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FIRST INFORMATION REPORT (Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.) (rer 154 woe aff eT) 4.Distriet (Rtam:NORTH EAST P.S.(ATF):JYOTINAGAR —Year(a): 2022, FIR No(aay.fext):0786 Date :20/10/2022 2. Attensa: Sectionsyteren): = (PC 1860 289 3. Occurrence of Offence (sor # e): (ayday(fe=): SATURDAY Date From(extar®): 29/10/2022 Date Toffees: 211012022 Time Period (xi sat) Time From (amet: 17:15 ts Time To (zeae): 17-15 he (O)information received at P.S(eararagt GAT MTAGE): —Date(Rerte): 29/10/2022 Time (=a: 21:00 hrs {c)General Diary Reference (rama ee} Entry Noufaf ei): 100A DaterTime(Rettvranay:29/10/2022 21:12 4. Type of information (Guat aT WATE): Wten 5. Place of Occurrence (treaTE=H } (@)Directon and Distance from P.S (ara 8 ZB stk ean): NORTH , 15 Krn(s) Beat Noftz #.): 09 (6) Address(a}: D543 ,GALINO 10 MAIN WAZIRABAD ROAD DELHI {6)In case, Outside the limit of the Police Station (aft ar afr & arg): Name of P.S(2r1 118) District 6. Complainant informant (Ferrara erat): (a)Namo(aTmy: ARUN KUMAR, (0)DaterYear of Birth (a AR Fl): 12/03/1990 Nationality (xterm); INDIA (c)Passport No,(aTenté Date of Issue (318 et FAR): Place of sue (a8 3 a ear): (@)Occupation (areata): POLICE OFFICER (e)Address(t): PS JYOTI NAGAR DELHI, 8860048002, 7. Details of Known/Suspect/Unknown accused with full particulars(attach separate sheet ifnecessary) (ara wftra /srara strana ar gt Recent avi): (2) ~ JAWED (SIO) MEHB008 KHAN (PIO) D 631A, GALI NO Ot, ASHOK NAGAR, JYOTI NAGAR, NORTH EAST, DELHI, INDIA ~ ABHISHEK (SIO) VINOD KUMAR (P10) D 543, GALI NO 10, ASHOK NAGAR, JYOTI NAGAR, NORTH EAST, DELHI INDIA 8, Reason for delay in reporting by the complainantiinformant (Fwracraat / stare rer Peete BEB of area TE): NO DELAY 9. Particulars of the properties stolenvinvolved (attach separate sheet if necessary) SLNo, (#.%1) Property Type(Description) Est. Value(Rs >a (® #)) Distict | Nomieasr Ps: sronnscan Year, 2 FIRNe: ore Date: svacee 410-Total value of property stolen (at gaat a gr Pa} ‘Munquest Report U.D. Case No. if any (fey ea Pec 8. sewer ., af aE ®t) 12F.LR. Contents (attach soparate sheot, f required) (tam ara Fake a=) sf oft DUTY OFFICER P.S saifa am aa amr Pas 8 fei gre WA HC HA HC SURJEET NO 1221 /NEaea gerrht Tet BEAT NO. 9 aigite ame a aye, a Stet WA HC war gHETEt HC aaa atte 5.15 pm UR states A aida Ms D-543, GALI NO. 10% apr UgaT at INDIAN AUTO SPARE PARTS & DURGA AUTO SPARE PARTS & ant aaah etary ox fetafer & fey TWO WHEELERS @& gu & aie ween Mts wt fire TWO WHEELERS af fetter are @ & faa Ufectn a efiken & arama # are seug gt eet at St INDIAN AUTOSPARE PARTS & aifetes amr ana Ua arg aftared sreles/oweqa BA R/O D-631A GALI NO Otareite ane feet arse 24 ate Adurga autospare parts% Arfersh Br ATH WaT sift S/O ferile HAT ro D 543 gali no 10 stain ame fret argu 26 are AeA Ten Sit erat arferat a ager of rife eo a ae oe dt feta a et &t ara & ah afera Stet SAT HC Hi arat at aga He dis ST TT Fetafer wen areege ae ar GH A HC 7 set Hterger wala wiles & watches fore! sft INDIAN AUTO SPARE. PARTS & arferss aifttties ¥ asa ata ae mst a TWO WHEELERS aft feta arth feet o Bfthes 8 STE 8 TEM SUA HEH F AAT sear Ht seagora He GF U/S 283 IPC ar evar g eter aE EST canta arent qancaT eet HC SURJEET NO 1221/NE arcetet ST 8 Aenea oot a. ara AaACAT S sre where ST He HC Heh oe atone § aT. a aH apaAT:- dt 29/10/22 dt 6.15 Pm aI apart :- D-543 GALI NO 10, MAIN WAZIRABAD ROAD , DELHI at. a am carnft agate :- dt 29/10/22 at 08:35 PM_sd English HC ARUN KUMAR NO 1603/NE PS Jyoti Nagar Delhi DT 29/10/22 yfera arfarét ar fatfea aera ‘ feta HC ARUN KUMAR aga 4 HC SURJEET NO 1221/NE & gre yet DO aft ure ge feifa Gea WW Ho Ao 786/2022 U/S 283 IPC aT ef COMPUTERIZED #5 COMPUTERIZED FIR att a Her fetter @@ HC SURJEET NO 1221/NE % kt HC ARUN aga & ora ftsrarg or eet @ Sit a arefter 81 RHCAT AT ‘Gait Sts ETT SENIOR OFFICERS a fitsrang sath 1 19.Action Taken Since the above information reveals commission of offence(s) uls as mentioned at item No. 2: (061 meh orf: es chen seer rar or @ Fp ar sore we 2. aoa Ter aT ): (Registered the case and took up the investigation: oR ea (arco ar a ate etn Fra eM (iDirocted (Name of the .0.)(ste sree sur); ARUN. KUMAR, Rank (te: HG (HEAD CONSTABLE) Nott): 28107980 to take up the investigation (it ter amu arr ai Fry Pagar Reamer) ORE) (iipRefused investigation due to( sta ® fq) OR (wre gore var =) (0) Transferred to P.S{name)( aA District ‘on point of jurisdiction (at Garter & aren reataea) FR read over to the complainantinformant admited tobe correctly recorded and a copy given tothe complainantinformant, free of costs (Frnt / apr a met amp mh wh eG Ae HE Pages Reet oh et) ROAC Kare): Distict | Nomieasr Ps: sronnscan 414,Signature J Thumb Impression ‘of the Complainant / Informant: (Cerra 1 ere & reer 1 at Prey: 15,Date and Time of despatch to the court: (aera or ot ster ate mT): Year FIRNo: ore Date: svacee Signature of Officer Name): NISHU Rank ("@); HC (HEAD CONSTABLE) Now): 28108500

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