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Meet, with Other Grade Leneks PLC Agenda and Minutes PLC Subject Area’ Math PLO Members Present: Cindy Conti, Amanda Robinson ,Cindy Choana, A Date: 10 /25 [2022 Stacey Ree PIC Feas "Evidences /Commenis/Ni Wat was your ratclnna’ Gos anda | BITS fae — tepc alo ueston? 4 © | pace valve L actions ~Mixed Numbers, kong ~ Peccents ~ Décimnat | convert Fatias, rates merers pec | Frackons ~ Tercents <6 Recieve wi cee ieee |e . Sedde," by" oP", language oF mis pea tton ie ‘What student samples or data did you | pratwoads - com voview? rerventonS iat change inion pacan ead |=SESG CoonnG by ZF, 3S, H's tobe consered? ao Pardaes locil be Gas EE mauttotication Facts mined divisim Facts — - Subtraction “Berens cerog ‘What are the next saps foreach membarc? [= re place math Wit the team? fe cot, parenmeses Starting, | Phase puttne name ofeach stat menternest [= YY Elementary. ae ~ vocabara " evaluat” explain your reasoning, BMS Five intervals, *lespad Hime, piers veto ca 05 400 x40 = te mutt pk cation wf Zeros | UM = Move decimals ble dont Know tre Dion, % 1090) ote Nintenpre® = dwision /muttipticatan / Pract ons [mixed + /meope Powers oF lot ot Ve Suppot Needed LOM: Jwision wl decimals a = posit ahve operations >| 5 we Pnaan Se eee . a Stienh Ge hat asion . Moby Max, Replace Dreambox with Something else. (20) Magnet Meet with Other Grade Levels PLC Agenda and Minutes PLC Subject Area: ELA - grammar, writing Members Present: Emma, Morgen, Austin, Flak, Amy Fumie , SAY Date: 10/25/22 PLC Focus Evidence/Gomments/Notes \What was your instructional focus (standard, ‘opie andor question)? Grammar, writing, progression of writing (complete sentences — full paragraphs ~- extended essays) \What student samples or data did you review? NHA quizzes, RAGES responses, personal narratives, ather paporsossays: \What changes in instructional practioes need to be considered? Implement mere vecabulary words Understanding wording of quiz questions ‘Test taking methods Organization of RACE responses Diterentaton Hep students undersand me bee Bring wing acts to thai level ‘What are the next steps for each member of the team? ‘Aust - modeling test-taking methods, cferetation Morgan - inking pases and transiton words in written responses [Emma aking opportunities for students to fax thai grammar muscles artist slatements, word banks . ‘Amy -eolor coding and organizing RACE responses Falak "fun Facey" satis to encourage more agency in students writing ‘Sam vocabulary in context practice; mplomentatin of vocabulary words in students wing: practice vocabulary ‘questions for assessment; lower stakes wring assignments ‘Support Needed Goals "Acquire more grammar and wring tools to regularly implement in our ELA lessons. “What can we do to best prepare our students forthe next grade level? 41. Best practices share out =| Making topies applicable to students, giving them more choice in passages they read © Create @ story using emojs pictures, mix in visual elemants, more fun topics/activties + Sentence starters, speci arompts + Organizational / executive functioning skils + Active madeling = Visualizing with colors, writhg = Give them something they know to restate, low stakes = Create a clear rubric for students’ written responses 2. What activites or lessons feel ke students make the most progress? + Morgan - small group activities and lessons that could be applied to ful class? 3. What student samples giveus the most information? (review student samples) ‘ul from NHA quizzes and teacher-created assignments 4. How are we doing withthe curriculum? When we implement aur own work, what are we doing? = Creating own personal narrative to make more relatable tothe students ~ Consolidated materials inte easily accassible folder = Modeling in the moment = Implementing more partner work with RACE responses * Doesn't allow far proper diforentstion 5. How do we make wrtinplgtammar a dally activity? How do we implement nto the other parts of our cearrculim ke reading comprehension? + Writing RACE respanses with teachers and with paers to reinforce = One skil per week (verb tonse, simple sentences, commas) Daily worksheets Reference the rubrc for RACES responses = Bring witing activites