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Robert Scott: The return journey

Captain Robert Falcon Scott was a Royal Navy officer and a fearless explorer from
the United Kingdom. His main goal was to be the first person to reach the South Pole. In
order to achive that goal, he and his team started their first expedition in 1911. But, before
actually attempting to reach the South Pole, they first had to analyze the area and plan their
After a year of planning, they began their journey. The team had travelled hundred of
miles before arriving at the South Pole on 17 January 1912. And when they arrived, they
were greated by a heartbreaking news. They were saddened as they were witnessing a
Norwegian flag fluttering right above the south pole. It turns out, a Norwegian team lead by
Roal Amundsen had arrived 5 weeks earlier. They have no choice but to go home and admit
their defeat.
On their journey back, they stumbled upon many obstacles. Their biggest obstacle
was the snow and the freezing temperature. They couldn’t be more unlucky, because the year
1912 was an anomalous year at the south pole. The temperatures were much lower than
expected. The temperature dropped drastically to -43° F which were not survivable. In mid-
February Evans had collapsed and he died soon after. Then, on the 16 th of March Oates had
suffered from crippling frostbite in his hand and feet. He felt like he was holding back the
team so he decided to sacrifice himself to the blizzard and he was never seen again.
On 20th March, only three remained, Scott, Bowers and Wilson. They had traveled so
far and yet they were still 11 miles away from the food depot. They only had 2 days of ration
left and Scott’s right foot needed to be amputated. With that said, they stopped walking, and
on 29th of March, Scott made his last entry and they were found dead on the 12th of November
by the search party.

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