QD 1

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Scope and Limitations of Document Examination

2. Decipherment of Erased Writings

1. The identification of handwriting, signatures,
typewriting and printed matter. Erasure – refers to removal of a writings or any
2. Distinguishing forgery from genuineness. part of a document either by mechanical or
3. Analyzing inks, papers and other substances chemical process.
that are combined into documents. Mechanical Erasure – done by means of
4. The detection of addition and substitution on a abrasive method through rubbing or scrapping.
document. Chemical Erasure – done with the aid or use of
5. The restoration or decipherment of erased and bleaching agent called ink eradicator.
obliterated writing. Usually examined with the aid or fuming,
transmitted light, oblique light, and ultraviolet
Note- majority of the work undertaken by a light examination.
document examiner is the handwriting and signature
identification. Document examination on the early years 3. Decipherment of Obliterated writing
was called as handwriting experts. Obliteration – is the process of smearing over
an original writing to make it undecipherable or
Principles of Identification illegible. Done with the used of superimposing
inks. Usually examined with the used of Infra-
The identification of handwriting is based on red light.
the proposition that “people are alike; people are all
different. All handwritings are alike. If these were not 4. Examination of Charred Document and water-
so, we would not be able to read another person’s soaked document
handwriting. All handwriting is different; if these were Charred Document – refers to partly burned or
not so, we would not be able to identify handwriting of brittle document. Decipherment is usually
close relatives and friends in whom we correspond. accomplished with the used of infra-red-light
Similarities and Dissimilarities
5. Development of Invisible writing
Any two writings in the same language and Invisible writing – writing that has no readily
specially those based on the same writing system, visible ink strokes. Made by Sympathetic inks
naturally have similarities. When closely examined, two such as acids, juice, and others. They are
writings by the same person show some natural and possible of development   depending on the ink
inevitable variation in letter form, which must be used. Methods of development can be by heat.
weighed, measured, noted, and accounted by the Water, chemical fuming or by ultra-violet light
expert. process.

Class and Individual Characteristics Differentiated 6. Decipherment of Contact writing

Contact writing – refers to partially visible ink
1. Class Characteristics- those which are common strokes cause by sudden contact between a
or present to a number of writers which could sheet of paper with another paper containing
have resulted from different influences such as fresh ink. Can be enhanced through fuming or
education, family background, attitude in ultraviolet light process.
writing, the style of writing known by the writer
and the likes. HANDWRITING – is a visible effect of bodily movement
2. Individual Characteristics- these are those which is an almost unconscious expression of fixed
which are found only to a few numbers of muscular habits, reacting from fixed mental impression
writers or even those personal and highly of certain ideas associated with script form.
peculiar characteristics found in the writing.
Kinds of Handwriting Movement
Miscellaneous Document Problem
1. Finger movement- a manner of writing
1. Detection of Alteration executed by the thumb, index, and middle
Alteration- refers to any form of changes either fingers, which serve as pivotal points for
an addition or a deletion to the original content of the changing the direction of writing. It is
document which is not a part of its original preparation. usually employed by children or illiterates
and is basically a push-and-pull writing
movement. This is used by beginners. 1. An individual cannot write better than his
“level best”.
2. Hand Movement- this entails the action of 2. Any writer can do a poorer handwriting
the hand as a whole; the point of the pivot than his usual best writing without much
is the wrist. This is step further from finger effort.
movement although the span of writing is
still restricted. Freedom in writing long Forms and format- this is the pictorial representation of
strokes and continuity of motion is a letter or writing instrument. This is also the first of the
restricted. individual characteristics that will receive the
documents examiners scrutiny, and this could be where
3. Forearm movement- this is produced by the the examiner starts his examination.
movement of both the hand and arm and
fingers, and the elbow serves as the pivotal. Proportions- this is the general symmetry (balance) of
The most skillful type of writing an individual letter. This could also refer to the
proportion of the upper and lower part of some letter as
4. Whole arm movement- this is the writing that of capital letter B.
which involves the motion of the whole arm
in writing and without rest. This is best Height-ratios- this is the composition or comparison of
illustrated by writing in green board writing. the of a letter to another or the segment (section) of
This is used for ornamental or large writing. one letter to another.
Classes of Handwriting
Size- this is the measure of the handwriting based on
1. Cursive/running writing/joined-up writing – Writing the height of a typical lower-cased letter like an “e” or
in which the letters are for the most part joined “a”. The height of such letter used in measuring stick is
together. referred to as “standard height”.

