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Contemporary Management – CORP2165

Assessment Rubrics
Component Description
Introduction 01-04% This section shows a very isolated or little knowledge with significant
20% error. By adding background information, objectives and/or document map,
this section can be improved.
05-08% This section introduces the essay but shows a weak understanding of the
chosen topic. By adding information like objectives and document map, it can
be improved.
09-12% This section shows some understanding of the chosen topic. By
addressing objectives explicitly and discussing the content/context critically,
this section can be bettered.
13-16% This section shows a good understanding of the chosen topic but leaves
room for improvement which can be achieved by writing critically and/or
setting the scene.
17-20% This is a well-written piece of work that shows an excellent understanding
of the chosen topic. It engages with scholarly sources.
Discussion 01-10% The discussion shows a very weak understanding of the chosen topic and
50% its implications in practice. There is no (or very weak) analytical argument. It
can be improved by addressing the question.
11-20% The discussion shows limited knowledge and its use in practice. It has
some emerging analytical but superficial arguments. This section can be
bettered by discussing critically.
21-30% The discussion shows adequate knowledge in both theory and practice. It
has satisfactory analytical arguments with some facts. This can be improved
by providing facts and argument.
31-40% The discussion shows theoretical knowledge of the chosen topic and its
implication in practice. The argument is supported by facts and opinions but
has some minor flaws.
41-50% The discussion shows an excellent understanding of both theory and
practice. It has an exceptionally well developed and coherent analytical
argument with facts and argument.
Conclusion 01-04% The essay has no (or not clear) conclusion. By drawing a logical
20% conclusion, it can be improved.
05-08% The essay has a conclusion, but it is very weak in terms of logic and
coverage. By writing it logically, it can be bettered.
09-12% The essay draws a logical conclusion but does not generalise the findings.
It can be bettered by generalising the findings.
13-16% The essay draws a logical conclusion with generalised findings but with
minor flaws.
17-20% The essay draws a logical conclusion with no error.
Format 01-2% The essay does not follow the recommended structure. There are a series
10% of regular mistakes in spelling, grammar, paragraphing and writing style.
03-04% The essay has some deviation from the expected requirements. There are
frequent mistakes in spelling, grammar and paragraphing.
05-06% The essay follows the recommended structure. There are some mistakes
in spelling, grammar and paragraphing. The writing style is appropriate but
not always fluent.
07-08% It follows the recommended structure. It mostly has accurate spelling,
grammar and paragraphing. It is mainly fluent and also uses a professional
writing style.
09-10% It follows the recommended structure and also shows professionalism in
writing. It has no errors with spelling and grammar.

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