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Teacher: Motfolea Dana-Maria

School: Scoala Gimnazială Patra Șoimului
Date: 10th of November 2022
Class: 3rd grade B
Level: beginners, L1
Number of students: 15
Textbook: Fairyland 3, Express Publishing, Autor: Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Unit: 3
Title of the lesson: It’s my job
Type of lesson: vocabulary teaching
Language skills: speaking, writing, listening
Time: 45’
Description of the class: Students between 8 - 9 years old, 10 girls and 5 boys. The class
takes place on Thursday morning. The students (Ss) are generally receptive and show
enthusiasm towards English classes. I hope this will happen on this occasion, too.
Recent work: Students have discussed about family members and the verb “to be”.
Assumptions: Ss might already have some knowledge about the different ways of
expressing the future, so discussing about these should not be a problem.
Aims: - to recycle vocabulary related to family members
- to acquire and use the new vocabulary jobs
- to encourage students to communicate
- to consolidate grammar structures
Objectives: - At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to identify different jobs.
- Ss will also be better able to work in pairs on different tasks developing both receptive
and productive skills.
Evaluation: continuous- through observation and analysis of Ss’ answers.
Resources/ Aids/ Materials: board, worksheets, phone.
Anticipated problems/ Possible solutions: If Ss do not understand the oral commands or
the tasks, they will be translated into Romanian.
- Some Ss may make pronunciation mistakes
Teaching strategies: conversation, presentation, explanation, exercise
Class organisation: lockstep, individual work, pair work
Types of interaction: T-Ss; T-S; Ss-T; S-T

1. ACTIVITY 1: Warm up

Aim: to get Ss attention and to get into the atmosphere of the lesson

Procedure: T greets Ss, checks attendance and makes sure the conditions are proper for the
lesson to begin; T usually asks questions as: Who is absent today? How are you? What is
your homework for today? and other questions about their previous lesson. T checks the
homework and Ss correct the mistakes, if necessary.

Interaction: T-Ss, T-S, S-T

Class organisation: lockstep
Aids: homework worksheets
Time: 5’

2. ACTIVITY 2: Consolidating previous knowledge

Aim: - to recycle vocabulary related to family members.

Procedure: T reestablishes the connection with the last lesson (which was on family
members) by giving Ss a family tree worksheet.
- T asks Ss to draw and write the name of each member of their family in the empty spaces.
When Ss are ready they come in front of the class and present their family members.
- Ss are given a couple of minutes to complete the worksheet.
- Ss come in front of the class and speak about their families.

Interaction: T-Ss, T-S, S-T.

Class management: lockstep.
Aids: worksheet
Time: 10’
3. ACTIVITY 3: Lead in

Aim: - to engage Ss attention

- to introduce the theme of the lesson: Jobs
- to present the new vocabulary

Procedure: Guess Who am I?: I am at school. I am with my pupils in the classroom.

- Ss have to guess the name of the job that T is talking about. T elicits answers. If Ss can’t
provide the answer, T will offer it.
- T makes the connection with the new lesson and presents its objectives.
- T uses a ppt presentation and introduces the new vocabulary. T presents the jobs orally and
then writes them on the board. Ss write them in their notebooks.
- T asks the whole class to repeat the words together. After the choral repetition, T nominates
individual Ss and indicates them what words to say.
- T helps and corrects Ss, if necessary.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Class organisation: lockstep
Aids: phone, pen and paper, board
Time: 10’

4. ACTIVITY 4: Practice
Aim: to practise the new vocabulary

Procedure: Ss are involved in various types of activities.

1. Matching T gives Ss worksheets. Ss are told that they have to match each job with its
corresponding picture.
- Ss are put in pairs, to solve the exercise. When Ss are ready, T checks the answers with the
whole class.
Interaction: T-Ss, S-S, Ss-T
Class organisation: pair work
Aids: worksheets
Time: 5’
2. Miming T asks Ss to choose a job and mime it in front of the class. Ss have to ask: Who am
I? If Ss don’t understand the message, T will provide an example.
- Ss come and mine some jobs in front of the class.
Interaction: T-Ss, S-S, Ss-T
Class organisation: pair work
Aids: -
Time: 5’
5. ACTIVITY 5: Listening

Aim: to practise listening and writing skills

to enjoy a musical moment

Procedure: Ss are told that they are going to listen to a nice song. They have to write in their
notebooks all the jobs that they hear.
- While listening for the 1st time Ss pay attention to the song.
- While listening for the 2nd time Ss write down their answers.
- T checks the answers with the whole class.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Class organisation: lockstep
Aids: PC, cd, pen and paper
Time: 7’

Feedback and homework: Ss are praised, encouraged and given final suggestions, also
some conclusions are drawn.
As homework Ss are asked to write exercise 1/ page 24 from the SB.
Time: 3’

Additional possibilities: If there’s enough time, Ss will listen to the song again and will
try to sing it, too.

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