2. Hand lettering/printing/manuscript/block Writing Habits – refers to any repeated elements of

letter/print writing – refers to writing characterized by once handwriting which serves as an identifying
a disconnected style. characteristic.

Natural Writing – a specimen of writing that is executed Significant Writing Habits – elements of one’s writing
normally and without any attempt of altering its usual that are sufficiently unique and well-fixed to serve as a
writing habits. strong basis of individuality.

Disguised – a specimen of writing executed deliberately Slant - refers to the relative degree of writing inclination
with an attempt of changing its usual writing habits in relative to the baseline. Slope of writing.
the hope of hiding one’s identity.
Baseline - an imaginary or straight line in which the
Guided/assisted – a specimen of writing executed while writing rest.
the writer’s hand is at steadied. Usually employed by
beginners in writing. Rhythm- this is the harmonious recurrence of stress or
impulse. This is also the quality of movement that
Level of Skills in writing- this is the degree of the beauty produces a natural result.
of one’s writing which may be classified as.
Handedness- this refers to the hand typically preferred
a. low level skills- this produces a product that to write with. This may either the right or left hand
is hesitating, slowly executed, containing grotesque although there are those who uses both called as the
(ugly) although repeated letter formations. It is not ambidextrous.
pleasing to the eye.
Writing Movement – refers to all factors relative to the
b. High Level Skills- this is the writing, which is motion of the pen.
rhythmic, fluid and perhaps artistically embellished and
pleasing to the eye. Line Quality – is the visible records in the written
Points to be noted in the classification of an strokes of the basic movements and manner of holding
individual’s quality of writing instrument. It is derived from a combination of factors,
including writing skill, speed, rhythm, freedom of handwriting movement such as the tremor,
movement, shading and pen emphasis. skill of the writer, speed. Freedom
hesitation and the likes.
Pressure/Shading- this is the changing of the width of
the line as pen pressure varies. This may indicate the Elements of Writing Movement
direction of writing. 1. Pen pressure – is the average or usual
pressure applied in the writing.
Alignment to baseline- this is the relationship of the 2. Pen Emphasis – is the act of intermittently
writing to the baseline. forcing the pen against the paper surface with an
increase in speed.
The “I” dots and “t” crossings- 3. Rhythm – is the harmonious or balance
recurrence of strokes or impulses.
4. Skills – refers to the degree of writer’s
ELEMENTS OF Forms of Writing proficiency in writing
5. Speed – cannot be measured precisely from
1. Arc – the rounded inner part of an upper curve, bend, the finished handwriting but it can be interpreted in
or crook, broad term as to either fast, slow, or moderate.
2. Beard – is an introductory up and down strokes found
in some capital letters. This is also called as the Writing Speed - Classified into 4 Divisions
double hitch. 1. Slow and Drawn
3. Blunt – is a part of a stroke characterized by an 2. Deliberate
abrupt beginning or end at which the pen does 3. Average
not creates a diminishing stroke. 4. Rapid
4. Buckle Knot - is a horizontal or loop strokes used to 6. Pen-lift – an interruption in strokes caused by sudden
complete letters A, H, F and D. removal of the writing instrument from the paper
5. Central Part – is the body of the letter characterized surface.
by small rounded or circular strokes. 7. Shading – refers to the more obvious increase in the
