to understand and descriptive for example, the report
shall explains and defines specialist terminology applicable to the subject building
and spend some time detailing the qualification and assumption in the valuation

In addition to these the consultant will produce and issues to the client the following
documents as part of capacity building.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
a) Data collection manual, which is essential to explain how to collect and record each
data item. The written manual will be developed, updated, and maintained as we
progress and for the future use by the client.
b) Operation manual and implementation strategy for mapping and valuation of Special
and Unique properties to enable the client and counterparts to carry out similar work
in the future and enhance a smooth implementation of the proposed change
c) Monitoring and evaluation guideline (that outlines objectives, activities, inputs,
outputs, outcomes and objectively verifiable SMART indicators of achievement), for
monitoring and reporting on progress of implementation

Moreover, the consultant will design and deliver training to the project office, steering
committee, counterparts in the 3 cities as well as any party appointed to carry out the
task. The training will be designed to realize the objective of building the capacity of
implementing institutions to carry out similar work in the future and to implement
the project.

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C. Organization and Staffing

The overall coordination of Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique
Properties in Three Cities will be handled by the Technical Manager, Mr Mekonnen Wube,
specialized in Urban Planning and Housing & Standardization of Municipal Services. The
technical manager will handle overall supervision of the core teams and consolidation of data for
reporting to the client.

The team leader will be Mr. Mwanje Nassir, a highly experienced and Certified in Advanced
Real Estate Valuation. He will be in charge of the overall process and ensuring the technical
quality of the work (Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties).

The Technical Manager and the Team Leader will be joined by three senior quantity surveyors
who has hands on experience on Property/ Urban Infrastructure Asset valuation, and two senior
GIS experts and an Economist who work hand in hand with the Team Leader in developing
study frameworks and models for valuation. The whole team members will involve in the
development of data collection instruments and production of inception report, and to contribute
their part in writing the city level and consolidated narrative reports and manuals.

Mapping of Special and Unique Properties will be mainly handled by GIS experts. Calculation
of value of each and every unique property and generation of valuation score for special
properties, using the model and formula to be developed for this purpose, will be handled by the
Economist with the guidance from the Team Leader and input from other team members,
especially the quantity surveyors.

There will be three team for data collection–one each per city. The team will consist of five
team members each. The team consist at least BSc holder in Civil Engineering or Construction
having an experience in Quantity Surveying and collection of GIS, Sales and Construction Cost
data. Experienced staff will be assigned for each team to coordinate/lead the team during the
data collection process. The quality will be monitored by senior core assessment team (CAT)

The Core Assessment Team (CAT) will start in one of the nearby towns, where all CAT
members participate to do the data collection as a pilot. This will help to make all the
assessment team members to share how one has to do the assessment and record the data.
Once the assessment of the pilot city is completed there will be detailed discussions on the
procedures followed and challenges faced by each group in order to enable the team to be on
equal wave-length to conduct the assessment in similar procedures in all the 3 cities. After the
piloting the data collection the CAT will be dispatched to the assigned cites in parallel to do the

The organization and arrangement of the Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and
Unique Properties in Three Cities is presented in the below figure.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Fig. 2. Organizational Arrangement of Identification, Mapping and Valuation of
Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities

Soberland and PACE

Management committee

Technical Manager

Team Leader (1)

Senior Quantity Surveyors (3)
Senior GIS experts (3)
Economist (1)
Data collection supervisors (3)
Data collectors (5 per city)

Sub- Team-1 Sub- Team-2 Sub-Team -3

Mekelle BahirDar DireDawa

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Dire Dawa

D. Work Schedule
Detailed Work Schedule and Planning for Deliverables.

List of Detailed Activities by Major Time-input for each Activities by Major Deliverables(in Weeks)

Tasks (Deliverables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

I Task 1. Preparatory Work -Inception Period

1.Hold introductory meetings with the staff of x
client organizations on immediate priorities
and expectations, outcome and relevant
issues arising from pervious activities of the
project, and on management and
1.1 coordination arrangements
2.Acquire necessary documents (policy x
memorandum, proclamations, regulations,
guidelines and other legal and study
documents) related to urban property
1.2 valuation a system.
3.Conduct reconnaissance survey in the x x
three pilot cities (hold preliminary
discussions with key urban local government
officials and project coordinators with
regards to: (a) current and upcoming priority
activities of the cities in relation to the
project, (b) factors that play significant role
for identification, mapping and valuation
process of special and unique properties, (c)
discuss and agree on management and
coordination arrangements. And also collect
regional and local govt acts, city level
regulations and guidelines,etc., related to
1.3 property ownership and valuation

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Dire Dawa

List of Detailed Activities by Major Time-input for each Activities by Major Deliverables(in Weeks)

Tasks (Deliverables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
4. Based on preliminary consultation and x
reconnaissance assessment Develop
detailed study framework and data
Collection Instruments; Hand Book (manual)
for Property Inventory Templates and other
1.4 data collection instruments, etc.
5. Submission of inception report x
(elaborated proposed methodology, data
Collection Instruments/tools, description of
1.5 capacity building initiatives, etc.)
6. Hold 2nd round meetings with the staff of x
client organizations at Addis level to gather
1.6 feedback on the inception report.
7. Finalize and submit the inception report x
1.7 incorporating client’s feedback.
Task 2. Situation
assessment of special and
unique properties
1.Assess the process and Systems in x x x x x x x x
use for identification, mapping and
valuation of special and unique
2.1 properties
2. Assess level of coverage of special x x x x x x x x
and unique properties mapping and
valuation and rate the performance
2.2 (under/over) of each of the three cities.
3.Identify the underlining factors that x x x x x x x x
play a signification role for the
2.3 identification, categorization and

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and
Dire Dawa

List of Detailed Activities by Major Time-input for each Activities by Major Deliverables(in Weeks)

Tasks (Deliverables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
valuation of existing special and unique

4.Assess the institutional framework x x x x x x x x

(policies, laws, regulations, procedures
and systems, etc.) of the urban special
and unique real property market and in
2.4 property valuation
5. Assess the organizational structure x x x x x x x x
and staff capacities (at federal, regional,
city administration and private sector,
etc.) involved in the urban special and
unique real property market and in
2.5 property valuation.
6.Assess attitudes of urban residents x x x x x x x x
with regards to the urban special and
unique real property market and
2.6 valuation
7. Identify legal and institutional and x x x x x x x x
capacity gabs and propose
recommendations that need to be
considered by the client for further
2.7 implementation of the project.
8. Undertake Inventory of Properties in a x x x x x x x x
tabular format and Map out its location
and features using GIS, based upon the
2016 city map prepared for integrated
land holding file management and the
2016 common properties survey data
2.8 base by the project office.

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Dire Dawa

List of Detailed Activities by Major Time-input for each Activities by Major Deliverables(in Weeks)

Tasks (Deliverables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
9. Undertake field survey to assess the x x x x x x x x
condition of the special and unique
properties and collect and maintain
property characteristics data sufficient
for classification, valuation, and other
2.9 purposes.
10. Organize the identified & mapped x x x x x x x x
Special & Unique properties detail
features in tabular format, through area,
2.10 picture /photographing & drawings.
11.Categorize the identified & mapped x x x x x x x x
2.11 Special & unique properties as
a)Unique: properties that are unique in x x x x x x x x
all aspects & requires property by
property individual level valuation) &
b) Special: properties that are not x x x x x x x x
common but have same similar features
that can be grouped & valued by a
formula developed for sub groups
c)Categorize the special properties in to x x x x x x x x
sub groups like G+x,G+y, etc. sub
groups, Mixed use building sub-group,
star Hotels sub-group, etc.,. )
12. Undertake Special & unique x x x x x x x x
properties market /sales or rent/price &
2.12 cost study.
13.Identify special & unique properties x x x x x x x x
value determinate characteristics (for
example property ownership, location,
2.13 size, use, physical characteristics of the

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and
Dire Dawa

List of Detailed Activities by Major Time-input for each Activities by Major Deliverables(in Weeks)

Tasks (Deliverables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
property, etc.) & come up with Special &
Unique properties unit values /cost

14.Develop a set of formula, based on x x x x

special & unique properties market
/sales or rent/price & cost study, that
could help to produce cost value
schedules by location for the sub
2.14 grouped special properties
15.Produce draft report of special & x x
unique properties situation assessment
2.15 and mapping
16. Present the findings (situation x
assessment and maps of special &
unique properties) at city level
2.16 workshops organized by the client.
17. Revise the report & the map taking x x
into account the feedback of workshop
participants and client’s written and
2.17 verbal comments.
Task 3: Valuation/
appraisal of special and
unique properties
3.1 I. Valuation of special properties x x x x x x x x x
1.Using the set of formulas and unit x x x x x x x x x
rates developed for the sub group of
3.1.1 special properties produce cost value

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Dire Dawa

List of Detailed Activities by Major Time-input for each Activities by Major Deliverables(in Weeks)

Tasks (Deliverables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
schedules by location for each stratified
special properties.

2.Include description of how the x x x x x x x x x

valuation was conducted and the value
determinant factors of that specific
property as well as comparable
3.1.2 properties data, whenever possible
3. Incorporate the value determinant x x x x x x x x x
factors and its description into map as
one layer of the identified special
3.1.3 properties map.
II. Valuation of Unique x x x x x x x x x
3.2 properties
1. Conduct valuation of ‘unique x x x x x x x x x
properties’ in itemized way, for each and
3.2.1 every individual unique property.
2.Include description of how the x x x x x x x x x
valuation was conducted and the value
determinant factors of that specific
3.2.2 unique property
3. Incorporate the value determinant x x x x x x x x x
factors and its description into map as
one layer of the identified unique
3.2.3 properties map.
III. Formulation of x x x x x x x x x
Recommendations and
3.3 Implementation Strategies

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and
Dire Dawa

List of Detailed Activities by Major Time-input for each Activities by Major Deliverables(in Weeks)

Tasks (Deliverables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1.Recommend feasible /cost effective x x x x x x x x x
properties re-valuation time frame and
the re-valuation setups and how to
update the value of these properties
3.3.1 before their proposed re-valuation time.
2.Identify key property value changing x x x x x x x x x
triggers and their degree of influence
and recommend how the value changing
factors can be captured and the value
3.3.2 could be updated on yearly bases
3. Design implementation strategies that x x x x x x x x x
enhance a smooth implementation of the
propped change and have provision for
institutional (policies, laws, regulations,
procedure, systems, etc.) frameworks
and organizational (federal, regional, city
administration and private sector, staff
etc.) capacities, as well as attitudes of
3.3.3 urban residents.
4. Identify potential problems and x x x x x x x x x
opportunities of implementation of the
recommended approach and means for
3.3.4 mitigating problem identified
5. Assess the likelihood of positive and x x x x x x x x x
negative impact of the use of the
valuation roll for taxation among different
3.3.5 communicates,
6. Describe and justify the possible merit x x x x x x x x x
/benefit , demerit, and come up with
3.3.6 recommendations and implementation

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List of Detailed Activities by Major Time-input for each Activities by Major Deliverables(in Weeks)

Tasks (Deliverables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
strategies that cloud help to harness the
benefit and minimize its side effects

7. Integrate the special and unique x x x x x x x x x

properties valuation and
recommendations with the already
developed system (‘CAPTA’) by the
3.3.7 project office.
8. Develop and deliver training to the x x x x x x x x x
project office, steering committee,
counterparts in the 3 cities and any other
party appointed to carry out the task with
the objective of building capacity of
implementing institutions to carry out
similar work in the future and to
3.3.8 implement the project.
9.Design and describe a monitoring and x x x x x x x x x
evaluation system (the outlines
objectives, activities, inputs, outputs,
outcomes and objectively verifiable
SMART indicators of achievement) for
monitoring and reporting on progress of
3.3.9 implementation
IV. Report production and
3.4 Presentation
1. Submit the draft report of Valuation of x x x x
Special and Unique Properties together
with recommendation one week in
advance of city level workshops
3.4.1 organized by the client.

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Dire Dawa

List of Detailed Activities by Major Time-input for each Activities by Major Deliverables(in Weeks)

Tasks (Deliverables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
2. Present the draft outputs plus opinion x
regarding any other matter relevant to
implementation of the project and
implementation of urban revenue reform
3.4.2 at city level workshop.
3. Prepare the final study report of the x x x x x
valuation of special and unique
properties of the 3 cities for possible
introduction of property tax by urban
3.4.3 revenue reform project.

N.B: The recommendations will include general recommendations that could work across all 3 cities and specific recommendation (on
issues that might be different between the cities). Besides that the consultant will indicate target group/ user of the recommendation:
whether it is addressed to the MUDH and/ Or to the Project office.

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Dire Dawa

E. Core Assessment Team Composition and Task Assignments

Name of Expert Firm Areas of Expertise Position Tasks Assigned

1) NASSIR Soberland Nassir Mwanje is Registered and Certified in Team Leader 1. Review the policy frameworks and key documents of
MWANJE International Advanced Real Estate Valuation Holding MSc in Urban Revenue Reform Project, International
IDS Real estate and . BSc Land Management and Manuals and Guideline on Property Valuation, etc.
and synthesis the content
Valuation. He lectures at Makerere University
2. Spearhead the design of assessment framework and
and is the current Head of the Land Economics approach to be followed for the Identification, Mapping
Section within the Department of Construction and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in the
Economics and Management. Professionally, 3 Cities
Nassir is the managing director of Stanfield 3. Facilitate the development assessment tools (data
Property Partners, a consulting group of real collection formats and templates ) and make sure that
estate economists and surveyors. He is also the all team members have equal understating of the
concept, approach and data collection method for
Valuation Adviser for the Inspectorate of
Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and
Government and a member of the Valuation Unique Properties
Board for the Departed Asians Custodian Board. 4. Ensure all team members are coming up with the
He was the adviser to the Government of Uganda required deliverables on time and to the highest
in acquisition and Conversion of J&M Airport professional standard;
Road Hotel into a Public Institution designed to 5. Review, approve, and advise on the works of the
accommodate ministries and he was the lead various professionals;
6. Consolidate data and generate scores of the cities
Valuation Consultant for the Hoima Oil Refinery
7. Integrate the findings and produce required reports
project. Socially, he is one of the founding 8. Produce and submit inception report, draft report and
members of the Lions Club of Makerere, a final report to the team leader for review and
humanitarian organization which aims at serving subsequent submission to the client.
the society and serves on its constitutional affairs
committee. He is a person of high moral character
and proven integrity evidenced in all his works.

2) Eng. Soberland MSc in Urban Infrastructure Management. Over Senior Quantity 1. Review the policy frameworks and key documents of
Fikreyohannes International 25 Years of Experience in Asset management Urban Revenue Reform Project, International

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and
Dire Dawa
Yadessa IDS plan preparation and training and mentoring Surveyor Manuals and Guideline on Property Valuation, etc. and
support on Asset management planning; Road, contribute to the assessment instruments.
drainage network, building and other urban 2. Review Property/ Asset Valuation Manual/ Guideline;
infrastructure design and standardization & if any
3. Develop Special and Unique Property data collection
supervision, Asset valuation. He has undertaken template, featuring a tabular database, with
several studies, evaluations and quantity survey specifications and characteristics of the Properties,
and valuation of several projects in several cities which describes the current status of deterioration of
of Ethiopia. He is the pioneer in developing Urban the properties’.
Infrastructure Asset Valuation and Management 4. Undertake situation assessment of special and unique
Manual for MoUDH. properties with special emphasis on inventory of
Special and unique properties showing property
3) Eng. Tadesse PACE PhD in Civil Engineering (Major in Construction Senior Quantity features and quantities
Ayalew 5. Take part in development of model for special
Consulting Technology and Management. Over 20 years of Surveyor
properties that , calculates the property value based
Architects experience as Lecturer, Researcher and on depreciation replacement cost (DRC)
and Practitioner in Infrastructure asset and project 6. Take part in Valuation or appraisal of special and
management, Urban and rural water supply, low unique properties.
cost urban infrastructure planning and 7. Take part in the Formulation of Recommendations and
PLC Implementation Strategies.
construction, urban construction management.
He has undertaken several studies, evaluations 8. Take part in training and capacity building of client and
counterparts staff
and quantity survey and valuation of several
9. Take part in Report production and Presentation of
projects in several cities of Ethiopia findings on the workshop
4) Eng. Soberland Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Infrastructure Planning Senior Quantity
Dagnechew International and Management), Master’s Degree in Urban Surveyor
Adugna IDS Management-Specialization in Urban
Infrastructure Provision and Management. Over
23 years of experience in Urban development and
planning, Urban infrastructure management
including urban road, urban storm water drainage
planning, design and management, liquid waste
and solid waste management, urban water
management and supply, and utilities planning

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and
Dire Dawa
and management. He has undertaken ULGDP
APA for 2 rounds (EFY 2003 & 2004), as
Infrastructural Asset Management Specialist.

