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A. Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following option is not available on

Presentation Wizard?
(a) Empty presentation

(b) Form template

(c) Open new presentation

(d) Open existing presentation

2. Which of the following is not a part of main Impress

(a) Slides pane

(b) Workspace

(c) Work pane

(d) Task pane

3. Which of the following is not a section of tasks pane?

(a) Master pages

(b) Layouts

(c) Custom View

(d) Custom animation

4. Which view button listed below is not one of those

available in the workspace?
(a) Normal view

(b) Outline view

(c) Thumbnail view

(d) Notes

5. Which view is generally used for creating, formatting and

designing slides?
(a) Normal view

(b) Outline view

(c) Notes

(d) Slide Sorter view

6. The slide show can be exited at any time during the show
by pressing which of the following keys?
(a) Space bar

(b) End key

(c) Break key

(d) Esc key

7. Which of the following features is used to create a new

slide show with the current slides but presented in a
different order?
(a) Rehearsal

(b) Custom Slide show

(c) Slide Show Setup

(d) Slide Show View

8. Which of the following feature is used to progress the

slide show automatically while speaking on the topic?
(a) Custom Animation

(b) Rehearse Timing

(c) Slide Transition

(d) Either (a) or (b)

B. Fill in the blanks

1. Master Slide is used to maintain consistency in design

and colour in the presentation.

2. Slide Sorter view is used to view all the slides


3. File Menu is used to perform basic operations on the


4. Master Page is used to modify the Base architecture of



5. To create a new blank presentation, use the key

combination Ctrl+ N.
6. In every presentation, first slide should be Title Slide.

7. To save a presentation, we can use key combination Ctrl


8. In LibreOffice Impress, by default the presentation is


with .odp extension.

9. The keyboard shortcut key for slide show is F5.

10. The short cut key to close the LibreOffice impress is Ctrl
+ W.

11. The short cut key to insert a new slide is Ctrl + M

12. The Normal View view is used to apply animation on

the content of slide

13. A paper copy of presentation given to the audience is

known as Handouts.

14. To play a sound during transitions, select a sound from

the _Sound_ list.

15. To play the sound repeatedly, the loop until next sound

C. State whether the following statements are True or


1. The order of the slides cannot be changed in slides pane.


2. Slide design or layout can be changed for multiple slides

simultaneously. (True)

3. Every slide in a presentation has exactly one slide

master. (True)

4. Animations once applied can be changed but cannot be

removed. (False)

5. Slide names are included in outline view. (True)

6. The notes added to slides can be seen during the

presentation. (True)

7. A presentation can have multiple slide masters. (False)

8. A user can create his/her own slide master. (True)

9. Once a pre-defined slide master is selected, the

of slide cannot be changed. (False)

10. The text added to the header is displayed on the first


only. (False)

11. The text added to the footer is displayed on the last slide

only. (False)

12. User can create his/her own template and use it in the
Presentation Wizard. (True)

13. The Notes View is used for the audience. (False)

14. It is not possible to insert audio or video clips in the

presentation. (False)

15. Header and footer can be inserted in the


D. Short answer questions (50 words)

Q1. List the possible multimedia contents that are included

while creating a presentation.

Ans. Possible multimedia contents that are included while creating a presentation are :
1. Audio
2. Video
3. Image
4. Animation

Q2. List the important points to be considered while making

an effective presentation.
Ans. Important points to be considered while making an effective presentation are :

(a) On one page or slide try to include 5 to 8 lines.

(b) In presentation keep the font size appropriate so that the audience can easily read the contents.

(c) The grammar and language should be correct in your presentation.

(d) Try to avoid inserting more than two graphics (images, drawings, tables or charts) in any slide.

(e) Do not include more than one animation or video in one slide.

(f) Pay attention to target group to meet the requirements of the target audience.

Q3. What are the advantages of using a presentation?

Ans. Advantages of using a presentation are :

1. The concepts that are difficult to explain by teacher, can be easily presented to the audience in a simple
2. Machine parts and operation of various machines can be easily shown

Q4. What objects can be inserted to slides in Impress?

Ans. Various objects can be inserted to slides in Impress are :

1. Tables
2. Shapes
3. Textbox
4. Charts
Q5. What are the steps to add picture or object to the slide?
Ans. To insert an image in your document, position the cursor where you want to insert the file, select Insert → Image.


Click on the insert image icon, located below the Formatting Toolbar. Select the image file and click on Open button or just
double click on the image file. The image will get inserted in the file.

Q6. How can text be added to header or footer on the

Ans. Steps to add header and footer on slides are :

1. Click Insert —> Header and Footer.

2. Header and Footer dialog box appears.
3. Select Footer check box and write text in Footer text box.
4. Click Apply to All button to apply footer on all slides.

Q7. Describe the use of fields available in header and

Ans. Fields available in header and footer are :

1. Header : A header is a text/section which appear at the top of the slide.

2. Footer : A footer is a text/section which appear at the bottom of the slide.
3. Date & Time : This option helps to add Date and Time in header section of slide.
4. Page Number : This option helps to add page number on slide.

Q8. Write the steps to create a template.

Ans. Steps to create a template are :

1. Create a slide which you want to save it as a template.

2. Click on File —-> Templates —–> Save As Template.
3. Save As Template dialog box appear.
4. Write the name of the template and select the Template category where you want to save.
5. Click on Save button.
Q9. Write down the steps to add slide transition in your
Ans. Steps to add slide transition in your presentation are :

1. In the Sidebar, select the Slide Transition icon.

2. Select the slides to apply the transition. If you want to apply the transition to all the slides, do not select
any slides.
3. Select a sound from the Sound list.
4. Select how to advance to the next slide: manually (By mouse click) or automatically.
5. To apply transition to all slides, click Apply to All Slides.
6. Click Slide show to view the applied transition.

Q10. How will you add the slide number at the bottom of
each slide?
Ans. Steps to add the slide number at the bottom of each slide are :

1. Click Insert —> Header and Footer.

2. Header and Footer dialog box appears.
3. In Slide tab, Select Slide Number check box.
4. Click Apply to All button.

Q11. How will you insert a company’s logo (picture) in first

slide of your presentation?
Ans. Steps to insert a company’s logo (picture) in first slide of your presentation are :

1. Open your presentation and go to the first slide.

2. Click on Insert —>Image.
3. Select your company logo/image and click on Open.
4. Move the company logo at desired position.

Q12. How will you add the name of the company on the top
of the each slide?
Ans. Steps to add the name of the company on the top of the each slide are :

1. Click Insert —> Header and Footer

2. Header and Footer dialog box appears.
3. In Notes and Handouts tab, Select Header.
4. Write name of the company in Header text box.
5. Click Apply to All button.

Q13. Write down the steps to create a table in a

Ans. Steps to create a table in a presentation are :

1. Click on slide where you want to insert table.

2. Select Insert — > Table
3. Specify the number of rows and columns
4. Click OK

Q14. Write down the steps to insert a chart in slide.

Ans. Steps to insert a chart in slide are :

1. Click on slide where you want to insert chart.

2. Select Insert —> Chart
3. Chart based on default value will be inserted in slide.
4. Right click on chart and change the Chart Data Table, Chart type etc.

Q15. What are the five views of presentation?

Ans. Five views of presentation are :

1. Normal View
2. Outline View
3. Notes View
4. Slide Sorter View
5. Handout

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