6. Ductus-link, Ductur-broken - refers to the connection width of the letter strokes.
between letters, either joined or disconnected. 8. Pen Position – is the relative location of the pen in
7. Eyelet/ eye loop – refers to small oblong strokes. relation to the paper surface.
8. Hitch – An introductory backward stroke found in 9. Pen scope – represents the reach of the hand with
most capital letters and in some small letters. the wrist at rest.
9. Hiatus - an obvious gap between letters. 10. Retracing or retraced – is the strokes which goes
10. Humps – is the outer portion of an upper curve back over another writing strokes that is slightly
bend or crook, (see arc) to occur in other’s writing.
11. Knob – is a tiny pool of an ink at the beginning or 11. Retouching or patching – is a stroke, which goes
ending strokes. back over a defective portion of a writing to repair
12. Loop – is an oblong stroke or correct an error.
13. Stem/shank/staff – is considered as the backbone
of the letter characterized by a long downward stroke Disguised Handwriting
14. Initial/terminal Spur – a long running initial or
terminal strokes. This is a handwriting wherein which the writer
15. Through – refers to any garland form of a letter deliberately alters, modify and or remove all or some of
strokes his or her writing habits. This could be done but not
16. Whirl – is the long upward strokes usually found limited through the following.
opposite the stem
17. Embellishments – added strokes that serves as an 1. Adjusting the slant of his writing.
ornamental or flourish to the design of the letters. They 2. Adjusting the size of his usual letter
considered unnecessary to the legibility of the writing. writing.
18. Diacritics - strokes added to complete certain 3. Using all capital letters which he seldom
letters. They are necessary to the legibility of the letters. does.
4. Changing the usual alignment of wring
Handwriting Movement to the baseline.
- This is the way the writer moves the pen
and forms a letter. This involves all the Examination of Handwriting and Numerals
factors related to the execution of the
Kinds of Handwriting Signature – a name of person signed by himself on a
1. Hand Printing- this is any disconnected style of document as a sign of acknowledgement.
writing in which each letter is written separately.
Two forms Model signature – A genuine signature which
1. Capitals was used in preparing simulated or traced forgery.
2. Manuscript writing
2. Cursive- this is the connected style of writing. Evidential Signature – specimen signature
which was executed date, particular time, and place,
Characteristics of Writing under a particular writer’s condition and for a particular
Characteristics - refers to any property, marks
or elements which distinguishes. This Also referred to Digital Signature = refers to an electronic
as identifying details. signature consisting of a transformation of an electronic
document or an electronic data message using an
1. Class Characteristics asymmetric or public cryptosystem such as that a
- Characteristics or properties which are person having the initial untransformed electric
common, or which can be found in the specimen writing document and the signer’s public key can accurately
of another person. Gross characteristics. determine.
2. Individual Characteristics
- Characteristics which are highly personal or Electronic Signature = refers to any distinctive
peculiar that which is unlikely to occur in other’s mark, characteristics and/or sound in electronic form,
handwriting. representing the identity of a person attached to
electronic document or data message with intention of
Factors affecting handwriting authenticating, signing, or approving on it.