5) Gizachew Soberland Gziachew holds Masters Degree Urban Planning Senior GIS 1. Review the policy frameworks and key documents of
Berhanu International and Management and GIS. Over 20 years of Specialist Urban Revenue Reform Project, International
IDS Experience in GIS, Remote Sensing, Manuals and Guideline on Property Valuation, etc. and
contribute to the assessment instruments.
Cartography, Urban Planning (Master plan and
2. Review Property/ Asset Valuation Manual/ Guideline;
Structural Plan preparation), Local Development if any
Planning (LDP) and Neighbourhood design; Asset 3. Develop Special and Unique Property Geo Data
Management planning, etc. He has been member collection template and spatial database, with
of ULGDP-TA team in 2013/14 and 2018/19. He specifications and characteristics of the Properties,
worked as Property valuation specialist using which describes the current status of deterioration of
GIS/SPSS for BahirDar city. He Prepared the properties’.
4. Undertake Inventory of Properties in a tabular format
Capacity Building design document for property
and Map out its location and features using GIS,
valuation and taxation for cities of BahirDar, based upon the 2016 city map prepared for integrated
DireDawa and Mekelle cities. He also prepared a land holding file management and the 2016 common
teaching manual on property valuation and properties survey data base by the project office.
taxation for Master's program o for Ethiopian Civil 5. Take part in development of model for special
Service University properties that calculates the property value based on
underlining factors that play a signification role for the

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and
Dire Dawa
6) Tibebu PACE Tebebu holds PhD in Integrative geography and Senior GIS identification, categorization and valuation of existing
Kassawmar Consulting Sustainable Development; MSc in Earth Sciences Specialist special and unique properties.
Nigussie (specialized in RS and GIS) fom Addis Abeba 6. Take part in Valuation or appraisal of special and
Architects unique properties.
and University, Faculty of Science, Earth Science
7. Take part in the Formulation of Recommendations and
Department. He is the authority in Advanced GIS Implementation Strategies
and Remote Sensing (RS), Environmental 8. Take part in training and capacity building of client and
Modeling, Landscape transformation analysis, counterparts staff
Geological and natural mapping. He worked on 9. Take part in Report production and Presentation of
several projects for several clients. To cite a few, findings on the workshop.
he was Geospatial team leader for Dessie Town
Cadastral system development, Geospatial
analysit for Permit holder fee adjustment case
study for selected three pilot cities in Ethiopia
(Dire Dawa, Bahir Dar, Mekele). His Study include
geospatial factors that determine land value,
analysing the market price value of the urban
landscape, developing spatially explicit market
price map for the cities, Producing methodology
for price mapping, developing land grade
mapping, developing a GIS based system to
grade urban land value and Producing urban land
grade maps

7) Lemlem Abraha Soberland Lemlem Holds MSc in GIS and Remote Sensing Senior GIS
International from Addis Ababa University. And Has over 15 Specialist
IDS years of experience in in GIS and Remote
Sensing. She was invoved in several studes as
GIS and RS expert and produced Geospatial
maps for several cities and woredas. She worked
for UNDP conducting Remote sensing data
analysis, thematic map production and spatial
database development. She has done

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and
Dire Dawa
Preparation of street addressing map in Oromia
and Tigray regions with Compass AEPED
CONSULTANCY PLC. She undertaken
Biophysical change analysis and socio economic
infrastructural mapping in PW impact assessment
of PSNP III seven watersheds in Oromia, Amhara
and Tigray regions with Soberland International
Institute of Development Services PLC

8) Abdi Yuya Abdi is Post-doctoral fellow on “Building Local Senior 1. Review the policy frameworks and key documents of
Ahmad innovation capability towards inclusive and Economist Urban Revenue Reform Project, International
sustainable development in Africa. He holds PhD Manuals and Guideline on Property Valuation, etc. and
contribute to the assessment instruments.
in Innovation Economics and MA in Economic
2. Review Property/ Asset Valuation Manual/ Guideline;
Policy Analysis if any
3. Develop data collection template for data collection
He is trained and certified in Project planning and
with regards to Sales data, income and expense data,
management and High level Project Impact
cost and deprecation data for Special and Unique
Evaluation with special emphasis on: Difference-
in-Difference approach, Propensity score
4. Undertake situation assessment of special and unique
Matching and Quantile regression approaches
properties with special emphasis on Sales, income,
using Stata organized by Ethiopian. He was
Cost and factors that play a signification role for the
intensively trained on Econometric Techniques for
identification, categorization and valuation of existing
Panel Data Analysis Using stata Hiss area of
special and unique properties
favorite research is Dynamics of urbanization and
5. Take part in development of model for special
industrialization with their implications on poverty,
properties that calculates the property value based on
employment and economic growth in low-income
depreciation replacement cost (DRC)
countries. He also conductes several research
6. Take part in Valuation or appraisal of special and
and studies. One of his work is ‘Municipal
unique properties.
Revenue and land administration in large towns
7. Take part in the Formulation of Recommendations and
Oromia Regional State.
Implementation Strategies.
8. Take part in training and capacity building of client and
counterparts staff
9. Take part in Report production and Presentation of
findings on the workshop

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and
Dire Dawa
9) Mekonnen Soberland MSC in Urban Planning and Housing, Urban Technical 1. Review the policy frameworks and key documents of
Wube International Management. Over 20 Years of experience in Manager Urban Revenue Reform Project, International
IDS Municipal Service Standardization and Manuals and Guideline on Property Valuation, etc.
Measurement, Urban/Town Planning, Urban and synthesis the content
2. Plan, organize, coordinate and control the overall
Environmental (Ecological) Planning, Regional process in of Identification, Mapping and Valuation of
and Local Development Planning, Sustainable Special and Unique Properties in the 3 Cities;
Settlement Design, etc. He has served as City 3. Develop, and disseminate work schedules to team
Manager of Bole Sub-City, Project Manager of AA members, regions and cities
housing Project. He has undertaken several 4. Ensures logistical arrangements are well taken care of
quantity surveys, evaluation of various projects at all times.
5. Regularly follow-up the team and ensures that data
including ULGDP.
are collected and analyzed on time and to the highest
professional standard.
6. Regularly compile progress report and update the
client on the progress;
7. Organize presentation on the workshop organized by
8. Consolidate and submit required reports to the client.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and
Dire Dawa

F. Staffing Schedule
Total time-input
Expert’s input (in Weeks) per each Deliverables
N° Name (in Weeks)
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Home Field Total
D3 [ on
D4 D5
KEY EXPERTS D1 D2 Situation Assmt. & [Valuation [W.Sh D6
[Inception] [Assessment and Mapping] Revision] &recommendation op on [Finalization]
R R R 20
K-1 Mekonnen Wube Technical Manager 24
Team Leader (Certified R R R R R R R 20
Valuation Specialist) 4
Eng. Fikreyohannes R R R 18
K-3 Senior Quantity Surveyor 24
Yadessa 6
Eng. Dagnechew Adugna R R R 18
K-4 Senior Quantity Surveyor 24
(PhD) 6
R R R 18
K-5 Eng. Tadesse Ayalew Senior Quantity Surveyor 24
R R R 18
K-6 Gizachew Berhanu Senior GIS Specialist 24
R R R 18
K-7 Tibebu Kassawmar Nigussie Senior GIS Specialist 24
R R R 18
K-8 Ms Lemlem Abraha Senior GIS Specialist 24
R R R 20
K-9 Abdi Yuya Ahmad Senior Economist 24
Subtotal 168 48 216

N-1 Dereje Dejene Ov erall Coordinator R R R R R R R 20 24
N-2 Fekadu Lemma Ov erall Quality Asurance R R R R R R R 20 24
N-3 Field Supervisors 1 Ex pert per city 3 24
N-4 Data Collection Experts 5 ex pert per sub-team 15 120
N-5 Accountant 1 24 24
N-6 Office Assitant 1 24 24
Subtotal 106 134 240
Total 456

NB. Capacity Building will be done through the project life with structured training following the second and third workshops.

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Dire Dawa

Name Dereje Dejene

In the capacity of: Managing Director.
Signed [ ]
Duly authorized to sign the Bid Proposal for and on behalf of the consortium.
Dated on 7 day of February, 2020.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

4 Form 4- Data on Joint Venture/Consortium

Date: 07/02/2020
Procurement Reference Number: URRP/002/2019
Alternative No:
Name of Joint Soberland International Institute of Development
1. Venture/Consortium Services PLC and PACE Consulting Architects
Plc. JV
Managing Board's Address.
P.O. Box: 1913/1250
Street Address: Africa Avenue[insert street address and number]
Town/City: Addis Ababa[insert name of city or town]
2. Country: Ethiopia
Telephone: +251-118-334252 / 251-911-374837]
+251-116511092, +251 0912 609150
E-mail address,
Agency in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, if any (in the case of a joint
venture/consortium with a foreign lead member)
P.O. Box:
Street Address: NA
3. Town/City:
Post Code:
E-mail address
Names of Members
Soberland International Institute of Development
Member 1
4. Services Plc. Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Member 2 PACE Consulting Architects Plc.
Soberland International Institute of Development
5. Name of Lead member
Services Plc. Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Agreement governing the formation of the joint venture/consortium
6. Date of signature 07/02/2020
Place Addis Ababa
Proposed proportion of
responsibilities between members (in
7. Soberland 70 and PACE 30%
%) with indication of the type of the
services to be performed by each
Name: Dereje Dejene
In the capacity of Managing Director.
Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of the consortium.
Dated on 07 day of February, 2020

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

5 Curriculum Vitae for Proposed Professional Staff - Form T 4

Curriculum Vitae- 1
1.0 Bio Data
Position Title and No. Team Leader
Name of Firm: Soberland International Institute of Development Services. Pvt.
Name of Expert: NASSIR MWANJE
Date of Birth: 24/ 04/1974 Country of Ugandan


Nassir Mwanje is Registered and Certified in Advanced Real Estate Valuation Holding MSc in Real estate and .
BSc Land Management and Valuation. He lectures at Makerere University and is the current Head of the Land
Economics Section within the Department of Construction Economics and Management. Professionally,
Nassir is the managing director of Stanfield Property Partners, a consulting group of real estate economists
and surveyors. He is also the Valuation Adviser for the Inspectorate of Government and a member of the
Valuation Board for the Departed Asians Custodian Board. He was the adviser to the Government of
Uganda in acquisition and Conversion of J&M Airport Road Hotel into a Public Institution designed to
accommodate ministries and he was the lead Valuation Consultant for the Hoima Oil Refinery project.
Socially, he is one of the founding members of the Lions Club of Makerere, a humanitarian organization
which aims at serving the society and serves on its constitutional affairs committee. He is a person of high
moral character and proven integrity evidenced in all his works.


3.1 Education: (Academic & Professional Qualifications)

Year Institution Award /Qualification

2010 Frankfurt School of Finance & Certificate in Advanced Real Estate Valuation

2008 University of Reading- UK MSc Real Estate -

2005 Centre for Basic Research- Baskerville Post Graduate Certificate in Research
Avenue Kololo

2003 University of Dar es Salaam BSc Land Management and Valuation

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

3.2 Membership in Professional Societies:

● Registered member with Surveyors Registration Board. (RSU)
● Professional Member of Institution of Surveyors (MISU)
● Member of African Real Estate Society (AFRES)
● Member of Association of Real Estate Agents of Uganda
● Makerere University Academic Staff Association


Period Firm/Organisation Key Tasks/ Position

2007 to Makerere University Currently serving as the Head Land Economics
Date: Section and is the Department Setter for Mature
Age Entrance Examination Program.
Nassir is also the chairman of the Land
Economics Curriculum Review committee and is
a member of the under graduate Research
Committee at the department. In addition, Nassir
is the lead Examiner for the Mature Age entry
Scheme within this department.
2010-To Stanfield Property Director. Oversees the strategic development
Date Partners plans of the organisation and is deeply involved
in; establishing and implementing; strategies,
personnel and team management philosophies;
marketing and business strategies; financial
goals, business performance goals; and General
day to day firm management.
2005 to Kyambogo University. Part Time Lecturer Preparing and conducting
date: lectures for students under the Department of
Lands and Architectural Studies.
20017 to Inspectorate of Valuation Adviser to the inspectorate offering
date Government (IGG) specific and precise valuation advice on specific
matters under investigation.
2019 Departed Asians A member on the proposed Board of Valuers to
Property Custodian professionally advise government on valuation

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Board of all departed Asian expropriated properties.
2007-2010 Associated Consulting Headed the Valuation Department


 Academically, Nassir is the head of the Land Economics Section within the department of
Construction Economics and Management (CEM) at the College of Engineering, Design,
Art and Technology (CEDAT). He manages a team of select result driven lecturers at
Makerere University and has always ensured timely and quality education service delivery.
 Nassir is the chairman of the Land Economics Curriculum Review team which is a five man
team tasked with the continuous updating of the current curriculum to reflect professional
developments within the construction and business industry.
 Nassir is a member on the undergraduate research committee of the University and in
particular Cedat, CEM and LE above. He is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that
research standards and skills are not only propagated but also enhanced in students.
 Nassir is the chief examiner for the Mature Age Entry Scheme within the department and
always ensures that the right set of exams are set for such entrants and guides the assessment
 Under Stanfield, he has managed over 40 employees with better motivation, man
management skills, skills enhancement and good leadership evidenced in low staff turnover.

 2012-2014. Professionally, Nassir has managed key turnkey projects in this Country. He
was the lead valuation consultant in the Hoima Oil Refinery Resettlement Action Plan
Project the biggest infrastructural project to have impacted many project affected persons
with the computed resettlement package worth UGX 55 Billion.

 2019 Nassir was contracted by Equity Bank and Mahathi Infra (u) Ltd to provide
professional valuation consultancy services on the Mahathi Petroleum Transportation
network along Lake Victoria. This project is the first of its kind in Uganda and will ease
the transporation of petroleum supplies from Kisumu to Kampala. The Valuation advice
extended to this project is in the region of over US $ 100 Million.

 2018-2019 Nassir has managed consultancy services for National Social Security
Fund on all its real estate assets throughout country with an estimated value of over UGX
400 Billion.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
 2016-2019 Nassir has managed consultancy services for Bank of Uganda on all its
assets (moveable and immoveable assets including real estate/properties) throughout
country with an estimated value of over UGX 250 Billion.

 2019 Nassir was the main financial valuation adviser for Equity Bank in
extending over US $ 100 Million loan to one of its clients M/s Namayiba Tea Estates. This
is the biggest secured loan to have been extended by a single financial institution in Uganda
to a Ugandan company.

 2019 Nassir was the private valuation adviser in the acquisition of J&M Airport Road
Hotel which is now designed to accommodate various ministerial offices in a move to
decongest the CBD. The purchase advice extended to Government was over UGX 87


 2019:-Client:- Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA):- Project Name:- Consultancy

Services for Review/Update of Enginmeering Designs, Environment and Social Impact
Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan For Improvement of Nalukolongo Drainage
Channel:- Nassir was the lead valuation consultant on this project under the main contractor
UB Consulting ltd.

 2018-2019 Client:- Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd (UETCL):- Project

Name- Resettlementt Action Plan for the Proposed 132KV Mukono Industrial Park
Transmission Line Industrial Park Lot -1. Nassir was the lead valuation consultant providing
compensation strategies for valuation of all affected land and property.

 2017-2019 Client:- Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd (UETCL):- Project

Name- Resettlementt Action Plan for the Proposed 132KV Namanve-Luzira Transmission
Line Industrial Park Lot -1. Nassir was the lead valuation consultant providing
compensation strategies for valuation of all affected land and property.

 2014-2017 Client: Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA). Project Name:- Consultancy
Services for Land Acquisition and Expropriation Along the Hoima- Bulima-Kabwooya Road
Expropriation Project by Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA). Nassir was the leader
of the valuation team at Stanfield when contracted by Uganda National Roads Authority to
undertake a valuation and expropriation of land along this route. Main project features
included analyzing road designs, undertaking surveys and valuations of all affected persons
within the road design.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
 2014-2016—Contracted by UNRA to advise on the assessment, valuation and expropriation
of land for the New Nile Bridge Road Compensation Project Works/activities involved;
analyzing road designs, Stakeholders sensitization, field inspections, assessment valuations,
progress reports draft reports, final submission of reports.
 2016 Project Manager, Road Survey and Boundary Opening for Paul Kavuma &
Nkoyoyo Road within Mukono Municiplaity. Main Project Features: computation of
earthwork details, quantity surveying, and progress reports draft reports, final submission of
reports. Headed a team of stanfield Property Partners to undertake this project.

 2016 Project Manager, Road Engineering Survey and Design of Mulyanti Road, Main
Project Features: road engineering survey, fit in spines for horizontal alignments,
computation of earthwork details, quantity surveying, progress reports draft reports, final
submission of reports.

 2014 Contracted by UNRA to advise on Valuation for select unique assets like stone
quarries, Kampala-Entebbe Express Road Section 2-KM 6+100-11+000, Main Project
Features: Stakeholders sensitization, field inspections, assessment valuations, progress
reports draft reports, final submission of reports

 2013-2014 Contracted by Rural Electrification Agency (REA) as Stanfield to advise on

the valuation of all interests along the Rackoko-Awere-Lalogi Power Transmission
Route, Main Project Features: Stakeholders sensitization, field inspections, assessment
valuations, progress reports draft reports, final submission of reports

 2014-2015 Contracted by Rural Electrification Agency (REA) to advise on the valuation of

all interests along the Mayuge-Bwondha Landing Site And Kasambira-Bugulumbya
Up To Busandha, Main Project Features: Stakeholders sensitization, field inspections,
assessment valuations, progress reports draft reports, final submission of reports

 2012-2013 Lead Consultant Valuer, Rwimi Hydro Power Compensation Valuation

Project, Main Project Features: Field Briefings, reconnaissance, Stakeholders sensitization,
meetings, Radio Talk shows, field inspections, and compensation assessments

 2013-2014 Lead Consultant Valuer, Nyagak HydroPower Resettlement Action Plan

Project, Main Project Features: Valuation of all Project Affected Person’s interests.

 2014 Lead Consultant Valuer, Bukinda Hydro Power Resettlement Action Plan
Project, Main Project Features: Valuation of all Project Affected Person’s interests.

 2014 Lead Consultant Valuer, Ishasha HydroPower Resettlement Action Plan. Main
Project Features: Valuation of all Project Affected Person’s interests.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Language Speaking Reading Writing

English Excellent Excellent Excellent

Swahili Good Good Good


Lions Club of Makerere: Nassir is one of the founding members of the Lions Club of Makerere
which is a humanitarian service club with societal improvement goals. Nassir serves as a member on
the constitutional committee of this great Lions Club.


1.0 Dr Nathan Kibwami (0782-429-591)

Head of Department
Construction Economics and Management
College of Engineering, Design Art and Technology.
Makerere University.
2.0 Dr. Ssengoba (0753456226)
Head of Department – Lands & Architectural Studies)
Kyambogo University
3.0 Mubiru Moses (0774-137913)
Co- Managing Partner
Stanfield Property Partners.

