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TTH (9-10:30AM)

MAY 15, 2020

To what extent can art help in the formation of a society’s culture?

Art is a part of our culture. It should be given importance by the people. It is the expression of
our creative ideas and imagination. It has different forms such as the visual arts, sculpture,
music, literature, theatre, films, and other ways that artist choose as a medium for their craft. Art
rises above language, class, religion, gender, and other factors that seem to divide the world. Art
brings people together. It elicits different reactions and emotions but everyone can agree that it
moves them to think, to feel, and to act. Art is there to remind us of the values that we uphold. It
makes us realize that we may all come from different walks of life but there are some things are
undeniable common to all of us like love, friendship, and freedom. It reminds us that there are
more important things in life. It makes us realize the importance of pursuing our passion and
expressing ourselves. As society expands and grows. Art changes to reflect its new
developments. Art reflects our history and documents the crucial component of our lives. Art just
like language is a natural behaviour of expressing oneself. Art influences society by changing
opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time. So art is used to
communicate different messages within different contexts. Art forms continue to communicate to
people but it does so in varied way to potentially wider mix of diverse audience. Without art, the
world would be a vast empty void of uncreative, unimaginative, non-colourful, bland society. Art
is absolutely everywhere in everyday society, yet goes almost unnoticed and unappreciated by
some, television, movies, music, stories, billboards, even clothes and jewellery. These are all
symbols of art or art in their own right, and without the arts, there would be none of this. Many
people visit many places because of art, like the Louvre in Paris or Granville Island in
Vancouver. Art doesn’t only mean expensive things; these are architecture and sculpture as well.
I believe that art is very important to any society. Art shows us that what people are thinking and
feeling is important, beautiful, and valid. It is a powerful and entertaining way to get someone
perspective on something. Art is a way for us to express our vision through many different and
unique ways. Art has the ability to transport us to a different time and place. It allows us to gain
historical perspective and understanding. Art allows us to appreciate different periods in history
and their impact and significance in our world. It’s important that we also recognise this impact
to help people think of our arts and culture. Art brings beauty into our world. Art is important
because it makes our world a better place. It also brings a sense of enjoyment and pleasure. At
the end of the day, we can say that art makes us a better person by making us think profoundly,
by making us to act and do something other than not doing anything at all. 502words

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