to thei level = Lower stakes, fun writing activites they! enjoy = Picture prompts, pater stores, ABC narratives Vocabulary in context; align withthe objectives on the assessments Understand what the question is asking; dissect the wording = Paraphrase what the questions are asking, undertine what the skils are Reading with a pupose, keeping the questions actively in mind; read the questions frst 6,_ Implementation - Whats k going o look ike? What are actionable steps we can take? What can we: ‘mix into our lessons tomorow? Next week? = Hitevery vocabulary word possite in the lesson = Color coding each section of # RACES response ~ Comic strip project - incorporate dialogue then annotate it below ~ Purposeful do-ous focusing on a specie wring skill Meet with Other Grade Leueks PLC Agenda and Minutes PLC Subject Area: Science, Social Studies, Moral Focus Members Present: (AB Sky) Present, Jessica G, Ashley B, Christina, Ja'Rayl, Jessica W, Robin Date: 102522 pLcTaa Evidence /Comments/Notes ‘What was your instructional focus (standard, topic andlor question)? ‘Moking the scl studies eurievlum more Interesting ond personel ‘What student samples ordata did you Testica G-Alignmont of euricolam for each ‘grade lovel given to special teachers. ‘Aahlay-Theit project i of o food tuck of cultural food from thelr homes. ‘Ghristna-Culturel college being disployed ‘outed ther classrooms to showeese work Jestce W-Working on meking school « great ploce by giving offirmetion: and spreading kindness ‘Wat changes ih struction practices need tobe considered? More child ead eaiviy “More student leed cicisions “More school collaborations “Switching up groups Extensions by sending home porent letters ‘explaining the current unit “Scope ond sequence for parents es well os peciol teachers “Adding In more choicas ‘What are the naxt steps fr gach member of the team? | -Please put the name of each staff member next tothe stop ‘Chistine-Keeping specicl Informed as o what Is happening in science end social studies Fil out the Google form informing of science ‘ene! socal studies crrcukm for thie grade. Jestee G- Created « templet, shared on the Google drive to have everyone fill tout. ‘Ahley- Will fil out templet For Fes, Jessica Wil fil out for Kindergarten os well ‘es Inform Styler. Jetrce ond JoRayl- wil tlle with other specie teachers and vse templet once given to ‘enhance speciale ond connec to each grade level foo, ‘Sky: Wil fill out templet for second ‘Support Needed Robin. Will be supporting as needed. Please submit netes to Jorvonna by the Friday folowing your meeting, Meet mith Other Grade temels, PLC Agenda and Minutes PLC Subject Area: Science ~ CER writing Members Present: Monique Fletcher, Lexi Hamel, Mark Higgins, Tameks Leonard Date: October 25, 2022 Puc Faas z Evidence Comments) Notes ‘Wat was your instructional focus (standare tople andior question)? CER writing and staying ‘on task with the assignment ‘What student samples or dala did you review? 3 4% grade examples ‘What changas in netrudtonal practoes need tobe considered? © Be sure to make use of Driving Question Boards ‘and circle back to them # Use devices correctly (voice-to-text punctuation) * More chances to write/converse scientifically * More ways to display understanding © Highlight the evidence in STEMScopedia © Practice prompts/backwards planning specifically to CERs * Make connections | What are the next steps fe gach member of the team? “Please put the name of each staff member next tote sep. ‘Monique — get them to write/talk more ‘Mark ~ more connected writing Lexi - incorporating vocabulary and sentence extenders ‘Support Needed Please submit notes to Jorvonna by the Friday folowing your meeting 1d mes pue sys essa -UaUlssa8se 29pup 290 poyoot (9) ADE ok pp ejep Jo seyduses juapms yey e{uonsenb sopue 10 BIQEUIEYE Q1OW [PPO FOVY 24} SUPIEIN | -puepue;s) snooy reuononsisu snok von wu SOJON/SUOWIWOD/SOUSPIAS sn904 01d ze0e ‘sz 800900 9189 opauy Fajysy ‘sug wor seuor ep “pomojoH ely 'ue\KeT APUEWN ‘syadou xely ‘sp1eMDg [2Buy “opIEAUINT eUPLY ANEseAd SIOqWON suodse) ove au hijeayneds ‘Sunny eaty walang Od seynulwy pue epuaby Od $19N27] @PEID JOYIO UNM 9/V 796 epi ee Vowuod voweueIex Buh 10} T suoejoedke one apei8 ow ae UM ‘388 