10. Contat Address

MOBILE: +256 (0)752-504008



I, the undersigned, certify, that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award.
Mwanje Nassir

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation Vitae (K-2)
of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
1. Proposed Technical Manager.
2. Firm Soberland International Institute of Development Services
4. Date of Birth January 12, 1964 Nationality Ethiopian

Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU), Norway
M.Sc in Urban Environmental (Ecological) Planning
Former Urban Planning College (Ecole Technique des Municipalitie) in Urban/Town Planning
Former Urban Planning College (Ecole Technique des Municipalitie)
Advanced Diploma in Urban engineering

6. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP: Ethiopia Urban Planners Association


 Certificate of Advanced International Training on Shelter Design & Development
organized by Housing Development & Management, Lund University in Lund , Sweden & in
Manila, the Philippines
 Certificate of Advanced International Training on Financing & Management of Local
Infrastructure Initiatives (Urban Ecological Sanitation), Stockholm KTH, Sweden &
Francistown, Botswana.
 Certificate of Achievement for Course of Sustainable Settlement Design in the Third
World, Brookes Oxford University, Oxford, England.
 Certificate of Construction Project Management, Cost Control & Quality Management,
 Certificate of Project Management, Ethiopian Management Institute, Addis Ababa.

 One month (from July 31- August 31, 2011) international experience sharing visit in Kansas
(Missouri) & Houston (Texas), USA & in Villahermosa, Mexico city organized by the Tagos
Group (based in Houston, Texas) & Wall Ties & Forms Inc (WTF) & by the City of Houston
Municipality (Public Works & Engineering Department). The principal purpose of the visit
was to learn from experiences of others through practical observation in addressing
affordable housing construction & infrastructure in Addis Ababa city. During the visit, I have
visited & learned the following major practical areas.

 Urban solid waste management (recycling, environmental service center),Energy renewal

 Efficient & effective construction management ( efficiency, speed of construction, cost,
quality, energy efficiency, urban environmental friendly technology, low maintenance,
safety & security etc),
 Urban Housing, Infrastructure & better construction method & innovative technology to
build affordable multi-story construction,
 Procurement & contracts administration,
 Business operations efficiency, logistics & warehousing, supplier sourcing & management
programs for large organizations,

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

8. Countries of Work Experience: Ethiopia, Norway, USA, Mexico


Languages Speaking Reading Writing

English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Amharic Excellent Excellent Excellent


From: February, 2016 to present

Employer: Icos consulting firm
Position held: freelance consultant (Asset management, urban infrastructure, land
management & urban planning specialist) for the Third (3rd) Annual Performance
Assessment (ULGDP II)

From: November, 2014 to 2015

Employer: Egis International (international consulting firm)
Position held: Senior urban management & planning specialist

From: December 15, 2013 to September 30, 2014

Employer: SuDCA Development Consultants
Position held: Freelance consultant (Municipal service standardization & measurement
specialist) & senior urban management & planning specialist

From: September, 2012- August, 2013

Employer: Canadian Urban Institute (NGO)
Position held: Senior urban project officer

From: May, 2011 to October, 2011

Employer: Canadian Urban Institute
Position held: Freelance consultant in the field of urban management &planning, Addis
Ababa Eco -City (Neighbourhood Improvement) Project

From : 2005 to 2012

Employer: Addis Ababa City Administration, Addis Ababa Urban Housing Development &
Construction Project/Program Office
Positions held: Housing Project/Program Manager, Bole Urban Housing Development &
Construction Project /Program
From : 2002-2005
Employer: Addis Ababa City Administration
Positions held: General Manager, Bole Sub -City Municipality
Employer: Addis Ababa City Administration, Land Preparation & Allotment Project
Positions held: Urban Planner & Project Coordinator
Employer: Addis Ababa City Administration, Urban Planning Department
Positions held: Urban Engineer

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

1. Name of assignment or project: Urban Institutional and Infrastructure

Development Program (UIIDP), Technical Assistance for other regions (new cities in
Year: May 2018 to present
Location: Addis Ababa
Client: SuDCA Development Consultants
Position held: Senior Urban Development & Urban Planning Specialist
Activities performed:

 Developed Guideline for Urban Resilience and Disaster Risk Management for New
Cities In Ethiopia,
 Developed urban planning training manual ,
 Providing professional & technical advice to Urban Institutional and Infrastructure
Development Program (UIIDP),
& working groups,
 Provided orientations & on- job training on urban planning and development, Urban
Resilience and Disaster Risk Management

2. Name of assignment or project: “Scoping study for people with special needs
(urban destitute) & service providers in 11 cities Assessment”.
Year: December, 2017 to present
Location: Addis Ababa
Client: Soberland International Institute of Development Services Pvt.Ltd.Co (
consulting firm)
Position held: Team Leader
Activities performed:
 Supervised data collectors and the data collection (primary/qualitative and secondary
data) process from all relevant sources through key informant interview, in-depth
interview of major actors, Focal group discussion(FGD), participants’ observation,
stakeholders workshop, etc.
 Analyzed baseline data (both qualitative and quantitative) to identify the existing urban
destitute problem and to identify service and infrastructure providers and current
practices in providing support to the people with special needs in Addis Ababa city,
 Reviewed Ethiopian urban sector policy and strategies, social protection policy and
 Reviewed experience of other countries (low middle income level) to bench mark
approaches and practices to address urban destitute,
 Identified interventions to address the situation/livelihood/ of people with special needs
and develop clear implementation and targeting strategy.

3. Name of assignment or project: 100 Resilient Cities (RC) project in Addis Ababa,
Year: December, 2016 to 2017
Location: Addis Ababa
Client: Zerihun Associates, Research and Evaluation consulting firm and American
Urban Institute
Position held: Urban planning and development researcher

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Activities performed:
Evaluated and monitored whether Addis Ababa city has implemented, or is the city well on
its way to implementing the resilience strategies?
Do the resilience strategies represent a strong point of view of actions city must take? Are
these views widely support and understood? Do the strategies lead to greater resilience?
Does the city institutionalized resilience through key processes, structures, rules, laws, and
operations (budget, regulatory, enforcement, procurement)? To what extent are any
changes in city’s policies and practices likely to sustain? To what extent has the 100RC
engagement improved city capacity to design and implement resilience solutions?

4. Name of assignment or project: Annual Performance Assessor for the Third (3rd)
Annual Performance Assessment (APA) of 10 Amhara cities & region in the ULGDP II
Year: February, 2016 to June 2016,
Location: Amhara region (10 cities)
Client: Icos consulting firm
Positions held: Asset management, land management, urban infrastructure & urban
planning specialist
Activities performed:
carried out the detailed Annual Performance Assessment to review the performance of the
10 participating Amhara cities against the set of Disbursement Linked indicators (DLI) &
associated performance measurement & indicators( Asset management ,urban
infrastructure , urban planning & land management)

5. Name of assignment or project: Ethiopia National Urban Development Project,

Neighborhood Development Plan & Urban Design Plan for 12 Ethiopia Cities /ULGDP
Year: November 2014 -2015
Location: Addis Ababa
Client: Egis International Consultant
Positions held: Senior Urban Planner
Activities performed:
 Participated as the team member in preparing urban plan (Neighbourhood
Development Plans) & prepared reports for the 12 Ethiopia cities
 Participated in the preparation of the Ethiopia National Urban Development Schemes
6. Name of assignment or project: Urban Local Government Development program
(ULGDP II): Technical Assistance for New & Existing ULGDP Cities in Oromiya Regional
States in Municipal Service Delivery, Standardization & Measurement
Year: 2013-2014
Location: Oromiya Regional State (Adama, Ambo, Asella, Batu, Bishoftu,Burayu,
Jimma ,Robe, Sebeta,Shashemene
Client: SuDCA Development Consultants
Positions held: Municipal Service Delivery, Standardization & Measurement Specialist

Activities performed:

 Developed Manual for Municipal Service (greenery, waste management, storm water
management etc.) for Measurement & Standardization - including set service standards,
Key performance indicators,

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
 Developed Data Collection Format for Municipal Service- Level, Coverage & Efficiency ,
 Developed Training Manual & Guideline,
 Engaged the city administration in identifying key municipal services that needs to be
standardized to enhance municipal service level, coverage & efficiency & to prepare citizen
 Provided orientations & on- the job training on municipal service Standardization,
measurement & delivery for the leaderships & the technical staffs
 Supported the cities how to prepare municipal services standards & measurement for
 Providing professional & technical advice to ULGDP’s & working groups.

7. Name of assignment or project: Urban Planning, Urban Environmental

Management & Development Projects in two Weredas in Addis Ababa & Downtown
Revitalization Project in three Kebeles in Bahir Dar City
Year: 2012-2013
Location: Addis Ababa & Bahir-Dar , Ethiopia
Client: Canadian Urban Institute (CUI)
Positions held: Project Officer
Activities performed:

 Conducted & assessed the existing urban context of the project areas in Addis Ababa
& Bahir Dar,
 Developed urban environmental planning profile which illustrates the development
issues including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats of the projects in urban
community base projects,
 Applied studio works included the design of community development plan especially
eco-friendly neighborhood design & urban revitalization project for two Weredas in
Addis Ababa & three Kebeles in Bahir Dar,
 Redevelopment of three inner city kebeles for Bahir Dar which requires both a
theoretical reconfiguration of performance criteria & the practical demonstration of the
outcomes in the exiting urban context in terms of spatial, social, economic, socio-
cultural & environment.
 Involved extensive interaction with stakeholders ranging from government executives to
local businesses & community groups, with a focus on sustainable development, local
economic development & social coherence.
 Developed concept, action plan, & analysis & preparing urban environmental planning
(LDP) proposal & implementation plan.

8. Name of assignment or project: Addis Ababa Eco -City (Urban Neighborhood

Sanitation Improvement Project
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Year: May to October 2011
Client: Canadian Urban Institute(CUI)
Positions held: Freelance Senior Consultant
Activities performed:
 Conducted study on urban environmental/ecological planning & development plan
(Neighborhood Improvement) for Yeka sub city, Wereda 04 that covers an area of
64.5 hectares & for Addis Ketema sub city kebele 09 that covers an area of 78.5
hectares that emphasized comprehensive planning approaches, whereby physical,
local economical development(LED), soico-cultural , environmental & institutional

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
aspects of a locality integrate & target to create prosperous community,
 Participated in local economical development planning process based on intensive
community participation & integration strategies,
 Developed concept plan, strategies , action plan, analysis & preparing eco city( urban
neighborhood sanitation improvement ) proposal & implementation plan

9. Name of assignment or project: Addis Ababa Urban Housing Development &

Construction Program
Year: 2005-2012
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Client: Addis Ababa Housing Development & Construction Project Office
Positions held: Project/Program Manager, Sub City Housing Development &
Construction Program
Activities performed:
 Plan, direct, coordinate, & budget the urban housing projects, including infrastructure
(local access roads, greenery, sewer lines, storm water drainage, water & electric
lines), identifying design & construction problems ( defects) & providing solutions,
 Coordinate & supervise the entire urban planning & design (neighborhood development
plan) , architectural design & construction process from the conceptual development
stage through final construction, making sure that the urban housing project gets
completed on time & within budget,
 Preparing documents to put out tenders for contractors,
 Review all contractors' invoices & order for payment,
 Manage the selection of general contractors & micro & small scale contractors to
complete specific phases of the project which could include everything from structural,
metal working & plumbing, painting, installing electrical & sanitary works,
 Determine the labor requirements of the project &, in some cases, supervise or monitor
the hiring & dismissal of workers,
 Direct & monitor the progress of the urban housing construction activities,
 Make decisions regarding daily construction activities at the jobsite,
 Checking that agreed work by staff or contractors has been completed satisfactorily &
following up on any deficiencies,
 Manage the contract administration,
 Managing the project conflicts,
 Monitoring & Controlling includes measuring the ongoing project activities ('where we
 Monitoring the project variables (cost, time, quality, scope, etc.) against the urban
project management plan & the project performance baseline (where we should be?),
 Identify corrective actions to address issues & risks properly (How can we get on track
 Ensures that the urban housing projects meet safety & security standards
 Project close: Finalize all activities across all of the process groups to formally close the
project or a project phase,
 Contract closure: Complete & settle each contract (including the resolution of any open
items) & close each contract applicable to the project or project phase
 Develop of programme/ project plans, budgets, Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E), project
narrative & financial reporting
 Assist Addis Ababa housing development project Manager on a range of
tasks aimed at strengthening the organisation’s programmes.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
 Prepare & provide quarterly, bi-annual & annual budget & expense reports as well as
technical documents to the head office general manager
10. Name of assignment or project: Bole Sub -City Municipality
Year: 2002/2005
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Client: Addis Ababa City Administration
Attention: Former Mayor of the city
Positions held: General Manager, Bole Sub -City Municipality
Activities performed:
 Plan, direct, coordinate, & budget the sub city municipality’s urban planning &
development projects, including infrastructure (local roads, sanitation, sewer lines,
storm water drainage, water & electric lines) & land administration etc.
 Supervised & get involved on the preparation & implementation of eco city project in
the sub city ,
 Coordinate & supervise the service delivery of the sub city
 Equipped to carry out the task of implementing the sub city municipality’s integrated
urban planning & development plan (like infrastructure, land administration, eco city
project, housing construction etc.),
 Operating in accordance with the municipality’s performance urban planning &
management system,
 Managing the implementation of the municipality’s integrated urban development
plan(LDP), & the monitoring of progress with implementation of the plan,
 Managing the provision of services to the local community in a sustainable & equitable
manner responsive to the needs of the local community.
 Lead, coordinate, allocate budget, monitor & control the sub city municipality activities
carried out by several departments & centers,
 Ensure implementation of a multi-disciplinary & inter institutional collaboration,
 Designing proposals, developing concept notes, M&E, report writing & capacity
 Implementing the city’s urban planning & management policies,
 Investigating availability & suitability of options for new premises,
 Planning for future development in line with strategic business objectives,
 Participated on preparation of Kirkos local development plan(LDP),
11. Name of assignment or project: Land & Preparation & Allotment Project
Location: Addis Ababa ,Ethiopia
Client: Addis Ababa City Administration
Positions held: Urban Planner & Project Coordinator
Activities performed:
 Monitor & follow-up on the implementation of land preparation & urban land allotment
 Performed land surveying(areas to be developed):land allotment, location of partitions,
telephones, electrical, & finalizes proposals for implementation of work,
 Prepared land negotiation plan & execute the process when there is boundary
disputes, Managing the urban project conflicts,
 Prepared quarterly, bi-annual & annual reports as well as technical documents.
Participated in numerous research management & leadership activities; organize seminars,
workshops, trainings & field days; present research papers on urban planning , urban
environmental & management ,urban housing construction & management in various
international & national conferences & workshops; provide different trainings on urban planning

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
& management ,urban housing management & construction, urban environmental planning &
management to professional ,researchers, development practitioners, community
representatives & held mass media (radio, newspaper & TV) interviews & briefings.


Certificate of First Place Award Winner for Integrated Development Projects Competitions by
the Weitz Centre for Development Program for the project Addis Ababa Housing
Development Program: A Strategy for Urban Poverty Reduction & Sustainable Socio-
Economic Transformation, Rehovot, Israel, December 2010.

1. Mekonen Wube Ermed (2002) .The Impact of Urban Expansion on the Land Tenure &
Livelihood of the Rural Households in the case of Mekanissa Urban Housing Project, thesis, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science & Technology), Norway.
2. Mekonen Wube Ermed (1996). Urban Infrastructure Provision & Management & the
Role of Municipality in Addis Ababa,, senior essay, Urban Planning College,
3. Mekonen Wube Ermed. Settlement & Design project in Keraniyo area, Advance
Diploma Final Project, Urban Planning College, Ethiopia.

Journal/Conference/workshop/Proceeding articles:
1. Mekonen Wube Ermed (2010). Addis Ababa Housing Development Program: A
Strategy for Urban Poverty Reduction & Sustainable Socio-Economic
Transformation, Israel, 2010,( First place Award Winner for Integrated Development
Projects Competition Organized by the Weitz Center for Development Studies for the
2. Mekonen Wube Ermed (2009).Increasing Affordability of Housing to the Low-
Income Families in Addis Ababa, Lund University, Sweden 2009.
3. Mekonen Wube Ermed (2007).Out-door Eco-toilet for Condominium Houses in
Addis Ababa, KTH University, Sweden, 2007.
4. Mekonen Wube Ermed (2001).Urban Slum Upgrading Project in Kathmandu City,
Nepal, 2001.

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself,
my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case of an award.
I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my disqualification
or dismissal by the Client.

Mekonen Wube Ermed 05/02/2020

Name of Expert Signature Date {day/month/year}

Name of authorized Signature Date {day/month/year}

Representative of the Consultant (the same who signs the Proposal)

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Curriculum Vitae (K-3)
1. Proposed Position: Senior Quantity Surveyor ( Specialist)

2. Name of Firm: Soberland International Institute of Development Services PLC

3. Name of Staff: Fikreyohannes Yadessa Feyissa

4. Date of Birth: 1968 Nationality: Ethiopian

5. Education
 M.Sc. In Urban Infrastructure Management From Twente University, Faculty of Geo-information
Science and Earth Observation (ITC) -2005
 BSc in Civil Engineering Addis Ababa University Faculty of Technology-1997
 Diploma in Building Technology Addis Ababa Technical School-1989

6. Membership of Professional Associations:

 Association of Ethiopian Civil Engineers
 Member of Ethiopian GIS society

7. Other Training:
 Practicing professional material engineering training, By MoWUD
 Management Consultant, by EMI
 Certificate on construction and supervision of roads, drainage and bridges by Kajima Corporation
 Urban Transportation management By GIB
 Urban Development study by GTZ
 Certificate on Total Station surveying equipment by HAGBES.
 Certificate on project planning, implementation monitoring and evaluation by Management Institute.
 Road construction by CON_AID/CBR PLUS South African Company.
 Business management training by Open University
 Computer software training : -Microsoft office, Civil Designer, SPSS, Arc GIS, ILLWIS, Definite, ERDAS:

8. Countries of Work Experience:

 Ethiopia, Southern Sudan
9. Languages:
e Reading Writing Speaking

Amharic Excellent Excellent Excellent

English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Oromiffa Excellent Excellent Excellent

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
10. Employment Record:

From: September 2009 To: To date

Employer: GTZ_IS,CDC,UDCBO,GIZ, Development partners, MH Engineering, Pan African, ART Tec

consultants, SuDCA Development Consultant, Soberland International, etc

Position Held: Infrastructure/ Asset Management Specialist and PME Consultant

From: June 2009 –to date

Employer ALAKA Engineering and Development Consultancy

Position Held Owner and Managing Director and Freelance works

From: December 2007 – June 2009:

Employer Norico-Lalibala Engineering & Construction Sco.

