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By: Alejandra Miller, Allisson Guerrero and Ruslana Calderón.

1. The Owner: He is the most important player on the

field. The strategist in the field. He is the one who stays
calm in difficult moments of the game and tries to find
a solution to the team's problems on the field of play.

2. The Reception: The reception is the first contact a

team makes to build their attack when not in possession
of the serve. It is the first phase of complex 1 (K1) and its
objective is to neutralize the opponent's serve in the best
possible way and to be able to successfully build an
attack. On a technical level, it is important to focus on the

3. Block: The block is a product of the evolution of modern volleyball. It is an action

executed after a vertical jump, carrying the arms extended vertically, hands on the line
of the net, with the aim of intercepting the opponent's attack.

4. Fingertouch: It is the typical gesture of the volleyball setter. It is the touch

that is only made when the ball reaches us in a relatively comfortable way, due
to the great cleanliness that this touch requires so that it is not considered a

5. The Remate: It is the typical gesture

of the volleyball. It is the touch that is
only made when the ball reaches us in a
relatively comfortable way, due to the
great cleanliness of this touch so that it
is not considered a foul.

6. The Zone: Located at the far right of

any of the courts facing the net (on the
end line) that will be zone 1, in that
same direction and attached to the net will be zone 2, to its left and also
attached to the net, in the center of the field is zone 3.

7. Attack:The attack in Volleyball is the action of hitting the ball towards the
opponent's court during a dispute (with the ball in play).
8. The rotation: Rotation is a change in position (clockwise) that all the players of a
team have to do to recover the serve.

9. The down serve: The serve is the putting into play

of the ball (remember that the player always did it).
Player who, after the rotation, was in position number
1 and who always died from outside and behind the
field, in the service zone). The bottom serve is the
safer (it is very simple to do and, in addition, it passes
easily to the field
contrary), however, it is also the least effective (it is
not a dangerous serve for
the rival team, since it is very easy to receive).

10. Tennis serve: The tennis serve belongs to the serves of above, that is,those
in which the ball is hit above the head and that, in addition, have a marked
offensive character (remember that you take them out below are safe but easy
to receive).

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