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Please evaluate the Intern’s knowledge and skills in the following areas: ‘Unsatisfactory Devel Meets expectations Exceeds Expectations ‘No Opportunity to0biene Values and et ad Demonstrate an understanding ofthe roe of education ine democrat sity 2. Demonstrate an understanding of and model demacratc vale systems, ees and rmorallesdership 3. Demonstrate the ably to balance complex community demsndsin the best terest ofleorers 4, Help learners grow and develop as caring, informed cizans 5. Demonstrate an understanding and application of the Minnesota Board af Shoo! Agitator Code of hie for Administrators Judgment and Problem Analysis | Identity the elements ofa problem situation by analyzing relevant information, framing sues, identifying possible causes and reframing posible slutons 2. Demonstrate adapablity and conceptual Rexiity 3, Reach logical conclusions by making quality, timely decisions based on avaliable information 4. dentfy and give pris to sanieant sues 5. Demonstrate an understanding of and utilize appropriate technology n problem snalsis 6 Demonstrate an understanding of ferent eadership and decsion making Strategies, incusing but nat mited to collaborawve models and model aperopitely ‘heir imolementatn UC Safetyand Security 2 Demonstrate the abit develop and implement goles and procedures or sate and eecureecuctonal environments 2. _Demonevate the means o addres eregency and ce statins ‘A last 7 1 Support teachers and staf nthe implementation of state academe standards coherent systers of cultural esponsie cutiuluy suction, and assessment that promote the mission vison, ad core values ofthe sche! esr to embody high exectations for student leaning ; 2. Demonstrate the ably to understand dstetwide Iteracy and lead schootwide tracy efforts inthe content ares including numeracy. LT Te B. Monitor Student Learning 4. Demonstrate the ity to create a culture tat fosters community of learners 2. Demonstrate an understanding of student support systems an senvices 3. Demonstrate the abilty to implement and monitor student management data systems 4 Implement sche! wide polis ad practices that encourage postive behavior, ang ‘respond to student misconduct na poste, and unbiased manner 5. Demonstrate the ablity to develop amastr instructional schecule 8. Demonstrate the ability to meet the ders earning needs of al students 7. Demonstrate the ability understand and support a comprehensive program of etudent 4|Page

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