Position Held Deputy General Manager (Technical)

From: April 2005 – December 2007:

Employer Addis Ababa City Roads Authority

Position Held Road Construction and Maintenance department head

From: 2001 To: 2005

Employer: Addis Ababa City Roads Authority

Position Held Research and quality control department head

From: 1997 To: 2001

Employer: Addis Ababa City Roads Authority

Position Held: Civil Engineer

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
From: 1989 To: 1997

Employer: Addis Ababa University Faculty of Technology (southern campus)

Position Held: Soil and Materials research assistant

Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks

Name of assignment or project: Municipal Revenue and Service Baseline Survey

Year: 2015-2016

Location: Bahir-Dar, Dire Dawa and Mekelle cites of Ethiopia

Client: Ministry of Urban Development and Housing through SuDCA & Soberland Consulting Associates JV.

Positions held: Municipal Infrastructure Engineer

Activities performed:

Assess current infrastructure and level of municipal services ,

Estimate investment need and gap to meet the service standards

Providing professional & technical advice on how to meet the gaps

Name of assignment or project: Urban Local Government Development program (ULGDP II): Technical
Assistance for New & Existing ULGDP Cities in Oromia and SNNP Regional States

Year: 2013-2014

Location: Oromiya Regional State (Adama, Ambo, Asella, Batu, Bishoftu,Burayu, Jimma ,Robe, Sebeta,
Shashemene and SNNP (Hawassa, Dilla, Araminch, Woliata Sodo, Areka, Hossaina, Butajira, and Mizan-Aman)

Client: Minstry of Urban Development and Housing through SuDCA Development Consultants

Positions held: Asset Management Specialist

Activities performed:

Revised Manual for Asset Management ,

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Developed Training Manual & Guideline for Asset Management,

Engaged the city administration in identifying key municipal assets that needs to be inventoried.

Provided orientations & on- the job training on Asset inventory, measurement & Maintenance

Supported the 18 cities on the preparation of Asset Management plan for the 10 steps

Providing professional & technical advice to ULGDP’s & working groups in Asset Management

Name of Assignment or Project: Annual Performance Assessment (APA) of ULGDP-I for EFY 2004

Year : June-Sept 2012

Location: Adama, Bishoftu, Jima and Shashmene

Client: MUDHCo SuDCA Development Consultant

Positions held:Asset Management Specialist

Activities performed

Reviewing the various ULGDP Implementation Guideline

Reviewing annual asset management plan and relevant document

Conducting site visit to evaluate the performance cities in implementing the LGDP Program.

Report writing on annual performance of each city.

Name of Assignment or Project: Annual Performance Assessment (APA) of ULGDP-I for EFY 2002

Year : June-November 2010

Location: Hawassa, Dilla, Araminch, Woliata Sodo

Client: MUDHCo./SUDCA Development Consultant

Positions held:Asset Management Specialist

Activities performed

Reviewing the various ULGDP Implementation Guideline

Reviewing annual asset management plan and relevant document

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Conducting site visit to evaluate the performance cities in implementing the LGDP Program.

Report writing on annual performance of each city.

Name of assignment or project: Freelance consultant,

Year: 2005 – to date

Location: all over Ethiopia

Client: various including ULGDP,GTZ-IS, GTZ, GIZ, CDC, Development partners, MH Engineering, EZECo, Pan
Africa consultants, Arts-Tech Consultants.

Positions held: Freelance consultant

Activities performed: conducted annual performance assessment for ULGDP, supported the GTZ IS in urban
infrastructure, design of urban Road, drainage and related infrastructures, valuation of urban assets, design
of land fill site

Name of assignment or project: Urban Infrastructure Engineer for the Capacity building for Decentralized
Service Delivery Project and Deepening Decentralization and local Government Restructuring in Oromia,
Southern Nations, Nationalities and people's Region state and Harari National Regional States

Year: 2005-2006

Location: Oromia, SNNPs and Harari and Diredawa

Client: GTZ-IS

Activities performed:

-Collecting primary and secondary data on urban infrastructure from concerned bodies and site visit with the
help of existing drawing and analog maps.

-Assist the towns in developing digital maps of their infrastructure in AutoCAD or GIS into the computer

-Preparing data base for roads, road drainages, pipe network, solid waste collection and sanitation facilities .

-Conducting a workshop for the staffs from the municipalities of the project towns on preparation of five year
development strategic plans.

-Develop understanding of staffs on how asst management gives a foundation for preparation of five year
development strategic plan in infrastructures service delivery especially to the poor residents.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
-Develop understanding of the staffs on how can they work with and manage a municipal infrastructures
asset base.

-Preparing manuals for sustainable physical infrastructure management and maintenance.

-Preparing a five year strategic plan of the infrastructure related to water supply, road and drainage, street
light, solid waste and sanitation facilities.

Name of the assignment: Infrastructure Management capacity Building


Location: Amhara, Tigray, Oromia, SNNPS, Harar and Diredawa

Client: UDCBO

Position held: Free lance infrastructure Engineer

Activities performed: Training on Implementation of Infrastructure asset management plan preparation for
19 ULGDP Cities in four regions including Harar and Diredawa

Name of the assignment: World Bank ULGDP Project

Year: 2009-2010

Location: Tigray, Amhara Oromia, SNNPs and Harari and Diredawa

Client: UDCBO

Position held: Assessment management specialist

Activities performed:

-Asset management plan preparation training, review of training output

-Preparing proposal on Cities staffing for infrastructure asset management, Preparation of operation and
maintenance contract document

-Revision of infrastructure asset management plan

-Preparation of strategy for next generation infrastructure asset management for the cities.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Name of the assignment: Dessie structural plan revision

Year: 2009

Location: Dessie

Client: Development partners

Position held: Infrastructure Engineer

Activities performed: Condition survey, Inventory, Mapping, valuing and proposing addition infrastructure.

Name of the assignment: Evaluation of physical infrastructure asset of the cities

Year: 2010

Location: Different cities

Client: CDC

Position held: Infrastructure Engineer

Activities performed: Preparing tools, training manual reporting on physical infrastructure asset of the cities

Name of the assignment: Urban management Project


Location: Different cities

Client: ALAKA ENGINEER and development

Position held: Asset management specialist

Activities performed: Preparing asset management training and review of training output, revising structural
plan and preparing rail way design

Name of assignment: Addis Ababa city urban management project

Year : December 2007-June 2009:

Client: Norico-Lalibala Engineering & Construction S.C.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Location: Addis Ababa

Position held: Project coordinator

Activities performed: coordinating technical issues of the project , following up and preparing progress
report of the project

Name of Assignment: Addis Ababa Road Construction and maintenance management

Period :April 2005 – December 2007:

Client: Addis Ababa City Roads Authority

Location: Addis Ababa

Position held :Road Construction and Maintenance project coordinator

Activities performed: Coordinating all project activities ,preparing action plan details for all projects,
preparing programs for a budget year, preparing required human resources, materials and machinery for a
project, controlling design and budget correlation from the master plan point of view, trucking the master
action plan on a daily and weekly basis with project team with a view and controlling roads and bridges
construction process as to whether they are constructed according to the design parameters and standards.

Name of assignment: Addis Ababa Drainage and bridge construction project

Year: 2001-2005

Location: Addis Ababa

Client: Addis Ababa Roads Authority

Position held: Project coordinator

Activities performed: Coordinating all activities take place for road, drainage and bridge construction and in
laboratory, leading all research works in the field of material, soil and asphalt for road and drainage
construction and approving all test results and road construction works at different stages, preparing
strategic and action plan for construction of road and drainages based on city master plan, supervising of
Asphalt and Gravel roads construction and supervising construction of various drainage Structures.

Name of assignment or project: Surveys on road related infrastructure in Addis Ababa city

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Year: 1997-2001

Location: Addis Ababa

Client: Addis Ababa Roads Authority

Position held: Civil engineer

Activities performed: conducting surveys on road related infrastructure in Addis Ababa city, managing
infrastructure data, supervising various infrastructure (road, drainage, bridges etc), bid document
preparation and evaluation, contract award and contract supervision etc.

Name of assignment or project: soil and Materials research project

Year: 1989-1997

Location: Addis Ababa

Client : AAU, Technology Faculty Southern Campus

Position held: Research assistant

Main project features: Material and geotechnical investigation

Activities performed:

Visual classification and Bore log preparation

Ground water determination, material and soil sampling, testing procedure, evaluating & reporting test
results, co-ordination & supervising work activities, controlling and inspecting material sampling & testing
procedures., preparation of reports, evaluating and reporting laboratory test results, Laboratory training for
building third year student, lecturing on masonry construction for Civil Engineering diploma program

13. Certification:

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any willful misstatement described
herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

Date: 05/02/2020

[Signature of staff member or authorized representative of the staff] Day/Month/Year

Full name of authorized representative:

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1. Position Title and Senior Quantity Surveyor
2. Name of Firm: PACE Consulting Architects and Engineers PLC
3. Name of Expert: Tadesse Ayalew
4. Date of Birth: 23/May/1977 Country of Ethiopia

 PhD in Civil Engineering (Major in Construction Technology and Management): From Faculty
of Technology, Addis Ababa University and , July 2019
 MSc. Degree in Civil Engineering (Major in Construction Technology and Management): From
Faculty of Technology, Addis Ababa University, July 2009.
 B.Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering from Faculty of Science and Technology, Mekelle University,
July 2004.
 Diploma in Construction Technology : From Nazareth Technical College, July 1998
 Diploma in Electrical Technology : From Entoto Technical and Vocational school, July 1995

Other Trainings—Professional
 Certificate in Practical Use of FIDIC Condition of Contract Organized by Ethiopian Consultant
Association and Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce & Sectorial Association, January 31 &
February 1,201
 Certificate in introduction to international valuation courses organized by the University of
Reading (UK) and university of Khartoum (Sudan), May 22-24, 2012. In addition to this I
participated and presented a paper on a workshop organized by the University of Khartoum in
collaboration with university of Reading.
 Certificate in on MS project organized by GTZ-IS, February, 01, 2010.
 Certificate on ISO 9001:2008 Quality management system implementation training organized
by GTZ-IS, January, 01, 2010.
 Certificate on Arbitration organized by Ethiopian Arbitration and Conciliation Center, July 9,
 Certificate on research capacity Building organized by Mekelle university, April 15-16, 2005
 Two months training on Material Testing at Transport Construction Design and Construction
Enterprise and Building Design Enterprise, April, 2000.

Employment record relevant to the assignment:

Period Employing organization and your Country Summary of activities performed

title/position. Contact relevant to the Assignment
information for references
February YBM Construction Management Ethiopia Positions held: General Manager,
18,2014- Consultant PLC. Tasks: Leading the overall activities of
Todate the firm, currently our firm is providing

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
a project management service for
Shola Real Estate development Project
and Ambassador Dr. Zenebe Gedle
Specialized Brain and Spine Surgery
Hospital in Addis Ababa.
June22,201 Yohannes Abbay Consulting Ethiopia Positions held : Head, Contract
1-Februray Architects and Engineers (Grade Administration Department
18,2014 1 Consulting firm) Tasks: Leading the contract
administration and supervision
department which is responsible for
contract management. Some of the
activities include Preparation of tender
Documents for contractor selection,
Bid Evaluation, Coordinating project
sites, conducting regular site visit and
meetings with the client, handling
variation and claims, certifying
payments etc.
November, GTZ International Service, Ethiopia Positions held: Senior Engineer and
2008- University Capacity Building Project coordinator
August, Program (UCBP) Projects. Tasks: As a senior engineer my task
2010 For reference: Addisalem Nega: was coordinating supply of
Position: Deputy Director infrastructure materials, assessment of
+251911438602/addisalem.nega quality of University capacity projects of the 13 university as quality
assurance team member. As project
coordinator I was responsible in
coordinating the overall project
activities of 5 out of the 13 university
Jan 2007 - NOH Condominium Associations Ethiopia Intermittent Supervision
November Plc Tasks: My major task was quality
2008 For reference: W/o Martha : control and contract administration of
Position: Committee Member 12 G+2 Building Projects such as
+251911470022; handling variation and claims,
certifying payments
Sept 2004- Mekelle University. Ethiopia Assistant Lecturer & Laboratory
Jan 2007 For reference: Name: Dr. coordinator
Alemgena Alen: Position: Tasks: My task as an assistant lecturer
Department Head was delivering courses such as building construction, construction materials,
engineering mechanics and
construction management; As a
laboratory coordinator I had
established a system within the
laboratory that enable to provide
consultancy service in parallel with its
service to students

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
July 1998- Maichew Technical College: Same Ethiopia Technical Assistant
July 1999 task with above position at Tasks: My Task as Technical assistant
Mekelle University was assisting various laboratory based
For reference: Name: Arega Asie: courses which include but not limited
Position: Lecturer to Surveying, building construction,
/+251914730246; construction materials and soil

Membership in Professional Associations and Publications:

 Ethiopian Society of Civil Engineer
 Professional Engineer in (PE /024) Authenticated by Ministry of Urban Development and

Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):

Reading Speaking Writing

Amharic Excellent Excellent Excellent

English Very good Very good Very good

Adequacy for the Assignment:

Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned
Name of assignment or Project: Teaching construction management such as Building, Road ,
water supply line, swage line , Drainage line and waste management line
Year: September 2010-To date (May 20,2013)
Location: Addis Ababa University
Client: Ethiopian Institutes of Architecture Building Construction and City Development
(EiABC), Addis Ababa University.
Main project features: Teaching in Management and evaluation of infrastructure
Position held: Lecturer, Chair Holder of Construction Management and Renovation Manager
Activities: Teaching and practical supervision of different construction site
Name of assignment or Project: Infrastructure development
Year: 2008-August, 2010
Location: Different part of the City where 13 university found
Client: GTZ International Service, University Capacity Building Program (UCBP) Projects.
Main project features: Implementation of Infrastructure and buildings
Position held: Senior Infrastructure Engineer
 Design amendment of infrastructure projects in the implementation stage
 Construction supervision

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
 Contract administration

Name of assignment or Project: Supervision and contract Administration

Year: Jan 2007 - November 2008Location: Addis Ababa Client: NOH Condominium
Associations Plc. Main project features: Construction of buildings and its accessory

Position held: Intermittent Supervision

Activities: Construction of 12 buildings and its infrastructure such as drainage line, liquid
waste disposal system, water supply, staring line and interior roads
Name of assignment or Project: capacity building on the infrastructure
Year: Sept 2004-Jan 2007
Location: Mekele University
Client: Mekelle University
Main project features: Capacity building by lecturing different profession in theory and
Position held: Assistant Lecturer & Laboratory coordinator
 Delivering lecture in construction material s for building and roads
 Coordinating laboratory facilities for construction purpose
 Preparation of design, tender document and specification and BOQ for buildings and
Name of assignment or Project: capacity building on the infrastructure
Year: July 1998-July 1999
Location: Maichew Technical College
Client: Maichew Technical College
Main project features: Capacity building by lecturing different profession in theory and
Position held: Technical Assistant
 Delivering lecture in construction material s for building and roads
 Coordinating laboratory facilities for construction purpose
 Preparation of design, tender document and specification and BOQ for buildings and
Name of assignment or Project: Guest Lecture at Bahirdar University
Year: April 2008-June 2010
Location: Bahirdar
Client: Bahirdar University

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Main project features:
Position held: Guest Lecturer
Activities: Delivering Lecture on construction equipment management and contract,
specifications and quantity surveying for Civil Engineering and Water Resources Engineering
graduating Class Students. Training topics include:

 Roads design and maintenances;

 Civil work design and maintenances; and
 Water works design and maintenances.
Name of assignment or Project: Guest Lecture at Haromaya University
Year: May 2008-June 2008
Location: Haromaya
Client: Haromaya University
Main project features:
Position held: Guest Lecturer
Activities: Delivering Lecture on Construction Management and Contract, specifications and
quantity surveying for Civil Engineers and soil and water resources management graduating
Class Students. Topics of training include:
 Roads design and maintenances;
 Civil work design and maintenances; and
 Water works design and maintenances.
Name of the assignment: Part time trainer at Construction Solution Training center/ I delivered
lecture , On call basis
Year: Feb 2012—till date
Client: Construction Solution Training Centre
Main project features: So far I delivering training on resources management for Grade 1
construction Company Engineers
Position held: Part time trainer
Activities: delivering training on resources management for Grade 1 construction Company
Name of the assignment: Deliver Trainings to Grade 6 contractors at Ethiopian institutes Of
Architecture Building Construction and City Development
(EIABC) organized by Addis Ababa City Adminstration and
Ethiopian Institutes of Architecture, building Construction and
City development (EIABC),
Year: June 2008
Location: Addis Ababa
Client: EIABC) organized by Addis Ababa City Adminstration and

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Ethiopian Institutes of Architecture, building Construction and
City development (EIABC
Main project features: Deliver Trainings to Grade 6 contractors
Position held: Part time trainer
Activities: Trainer certificate on three days training on Construction Management for Grade 6
Contractors working on public buildings with in Addis Ababa City Adminstration
Name of the assignment: Annual Performance Assessment four cities (Komobolcha, Dessie,
Gondar and Bahir Dar)
Year: June 2011- November 2011
Location: Several
Client: SuDCA Development Consultants/ MUDC
Main project features: Annual Performance Assessment four cities (Komobolcha, Dessie,
Gondar and Bahir Dar) as Assets Management Specialist
Position held: Freelance Consultant
Activities: Annual Performance Assessment four cities (Komobolcha, Dessie, Gondar and Bahir
Dar) as Assets Management Specialist
Name of the assignment: Annual Performance Assessment four cities (Komobolcha, Dessie,
Gondar and Bahir Dar)
Year: May 2013- October 2013
Location: Several
Client: SuDCA Development Consultants/ MUDC
Main project features: Annual Performance Assessment four cities (Komobolcha, Dessie,
Gondar and Bahir Dar) as Assets Management Specialist
Position held: Freelance Consultant
Activities: Annual Performance Assessment four cities (Komobolcha, Dessie, Gondar and Bahir
Dar) as Assets Management Specialist
Name of the assignment: Health Center Project
Year: June 2011- November 2011
Location: Lalibela
Client: GIZ
Main project features: Construction supervision, contract management, construction
Position held: Freelance Consultant/Site Manager
Activities: working as a site manager to finalize a health center project located in a very remote
area around Lalibela. As a site manager for this project I was responsible to supervise the
construction intermittently, certify payment to contractors and organize supply of materials by

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
the client since it was a labor based contract.
Name of the assignment: University Capacity Building Program (UCBP)
Year: 20th of July- November 25 2011
Location: Several
Client: GIZ
Main project features: contract closing of the University Capacity Building Program (UCBP)
building projects of the 13 Universities
Position held: Freelance Consultant
Activities: in contract closing of the University Capacity Building Program (UCBP) building
projects of the 13 Universities, which includes identifying and finalizing of outstanding issues
such as variation and claim etc, preparation of documentation for contract closing

Experts contact information: (e-mail : phone : 0930 09 79 99)

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case of
an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Tadesse Ayalew 04/02/2020

Name of Expert Scanned Signature Date{day/month/year}

Name of authorized Signature Date

Representative of the Consultant (The same who signs the Proposal)

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

5. Position Title and No. Senior Quantity Surveyor

6. Name of Expert: Dagnachew Adugna (Ph.D)

7. Date of Birth: 04/09/1978 Country of Ethiopian

8. Education:
Names of Dates Attended Main course of study Degree(s)/diploma(s)
educational From/To obtained
institutions and Mo/Year Mo/Year
Copenhagen 04/2014 07/2018 Landscape Based Stormwater Philosophy of Doctorate
University Management- A key to (Ph.D)
Integrated Urban Water
Addis Ababa 10/2007 07/2010 Environmental Engineering Master's of Science
University (M.Sc)
Ethiopian Civil 02/2008 08/2009 Urban Management - Master's of Art (M.A)
Service University specialization urban
infrastructure provision and
Addis Ababa 10/2010 02/2016 Civil Engineering Bachelor of Science
University (B.Sc)
Debub University 02/2000 07/2003 Agr. Engineering Bachelor of Science
9. Other Training
08/2018 - 10/2017: Research papers writing, Copenhagen University, Denmark.

 two papers published on rooftop rainwater harvesting to supplement the potable water, and
the impact of stormwater on river water pollution subjected to urbanization gradient and point

08/2016 - 25/2017: a six month research write-up including a 2 month training on academic research
writing for graduate students, University of Michigan, USA.

