Keynote - Elem - TB - Test 3

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Test 3| Units 7–9 Name:

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1 Read the definitions and complete the words. The first one is done for you.
0 a natural stream of water that moves from or to a sea r _i _v _e _r
1 a large area of high, flat land p______
2 some sand between the land and the sea b____
3 a deep hole in the earth with high rocks around it c_____
4 some land that has water all around it i_____
5 a landform that is usually higher than 610 metres m_______
6 some water with land around it l___
7 a large dry area of sand d_____
8 water that falls down into a river w________
9 a mountain that hot rock comes out of v______
10 salt water between different countries s__
Marks (out of 10):

2 Read the sentences and tick (✓) the correct answer. The first one is done for you.

0 Zara and Ian are brother and sister. They ... live with their parents.
A both  ✓ B neither  C  the same 
11 But they don’t look ...; they look really different.
A both  B neither  C  the same 
12 Zara is 1.95 metres, so she’s ... than most people.
A taller  B shorter  C prettier 
13 Ian is ... than Zara. He’s only 1.68 metres.
A taller  B shorter  C prettier 
14 Ian is heavier than other people with the same height. He’s ...
A easy-going.  B attractive.  C overweight. 
15 Zara is ... because she does lots of running.
A thin  B friendly  C tall 
16 Everyone says that Zara is very attractive, so she feels really ...
A honest.  B confident.  C friendly. 
17 Last year, Zara ... a modelling competition, so now she works as a model.
A got  B finished  C won 
18 Ian wants to have a better body image, so he’s trying to get into ...
A shape.  B size.  C  thin. 
19 Ian decided to ... Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya in September, so he’s training for that.
A take  B pass  C climb 
20 Ian knows it’ll be ..., but he really wants to get to the top.
A tough  B easy-going  C successful 

Marks (out of 10):

3 Match the conversation halves. The first one is done for you.

Tim: Hi, Jasmine. How was your summer? Tim:  Thank you. It was my first marathon. Now I want
Jasmine:   0 D to run an ultra-marathon. That’s even harder.
Tim: I know what you mean! Did you go on holiday? Jasmine:   29
Jasmine:   21 Tim: Yes, she did.
Tim:  Wow! I didn’t know people actually went on holi- Jasmine:   30
day there.
Jasmine:   22 A That sounds really good! What did you do there?
B It’s strange that they don’t because it’s a really special
Tim: What did you do there?
Jasmine:   23
C I heard they’re extremely difficult. Didn’t Rebecca do one
Tim: Was it very cold? last year?
Jasmine:   24 D It was great thank you – just too short!
Tim: Wow! So did you get off the ship? E Yes, extremely. I wore two t-shirts, a pullover and a big
Jasmine:   25 coat every day.
Tim: Oh, that sounds fun. F What about you? Did you go anywhere?
Jasmine:   26 G Yes, I did. I went to Alaska.
H We travelled around Alaska by ship.
Tim: Yes, I went to California.
I Why don’t you talk to her about it?
Jasmine:   27
J Congratulations! That’s a really great achievement.
Tim: I ran a marathon. K Yes, of course. We went hiking and cross-country skiing.
Jasmine:   28
Marks (out of 10):

4 Complete the postcard with the words in the box. The first one is done for you.

came   the deepest   in   went   was   extremely   flew   really   most   started   than

Dear Rochelle,

I’m writing to you from a café (0) in Phoenix, Arizona. Yesterday, I (31) in the Grand
Canyon. It was (32) amazing and much better (33) I expected. The Grand Canyon
is an (34) deep canyon and we (35) right down to the bottom of it. It’s not
(36) canyon in the world – that’s in Tibet – but it’s in the top five.

I travelled to the canyon by bus. The tour (37) with a ride on a donkey to the bottom of the canyon
and then we (38) back up and (39) over the canyon in a helicopter. The helicopter
ride was the (40) exciting part because you can see so much from above. I’ll never forget it.

Wish you were here!


Marks (out of 10):

5 Read the article. Are the sentences are true (T) or false (F)? The first one is done for you.
Xie Qiuping is the Chinese woman who holds the record for the longest head hair in the world. When
the Guinness Book of Records measured it in 2004, it was 5.627 metres long. The height of a giraffe is
only a little more than that.
Xie Qiuping had her last haircut over 45 years ago when she was thirteen years old and she doesn’t want
to cut it ever again. She decided to stop cutting it because her mother told her that girls with long hair
are more attractive than girls with short hair. Then, she realized that she really liked having long hair.
Xie is a friendly and easy-going person, so she doesn’t have a problem with people in the street who
ask if they can touch her hair. People ask her how she manages her hair and she tells them that having
extremely long hair is normal for her now and she makes sure she has enough time to wash and brush it.
0 The woman with the longest hair in the world comes from China. T

The Guinness Book of Records measured Xie’s hair in the 1990s.
In 2006, Xie’s hair was more than five metres long.
Xie’s hair is longer than the height of a giraffe.
Xie had her last haircut when she was 45 years old.
Xie says she will cut her hair in the future.
Xie’s mother thinks long hair is more attractive than short hair.
Xie really likes having long hair.
Xie hates it when people want to touch her hair.
Having extremely long hair is normal for Xie now.
Xie doesn’t always have enough time to brush her hair.

Marks (out of 10):

6 T.3 Listen to the five conversations and tick (✓) the correct answer. You will hear each conversation twice. The first one
is done for you.

0 Where did the woman go on holiday?

A Barcelona  B Patagonia  ✓ C Perugia 
What was the weather like?
A rainy  B cold  C sunny 
52 How many mountains did the woman climb when she was on holiday?
A one mountain      B  two mountains  C  three mountains 
53 When did Linda always get to work?
A 6 o’clock  B  7 o’clock  C  8 o’clock 
54 The man thought Linda was very …
A overweight.  B attractive.  C talkative. 
55 How long did it take Rob to run the marathon last weekend?
A 3 hours 5 minutes      B  3 hours 15 minutes  C  3 hours 50 minutes 
56 Last weekend, Rob ran his … marathon.
A first      B second  C third 
57 When does the man start his new job?
A 5th June  B  15th June  C  25th June 
58 What is the man’s new boss like?
A short and shy  B  tall and friendly  C  tall and shy 
59 How many cities in China did the woman visit?
A one      B  two   C three 
60 What did the woman see in the south of China?
A canyons      B beaches  C mountains 

Marks (out of 10):

7 Student A, read the information about an explorer. Student B, ask Student A some questions to find out about the explorer.
Then swap roles.

Student A Student B

Name: Elizabeth Cochran What / name?

Born in: Pennsylvania, USA Where / come from?

Job: Journalist What / job?

Achievement: 72-day round-the-world trip start- What / achieve?

ing in New York in 1888.
How / travel?
Transport: train, ship and boat
What countries / visit?
Places visited: England, France, Egypt, China,

Marks (out of 10):

8 You hear about a competition to win a luxury weekend in a wellness hotel for a friend or family member who’s a special
person. To enter the competition, think of a friend or family member who you think is special and tell the competition
organizers about him/her.

• their appearance
• their personality
• their achievements
Write 25–35 words.

Marks (out of 10):

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