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Identification of Human


Gram Positive cocci

 Main pathogenic species (Coagulase-positive
staphylococci): Staphylococcus aureus.
 Other species (Coagulase-negative staphylococci):
S. albus gp. (S. epidermidis & S. saprophyticus).
 Non motile, non spore forming, & non capsulated.

A) Microscopical characters:
 Name of stain: Gram stain
 Type of stain: Differential stain
 Shape: cocci
 Size: small
 Arrangement: grape-like clusters
 Color: violet
 Gram reaction: gram positive
Staphylococci species
B) Culture characters
1. Nutrient agar
S. albus
Pigment Production S. citrus

S. aureus

1) S. aureus: golden yellow

Production on Nutrient aga
2) S. epidermidis: white coloniesDr. Hisham Esmat
3) S. citrus: lemon yellow colonies
2. Mannitol salt agar
Main Constituents:
• 7.5% NaCl (high conc.), mannitol & phenol red (acid-
base indicator)
• pH 7.5
• Contains 7.5 % NaCl which inhibits the growth of
most microorganisms, except Staphylococcus species
• Contains phenol red indicator which is red/pink
under neutral/basic conditions, but turns yellow
under acidic conditions.
• Mannitol when fermented, acid is produced which
changes the pH of medium to acidic.
• Staphylococcus aureus is able to ferment Mannitol
→ colonies surrounded by yellow zone, due to acid
• Other Staph. sp. (non pathogenic): do not ferment
mannitol → colonies with red or purple zones.

Type: Selective & differential.

Use: Isolation of Staphylococcus sp. from clinical

specimens & differentiation between pathogenic S.
aureus and non pathogenic staphylococci.
Staphylococcus aureus

Mannitol salt agar

Main Constituents:
• Cefoxitin antibiotic
• specific chromogenic substrates

• MRSA is resistant to cefoxitin antibiotic.
• MRSA hydrolyze the chromogenic substrates and
produce a rose to mauve-colored colony.
• Other organisms will hydrolyze various chromogenic
substances within the media, resulting in a variety of
colored colonies from white to blue to green.
selective and differential.
CHROMagar is a selective and differential
media for the identification of methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus on
C- Biochemical reactions
1) Catalase
2) Blood hemolysis
3) Coagulase
4) Phosphatase
5) DNAse
6) Oxidation/Fermentation (O/F)
7) Novobiocin sensitivity
1. Catalase test
Constituents of test medium:
Nutrient agar + 1% glucose.

H2O2 catalase H2O + O2 (froth)
Procedure: Inoculate the m.o. into the test medium
& incubate at 37oC for 18-24 hrs.
Reagent: H2O2 solution
Use: Differentiate between Staphylococcus (+ve) &
Streptococcus species (-ve).
test +ve
2. Blood hemolysis
•Medium: blood agar
β-hemolysis: bacteria cause complete blood
hemolysis producing clear zone around the growth.
γ-hemolysis: bacteria do not cause blood
hemolysis, thus no zones appear around the

•Use: to differentiate between pathogenic S. aureus

(β-hemolysis) and non pathogenic staphylococci (γ-
hemolysis)according to type of blood hemolysis.
Staphylococcus aureus showing β-hemolysis
on blood agar
3. Coagulase test
Constituents of test medium: Plasma + Na citrate
or Na oxalate (as anticoagulant).
Fibrinogen (soluble) coagulase fibrin (clot or firm
Procedure: Inoculate the m.o. into citrated plasma &
incubate at 37oC for 4 hrs only.
The test should be compared with both +ve & -ve
Use: Identification & differentiation of Staphylococcus
aureus from non pathogenic Staph. sp.
4. Phosphatase test
Medium: Nutrient agar + Phenolphthalein
Reagent: 1% NH4OH solution
Phosphatase enzyme splits ph. ph. diphosphate,
liberating free + NH3 vapor (pink color)
Test for the ability of Staphylococcus sp. to produce
phosphatase enzyme.
Phosphatase test
5. DNAse test
Constituents of test medium: DNA agar

DNAse enzyme breaks DNA into smaller
nucleotides + 1N HCl ppt. DNA & turns the plate
cloudy, except a clear zone around the growth.
Inoculate the m.o. into the test medium & incubate
at 37oC for 18-24 hrs.
Use: Confirmatory test for S. aureus after coagulase
DNAse test
6. Oxidation/Fermentation (O/F)
Medium: 1% Glucose +.5% agar + Bromocresol purple
N.B. Anaerobic tube contains the same medium covered
with liquid paraffin
Indicator: Bromocresol purple
Principle: Staphylococci are facultative anaerobe, they
utilize glucose oxidatively & fermentatively; changing the
color of the indicator from violet to yellow in both tubes.

1- Test for metabolic activity of m.o. according to O2
2- Differentiation between Staphylococcus (Oxid. & Ferm.)
& Micrococcus sp. (Oxid. only)

+ve oxidation +ve oxidation

+ve fermentation -ve fermentation
7. Novobiocin sensitivity
Medium: Mueller-Hinton agar
Reagent :
30 ug novobiocin antibiotic disc applied to the
surface of the agar
S. saprophyticus Resistant to novobiocin
S. epidermidis Sensitive to novobiocin
To distinguish S. epidermidis (S) from
S. saprophyticus (R)
Novobiocin Susceptibility Test
Resistant Sensitive

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