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Indian Education Society’s

Management College and Research Centre, Mumbai


Date : 10/01/2020 Day: Friday Time: 10.30 am To 01.30 pm Duration: 3 Hrs.

Course : PGDM-1st Year Term.: II Sub: Research Methodology Max. Marks: 60

Instructions: 1) Attempt all questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1. a) What is primary research and secondary research? What are different methods of doing primary
research? Describe them with examples. (5) CO1

b) PVR conducts a study of 100 customers in Mumbai to finds out what are their preference for
different multiplexes. Study the following SPSS tables and find out which is the most preferred and least
preferred multiplex in Mumbai. First preferred multiplex was given rank 1 and least preferred was
given rank 6. (5) CO2
Mean Rank
ranking of multiplexes (PVR) 2.60
ranking of multiplexes (Cinemax) 3.16
ranking of multiplexes (Fun
ranking of multiplexes (Fame Adlab) 3.16
ranking of multiplexes (G7) 3.68
ranking of multiplexes (Inox) 5.16

Test Statisticsa
N 100
Chi-Square 110.879
Df 5
Asymp. Sig. .000
a. Friedman Test

(i) How would you define business research? What are the major components of a good research study?
Illustrate with an example. (5) CO1

(ii) You are a business manager with ITC groups of hotels. You receive a customer satisfaction report on
your international hotels from the research agency to which you had outsourced the work. What or how
will you evaluate the quality of work done in the study? (5) CO2

Q.2. Below is the gist of an article from Business Week. After reading it, answer the questions given below:
(10) CO2
Digital technologies are deeply embedded in modern society, and they are assumed to be impacting the
banking sector. Banks never viewed financially excluded individuals, and micro, small and medium
enterprises (MSMEs) as profitable target customer segments. However, a range of new financial
services providers, who are not banks, emerged across markets. These FinTech service providers are
focused on offering their services to small investors. But the hurdles for policymakers to achieve a
higher rate of financial inclusion include the need to improve financial literacy, lack of formal
identification documents, consumer protection and the rural poor and gender inequality.

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A) Define the problem (2 Marks)
a) Identify the broad problem area
b) Define the problem
B) Evolve a theoretical framework (2 Marks)
C) Develop at least two hypotheses. (4 Marks)
D) Explain how you would proceed further with research design (2 Marks)

Q.2. A) What is exploratory research? How it is different from descriptive research and causal research?
Give examples (5) CO1

B) SureStep Company manufactures high quality treadmills for use in exercise clubs. SureStep currently
purchases its motors for these treadmills from the supplier A. However, it is considering a change to
supplier B, which offers a slightly better cost. The only question is whether supplier B’s motor are as
reliable as supplier A’s. To check this, SureStep installs motors from supplier A on 30 of its treadmills
and motors from supplier B on another 30 of its treadmills. It then runs these treadmills under typical
conditions and for each treadmill, records the number of hours until the motor fails. Study the following
SPSS tables carefully and advise the SureStep through seven steps of hypothesis testing whether
SureStep should switch from supplier A to Supplier B. (5) CO2

Group Statistics
Type of Std. Error
Supplier N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
Number of Hours Supplier A 30 680.87 224.693 41.023
Supplier B 30 712.87 313.809 57.293

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
Number of Equal
Hours variances 2.006 .162 -.454 58 .051 -32.000 70.466 109.053
variances not -.454 52.547 .002 -32.000 70.466 109.365

Q.3. A) The administrators of Parent’s Pride, one of the city largest chain of pre-nursery schools are
concerned with the attitude parents have towards the various aspects of the school and whether they
would recommend the school to their friends and colleagues. They wanted to have some information on
some functions with which the parents and child come into contact like admissions, school
infrastructure, teachers, teacher’s attitude, meals, fee structure, parent teacher interaction, hygiene
conditions. Design a questionnaire that can be used for this study. (10) CO2


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B) Indicate the type of measurement scale you would use for each of the following characteristics. Why
did you choose the scale you did? Develop an appropriate question for each characteristic and the scale
chosen ( Any five) (10) CO2
a) Colour of Dishwasher
b) Age of the TV
c) Occupation
d) Brand Loyalty
e) Readership of a newspaper
f) Intention to purchase a TV

Q.4. A) The owner of Italian Pizza restaurant chain wants to understand about the variable that strongly
influences the sales of his newly launched Paneer Soya Supreme pizza consisting of green capsicum,
masala soya chunk, onion, paneer and red paprika. He has gathered data on the monthly sales of paneer
soya supreme at his resturants and obsevations on other potentially relevant variables for each of
several outlets in Mumbai. (10) CO3

a) Estimate a simple linear regression equation between the quantity sold and disposable income per
household in the areas surrounding the outlets. (2M)
b) Intrepret the R, R2 and adjusted R2 (3M)
c) Test the overall significance of the regression using the ANOVA table. (1M)
d) Interpret the Correlation table. (2M)
e) As an owner of Italian Pizza restaurant chain, on what attributes will you concentrate more so as to
improve the marketability of the brand? (2M)
Quantity Income
Pearson Correlation Quantity 1.000 .483
Income .483 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed) Quantity . .034
Income .034 .
N Quantity 15 15
Income 15 15
Model Summaryb

