TP1 Cheveno Wallace

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International House Mexico City

Cambridge CELTA

Name Date Lesson No. Lesson Length Level Number of Learners
Cheveno Wallace 27th July 2021 1 45 minutes Elementary 2
Learning Outcomes

Main aim:
 By the end of the lesson Ss will have developed their reading for gist and detailed information skills in the context of
holiday places in Egypt.

Secondary aim:
 To develop students’ vocabulary, cognitive and receptive skills.
Resources / Materials*

1. Face2Face course book Elementary – Second Edition by Chris Redston and Gillie Cunningham, Cambridge University
Press (pages 74/75)
2. Google Slide:
3. Google Forms:

STAGE Time PROCEDURE Interaction

Lead in: 5 mins T will use Google Slides to show pictures of different activities. T to Ss
Ss will discuss with T what activities they see in the pictures and (Open Class
To set the context, create answer some questions. Discussion)
interest and encourage  What can you see in the picture?
participation in the lesson.  Which activity is interesting/boring?
 Is there a place in your country for these activities?

Pre-teach vocabulary 10 mins T will use Google slide to show pictures of key vocabulary T to Ss
 Go snorkeling (Open Class
To cover MFP  Go clubbing Discussion)
(Meaning, Form, and  Go diving
Pronunciation)  Mosque
of key vocabulary to  seafood
facilitate the reading task.  Coral Reef

T will ask Ss to match the expressions with the correct picture and
clarify any doubts with CCQs. MEANING

T will guide students through the FORM using the following

Is it a noun, verb or adjective?

T will guide students through the PRONUNCIATION using the

phonetics, syllabification and word stress.

A) Go diving/snorkeling:

T will use CCQs:

 Where do we do this activity? Ocean, sea, etc.
 Are they the same? No
 What is the difference?
Snorkeling – top/surface of the water
Diving – deep in the water
Prononciation : /ɡəʊ/ /ˈsnɔːk(ə)lɪŋ/
Syllables : 4
Stress : go SNORkeling
Form: verb

Prononciation : /ɡəʊ/ /ˈdʌɪvɪŋ/
Syllables : 3
Stress : go DIving
Form: verb

B) Mosque:

T will use CCQs:

Is this a religious place? Yes
What activity do people do there? Talk to God, pray
Do you know any countries with mosques? India, Egypt, etc

Pronunciation: /mɒsk/
Syllables: 1
Stress: MOSQUE
Form: noun

C) Go clubbing:

T will use CCQs:

Is there another expression for go clubbing? Yes, go to a party
Do people go clubbing in the day or at night? At night
Which days do people go clubbing? On the weekend

Pronunciation: /ɡəʊ/ /klʌbɪŋ/

Syllables: 3
Stress: go CLUbbing
Form: verb

D) Seafood:

T will use CCQs:

Where can we find this food? In the sea
Is chicken a type of seafood? No
Is fish a type of seafood? Yes

Pronunciation: /ˈsiːfuːd/
Syllables: 2
Stress: SEAfood
Form: compound noun

E) Coral reef:

T will use CCQs:

Where can we find coral reefs? In the sea
What kinds of animals do we find in coral reefs? Fish
Do coral reefs have bright colours? Yes
Are coral reefs at the top or bottom of the sea? Top

Pronunciation: ˈkɒr(ə)l/    /riːf/

Syllables: 3
Stress: coral REEF
Form: noun
Reading for gist 10 min T will use Google slides to show the reading material - A trip to T to Ss
Egypt (Instruction)
To allow learners to get T will instruct Ss to read the text quickly as a gist task. (3mins)
familiarized and Ss will answer one (1) question.
comfortable with the text,
and share their ideas. Which place has more interesting activities ?

T will divide Ss in break out rooms, to compare their answers.

Ss will check their answers in pairs (in break out rooms) before S to S (peer
OCFB (Open Class Feedback) 4 mins Correction)

T will nominate Ss to share their answers (3mins) T to Ss (OCFB)

Reading for detailed 10 min T will instruct Ss to solve a true or false quiz. T to Ss
comprehension T will instruct Ss to check answers in pairs (break out rooms). (Instruction)
T will give students 5 minutes to read the text and answer the
To allow learners to get a questions individually and then 2 minutes to compare the answers Ss to Ss (peer
comprehensive with their partners. Correction)
understanding of the text at
the sentence level. (Open Class Feedback) 3 minutes T to Ss (Open
T will nominate students to share their answers. Class

Post-text task 5 mins T will give students 5 minutes to complete task. Ss to Ss (Peer
Ss should listen closely to their partners answers as they will talk to peer
For learners to respond to about their partners place in OCFB discussion in
the content of the text. break-out
Find a place in your country that is similar to Cairo or Sharm El rooms)

Answer these questions 

1. What is the name of the place?
2. Do many people visit there?
3. Is it hot or cold there?
4. What activities can you do there? 

Feedback 5 min Ss share their partners’ choice of place and answer the questions. T to Ss (Open
Responses can be non-structured. Class
To provide learners with If no students respond, T will nominate. Feedback)
feedback on the post task.
T will go through the Delayed error correction for any errors made
during the post task - DEC

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