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4A Exam practice

1 (a) B

(b) C

(c) alpha glucose has OH group on C1 below the line and H above. Beta glucose has OH group
on C1 above the line and H below.

(d) Every other glucose molecule flips through 180 degrees

2 (a) B

(b) D

(c) D

(d) X–Y is 62 mm = 62000 µm, so magnification is 62000/5 = 12400.

(e) palisade/ guard/ spongy/ mesophyll

(f) Source of lipids for synthesising membranes such as thylakoid membranes or chloroplast

3 (a) Long, straight cellulose chains, held together by many hydrogen bonds, bundled into
microfibrils which are deposited in layers and held together by a matrix of hemicelluloses.

(b) (i) Award marks for: drawn using single unbroken lines, using a sharp pencil; no shading;
show and label cellulose cell wall, cell surface membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm;

(ii) Length of one of their cells in mm, × 1000 to convert to µm and divide by 40 to obtain

4 (a)

(b) Root and stem are subject to different stresses and strains. Bundles around edges of stem
make it resistant to bending in wind; in the centre of the root makes it resistant to

(c) Students’ answer should include:

• contents of cells dead

• forming long hollow tubes to carry water

• walls strengthened with lignin to resist forces as water is pulled upwards

• pits to allow some sideways movement of water.

5 (a) (i) • lignin gives strength but is lightweight

• wood is renewable

• means less concrete and steel are used

• does not expand in heat but dries out and gets stronger

• good heat and sound insulator

• there are many types of wood to suit different purposes

• aesthetic value • composite material

• resists compression forces

• doesn’t crack when cut or nailed and keeps its strength.

(ii) • cotton fibres are very strong

• good heat insulator

• breathable • allows sweat to evaporate

• flexible

• cotton is renewable

• cotton plants while growing remove carbon dioxide from atmosphere.

(b) Bioplastics are biodegradable so less pollution; also sustainable

6 (a)
(b) (i) They have the mitochondria to make ATP to actively load sucrose into the sieve tube

(ii) They contain a nucleus and organelles such as mitochondria; there are connecting
plasmodesmata between them and the sieve tube elements.

(b) Many in water up the xylemvessels.

(c) (i) To make middle lamella between newly formed cells at meristems where cell division

(ii) To make proteins for new cell membranes, organelles, enzymes, electron carriers in the
new cells.

8 (a) (i) C

(ii) A

(iii) Use a plant pot with soil but no plant in it, repeat same procedure.


(c) It is dark, less water loss as stomata closed.

(d) Set up apparatus in same way, use a suitable (10°C 40°C) range of temperatures .

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