 Training focus: Academic writing lecture and in-group discussion on the basic elements of
scientific papers and thorough discussion on published paper from social science to natural
science and engineering.

02/2016 - 03/2016: A 1 month training: ArcGIS for Hydrology Modeling, Copenhagen University,

 Training focus: The use of ArcGIS software to develop hydrology modeling including watershed
delineation, basin development, stream networks, blue spot analysis and identify flood prone
areas and contributing watersheds.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
18-22, 2016 & 01/28 - 02/02/2014: A two weeks Work shop: Water sensitive Green cities in Africa,
Dare es Salam, Tanzania.

 Workshop focus: Presentations and discussion on the existing condition of stormwater

management, flooding, urban agriculture and community participation in stormwater
management and the opportunities of green infrastructure to manage stormwater in Ethiopia
and Dar es Salam.

05/8-14, 2016: A one week workshop: Renewable energy resources for Ethiopia, Munich, Germany.

 Workshop focus: The opportunities and challenges of developing and using renewable energies
in Ethiopia.

08 - 11/2014: A 3 month training: Landscape based stormwater management, ecosystem services

systems design and construction. Copenhagen University, Denmark.

 Training focus: The opportunities of using ecosystem services for stormwater management,
urban agriculture, biodiversity, climate regulation and urban heat island regulation. This was
supported by a number of lectures from stormwater, biodiversity, water quality, forestry,
urban agriculture, engineering and landscape specialists from universities and industries.
Field trips and visits, practical exercises and final project works were part of the training.

 Training focus: Research misconduct and questionable conduct of research, documentation

of scientific results, and handling and keeping of scientific data and intellectual property
authorship, and conflict of interest and commitment, and communication with the public.
4 - 6/2011: A 3 month Professional training, Munich, Germany

 Training focus: Project management, Quality management, Leadership, Change

management, Entrepreneurship, Renewable energy, clean development mechanism,
Framework-Germany-EU and Financial Concepts and Decisions.
August 04 - 05, 2010: A two days workshop by GTZ (The German international organization),
Ethiopian Cities Net-Work and Federal Ministry of Works and Urban Development-Urban
Local Government Development Program (ULGDP), Adama, Ethiopia
 Training focus: Cobble stone road quality management and cobble stone standards,
environmental management in quarry sites and procurement in cobble stone road.
5 - 6/2009: A 3 month training: ArcGIS as a planning tool, Corporate computer center, Addis Ababa,

• Training focus: Introduction to ArcGIS and its application for land management, urban and
land use planning and urban stormwater drainage/hydraulic structures planning using spatial
10.Employment record relevant to the assignment:
Period Employing organization and your Country Summary of activities performed relevant to
title/position. Contact infor for the Assignment
October Assistant professor, Addis Ababa Ethiopia Teaching masters and undergraduate students
2010 to University - including courses water and water resources
present management, urban transport planning and

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
management, energy resources planning and
management, the impact of land-use planning
Contact info: on the environment, Stormwater
Professor Hailu Worku, management,
e-mail: Advising and examining masters and
undergraduate students - including Theses
Titles Integration of urban infrastructure, Urban
water management, solid waste management,
greenery development in condominium houses,
causes and consequences of flash flooding and
design for flood resilient neighborhood,
constraints and opportunities in the application
of green building,
Research - Road and stormwater drainage,
urban drainage, Rooftop rainwater harvesting,
the hydraulic capacity, Quality of river water,
the Hydraulic performance of drains.
2006 to • Civil Engineer, Federal Urban Ethiopia  Urban stormwater drainage net work
Oct. 2010 Planning Institute, Ministry of planning, and design and culvert design. I
Works and urban development, prepared urban stormwater drainage net-
Addis Ababa, work master plan and design for five urban
areas including Yabelo, Awassa city, Leku
• Urban infrastructure analyst, town, Adigrat and Lalibela towns.
Ministry of Works and urban Furthermore, Urban Road and Transport,
development, Addis Ababa, Water supply and water sources, Solid waste
management including disposal and land fill
sites, and Wastewaters management
planning were planned,
 Analyzing the urban infrastructures in
Ethiopian urban areas.
11.Membership in Professional Associations and Publications:
7.1 Membership of Professional Associations
 Member of Ethiopian Civil Engineers Association

a. Publications

6 A. Articles in Scientific Journal and Proceedings as Technical Paper

 Dagnachew Adugna, Brook Lemma, Geremew Sahilu Gebrie, Larissa Larsen, Kumelachew Yeshitela
and Jensen, M. B. (2018). Stormwater impact on water quality of rivers subjected to point sources and
urbanization gradient – the case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Water and Environment Journal.
 Dagnachew Adugna, Jensen, M. B., Brook Lemma and Geremew Sahilu Gebrie (2018). Assessing
the Potential for Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting from Large Public Institutions. International Journal
of Environmental Research and Public Health.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
 Dagnachew Adugna (2012): Urban Transportation Systems, Traffic Management and Introducing
Transport Modeling in Ethiopia. ISBN: 978-3-659-20913-0.
 Dagnachew Adugna (2012): Urban Infrastructure Integration and its Challenges in Ethiopia. (ISBN
 Dagnachew Adugna (2011): Road and urban storm water drainage network integration in Addis
Ababa: Addis Ketema Sub-city. Journal of Engineering and Technology (ISSN 2006-9790 ©2011
Academic Journals)
 Dagnachew Adugna (2011): Urban Road and Drainage in Bishoftu, Ethiopia (2011) (ISBN 978-3-
 Dagnachew Adugna (2011): Planning and Design of Urban Drainage facilities in Mekelle, Ethiopia:
part-II. (ISBN 978-3-639-36714-6)
 Dagnachew Adugna (2011): Urban Drainage management in Mekelle, Ethiopia: part-I. (ISBN 978-3-
 Dagnachew Adugna (2011): Study of the urban drainage system in Addis Ababa. (ISBN 978-3-639-
 Dagnachew Adugna (2011): Road and Urban stormwater drainage integration. (ISBN 978-3-639-
7 B. Manuals
o Urban storm water drainage net-work manual, federal urban planning institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2007
o Alternative/renewable Energy sources (Biogas, wind and Solar energy sources), 2004.
o Micro-earth dam construction for surface rain water harvesting, 2004.
o Ground water development for an innovative farmer, 2005.
o Floating dome/ Indian biogas plant construction manual, 2005.
Participatory land use planning and implementation, 1999.

12.Language Skills :

- Amharic;- English, Oromiffa (medium)

13.Adequacy for the Assignment:

Detailed Tasks Assigned Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks

1. D-I Review key Name of assignment or project: Situational assessment studies on urban
documents of UIIDP and infrastructure for nine towns.
preparation of Inception

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Report Year: 2017

2. D-II Field Work / Data Location: Including Arba Minch, Wolaita Sodo, Hosanna, Sebeta, Batu/Zeway, Arsi
Collection and On Site Negelle, Shashemene and Robe,
Report Production

3. D-III Data Verification Client: IPE Global

and Preliminary Report
Production Main project features: Assessment of the Situational assessment studies on urban
4. D-IV. Refining Preliminary infrastructure especially Wastewater and solid waste management, storm water
Reports and Production drainage management, water supply, wastewater and solid waste disposal sites for
of Second Draft nine towns

5. D-V. Refining Reports Positions held: Infrastructure Engineer

and production of Third
preliminary performance Activities performed: Development of data collection tools, supervision of data
assessment report collection, data interpretation and report writing
6. D-VI. Refining Reports Name of assignment or project: City-wide urban stormwater drainage master
and production of Final
plan preparation.
Draft Performance
Assessment Report Year: 2013
7. D-VII Finalization of the
APA Report till it get Location:, Hawuzen, Enticho and Shiraro towns
approval of UIIDP Federal
Technical Committee and
Client: TH consulting firm
endorsed by the World
Main project features: The Work encompass city-wide urban stormwater drainage
8. D-VIII Presentation of the master plan preparation and design of the net-worked drains and related hydraulic
APA result on structures
stakeholders workshop
Positions held: Infrastructure Engineer

Activities performed: Development of data collection tools, supervision of data

collection, data interpretation and report writing

Name of assignment or project: City-wide urban storm water drainage master

plan preparation.

Year: 2014

Location:, Durame town.

Client: Development partners consulting

Main project features: The Work encompass city-wide urban stormwater drainage
master plan preparation and design of the net-worked drains and related hydraulic

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Positions held: Infrastructure Engineer

Activities performed: Development of data collection tools, supervision of data

collection, data interpretation and report writing

Name of assignment or project: Environmental auditing of ULGDP Urban

Infrastructure Development .

Year: 2013

Location:, Dire Dawa city.

Client: Development partners consulting

Main project features: The Work encompass detail Environmental auditing on

World Bank funded projects in Dire Dawa city about cobble stone roads, urban
drainage and flood protection retaining walls.

Positions held: Infrastructure Engineer

Activities performed: Development of data collection tools, supervision of data

collection, data interpretation and report writing

Name of assignment or project: Annual Performance Assessment of ULGDP for

EFY 2004

Year: 2013

Location: SNNP Region


Main project features: Assessment of the level of performance of cities during EFY
2004 as per the preset criteria as per the project document

Positions held: Asset Management and Municipal Service Specialist

Activities performed: Development of data collection tools, supervision of data

collection, data interpretation and report writing

Name of assignment or project: Annual Performance Assessment of ULGDP for

EFY 2003

Year: 2012

Location: SNNP Region

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Main project features: Assessment of the level of performance of cities during EFY
2003 as per the preset criteria as per the project document

Positions held: Asset Management and Municipal Service Specialist

Activities performed: Development of data collection tools, supervision of data

collection, data interpretation and report writing

Name of assignment: urban infrastructure assessment through Rapid


 Year: August 2011-2012

 Location: Oromia Special Zone around Addis Ababa (includes about 8-major
towns with in the special zone)
 Client: Addis Ababa City and Oromia Special Zone around Addis Ababa and
Addis Ababa City through Development partners
 Main features of the Assignment: Urban infrastructure and utilities Assessment,
identifying linkage and potential projects study between Addis Ababa and the
Special zone, and present recommendations.

Position held: Infrastructure specialist

Activities performed:

 Assessment on existing urban infrastructures in the OSZ and Addis Ababa

including the sewerage system in Addis Ababa,
 Identifying the impact of Addis Ababa’s infrastructure and utilities on the
downstream community in Oromia special zone (OSZ),
 Identifying the linkages between Addis Ababa city and OSZ,
 Identifying potential projects which can be implemented between Addis Ababa
and OSZ,
 Recommendations on possible cooperation between Addis Ababa and OSZ
regarding urban infrastructures and utilities.
Name of assignment: Integrated Urban Storm Water Drainage Planning,
Design and Management as part Mekelle Integrated Urban Infrastructure
Planning and Management

Year: February 18, 2010 – July 2011

Location: Tigray, Mekelle

Client: Mekelle City Administration through TH Consult

Main features of the Assignment: Planning and Designing Urban drainage

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
infrastructure as part of integrated Urban infrastructure.

Positions held: Infrastructure Engineer

Activities performed:

 Assessment of the existing Urban Storm water drainage infrastructure and

related facilities (culverts, manholes, Bridges, Urban Road, Detention and
Retention ponds).
 Based on the Existing situation the City Wide Urban storm water drainage net
work planned and designed with management proposals.
 Introducing the urban water drainage management (sustainable urban storm
water drainage) technique in the city Mekelle.
Name of assignment: Comprehensive Assessment, Planning and Designing
Urban infrastructures (Local Development plan)

Year: October 02, 2010 – March, 2011

Location: Hawassa City (SNNP)

Client: Hawassa City Administration through COMPASS Consulting Firm

Main features of the Assignment: Situational Assessment and then planning and
Designing Urban infrastructure and Utilities (Road, Water supply, Liquid waste,
urban drainage, Power supply, Telecommunications and Postal services) in
Three selected Kebeles namely Addis Ababa, Harar and Wukro Kebeles.

Positions held: Infrastructure Engineer

Activities performed: undertake study to assess the existing urban infrastructure in

the aforementioned three kebeles. Based on this assessment the road, water
supply, storm water drainage, liquid waste management and power supply
were planned and designed as part of the local development plan for the three

Name of assignment: Urban Infrastructure Assessment study, planning and


Year: August 2010 to March 28, 2011

Location: Lalibela Town (Amhara Region)

Client: Amhara Regional State and World bank through WUB Architecture and
Urban Development consult

Main features of the Assignment: Assess the urban infrastructure and utilities
(Urban road, water supply, storm water drainage, liquid and solid waste
management, power supply and Telecommunications) and Environmental

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Impact Assessment (EIA) study

Positions held: Urban infrastructure Engineer, and Environmentalist.

Activities performed:

Under take a detail situational assessment study on urban infrastructure

(Road, Storm Water drainage, Water supply, Solid and Liquid waste, Power
supply and Telecommunications),

Planning and Designing Road, Water supply, Storm water drainage, and
power supply in the new resettlement area (Financed by World Bank).

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as part of the Resettlement Action

Plan (RAP) study for the Sustainable Tourism Development in Ethiopia

Name of assignment: Urban infrastructure and utilities study

Year: June 2010 to November 2010

Location: 6-sub cities in Addis Ababa (Yeka, Kolfe Keranio, Gulele, Addis Ketema,
NefasSilk-Lafto and Bole Sub-cities)

Client: Addis Ababa City Administration

Main Features of the Assignment: Assessing the existing urban infrastructures and

Positions held: Urban infrastructure specialist

Activities performed: undertake assessment/study on:-

 Road including width, type, hierarchy, pavement, lanes and the general Right of
Ways (RoW),
 Pedestrian walk ways including dimensions, conditions and location,
 Storm water drainage including types, dimensions, pavement and conditions,
 parking including types, arrangement, dimensions/sizes and capacity,
 traffic volume (for both vehicles and pedestrians) and management,
 Sewerage system including dimensions, conditions and location,
 Power supply and Telecommunication
 And then proposals and recommendations were made whether the existing
urban infrastructures are suitable to the Building height regulation or not.
Name of assignment: Assessment, Planning and design Urban storm water
drainage and related facilities,

Year: March 2006 – January 2010

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Yabelo town (Oromia Region, Ethiopia), Leku town (SNNP Region, Ethiopia).

Sululta town(Oromia Region, Ethiopia), Laga tafo town (Oromia Region,

Ethiopia) ; Adigrat city (Tigray Region, Ethiopia); Awassa city (SNNP Region,

Client: Respective Regional states given in Brackets through the Ministry of Works
and Urban Development

Main features of the Assignment: Assessment, Planning and Designing Urban

Storm water drainage and related facilities and Proposals on management

Positions held: Civil Engineer

Activities performed:

Undertake assessment, planning and designing urban storm water drainage

infrastructure and related facilities (ditches/drains, manholes, energy
dissipating structures), Under take integrated urban watershed/catchment
studies with comprehensive proposals, and Urban road studies as part of
cities/towns master plans.

Name of assignment: Analysis and research on Urban development

Year: February 2009 – September 2010

Location: Towns in Ethiopia

Client: Ministry of Works and Urban development

Main features of the Assignment: Assessing the Towns’ urban development.

Positions held: Senior Urban Development Analyst

Activities performed:

Undertake assessment of planning, programming and analysing the overall urban

development issues across the country, Ethiopia.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Name of assignment: Study, plan and design

Year: April 2009 – May 2010

Location: Lalibela

Client: Amhara Urban Planning Institute through WUB Architecture and Urban
Development Consul

Main features of the Assignment: Assessing the Town’s urban infrastructures and
utilities to conduct the town’s master plan.

Positions held: Urban Infrastructure Engineer

Activities performed:

Undertake assessment of (infrastructure inventory) the urban infrastructures and

utilities (Road, water supply, urban drainage, liquid and solid waste
management), power supply, telecommunications and postal services.