anyoolans ue anqyodas swo9s y SOW aut 40 Uopyed uoneueldre e410 peloedxo 124M Uo papsoU UOREYLEID pepaan voddn ‘abu jo Beare Tom SUBPTIS 194 in io ues us 08 var cy sasuodsas Jovy en6 siyea -'g uot} 29018 sou Ban wan swuepms odds uso xg mou 298 pu 104909} ua dh mojo, - va uy ‘uDUy) ‘peu8 puoses ‘nw sosn apes xy yan ovary aveus~ xe) ‘ugns paves ou Buss west © dats 0 ox rou soquiou yrs yoee oweu ound 2509 que au we snof oh WL -xaY ‘ig ‘fpueHy Yowusy| JO J9quIeU TED Jo) scoys jxOU eu 210 1 TPPOUOP ROA OP @AN “OP |, BW OST] PAPHO wie Keys woLpH 220m eu} Suunp siuopms yim sesuodse: OVE Buepon coyerses oy) eu under, Uy asou aq uopeueydxe eu pinous iu yey 3¥ Zuo anunUoE ‘suapnys se suoNe;ecko o¥3 eB pud c} BYOB om axe MoH coped {uy pue sepuny ul paunbau aq ,uredxe, pnoyg ‘enyoelans eparepysucs 24 0} 00} 53 ‘sono 9peu6 ynouBno..g Wo}sSuOD 9q PINOUS UleIda) Peet Sedqoed jeUOpENsU! MI SeBUEYD IE ‘Suyaou snof Bumoros AepLis alg q EULONOF 6} SS}OU IGN OSE “Raejv@iiaj@ 18d8h wy S5602Ns 10} an 18 aq jm squSPnys 08 sBeIP Bo}OUUDS Bre aq sUOWISSESse S119-P3 UE ESLLS-WN 0} SDS EurdAs UBD # Leah ou Jo pus exp fq padhy ‘2q vets pue soded uo yo yes apeiS puoves ul sesuodseu 3ovy aMUED * L9H. Meet with Other Grade Lemke, PLC Agenda and Minutes PLC Subject Area: K-3 Math Members Present: Nikki, Elen, Kristin, Sarah M. Megan, Crystal Date: 10/25 PIC Focus Evidence [Commients/Notes topic andlor question)? + Bridges - Rigor + More effective mat strategies ‘What was your instructional focus (standard, ‘Agread that Bridges isnot rigorous. ‘Would ike to eliminate Unfinished learning unt if possible. Would tke if t were more challenging to ‘encourage higher level thinking, Could pull Workplaces from upper trades to present more ofa challenge fo students, Students get bored doing them repeatedly. | suggested Task Cards, spiral review and Ellen shared ‘a math fact resource, ‘What student eamples or data did you review? + 2% Grade Numerecy 1 2° Grads Unfinished Learning Math Story ‘Students sill using the “drawing” and four quadrant method of solving ‘equations. The examples presented shows how these can be ineffective, fas students “mis-courted.” ‘What changes in inatuctonal practicas need to be considered? + A.gradual progression of releasing students to choose only 1 strategy. Of the four options presented to the students prior to reaching Second Grade ~ they would choose the ‘method that they feel they are most ‘comfortable ands the most effecive to problem solve. Ellen suggested a Word Bank | What are the next sleps foreach member of the team? Please put tha name ofeach staf member next tothe step. ‘Sarah wil encourage her stucent to ‘choose the most effective strategy, kitin wl use the fact practice resource Ellen suggested (Math Fact Drill Flashcards) ystal & Megan will continue subtizing and incorporate more math terms Nikki wil iferentiate more and fencourage a more efficient and accurate strategy for students prior to |____ entering 3° Grade. ‘Support Needed Pease submil notes to Jorvonna by the Friday following your meeting. Meet with Other Grade feels PLC Agenda and Minutes PLC Subject Area: Social Studios Members Present: Diane Patton, Steve, Cheng, Danielle Joye, Terl Ture, John Revel Date: 10725122 PLC rEaE "Evidence Comments] Notes | Wat was your instructional focus (etandard, topic andor question)? 7. CER in social studies ~ Backwards planning for interim 1. Can the graphic organizer be useful? 2. What are resources we use with the ‘88 curtculum? What tadentsariples or data id you review? ‘We used Interim 7 for each grada evel, We also aiscussed the writing data fom previous lessons and quizzes. ‘What changes in nstructonalpracioes naed to be considered? ‘We determined that there needed To be more focus on wing inthe SS curicalum fo help students wan rigne level questions and the cE. ‘What ae the net steps fr each manber oF tha team? “Please put the name of each staff member net tothe step, We looked ata graphic organizer to setup the CER for social stucies. We all agroed | that we wil all continue to work with students | on the wring standards fr social studies. ‘Support Neadad Please submit nots to Jorvonna by the Friday folowing your meeting

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