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2A Exam practice

1 (a) B

(b) C

(c) (i) Any three from: • there is a concentration gradient

• as concentration of A decreases on outside, it increases on inside

• substance A moves from outside to inside

• rate of change decreases

• rate of change would be almost linear

• changes would occur faster

• equilibrium would not be reached.

2 (a) C


• decreases diffusion distance

• permeable to respiratory gases

• collectively have a large surface area

• increases diffusion of respiratory gases oxygen and carbon dioxide

• surrounded by capillaries

• idea that movement of blood maintains diffusion

• the presence of surfactant. (c) Students’ answers should include the following.

• The external intercostal muscles contract and raise the rib cage up and out.

• The muscle of the diaphragm contracts and the diaphragm is lowered/ flattened.

• These increase the volume of the thoracic cavity and the lungs are pulled outwards as the
pleural membranes covering them and lining the inside of the rib cage are joined.
• The volume of the lungs increases so the air pressure inside them decreases and is lower
than atmospheric pressure, so air enters from outside, down the pressure gradient, down
the trachea and bronchi and bronchioles into the alveoli, whichexpand.

(d) 8.1 (dm3)

3 (a) D

(b) ‘Water loving’ – the head part is able to dissolve in water/be surrounded by water

(c) They form a bilayer at the interface between the watery cytoplasm and the outside of
the cell. They line up so that the hydrophilic heads dip into watery cytoplasm and watery
exterior and the hydrophobic (water-hating) tails are on the inside of the bilayer, away from

(d) Diagram should show phospholipid bilayer with proteins in it: intrinsic, extrinsic and
some glycoproteins. See diagram in student text

4 (a)

• Fatty acids/tails are hydrophobic/ non-polar…

• … so orientate themselves away from water/ polar environment/ eq.

• Phosphate/ heads are hydrophilic/ polar…

• … so can interact with water/ polar environment/ eq.

• Reference to cytoplasm/ tissue fluid/ eq as the polar environment.

(b) (i) Students’ answers should include: • A is the most and D is the least likely to cross/ eq
• reference to same ability of B and C to cross membrane • manipulation of permeability
figures to quantify one of the above points.


• substance A has a high (oil-water partition) coefficient/ eq

• therefore, can dissolve in the lipid portion of the membrane/ (phospholipid) bilayer
• (more specifically) dissolves in the inner part of bilayer/ hydrophobic region of bilayer/
fatty acids

• (can then pass through) by diffusion.

5 (a) (i) Any two from: temperature, surface area/ volume (of beetroot), part, age, variety,
storage, source, volume of ethanol, same wavelength/ filter.

(ii) Students’ answers should include the following points: • cells/ membranes/ eq damaged
(by cutting up of pieces)/ eq • (as a result, pigment) could leak out of vacuoles/ cells.

(iii) Rinse pieces (thoroughly)/ dab pieces dry/ eq.


(i) Increased ethanol concentrations, increases intensity/ eq

(ii) • reference to disruption/ eq of membrane

• ethanol is a (non–polar/ organic) solvent

• the idea that lipids/ eq dissolve (in alcohol)

• the idea that increase in ethanol causes solution to be less polar

• the idea that orientation of phospholipids depends on water around it.

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