Planning and designing the urban drainage system as part of the town’s master
plan which was prepared from 2009 through 2010.

Expert’s contact information: (e-mail:, phone: +251911113503)


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to
my disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.


Name of Expert Signature Date {day/month/year}

Name of authorized Signature Date {day/month/year}

Representative of the Consultant (the same who signs the Proposal)

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

14.Position Title and Senior GIS specialist

15.Name of Firm: PACE Consulting Architects and Engineers PLC
16.Name of Expert: Gizachew Berhanu Gelet
17.Date of Birth: September 4, Country of Ethiopia
1970 Citizenship/Residence

Professional license: Professional Urban Planner & Manager-license from

Ministry of Urban development, Housing & Construction.
Trade License in Urban Planning and Related Discipline
Professional Association: GIS Society of Ethiopia.

11 Education Experience

11.1. Master Degree

11.1.1. Master Degree in Geo-information Science and
Earth Observation Specialization Urban Planning
and Management from Sep 2001-Sep2002 from
International Institute of Geo-Information
Science and Earth Observation, Enschede, the
11.1.2. Department Graduated: Urban Planning and Land
11.2. Bachelor Degree
11.2.1. Bachelor of Arts in Geography(1986-1990) from
Addis Ababa University
11.3. Post Graduate Diploma
11.3.1. Land Management and Informal Settlement
Regularization, IHS, International Institute of
Urban Management of Erasmus University,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands 20 August, 2010.
11.4. Diploma
11.4.1. Environmental Management, from Galilee urban
planning & Management College, Israel.
11.5. Other Certificates
11.5.1. Modernization of Land Administration Systems in
Sub Saharan Africa (MODALS): Methods and
Approaches to promote gender equality and
incorporate poverty alleviation and good
governance from Geo-information and Earth
observation Institute of the Netherlands.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
11.5.2. 6(six) month training on Surveying and Mapping
technician From Ethiopian Mapping Agency.
11.5.3. Certificate for presenting a paper on
International Conference on Real Estate Society
prepared by Institute of Architecture, Building
Construction and City Development in
collaboration with African Real Estate Society
held in Addis Ababa. Certificate in
Environmental Management from Addis Ababa
University in collaboration with the
Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia.
11.5.4. Certificate in Leadership Development Program
Ethiopian Civil Service College and UNDP

11.6. Software skills

11.6.1. Access database management and programming, SQL
Server database management and programming,
ARCGIS 9-10,Arcview, Arcsde, ArcGIS, SPSS,
Arcinfo Dos, Arc GIS server(web mapping), ERDAS
imagine, Autocad, Savanna GIS, ILWIS, Map Info.

12. Work experience

12.1. SUDCA Development Consultant PLC

12.1.1. From March, 2018-July, 2019 as Asset Management
Plan Consultant and GIS assistance for Land
12.2. Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Urban Revenue
Enhancement Fund Mobilization and Finance Bureau(ULGDP II)
12.2.1. From April 2017-Nov, 2017: as individual
consultant for Asset Management Plan and GIS.
12.3. Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Urban Revenue
Enhancement Fund Mobilization and Finance Bureau(ULGDP II)
12.3.1. From Nov 2015-October 2016: as individual
consultant for Asset Management Plan and GIS.
12.4. Land Governance Assessment Framework World Bank(short
term)sponsored by World Bank, UN-Habitat and others
12.4.1. From January 2014-September, 2015 Short term
individual consultant as expert investigator
for African Land Governance Assessment
Framework (LGAF) World Bank on Urban land use

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Planning, Development and Management of

12.5. COMPASS AEPED Consultancy PLC

12.5.1. From Jan,2014-Nov 2015 as Free-lance Consultant
working on GIS, Urban Planning, Land
Administration including land Inventory, Land
management and Property valuation
12.6.1. From October 22 2013-December 28, 2014 as free-
lance consultant of urban planning: providing
Technical Assistant (TA) for New and Existing
ULGDP cities of Southern Nation Nationalities
Regional State (SNNRS) and Oromiya National
Regional State. Assisting cities on developing
Land inventory system using GIS.
12.7. Integrated Land Management Information System Project
Coordination Office with in Addis Ababa City Administration
12.7.1. From December 10, 2010-August, 2013 as Land and
Land related institute Capacity Building
Directorate (for Land management and
development sector) & with the capacity of case
team leader of standard preparation, map
updating and organization, street addressing.
12.7.2. Management committee for the development of
Real Property Registration and Land Information
System for land and land related sector of
Addis Ababa.

12.8. Ethiopian Civil Service University

12.8.1. From May 7, 2004-December 9, 2010 as Lecturer

in Urban planning Department of Urban
Development study Institute and Department Head
of Urban Planning.
12.9. Bureau of Planning and Economic Development of Gambella
National Regional State (later Bureau of Finance and
economic development).

12.9.1. Production and Physical planning Department

Head and (October 4, 2003-May 8, 2004) as well

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
as Regional environment coordinator for the
12.9.2. Senior Geographer(April 28,2000-October 3,2003)
12.10. Bureau of Works and Urban Development of Gambella National
Regional State.
12.10.1. Urban Planning and Land Administration Unit
Leader (July 1995-April, 2000).
12.10.2. Rental House Administration Unit Leader (Feb
1995-June, 1995).
12.10.3. Urban Planning and Land administration Unit
leader (July, 1993-Jan, 1995).
12.10.4. Urban Development and Research Unit Leader
(Feb, 1993-June, 1993).

12.11. Ministry of Works and Urban Development

12.11.1. Geographer who engaged in physical and socio-

economic plan preparation for towns (Sep 1990-
Feb 1993).

12.12. Major Contribution in SUDCA Development Consultant for UIIDP

program: assisting New UIIDP cities in Tigrai, Somali, Afar
and some part of Southern Nation National Regional State.
12.12.1. Provision of training and preparing training
manual on Asset Management Plan.
12.12.2. Provision of training on using GIS for Land
12.12.3. Provision of training and coaching in using GIS
for Data management and analysis of
Infrastructure Asset.
12.12.4. Assisting Cities in qualifying for DLI-I
Minimum Condition.
12.12.5. Assisting cities in developing Asset
Management Plan for 2011-13 and 2012-14.
12.12.6. Assisting cities in developing GIS based Asset
Management Plan by correspondingly linking the
Physical, Maintenance condition and cost and
Valuation and Finance for Asset Physical
12.12.7. Assisting cities in improving maintenance plan
to constitute at least 10 % of CIP budget.
12.12.8. Assisting cities in following up and monitoring
of Capital and Maintenance Projects.

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
12.12.9. Assisting cities in improving the actual
physical implementation commensurate with
financial implementation and achieve
improvement in value for money issues.
12.13. Major contribution in ULGDP II (Ministry of Urban
Development and Housing –Urban Revenue Enhancement, Fund
Mobilization and Finance Bureau)-with capacity of individual
Consultant for GIS and Asset Management Plan.
12.13.1. Facilitated and manage the proceeding of the implementation
review workshop for GIS based Asset Inventories and Asset
Management Plan for EFY 2010 and produce a workshop
proceeding report.
12.13.2. Provided Assistance to Federal ULGDP cities (Gambella, Asosa,
Semera-Logia, Jigjiga, Harar and Diredawa ) Asset Management
Focal Person and other staff members on preparation of the
revised GIS based Asset inventory and GIS based Asset
Management Plan model; as well as providing training on GIS
and Asset Management Plan.
12.13.3. Provided Training on GIS and Asset Management plan for
ULGDP cities of Oromiya National Regional State, Southern
People Nation and Nationalities Regional State, Tigrai National
Regional State and Amhara National Regional State.
12.13.4. Provided Training on workshop regarding Revised Asset
Management Plan Manual and Model Asset Management Plan
for 44 ULGDP cities officials, Focal Persons and Federal Mobile
Team Members.
12.13.5. Review the EFY 2010 submitted GIS-based Asset Inventories
and AMPs of the 44 ULGs together with colleagues from Federal
ULGDP Technical advisor and Mobile team members; and
produce review report accordingly.
12.13.6. Produce Status and Progress reports on the implementation of
GIS-based Asset Inventories and AMPs of the ULGDP cities as
well produce final report on the implementation of GIS based
Asset inventory and Asset Management plan in line with the
binding contract agreement.

12.14. Major contribution in ULGDP II( Ministry of Urban

Development and Housing –Urban Revenue Enhancement, Fund
Mobilization and Finance Bureau)-with capacity of individual
Consultant for GIS and Asset management
12.14.1. Prepare training manual on GIS application for
Infrastructure Asset Management Plan

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
12.14.2. Providing Training on GIS application for
Infrastructure Asset Management Plan for
Regional and Cities ULGDP Focal person
recruited from Existing and New ULGDP cities.
12.14.3. Prepare Model AMP Manual-conceptual model and
procedure for integration of GIS with the
revised Asset Management Plan manual.
12.14.4. Provided training on demonstrating the
procedure of Model AMP Manual in GIS for ULGDP
Regional and City Asset Management Plan Focal
12.14.5. Assist the International Consultant (Dr.Prof.
John Abott) in preparing revised and GIS based
Asset Management Plan Manual used by ULGDP
cities of Ethiopia.
12.14.6. Assist the International Consultant (DR.
Professor Johan Abott) in preparation of
Technical Database Templates (Technical
Database for Physical attribute, Maintenance
Condition, Valuation and Finance, Maintenance
Planning and New asset Planning) for Asset
management Plan asset categories and Feature
12.14.7. Technical assistance for 26(twenty six) ULGDP
cities on GIS and Asset Management Plan Preparation of strategy and action
plan for supporting 26(twenty six)
new ULGDP cities in Ethiopia. Training and coaching ULGDP cities
on application of GIS for
Infrastructure Asset Management Plan
preparation and develop GIS based
Asset Management Plan template as per
the action plan. Coaching cities on preparation of
GIS based Asset Management Plan
Manual and Reviewing and commenting the Asset
management Plan and GIS based asset
inventories done by consultant. . Preparation of Overall report on
Technical Assistance Provided for 26
ULGDP Cities.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
12.15. Major contribution in SUDCA Development Consultant as “free-
lance consultant of urban planning” for World Bank sponsored
ULGDP projects for Assisting New and Existing ULGDP Cities.

12.15.1. Synthesizing government proclamation,

regulations, policies and strategies on Urban
Development planning in relevance to ULGDP
assistance on urban planning.
12.15.2. Assisting cities on applying GIS for land
inventory purpose.
12.15.3. Preparing training material as well as
providing off job training on “Urban planning
and spatial data as bases for Capital
Investment Plan (CIP).”
12.15.4. Coaching and advising ULGDP cities on
“Structure and Local Development Plan
preparation and approval for performing better
in Disbursement Linked Indicators of Urban
Planning and Land Management.
12.15.5. Overlaid and aligned Surveying, GCP, base map,
urban planning GIS/Autocad format and aerial
photo/Google image for laying bases for
Statutory Urban Plan preparation and land
inventory purpose both for SNNPRS and Oromia
New and Existing ULGDP cities.
12.15.6. Assisted ULGDP cities in incorporation of New
Infrastructure Assets & Municipal service to
AMP and CIP rolling plan as per Statutory urban
plan(Structure and Local Development Plan)
using GIS /Autocad.
12.15.7. As part of the advice given to Regional Trade,
Industry and Urban Development Bureau, conduct
assessment of the situation and prepared
technical report on “Urban Plan preparation,
Implementation and Monitoring Practice on
SNNPRS ULGDP cities: problems and
12.15.8. Using SUDCA standard format timely prepared
report on the status of TA mission focusing on
urban planning at each city visit and every
12.15.9. Provide off and on job trainings for SNNPRS and
Oromiya National Regional State ULGDP New and

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Existing cities on the “design and application
of GIS for land inventory and Serviced land
preparation purposes.”
12.15.10. Coached, mentored and provided on job
trainings for New and Existing ULGDP Cities GIS based Asset Management
Plan Spatial and Tabular Template
Design. Assisting New and Existing
ULGDP cities in performing data entry
and analysis on existing asset,
Maintenance deficit, New asset plan
preparation for ULGDP cities of
Oromiya National Regional State and
12.15.11. Contributed part of the topic for the
revised “Asset Management Plan (AMP)
operational manual prepared by SUDCA
Development Consultant”, which was led by Prof.
John Abott.

12.16. Major contributions for short term individual consultancy on

Land Governance Assessment Framework(World Bank) “for urban
Land Use Planning, development and management of Ethiopia”
12.16.1. Assessing LGAF five indicators and 14
dimensions on land use planning, management and
development based on detail study backed with
reference material and investigation report in
the context of Ethiopia.”
12.16.2. Provide policy recommendations and good
practices for improving the urban land use
planning, development and management practices.
12.16.3. Producing a Report on “Urban Planning,
Development and Management of Ethiopia
sponsored by LGAF World Bank Country Report.

12.17. Major contributions in Integrated Land Management

Information System Project coordination Office of Addis

12.17.1. Evaluating the cadastre map updating, GCP and

street addressing procedures of Hansa
Luftbild(the consultant that prepared Land

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Information and Real Property Registration
System of Addis Ababa).
12.17.2. Preparation and leading the team for
preparation of Occupational Standard and
Curriculum for Land management and Development
industry to be materialized at TVET level of
Addis Ababa.
12.17.3. Provision of training manuals and lab based
trainings for 400 new recruited trainees
recruited from different regions from then
Real property registration office leading to
Post Graduate Diploma on Land Information and
Administration on courses such as:
 “Geospatial Database Management System”
 “GIS for Cadastre application”.
 “Land Information System”
12.17.4. Preparation of Urban Land Adjudication
Regulation and guidelines with my colleagues in
Addis Ababa City Administration for Real
Property Registration system of Addis Ababa for
establishing Legal cadastre.
12.17.5. Involving in preparation and defining of
attributes for Land Administration Domain Data
Model development including Land Tenure, Land
use, Land value and Land development.
12.17.6. As guest lecturer in Ethiopian Civil Service
University for Land Management Master Program
for teaching the Present Land Information and
Land Administration System experience of Addis

12.18. Major contribution COMPASS AEPED consultant

12.18.1. Prepare Capacity building design document as

individual consultant for modernized real
property valuation and taxation for the client-
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.
12.18.2. Assist in the Preparation of Asset Management
Plan and Land Inventory System for Adama City
12.18.3. Coordinating Land Inventory Work for Four
cities such as Gambella, Semera-Logia, and
12.18.4. Coordinating and Preparing the Land Inventory
Work for Shashemene City Administration as
individual consultantProvide training with GUDP

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Consulting and Training PLC on GIS based Asset
Management Plan for trainees recruited from
Ambo, Assela and Robe cities.
12.18.5. .
12.18.6. Preparation of Land Inventory Manual for
Federal Ministry of Urban Development and
Housing as individual consultant.
12.18.7. Prepare Asset Management Plan Manual for Dessie
12.18.8. Assist in the preparation of Asset Management
Plan for Shashemene City.
12.18.9. Involved in base map preparation and analysis
for Warder, Awbare, KebriBeyah, Dollo Ado
12.18.10. Senior GIS specialist and urban planner
in the structure plan preparation of Dollo-Ado,
Kebribeya, Godey and Warder Towns.
12.18.11. Involved in the preparation of Land use
plan and parcel and household level socio-
economic data integration and analysis for LDP
of Addis Ababa kebele, Korem and Harar Kebele
for Hawaasa city.
12.18.12. Team leader for LDP preparation for Addis
Ababa Kebele Map in Hawassa city.
12.18.13. Team leader for infrastructure asset
management plan manual document preparation for
Dessie City using 10 steps of asset management
plan. Developing dynamic segmentation model for
Dessie City Asset Management Plan.
12.18.14. Preparation of spatial database for Micro
& small scale country level study and perform
higher statistical parametric and non
parametric test, correlation and other
statistics, integration of spatial and non-
spatial data.
12.18.15. Involved in LDP preparation for Diredawa
City with land use plan preparation and
household level socio-economic data integration
and analysis for LDP of Ginderige.

12.19. Major Contributions in Ethiopian Civil Service University

12.19.1. Lecturing/training Preparing materials for evaluating
the 1995 GIS/LIS system of Addis
Ababa for Urban Development Planning
Block for Urban Management Master

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa Teaching Urban and Regional
Development Planning for Urban
Planning Degree Program. Lecturing Population and Urban
Development for urban planning and
management degree program. Lecturing GIS and engaged in lab
based exercises for courses such as
Introduction to GIS/LIS and GIS
project for urban planning for Urban
planning degree program. Lecturing and teaching “Municipal
Information System” exploring tools
of GIS, SPSS & Database Management
System. Teaching “Introduction to Urban
Geography for urban planning and
engineering students. Prepared training manuals for
practical lab based exercise of GIS
for urban planning and management
applications. Advising students on senior Essay
for Urban Planning and Management
degree program especially in relation
with urban plan implementation
problems, land Management, Cadaster
and LIS. Preparing a paper entitled “the
role of GIS for Cadastre Information
Management based on the case of
Bahirdar and Kombolcha” presented for
the 4th Eastern Africa User
conference held in ECA, Addis Ababa.

12.19.2. Practical work Assistant coordinator for the

preparation of Weldiya Development
plan as academic exercise by students
of urban planning degree program.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa GIS based land use plan
preparation and analysis for
preparation of Yirgachefe and Jinka
Development plan for consultancy work
undertaken by Ethiopian Civil Service
College. Urban and regional planning study
of Yirgachefe town with my senior
colleague. Preparation of population analysis,
forecast and planning for preparation
of Jinka development plan for
consultancy work undertaken by
Ethiopian Civil Service College. Land use plan preparation exploring
GIS, Autocad and SPSS based analysis
of infrastructure, demography and
socio-econmic data for the
preparation of Development plan for
the towns of “Hossaena”, “Dilla”,
“Boditi” and “Wenji” as academic
exercise by the students of urban
planning degree program.

12.20. Prime consultants PLC-

12.20.1. Preparation of cadastre manual for Amhara
National Regional State Cadastre especially
real property registration, property valuation
and cadastre part.
12.20.2. Preparation of Multipurpose cadaster including
fiscal and legal cadastre for Bahirdar and
Kombolcha: Especially in cadastre spatial
database preparation, integration, web mapping
for Bahirdar and Kombolcha cities.
12.20.3. Provide GIS training for Bahirdar Municipality
12.20.4. International Institute of Canadian Urban
12.20.5. For training GIS application for urban planning
and analysis data for Urban plan Institute of
Bahirdar and Addis Ababa.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
12.20.6. Urban Information System Manual preparation for
urban planning Institutes of Addis Ababa.

