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Digital Assignment-IV

Information Security Analysis and Audit

Aditya Sarangarajan
What is IP Spoofing?
IP spoofing, or IP address spoofing, refers to the
creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets with a false
source IP address to impersonate another computer
system. IP spoofing allows cybercriminals to carry out
malicious actions, often without detection. This might
include stealing your data, infecting your device with
malware, or crashing your server.

How IP Spoof attack works:-

Data transmitted over the internet is first broken into
multiple packets, and those packets are sent
independently and reassembled at the end. Each
packet has an IP (Internet Protocol) header that
contains information about the packet, including the
source IP address and the destination IP address.
In IP spoofing, a hacker uses tools to modify the
source address in the packet header to make the
receiving computer system think the packet is from a
trusted source, such as another computer on a
legitimate network, and accept it. This occurs at the
network level, so there are no external signs of
In systems that rely on trust relationships among
networked computers, IP spoofing can be used to
bypass IP address authentication. A concept
sometimes referred to as the ‘castle and moat’
defence, which is where those outside the network are
considered threats, and those inside the ‘castle’ are
trusted. Once a hacker breaches the network and
makes it inside, it's easy to explore the system.
Because of this vulnerability, using simple
authentication as a defence strategy is increasingly
being replaced by more robust security approaches,
such as those with multi-step authentication.
While cybercriminals often use IP spoofing to carry
out online fraud and identity theft or shut down
corporate websites and servers, there can also
sometimes be legitimate uses. For example,
organizations may use IP spoofing when testing
websites before putting them live. This would involve
creating thousands of virtual users to test the website
to see if the site can handle a large volume of logins
without being overwhelmed. IP spoofing is not illegal
when used in this way.



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