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Form No.



Student's Full Name

Date of birth Age Male Female

Full Residential Address

Mobile Residence Of ce

Name of the School & Standard

Parent / Guardian's Detail Profession (Service / Business)

Name of contact No of Two Persons :

1. Name : Tel. No.

2. Name : Tel. No.

Name Of Father/Guardian/Self

Date Signature


Admission Fee Monthly Fees Receipt No Class


Date Principal s Signature


Primary Course for Boys & Girls Women Course Muallim & Aalimiyat Course

Secondary Course for Boys & Girls Part Time Naazerah Muallimah & Mominah Course

Advance Course for Boys & Girls Part Time Hifz Braille Course for Blind

Men Course Full Time Hifz

Rules and Regulations

1. Admission will take place only in June every year.
2. On admission, together with the admission fee the full year's
fees should be paid if not possible then six months fees or at
the very least three months.
3. Fees should be paid for the whole year irrespective of
whether or not a student attends Maktab for the entire year.
4. Students are strongly encouraged to attend Maktab
regularly. The Maktab will not be held responsible for
students lack of progress due to them being absent.
5. Students will not be excused from classes without a valid
6. Students who are not present for at least seventy percent of
classes for the year will not be allowed to sit for final exams
and thus will not progress to the next year.
7. Students absent from examinations without a valid reason
will be made to sit for the exam at a later stage, fifteen
percent will be deducted from the marks, the final report will
be given in photocopy and they will not be eligible for any
awards or certificates.
8. Parents must ensure that children attend Maktab neatly
dressed in uniform.
9. The use of Mobile phones during Maktab is strictly
10. The responsibility of the Maktab with regards to students will
extend only to the boundaries of the Maktab. Beyond the
boundary, the Maktab will not be responsible.
11. Parents are strongly advised to collect children on time.
12. Attending Annual Day, Open Day and Parents Meeting is
compulsory for parents/guardians.

I declare that all the above information is correct and true to the best
of my knowledge.
I/Myson/Daughter/Relative, will abide by all the rules and
regulations of your Maktab.
I will pay all the fees and other expenses, if any, regularly.
The management reserves the right to expell any student who
breaks the rules.


Date Signature

Idaara / Maktab Name ‫  م‬  ‫ادارہ؍‬


E-mail  ‫اى‬ Tel. No.  ‫ن‬

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