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Exam Advice for Assignment 2 Exam 23th of November 2022

Exam topics November 2022

This is about the final exam or assessment 2. It is called Assessment 2 and  will represent 50% of
your overall module grade.

The exam is scheduled for the 23th of November 2022

It will be a 24-hour examination on that day

The examination window will be between 10 a.m. and 10a.m. Danish time.

You have to answer one question from a choice of 3.


Question 1 is about:

EU competition policies

Limiting anti-competitive behavior by firms

Consumers benefit from choice

The actual question last May was:

Question 1

Analyse the impact on economic growth of EU Competition policies that limit anti-competitive behaviour by
firms and that ensure consumers benefit from choice.

The question in November will be similar but not the same!


QUESTION 1 (Moodle):
Competition and markets in the European Union PPt

Question 2 is about:

EU MFF (The Multiannual Financial Framework of the European Union, also called the financial
perspective, is a seven-year framework regulating its annual budget. It is laid down in a
unanimously adopted Council Regulation with the consent of the European Parliament)

Spending and budgets since 2014

EU citizenship freedom, security and justice

The effectiveness of controlling migration into the EU from outside and free movement of labor and
borders' security

The actual question last May was:

Question 2

Discuss how EU Citizenship, freedom, security, and justice funding since 2014 has effectively controlled
migration into the EU from outside, and free movement of labour, and borders security.

The question in November will be similar but not the same!

Question 3

European Central Bank (ECB) policy since 2011

New monetary policy funding initiatives such as quantitative easing and lending to prevent financial
institution collapse. Has this improved business activity and prosperity?

The actual question last May was:

Question 3
Outline the new monetary policy funding initiatives of the European Central Bank (ECB) since 2011 to
improve business activity and prosperity in the Eurozone from 2011 until 2021.

The question in November will be similar but not the same!


Ken Rushe, Niels Brock, Assignment 2, Corp 2549 European Business Issues, 23 th of November to 24th of
November 12:00 (Midday deadline 24 hour Exam) b22bscdmu5jB1 and b22bscdmu5jB2

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