Std. Error Change Statistics

Mod R Adjusted R of the R Square F Sig. F
el R Square Square Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change
1 .483a .234 .175 11962.143 .234 3.966 1 13 .068
Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 5.675E8 1 5.675E8 3.966 .068a
Residual 1.860E9 13 1.431E8
Total 2.428E9 14
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -58385.930 61402.831 -.951 .359
Income 2.940 1.476 .483 1.991 .068

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Quantity Income Income2
Pearson Correlation Quantity 1.000 .483 .469
Income .483 1.000 1.000
Income2 .469 1.000 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed) Quantity . .034 .039
Income .034 . .000
Income2 .039 .000 .
N Quantity 15 15 15
Income 15 15 15
Income2 15 15 15

Model Summaryb
Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 .770a .594 .526 9067.811 .594 8.762 2 12 .005

Model Summaryb
Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 .770a .594 .526 9067.811 .594 8.762 2 12 .005

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1.441E9 2 7.205E8 8.762 .005a
Residual 9.867E8 12 8.223E7
Total 2.428E9 14

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -3.258E6 982791.495 -3.315 .006
Income 157.892 47.554 25.966 3.320 .006
Income2 -.002 .001 -25.489 -3.259 .007

B) Study the following 10 years sales of ITC Ltd. Use regression and CAGR methods to estimate ITC’s
sale for 2019. Compare your estimate with the actual sale of ITC in the year 2019. What is the accuracy
of your estimate? (10) CO3
Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Sale 44995.7 40627.5 40088.7 36582.7 36507.4 33238.6 29901.3 25147.5. 21459.0 18153.2
(` Cr)

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Q.5. A) In the above PVR survey customers were asked how important various parameters viz. ambience,
ticket price etc to customers are when they visit multiplex and to what extent they are satisfied with
respect to them. Customers ratyed the parameters on a 5-pont scale where 1= least important /
satisfied and 5= most important / most satisfied. Study the following table and advise PVR on which
parameters it can positon its multiplex and why? (5) CO3

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Importance of Ambience 100 3 5 4.59 .605
Importance of Ticket
100 2 5 4.27 .750
Importance of sound
100 1 5 4.45 .702
Importance of location 99 1 5 4.09 .822
importance of crowd 100 2 5 4.24 .767
importance of parking
100 1 5 3.92 .971
importance of security 100 1 5 3.80 .853
importance of seating
100 2 5 4.57 .573
importance od picture
100 2 5 4.61 .584
/screen quality
promptness and
100 2 5 4.13 .747
courtesy of staff
Satisfaction with
100 2 5 4.04 .618
Satisfaction with ticket
100 1 5 3.08 1.107
satisfaction with sound
99 1 43 4.16 4.017
satisfaction with
100 2 5 3.68 .777
satisfation with crowd 100 1 5 3.58 .855
satisfaction with parking
100 1 5 3.50 .785
Importance of security
100 1 5 3.55 .757
satisfaction of seating
100 1 5 3.84 .813
satisfaction with picture
100 1 5 3.94 .776
/screen quality
sarisfaction with
100 2 5 3.53 .784
promptness of staff
Valid N (listwise) 98

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B) Study and interpret the following graphs and advise Mercedes suitably. (5) CO3

Q.5. Mahesh Enterprise has a chain of high class restaurants in Punjab and Haryana serving high quality
multicuisine food at premium prices. The top management of restaurants observe that the total sales
revenues is growing only at 2% for last three years. A meeting with senior management was called to
discuss the issue. Some of them were of the opinion that young customers in the age group of 18 to 35
were switching to fast food. Further, they were of the view that the trend is among people belonging to
high income group and to families where both partners were economically employed. With the help of
below tables, (10) CO2
a) Examine whether the preference for fast food vary with income. (6M)
b) Identify the percentage of respondents that have shown preference to fast food belong to middle
income group. (2M)
c) Identify the percentage of respondents that belong to low income group and have shown preference
for the fast food. (2M)

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Case Processing Summary
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Income * Preference
100 100.0% 0 .0% 100 100.0%
Income * Preference Redefined Crosstabulation
preferre Preferr
d ed Total
Income Low Income Count 22 4 26
% within Income 84.6% 15.4% 100.0%
% within Preference Redefined 40.7% 8.7% 26.0%
% of Total 22.0% 4.0% 26.0%
Middle Income Count 19 10 29
% within Income 65.5% 34.5% 100.0%
% within Preference Redefined 35.2% 21.7% 29.0%
% of Total 19.0% 10.0% 29.0%
High Income Count 13 32 45
% within Income 28.9% 71.1% 100.0%
% within Preference Redefined 24.1% 69.6% 45.0%
% of Total 13.0% 32.0% 45.0%
Total Count 54 46 100
% within Income 54.0% 46.0% 100.0%
% within Preference Redefined 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
% of Total 54.0% 46.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 22.783a 2 .000
Likelihood Ratio 24.197 2 .000
21.938 1 .000
N of Valid Cases 100
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The
minimum expected count is 11.96.