12.21. Major contribution in Bureau of Planning and Economic

Development of Gambella National Regional State
12.21.1. Regional Environment Coordinator for
Environment and Dry land Management for UNDP-
CCF2 program.
12.21.2. Counter part of the GIS work done by Yeshi Ber
Consultant for preparation of Gambella National
Regional State Land use plan.
12.21.3. Performing the physical planning works for
evaluating the project submitted by sectors,
evaluating with the strategic document,
Evaluating and monitoring the sectoral plan
alignment with strategies, capital budget,
action plan and implementations for sectors
such as urban development, water, Mines and
Energy, Road.
12.21.4. Preparation with my colleagues the Conservation
Strategy of Gambella National Regional State
especially prepared the urban environment part.
12.21.5. Technical committee for water and sanitation
program study sponsored by World Bank.
12.21.6. Prepare document for ensuring decentralized and
equitable distribution of recurrent and capital
budget dispersion up to wereda level
considering criteria such as population, area,
revenue, expenditure, service and
12.21.7. Preparation of a paper on the impact of
population on environment sponsored by
Environment Authority.

12.22. Major contribution In bureau of Works and Urban Development

of Gambella

12.22.1. Performing demographic and socio-economic

survey for Gambella town which was directly
used as an input by National Urban Planning
Institute (NUPI) for the preparation of 10-
years development plan of Gambella town.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
12.22.2. Preparation of Project document for
Institutional Capacity Building Program of
Gambella Town Sponsored by Urban Development
Support Service-UDSS (World Bank).
12.22.3. Coordinator of Institutional Capacity Building
Program sponsored by Urban Development Service
and World Bank.
12.22.4. Study urban plan problems based on
Reconnaissance study and facilitating the
Master Plan Preparation by National Urban
Planning Institute for Gambella Town, Meti
town, Itang Town and Pugnedo town.
12.22.5. Preparing Problem identification and need
assessment for urban centers of Gambella
National Regional State sponsored by Urban
Development Support Service-UDSS (World Bank).

12.23. Major contributions in Ministry of Works and Urban

12.23.1. Perform physical plan study for towns such as
“Axum”, “Shire”, and “Adwa” in collaboration
with Colleagues from Ethiopian Master Plan
12.23.2. Perform physical plan and socio-economic study
for “Debrezeit” Development plan prepared by
the then Ministry of Housing and Urban
12.23.3. Preparation of physical plan and socio economic
study for “Chuahit town” in Gonder and
“Gindewoyen town” of Gojjam.
12.23.4. Preparation of physical plan and socio economic
study for “Dilla” and “Hagereselam” towns of
Southern People National Regional State.
12.23.5. Physical planning study to integrated “Della
Liyu Kebele” to Yirgalem Urban Promotion


12.24.1. DR.Ephrem: Ethiopian Institute of Architecture

Building Construction and City Development,

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Addis Ababa University.
12.24.2. Walter. T.Dingani: Technical Advisor for
ULGDP/UIIDP World Bank in Ministry of Urban
Development and Housing II. Tel (+251) 939 778
12.24.3. Andualem Taye: SUDCA Development Consultant.
Manager. Tel (+251) 911 242 403. Email:
12.24.4. Yimer Mohammed: previously Dean of Urban
Development Institute of Ethiopian Civil
Service University. Tel (+251) 911 524 434.
12.24.5. Gossa Bekele: Compass AEPED consulting PLC
Manager, Tel +251911-52-45-19.
12.24.6. Zerihun Amdemariam: Tel (+251) 911 456 043.
12.24.7. Tefera Sileshi: Head of Canadian Urban Planning
Institute, Tel-(+251) 911 236 330.
12.24.8. DR. Zerfu Hailu: Land Governance Assessment
Framework Coordinator. Tel-(+251) 918 340 086.

Address: Tel:(+251) 911 641 895/(+251)911 476 882/ (+251)903 182 860.

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly
describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any willful
misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

Gizachew Berhanu Date: 05/February/2020

Full name of authorized representative: ___________________________

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa


18.Position Title and Senior GIS specialist
19.Name of Firm: PACE Consulting Architects and Engineers PLC
20.Name of Expert: Tibebu Kassawmar Nigussie
21.Date of Birth: 06 May 1978 Country of Ethiopia


Date (from – to) 2011 – 2018
Name of organization Center for Development and Environment, Faculty of
providing education and Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
Title of qualification PhD in Integrative geography and Sustainable Development
Principal  Landscape transformation analysis
subjects/occupational skills  Sustainable development
covered  Natural resources use and conflicts

Type of organisation Governmental Institution, University

providing education and
Date (from – to) 2005-2007
Name of organization Addis Abeba University, Faculty of Science, Earth Science
providing education and Department
Title of qualification MSc in Earth Sciences (specialized in RS and GIS)
Principal  Environmental Modeling
subjects/occupational skills  Advanced GIS and RS
covered  Geological and natural resources
 Natural resources mapping
Type of organisation
providing education and Governmental Institution, University

Date (from-to)

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Name of organization Mekelle University, Faculty of Drylands Agriculture
providing education and
BSc in Land resources management and Environmental
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of
organisation providing Governmental Institution, University
education and training

Date (from – to) 2011 – present
Name and address of Water and Land Resource Center, Ethiopia
employer +251-11661236
Type of business or sector Non-government; Research Centre, Affiliated with Addis
Abeba University
Occupation or position held Knowledge management and Outreach Service Research
Division Director
Main activities and - National and regional scale land use & land cover mapping
responsibilities - Developing geospatial database related to Land and water
- Studying the Landscape transformation in the major routes
of Ethiopia
- Developing basic geospatial data for Integrated Watershed
planning and management
- Developing of a web based information system that
integrates both spatial and non-spatial information
- Conducting research on learning watershed learning
watersheds and hydro-sedimentology observatories
- Capacity development in GIS and RS
- Mapping and assessing sustainable land management
activities at national level and for some selected watersheds
Date (from – to) June 2019- February 2020
Name and address of COMPASS AEPED Consultancy PLC
employer +251911171924
Type of business or sector - Private company
Occupation or position held - Geospatial analysis, for Permit holder fee adjustment case
study for selected three pilot cities in Ethiopia(Dire Dawa,
Bahir Dar, Mekele)

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Main activities and - Studying geospatial factors that determine land value
responsibilities - Analyzing the market price value of the urban landscape
- Developing spatially explicit market price map for the cities
- Producing methodology for price mapping
- Developing land grade mapping
- Develop a GIS based system to grade urban land value
- Producing urban land grade maps

Date (from – to) October 2018 to December 2019

Name and address of 
employer uDCA Development Consultant
Type of business or sector Private consultancy company
Occupation or position held Freelance consultant
Main activities and - Mapping sustainable land management projects and
responsibilities activities
- Developing geospatial database related to the past and
present sustainable land management activities
- Assess their biophysical and socio-economic impacts

DATE (FROM-TO) September 2008 September 2009

NAME AND ADDRESS OF PACE Engineering Consultant; Haile Gebresilase Avenue,
EMPLOYER Urael, Addis Abeba Ethiopia


POSITION Geospatial team leader for Dessie Town Cadastral system
Main activities and development
responsibilities  Preparing base map of Dessie town Preparation of
cadastral basic geospatial layers for Dessie Town
 Developing Cadastral Geo-database mainly parcels and
buildings with their socio-economic attributes
 Providing training of basic GIS application on cadastral
data management to the members of Dessie municipality
 Implementing the cadastral system for Dessie town
Municipality and monitoring the system.

DATE (FROM-TO) (January 25, 2007 – July 9, 2009)

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
NAME AND ADDRESS OF SOS Sahel International UK
EMPLOYER Project area, in Guji and Borena Zones, Ethiopia
Tel :No,0114160390/0114160391/0911130569



POSITION Freelance GIS and RS Consultant

Main activities and
responsibilities Developing Geodatabase for Guji and Borena zones of Pastoral
community resources and infrastructures,
 Developing techniques to translate community map to
standard GIS maps
 Preparing Atlas of the natural resources’ of pastoralists
 Developing Land use /Land cover map of the area from
satellite image with field verifications,
 Acquaint SOS Sahel employees about the principles and
techniques of GIS through on job and Scheduled training,

DATE (FROM-TO) January 25, 2007 – august 20, 2008)

EMPLOYER Branch office, Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Tel No. 091 1 726579/0911411819/0913240181
Project: Woreda Integrated Development Plan (WIDP) as GIS


POSITION Freelance GIS and RS Consultant
Main activities and
responsibilities  Mapping existing and proposed rural infrastructure, Road
Design, Road alignment, New Road Selection, etc…)
 Developing Geo-database for the purpose of WIDP project
for 8 weredas
 Preparing maps for each sectors (Road, Water and
Sanitation, Energy, Education, Health, Agriculture,
Irrigation, Animal, Environment, Gender, and others
nonagricultural sectors)
 Working as assistant team leader for the company


Mother tongue Amharic

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa

Reading Excellent
Writing Excellent
Verbal Very good

Social skills and I have good team spirit and can work under congested time
competences schedule who can adapt new working environment

Computer skills and ERDAS, ENVI, EDRIS, ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Web-GIS,


REFERENCES 1) Dr. Gete Zeleke, Director, Water and Land Resource Center &
Co-Leader, Landscape Transformation Project (RP12) of NCCR
North-South – CDE, University of Bern, Switzerland Tel: +251
116 612236 or 612226 Mobile: +251 911 405930 Fax: +251 116
612229 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

2) Berhanu Debele, Regional Coordination Office Horn of Africa ,

P.O. Box 8707, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
Tel. +251 (0)11 661 22 55 +251 (0)11 661 22 55 (office); +251
(0) 11 661 22 36 +251 (0) 11 661 22 36 (secretariat) Fax: +251
(0) 11 661 22 29, E-mail:

3) Prof. Hans Hurni, Director of Swiss National Centre of

Competence in Research ( NCCR) at Center for Development and
Environment (CDE) In University of Bern, Switzerland.
Hallerstrasse 10, 3012 Bern / Switzerland, Tel. +41 31 631 88 76
+41 31 631 88 76 (office); +41 31 631 88 22 +41 31 631 88 22
(secretariat), Fax: +41 31 631 85 44, E-mail:

Publications 1) Ermias Aynekulu, Tibebu Kassawmar and Luelseged Tamene

(2011), Applicability of ASTER imagery in mapping
land use ⁄cover as a basis for biodiversity studies in
drylands of northern Ethiopia (African Journal of
2) N.Tibebu Kassawmar, K.Ram Mohan Rao, and G. Lemlem
Abraha (2011) An integrated approach for spatio-temporal
variability analysis of wetlands: a case study of Abaya
and Chamo lakes, Ethiopia, Environ Monit Assess (2011)

Technical Proposal Submitted by Soberland International & PACE Page 145 of 185
Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
3) N. Tibebu Kassawmar, K.Ram Mohan Rao, and G. Lemlem
Abraha (2011) Abaya and Chamo lakes of Ethiopia: A
Remote Sensing and GIS based Assessment of Wetland
Ecosystems ( International Journal of Earth Sciences and
Engineering, Volume 04 April - 2011 N0.2)
4) G. Lemlem Abraha, K.Ram Mohan Rao, and N. Tibebu
Kassawmar (2010) Impact of land use and land cover
change on ground water recharge using RS and GIS
approach (The case of Awasa Catchment, Ethiopia)
(The IUP Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp.
46- 56, April 2011)
5) Kassawmar, Tibebu, Sandra Eckert, Kaspar Hurni, Gete Zeleke,
and Hans Hurni. 2016. “Reducing Landscape Heterogeneity
for Improved Land Use and Land Cover (LULC)
Classification over Large and Complex Ethiopian
Highlands.” Geocarto International 0 (0): 0.

6) Subhatu, Alemtsehay, Tatenda Lemann, Kaspar Hurni, Brigitte

Portner, Tibebu Kassawmar, Gete Zeleke, and Hans Hurni.
"Deposition of eroded soil on terraced croplands in Minchet
catchment, Ethiopian Highlands." International Soil and
Water Conservation Research (2017).
7) Roth, Vincent, Tibebu Kassawmar Nigussie, and Tatenda
Lemann. "Model parameter transfer for streamflow and
sediment loss prediction with SWAT in a tropical
watershed." Environmental Earth Sciences 75, no. 19
(2016): 1321.
8) Shiferaw, Abebe, Christian Hergarten, Tibebu Kassawmar, and
Gete Zeleke. "Meta- Analysis of Long-Term Land
Management Effect on Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in
Ethiopia." International Journal of Agricultural Research
10, no. 1 (2014): 1-13.

9) Hurni K, Zeleke G, Kassie M, Tegegne B, Kassawmar T,

Teferi E, Moges A, Tadesse D, Ahmed M, Degu Y,
Kebebew Z, Hodel E, Amdihun A, Mekuriaw A, Debele B,
Deichert G, Hurni H. 2015. Economics of Land
Degradation (ELD) Ethiopia Case Study. Soil Degradation
and Sustainable Land Management in the Rainfed
Agricultural Areas of Ethiopia: An Assessment of the
Economic Implications. Report for the Economics of Land
Degradation Initiative. 94 pp.
10) Kassawmar, T., Bantider, A., Murty, KSR., and Abraha, L.,
2018. "Making More Out of Pixel-Level Change Information:
Using a Neighbourhood Approach to Improve Land
Change Characterization Across Large and

Technical Proposal Submitted by Soberland International & PACE Page 146 of 185
Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Heterogeneous Areas. Geocarto International. pp.1-23, DOI:

11) Kassawmar, T., Zeleke, G., Bantider A., Desta G., and
Abraha, L., 2018. A synoptic Land Change Assessment
in the Ever- transmuting Ethiopia’s Rainfed Agricultural
Landscape for Evidence-based Agricultural Ecosystem
Management. Heliyon Journal (under review).
12) Kassawmar, T., Gessesse, G.D., Zeleke, G. and Subhatu, A.,
2018. Assessing the Soil Erosion Control Efficiency of Land
Management Practices Implemented Through Free
Community Labor Mobilization in Ethiopia.
International Soil and Water Conservation Research.
International soil and Water Conservation Research 6(2): 87–
13) Kassawmar, T., Gessesse, G.D., Zeleke, G. and Subhatu, A.,
2018. Evidence for Better Land Management and Food
Security in Ethiopia: Clarifying the Extent of Rainfed
Agricultural Area and Potentially Available Cropland.
GeoJournal (under review).
14) Roth, Vincent, Tatenda Lemann, Gete Zeleke, Alemtsehay
Teklay Subhatu, Tibebu Kassawmar Nigussie, and Hans
Hurni. "Effects of climate change on water resources in the
upper Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia." Heliyon 4, no. 9
(2018): e00771.
15) Kassawmar, T., Gessesse, G.D., Zeleke, G. and Subhatu, A.,
2018. Evidence for Better Land Management and Food
Security in Ethiopia: Clarifying the Extent of Rainfed
Agricultural Area and Potentially Available Cropland.
GeoJournal (Under review).
16) Spatial and temporal variability in hydrological responses of
the upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia Authors: Tatenda
Lemann *, Vincent Roth, Gete Zeleke, Alemtsehay Subhatu,
Tibebu Kassawmar, and Hans Hurni. Water (Under

Contact information
Adress(es) Rahem Building, Diaspora Square, Megenagna, Addis Abeba
Telephone(s) +251-911336118/ +251116612236
Fax(es) +251(0)11661229

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV
correctly describes my qualifications, my experience, and me. I understand that any
wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if

Name and Signature Tibebu Kassawmar:________ Date _ 05/02/2020__________

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa


1. Position Title Senior GIS Specialist
and No.
2. Name of Firm: Soberland International Institute of Development Services PLC
3. Name of Lemlem Abraha
4. Date of Birth: May/1984 Country of Citizenship/ Ethiopia

1. Education:
 April 2005- April 2007: MSc in GIS and Remote Sensing from Addis Ababa University.
 September 2001 – July 2004: B.Sc Degree in Land resources management and
Environmental Protection from Mekelle University.
2. Membership of Professional Associations:
Member of GIS Society of Ethiopia

3. Other Trainings:
 July 2016: Certificate in DRM mean streaming
 Training on application of GIS and RS for disaster risk management

4. Countries of Work Experience: Ethiopia

5. Languages:
Tigrigna Fluent Perfect Perfect
Amharic Fluent Perfect Perfect
English Very good Very good Very good

6. Employment Record:
From: December 2011 to Present
Employer: UNDP
Task: Remote sensing data analysis, thematic map production and spatial database development
Positions held: GIS and Remote Sensing expert

From: April 2019 to August 2019

Task: Preparation of street addressing map in Oromia and Tigray regions.

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Position held: GIS Specialist

From: October 2014 to December 2014

Employer: Soberland International Institute of Development Services PLC
Task: Biophysical change analysis and socio economic infrastructural mapping in PW impact
assessment of PSNP III at seven watersheds in Oromia, Amhara and Tigray regions.
Position held: GIS Specialist
From: Jun 2009 to December 2011
Employer: FAO
Task: As part of the FAO team that supervise national land use land cover map production unit of
CSA, I was working on satellite image data processing, land use land cover classification supervision
and geodatabase management.
Position held: National GIS expert

From: November 2008 to June 2009

Employer: LVIA (Lay volunteers international association)
Position held: GIS and RS expert
Task: Implementing PGIS (participatory GIS) for community natural resource mapping and provide on
job training to selected community members.

From: July 2007 to October 2008

Employer: PANAF consulting Engineering PLC
Position held: GIS and RS expert
Task: Develop a Geo-database and prepare base map of 8 pilot woredas of woreda integrated
development program (WIDP).

