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TEF Canada Sample Exercises

As an official testing centre of the TEF exam, we are providing this guide to help
prepare for the examination.
This guide is intended to help candidates from understand the overall structure of
the TEF Canada , as well as, practice some of the type of exercises that they will
encounter during the exam. It is not intended to replace any official guides nor is it
a guarantee that the examples will be in the exam.

More examples and suggestions are available at the

official page of the CCI Paris Ile-de-France Education.
We strongly encourage candidates to review them.
The TEF Canada has different types of evaluations, depending on the type of


Oral comprehension : 40 minutes (60 questions)

Written comprehension: 60 minutes (50 questions)

Oral expression: 15 minutes (2 topics to cover)

Written expression: 60 minutes (2 topics to cover)


Oral comprehension: 40 minutes (60 questions)

Oral expression: 15 minutes (2 topics to cover)

a l l i a n c e f r a n c a i s e . c a
TEF Canada - Oral Comprehension

Audio Instructions:

Audio Recording:

a l l i a n c e f r a n c a i s e . c a
TEF Canada - Written Comprehension

a l l i a n c e f r a n c a i s e . c a
TEF Canada - Oral expression

Evaluations will be based on a) the quality of the

information and, b) the richness of vocabulary and
mastery of the French language.

a l l i a n c e f r a n c a i s e . c a
TEF Canada - Written expression

Evaluations will be based on a) the quality &

efficiency of the written text and, b) the richness of
vocabulary and mastery of the French language.

a l l i a n c e f r a n c a i s e . c a
TEF Canada Sample Exercises

Oral comprehension - Answers to section A

Questions Answers

1 B

2 D

3 A

4 E

Written comprehension - Answers to section A

Questions Answers

1 D

2 C

a l l i a n c e f r a n c a i s e . c a
TEF Canada Sample Exercises


Use the tutorials from the CCI website to familiarise

yourself with the oral comprehension and expression
sections of the TEF (in French).

Register for training online in collaboration with


Train yourself for the various Tests for Evaluating

French (TEFs) using the Français 3.0 mobile

Don't consider yourself ready for the TEF exam?

Try one of our French courses or get additional support with one
of our French tutors.

Follow our educational blog for more resources on

the French language

a l l i a n c e f r a n c a i s e . c a

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