Q.6. The following data refers to the salary package (in Lakhs) offered to MBA graduates with different
specialization and having studies at four different business schools. Test the hypothesis (10) CO3
i) Whether the difference between the pay packages offered by business schools can be
attributed to different business school (4M)
ii) Whether the difference between the pay packages offered by different business schools can
be attributed to difference in specialization (4M)
iii)Whether the difference between the pay packages offered by different business schools can
be attributed to the interaction of specialization and type of business school. (2M)
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Salary Package (in Rs. Lakhs)
95% Confidence Interval for
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
Marketing 8 5.5000 1.30931 .46291 4.4054 6.5946 4.00 8.00
Finance 8 7.0000 1.06904 .37796 6.1063 7.8937 6.00 9.00
Operations 8 7.8750 2.03101 .71807 6.1770 9.5730 5.00 10.00
Total 24 6.7917 1.76879 .36105 6.0448 7.5386 4.00 10.00

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Salary Package (in Rs. Lakhs)
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
2.551 2 21 .102
Salary Package (in Rs. Lakhs)
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 23.083 2 11.542 4.959 .017
Within Groups 48.875 21 2.327
Total 71.958 23

Multiple Comparisons
Salary Package (in Rs. Lakhs)

(I) (J) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval

Specialization Specialization (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Marketing Finance -1.50000 .76279 .188 -3.4843 .4843
Operations -2.37500* .76279 .016 -4.3593 -.3907
Finance Marketing 1.50000 .76279 .188 -.4843 3.4843
Operations -.87500 .76279 .793 -2.8593 1.1093
Operations Marketing 2.37500* .76279 .016 .3907 4.3593
Finance .87500 .76279 .793 -1.1093 2.8593
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
Salary Package (in Rs. Lakhs)
95% Confidence Interval
Std. Std. for Mean
N Mean Deviation Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
Business School 1 6 6.5000 1.04881 .42817 5.3993 7.6007 5.00 8.00
Business School 2 6 5.3333 1.03280 .42164 4.2495 6.4172 4.00 7.00
Business School 3 6 7.6667 1.63299 .66667 5.9529 9.3804 6.00 10.00
Business School 4 6 7.6667 2.25093 .91894 5.3045 10.0289 4.00 10.00
Total 24 6.7917 1.76879 .36105 6.0448 7.5386 4.00 10.00

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Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Salary Package (in Rs. Lakhs)
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
2.196 3 20 .120

Salary Package (in Rs. Lakhs)
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 22.458 3 7.486 3.025 .005
Within Groups 49.500 20 2.475
Total 71.958 23

Multiple Comparisons
Salary Package (in Rs. Lakhs) Bonferroni

Mean 95% Confidence Interval

(I) Business School (J) Business School Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Business School 1 Business School 2 1.16667 .90830 1.000 -1.4920 3.8254
Business School 3 -1.16667 .90830 1.000 -3.8254 1.4920
Business School 4 -1.16667 .90830 1.000 -3.8254 1.4920
Business School 2 Business School 1 -1.16667 .90830 1.000 -3.8254 1.4920
Business School 3 -2.33333 .90830 .010 -4.9920 .3254
Business School 4 -2.33333 .90830 .110 -4.9920 .3254
Business School 3 Business School 1 1.16667 .90830 1.000 -1.4920 3.8254
Business School 2 2.33333 .90830 .010 -.3254 4.9920
Business School 4 .00000 .90830 1.000 -2.6587 2.6587
Business School 4 Business School 1 1.16667 .90830 1.000 -1.4920 3.8254
Business School 2 2.33333 .90830 .110 -.3254 4.9920
Business School 3 .00000 .90830 1.000 -2.6587 2.6587

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:Salary Package (in Rs. Lakhs)
Type III Sum
Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 63.458a 11 5.769 8.144 .001
Intercept 1107.042 1 1107.042 1.563E3 .000
sp_zation 23.083 2 11.542 16.294 .000
b_school 22.458 3 7.486 10.569 .001
sp_zation * b_school 17.917 6 2.986 4.216 .016
Error 8.500 12 .708
Total 1179.000 24
Corrected Total 71.958 23
a. R Squared = .882 (Adjusted R Squared = .774)

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