From: April 2007 to June 2007

Part 1 Employer: Oromia region rural Road Authority
Task: Develop road network geo-database and prepare base map
Positions held: GIS expert

From: January 2007 to March 2007

Employer: SOS Sahel International UK, in Guji and Borena Zones, Ethiopia
Task: consulting the experts how they can effectively utilize GIS in pastoralist resources management
Positions held: GIS and RS Consultant

From: January 2006 to October 2007

Part 2 Employer: Best consultant engineering

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Task: Develop road network geo-database, prepare base map for new road selection and
produce tourist guide map.
Positions held: GIS expert

7. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks

Name of assignment: GIS specialist.
Year: April 2019 to August 2019

Main features of the Assignment: Develop street addressing map in 5 major towns of Ethiopia such
as Mekelle, Adama, Hawassa Diredawa and Harer.

Positions held: GIS Specialist

Activities performed:
 Advice and assist the team in developing street address geodatabase;
 Develop spatial data questionnaire
 Compile and Organize road network data to produce network map of the towns
 Prepared base map of parcel to indicate parcel access road
 Collect and map land mark points of the town; such as religious sites, historical sites,
hospitals, market place, stadium…, etc.
Name of assignment: GIS and RS expert.
Year: December 2013 to October 2014
Employer: Soberland International Institute of Development Services PLC

Main features of the Assignment: Performed spatial analysis of biophysical changes and collect
and map socio economic infrastructures developed in the watershed in assessing the impact of
the project by using appropriate GIS technology and support SWC specialist to estimate the
soil loss, runoff and productivity.

Positions held: GIS Specialist

Activities performed:
 Helped the team to compile and use spatial data that indicate the induced biophysical
changes and developed socio economic infrastructures in the watersheds by using
appropriate GIS technology;

 Delineated boundary of the watersheds using DTM data

 Prepared base map of the watersheds using high resolution satellite image of google earth
and other relevant data
 Collected spatial data of constructed socio economic Infrastructure using GPS and produced
infrastructure map of the watersheds to analyze the impact of the project on infrastructure
development of the watersheds
 Delineated and mapped SWC activities implemented in the watersheds

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
 Produced land use land cover map of the watersheds before and after the implementation of
the project in order to analyze the impact of PSNP PW on the biophysical condition of the
 Supported the SWC specialist in soil loss, runoff and productivity estimation by producing
different thematic maps like slope map, drainage map, land cover map …etc.
 Produced different thematic maps to the team

Name of assignment: ICT development and support

Year: December, 2011 till now

Employer: UNDP

Main features of the Assignment:

 Involved in ICT development and capacity building of NDRMC.
Positions held: GIS Specialist
Activities performed:
 Developed central Geo-Database
 Process and analyse remote sensing data for environmental condition monitoring and early
 Prepared and organized different thematic Maps to Update Website
 Gave on job training of GIS and Remote Sensing
 Worked with Woreda connectivity Program in providing data and internet service to 150
woreda DPPC bureau.
 Develop geodatabase and reginal major hazard maps at woreda level for eight regions using
WDRP base line data.
 Involved in GIS training need assessment of regional DPPC bureau employees and prepare
assessment report

Name of the assignment: GIS and RS expert

Year: June 2009 to November 2011
Employer: FAO.
Client: Central statistics authority(CSA)
Main Features of the assignment:
Supervise the national land cover classification and conduct field survey to collect ground truth
data using GPS for verification of land cover classification as well as manage geodatabase of the
Position held: GIS and RS expert
Activities performed:
 Geoprocessing of satellite image data and classification segment generation for the land cover
 Organize the land cover spatial data and develop national land cover geodatabase to handle the
produced data

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Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
 Supervise and support the national land cover classification process
 Assess the capability of the land cover producers and give on job training to improve their
knowledge and skill

Name of assignment: GIS and RS Expert

Year: November 2008 to June 2009
Employer: LVIA (Lay volunteers international association)
Main features of the Assignment: Provide on job training to line department experts of consortium
and governmental organization and selected community members of selected pastoralist areas of
moyale woreda of Oromia region, how to use PGIS for mapping natural resource in a given
Positions held: GIS and RS Expert
Activities performed:
 Give training on PGIS(participatory GIS) for line department experts of consortium and
governmental organization
 Generating map of part of Borena ,Guji, Liben and Afder zone using Land sat and Aster
 Land use Land cover change detection analysis
 Preparing of pastoral atlas
 Apply PGIS(participatory GIS) for natural resource mapping
Name of assignment: GIS and RS Consultant
Year: January 2007 to March 2007
Employer: SOS Sahel International UK, in Guji and Borena Zones, Ethiopia

Main features of the Assignment: Developing a technique to use the maps drawn by the community in
such a way that both illiterate and literate people can understand each other (PGIS) and consulting the
experts how they can effectively utilize GIS in pastoralist resources management.
Positions held: GIS and RS Consultant
Activities performed:
 Developing Geodatabase for Guji and Borena zones of Pastoral community resources and
 Developing a technique to use the maps drawn by the community in such a way that both
illiterate and literate people can understand each other (PGIS)
 Preparing Atlas of the natural resources’ of pastoralists community
 Trying to acquaint SOS Sahel employees about the principles and techniques of GIS
through on job and Scheduled training.
 Generally consulting the experts how they can effectively utilize GIS in pastoralist
resources management
Name of assignment: GIS and RS expert
Year: July 2007 to October 2008
Employer: PANAF consulting Engineering PLC
Main features of the Assignment: Develop a Geo-database and prepare base map of 8 pilot woredas
of woreda integrated development program (WIDP).

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Identification, Mapping and Valuation of Special and Unique Properties in Three
Cities Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa
Positions held: GIS and RS expert
Activities performed:
 Consulting the Various activities (Mapping existing and proposed rural infrastructure, Road
Design, Road alignment, New Road Selection, etc.) all activities which need GIS input.
 Developing a Geo-database for the purpose of WIDP project for 8 weredas and developing base
maps (Regional, zonal, Woreda and kebele related information)
 Produce road network map of each woreda and propose new roads
 Produce tourist map at reginal level

8. Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly
describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any willful
misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

Lemlem Abraha Date: 05/February/2020

Full name of authorized representative: ___________________________

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1. Position Title and Senior Economist
2. Name of Firm: Soberland International Institute of Development Services
3. Name of Expert: Abdi Yuya Ahmad

4. Date of Birth: 12/02/1977 Country of Ethiopian


Names of educational Dates Attended Main course of study Degree(s)/diploma(s)
institutions and From/To obtained
Address Mo/Year
Aalborg University, 09/2018 - to date Post-doctoral project Post-doctoral
Denmark, focusing on “Building Diploma
Local innovation
capability towards
inclusive and
development in Africa”
Aalborg University, 11/ 01/2017 Innovation Economics PhD
Denmark 2013

Addis Ababa University, 10/ 07/ 2008 Economic Policy Master of Science
Ethiopia 2006- Analysis

Ethiopian Civil Service 09/ 08/ 2004 Economics Bachelor of Arts in

College 2001 Economics

6. Membership of Professional Associations

 Member of African network of learning, innovation and competence building (AfricaLics).
 Member of Global network of learning, innovation and competence building (GlobeLics)

7. Employment record relevant to the assignment:

Period Employing Country Summary of activities performed relevant to
organization and your the Assignment
title/position. Contact
info. for references
Oct. 2008 to Adama Science and Ethiopia Assistant professor at the school of

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date Technology Humanities and Social Science
University Served as director of strategic planning
and Budgeting directorate of ASTU
Worked as lecturer and other capacities at
the school of Business and Economics
under former ASTU. Major capacities
Teaching courses such as Urban and
Regional Economics, Introduction to
Econometrics, Statistics for Economists,
Microeconomics, Industrial Economics,
Natural resource and Environmental
Economics, Research Methods for
Economists and Monitory Economics;
advising students in their MSc theses,
senior essays and projects.
Extra-curricular activities & Preparation
of teaching materials and Modules
Served as Head of Economics Department
from March 2009-to December 2012
Feb. 2006-Sep. Oromia Ethics and Ethiopia Expert of Research and System Studies.
2008: Anti-Corruption Responsibilities: Conducting exploratory
Commission at the surveys to identify corruption prone
following capacities: public sectors and providing advises
towards developing better systems of
governance and resource management.
Particularly, I initiated and coordinated
studies conducted on urban land
administration; urban revenue generation
and management of finance in major
towns of Oromiya; prepared and
communicated the findings of the studies
to the regional executive bodies and other
stakeholders; conducted regular
monitoring and evaluation on the
implementation of recommendations
drawn from the findings along with the
rules, regulations, guidelines and
directives of the government.
Head of research department of the
commission from Jan. 2007-Sept.2008 with
the responsibilities of Setting the annual
activity plan of the department, Coaching
and coordinating of departmental
activities, presenting activity report of the
department to both internal and external
bodies on regular basis

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Sep. 2004- Public Service Ethiopia worked as:
Jan2006: College of Oromia Assistant Lecturer at the department of
Agricultural business management;
Teaching courses and advising students;
Delivering short term training to public
servants in the region; Conducting
training related need assessment
Head of research & consultancy
department from Jun 2005-Jan 2006) with
responsibilities of Coordinating and
initiating researches among the staff
members, Coordinating search for income
generating consultancy services,
Conducting regular customer satisfaction
surveys and communicating the findings
to the top management of the college
8. Countries of Work Experience: Ethiopia, Kenya, South Korea (as a visiting research Fellow at institute of
Economic research)

9. Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):

Speaking Reading Writing

English Very good Excellent Excellent

Afan Oromo Excellent Excellent Excellent

Amharic Excellent Excellent Excellent

10.PUBLICATIONS (optional)

A. PhD & MSc Theses

1. Ahmad, A.Y.(2016). Firm level learning and performance in the manufacturing sector of
Ethiopia. PhD Dissertation, Aalborg University Press, Aalborg.
2. Ahmad, A.Y.(2008). Gender Earning Differential in the Ethiopian Public Sector

B. Articles in Scientific Journal and Proceedings

1. Ahmad, A.Y. Babikigalaga Denis Akouwerabou, B.D. & Lakew, Y.D. (2019): Natural resource
endowment and firm-level innovation in Africa: Evidence from cross-country analysis, African
Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, DOI:
2. Ahmad, A. and Lee, K. (2016). Embodied technology transfer and learning by exporting in
the Ethiopian manufacturing sector. Innovation and Development, DOI:
3. Akouwerabou, B. D., Ahmad, A. Y., & Legala Keudem, G. G. (2018). Natural Resources
Endowment and African' Countries Private Enterprises Productivity. Archives of Business

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Research, 6(12), 221-241.
4. Ahmad, A.Y. & Adinew, M.T. (2018). Evaluating the Impact of Export Promotion Policy
Incentives in the Ethiopian Manufacturing Sector. Working Paper No. 98. Global Development
Network (GDN) Working Paper Series. GDN, 2018.
5. Dubale, K., Alemu, S. Ahmad, A. Y. (2012). Determinants of Enterprise growth among small
and micro enterprise manufacturing: The case of Adama town. Ethiopian Journal of Business
and Development. 38(1). 70-83.
C. Conference papers and proceedings:
1. Ahmad, A.Y. (2018). Revisiting the innovation and productivity nexus: Evidence from
African enterprise Surveys. Paper presented on the 16th GLOBELICS International Conference
held in Accra, Ghana, October 24th-26th 2018.

2. Ahmad, A.Y.(2017). Some Insights on the implications of the 4IR to Ethiopia’s

Industrialization. Paper presented on the second annual conference of the Global Research
Consortium on Economic Structural Transformation (GReCEST), held in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, 13th – 14th December 2017. 2017 Annual Conference Proceedings.

3. Ahmad, A. Y. (2017). Does Innovation improve the productivity of firms in least developed
countries? Evidence from Ethiopia's Enterprise Survey: 3rd International AfricaLics
Conference, 27th – 29th November 2017, held in Oran, Algeria. Conference Proceedings Theme:
Emerging innovation systems for sustainable development in Africa.

4. Ahmad, A. Y. (2016). Firm heterogeneity, growth performance and exit in the Ethiopian
manufacturing sector: the role of Productivity and capital intensity; Paper presented on the
14th Globelics International Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia 12 Oct. to 14 Oct. 2016.

5. Ahmad, A. Y. (2015). The impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Productivity and
growth of Ethiopian firms. Paper presented on the 13th Globelics International Conference,
Havana, Cuba, 23rd‒25th September 2015.

6. Ahmad, A. Y. (2015). Productivity spillover from Foreign Direct Investment in the Ethiopian
manufacturing: Evidence from quantile regression. Paper presented on the 2nd Africalics
International Conference, Kigali, Rwanda, 17th-19th, November.

7. Ahmad, A. Y. (2015). Examining Firm level learning and performance in the Ethiopian
manufacturing sector: in Emerie, A., Mandefro, F. and Dessalegn, A. (Eds.) (2015) Proceedings
of the 12th Globelics International Conference on Partnerships for Innovation-Based
Development. Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University Printing Press.

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11.Adequacy for the Assignment:

Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned

1. Name of assignment or project: impact evaluation on ‘Ajua’ former ‘mSurvey’, an impact

investee start-up.
Year: Nov 2018 – Nov 2019
Location: Kenya.
Client: European Investment Bank (EIB) and Global Development Network (GDN)
Main project features: The general objective of this assignment was to evaluate the impact of
development finance on technology start-ups in Africa
Positions held: Researcher
2. Name of assignment or project: Ongoing project on “Building Innovation capability in agro-
processing Industry in Ethiopia”.
Year: Dec 2019 – May 2020
Location: ,Adama, Asela, Modjo, Dukem, Bishoftu, Dukem, Sululta, Lega-Tafo, Sebeta
Client: Adama Science and Technology University
Main project features: A project aimed at investigating the potentials of agro-processing in view
of building innovation capability
Positions held: Principal investigator
3. Name of assignment or project: Adama City Structural Plan revision
Year: Sep 2018 – May 2019
Location: Adama
Client: Adama City Administration, Ormia Planning Institute
Main project features: Undertaking Urban Economic study
Positions held: Team Leader
4. Name of assignment or project: Evaluating social cash transfer in pilot areas in Oromia
Year: Oct 2016 – Jan. 2016
Location: Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha Woreda
Client: UNICEF
Main project features: Follow up evaluation of social cash transfer in selected pilot kebeles.
Positions held: Team member of REBRET Business consulting PLC
5. System Studies in Municipal Revenue and land administration in Oromia region’s large towns
Year: 2007
Location: Adama, Jimma, Robe, Sebeta, Dukem, Burayu
Main project features : Undertaking system studies to identify corruption prone areas of
revenue collection and land administration
Positions held: Researcher
6. Name of assignment or project: Evaluating export Oriented Industrial policy In Ethiopia

Year: 20 Oct. 2017-31 Oct 2018

Client: World bank, Global Development Network
Location: Ethiopia

Main project features: Completed policy oriented collaborative research project which was
funded by the Competitive Industries and Innovation Program (CIIP) of the World Bank

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coordinated and run by the Global Development Network.
7. Name of assignment or project: Principal Investigator up on winning the Africalics seed-fund
project entitled "Does Natural resource endowment characterizes the innovation behavior of
African firms?"
Date: Sep 2015-Oct 2016
Client: Africalics, SIDA
Main project features: Collaborative Research aimed at motivating Africa’s Early career
researchers to search African Solution to African problem
8. Name of assignment or project: "the economic analysis of smallholder Urban Dairy farming
in Adama town"
DYear: 2012
Client: Adama Science and Technology University, Adama City
9. Name of assignment or project: "Examining the Innovation behaviors of small and
microenterprises in Oromia region"
Year: 2015
Client: Adama Science and Technology University

12. Training and/or certificates earned

o Project planning and management certificate in 2019
o High level training on Project Impact Evaluation with special emphasis on:
Difference-in-Difference approach, Propensity score Matching and Quantile
regression approaches using Stata organized by Ethiopian Development Research
Institute (EDRI), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), ESSP and
Addis Ababa University (AAU)
o Intensive training on Econometric Techniques for Panel Data Analysis Using stata
organized by Ethiopian Development Research Institute, IFPRI, ESSP and AAU
o Intensive Industrial Organization and Game theory with their applications: offered by
EDRI, IFPRI, ESSP and Oxford University
o Training on Corruption Prevention Techniques organized by Federal Ethics and
Anti-Corruption Commission of Ethiopia and Center for International Legal
Cooperation (CILC), the Netherlands
o Training aimed at developing teaching profession in the Ethiopian higher education
organized by Adama Science and Technology University
o Attended the first AfricaLics PhD academy (2012) in Nairobi where different
innovation and Development courses were delivered by internationally frontier
authorities in the field
o Attended the third AfricaLics PhD academy (2015) in Mombasa where different
innovation and Development courses were delivered supported by practical industry
visit and experience sharing sessions from successful entrepreneurs and practitioners
in technology management
o Participated on the first Africalics workshop held at Maputo, Mozambique in 2013,
aimed at creating research partnership and developing potential project thematic areas
for Africa

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o Attended a workshop on "Teaching Innovation and Development: a training
workshop for university lecturers in Africa held at Desmond Tutu Conference Centre,
Nairobi, Kenya, 29th November – 2nd December 2016

13. Other Academic engagements

o Reviewer of Research Policy journal: a prestigious International journal on
o Reviewer African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development.
o Reviewer of the annual Globelics International conferences
o Reviewer of the annual Africalics International conferences
o Reviewer of the Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development
o Reviewer of Journal of Applied Economics
o Guest editor of Journal of innovation and Development
o Member of Research ethical review committee of Adama Science and Technology
o Board member of Africalics and Globelics scientific committee
o Review Editor for Frontiers publisher

14. Areas of interest in Research

o Dynamics of urbanization and industrialization with their implications on poverty,

employment and economic growth in low-income countries
o Innovation, technological change and development,
o Institution, structural change and Economic Development
o Technological capability and National System of Innovation
o Firm level learning, innovation and performance
o International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and technology transfer
o Global Value Chain and its role in latecomers’ industrialization

15. Statistical software Skills

Stata, SPSS, Eviews and CisPro

Expert’s contact information: (e-mail phone- ++251-912-290039)

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to
my disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Abdi Yuya Ahmad 06/02/2020

Name of Expert Signature Date {day/month/year}

Representative of the Consultant (the same who signs the Proposal)

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8 Annex. Company Legal Documents and Testimonies

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