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Future: Will

Whatever will be, will be

Me My partner Predictions Right or Wrong?

Be famous in the future.
Play a sport tomorrow.
Eat pizza tonight.
Learn another language in the next ten years.
Go on holiday next month.
Wake up early tomorrow.
Have a pet dog in the future.
Cook a meal this week.
Get married or renewal of the marriage vows
in the next five years.
Buy a new mobile phone this year.
Have two children in the future.
Feel happy tomorrow.
Win the lottery in the future.
Go to university in the next five years.
Play computer games this evening.
Write an email tomorrow.
Live abroad in the future.
Make a phone call in the next hour.
In this insightful teaching activity, students make predictions about a partner's future using 'will' and 'won't'. Each student is given a copy of
the worksheet. The students read each prediction on the worksheet and write 'I will' or 'I won't' in the column marked 'Me', depending on
whether they think the prediction will come true or not. When the students have finished, they are divided into pairs. The students then
complete the same predictions for their partner by writing 'He/She will' or 'He/She won't' in the 'My partner' column, e.g. 'He will be famous in
the future.' Students do this without consulting with their partner. Next, the students take it in turns to find out if their predictions are right or
wrong by asking 'Will you...?' questions to their partner, e.g. 'Will you be famous in the future?' Questions with 'Do you think you will...?' are
also possible. Their partner then gives their answer. If a prediction is right, the student puts a tick in the last column. If it's wrong, the student
puts a cross. The student with the most correct predictions in each pair wins.

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