1. Natural Variations – is the usual or normal deviation Classes of Signature

found in a repeated specimen of an individual’s 1. Formal or complete – used in signing very
handwriting or in the product of any typewriter. important document
2. Informal or cursory – used for routine
2. Transitory Change – are meant to those changes document
which only continue to exist while the basic cause of the 3. Careless scribble – used for not so important
deterioration is still affecting the writer, once such document such as delivery of mail or receipt of
cause has been removed from the writer, the writing purchase equipment etc.
will revert in its normal form.
      Kinds of Signature
3. Tremor – is the weakening of the strokes
characterized by wavering or shaky strokes.       1. Formal Signature - signature used on official
a. Genuine Tremor documents such as will or deed of sale.
a.1. Weakness of sickness       2. Informal Signature - signature used in routine
a.2 Old age correspondence such as personal letters and other
a.3. Illiteracy (lack of skills) documents where you want the reader to recognize the
b. Tremor of Fraud signature, but the exact spelling of the name isn’t
4. Writing Conditions – refers to all factors affecting the       3. Stylistic Signature - signature used in signing
overall quality of writing such as the writer’s condition checks, credit card receipts, etc. This is also like the
under which the writing was prepared. famous “physician’s signature” on a prescription. It is
often highly stylistic and looks like a scribble with little
5. Writing instrument that would be recognizable as a signature.
❖ Ball point pen (John Loud) consisting of
a ball bearing at the point of the pen. Classification of Suspect Signatures
❖ Fountain pen (Lewis Watterman)
consisting of pen nib point. 1. Forged signatures where on attempt has
❖ Fiber pen (originally designed by been made to make a copy of the genuine
Hongkong) signature of the person purporting to sign
the document.
2. Forged “signature of fictitious persons”.
3. Forged signatures which resemble the a) Tracing a carbon outline and then covering this
genuine signature since they have been with a suitable ink stroke.
produced by tracing process. b) Tracing from an outline made by visible
4. Forged signatures which resemble the transmitted light.
genuine signature, written free hand to c) Tracing with sufficient pressure over the
produce what is known as a “simulated authentic signature and tracing the depression
forgery”. on the forged document.
5. Genuine signatures which have been d) Laser method – used of hologram.
obtained by trickery.
6. Genuine signatures which the writers are
honestly unwilling to accept as genuine. Primary Signs of Forgery
7. Genuine signatures which have been
deliberately written illegibly or in an 1) Written at speed that is markedly slower than the
unusual manner, to afford the signatories speed used for the genuine signature.
some plausible grounds for disclaiming 2) Frequent change of the grasp of the pen or pencil.
them should they deem it expedient. 3) Blunt line endings and beginnings.
4) Poor line quality, with wavering and tremor of the
Forgery- committed by any person who, with intent to line.
defraud, signs the name of another person or of a 5) Retracing and patching.
fictitious person, knowing that he has no authority to do 6) Stops in places where writing should be free.
so, or falsely alters, forges or counterfeits any check,
draft, due bill for the payment or property; or Some feature of forged signature
counterfeits or forge the seal or handwriting of another,
knowing the same to be fake, altered forged or 1) Any forgery will, of necessity, exhibit a considerable
counterfeited, with intent to prejudice, damage or degree of similarity to the general run of genuine
defraud any person. signatures along the more obvious features of letter
- Forgery may be produced under many design.
processes, ranging from the mere writing of 2) Some forgeries will resemble at least one genuine
the name without an attempt to resemble signature in almost every detail. No two genuine
the genuine model signature to the more signatures in almost every detail. No two genuine
complicated process of tracing or simulation signatures of any length are replicas of each other.
to produce a close resemblance or facsimile 3) If any of the signs of the forgery are present in a
of the genuine signature. disputed signature, then the probabilities may be in
- is an act of falsifying or counterfeiting any favor of that signature being a forgery, particularly if
treasure or bank notes, paper bills or any the genuine signatures show carelessness,
documents which are payable to the bearer. inattention to detail, freedom and speed, and
- is an act of simulating or tracing provided that, is such case that there are no
somebody’s signature without the latter’s external influences present such as writing material
consent for profit. or ill health which could reasonably account for the
divergence in a disputed signature.
Types of Forgery
Note: the identity of the forger particularly as to gender
1) Simple forgery – a forger’s signature where no is not easy to establish.
attempt has been made to make a copy or facsimile
of the genuine writing of a person purported to sign Other Handwriting Characteristics
the document. Also known as spurious signature.
2) Simulated or Copied forgery – a forged signature Proportions- this refers to the symmetry of an individual
which resembles the genuine signature written in letter. This could be illustrated by the relationship of the
free-hand. Considered as the most skillful form of different portion of the letter either thin or thickly done.
3) Traced Forgery – forged signature which closely Height Ratios- this is the comparison or correlation of
resembles the genuine made by some tracing the height of one letter or letter segment to another
(drawing) process or outline form. letter in one word or signature.

Size- this refers to the usual measure of the handwriting

The Manner of Tracing based on the height of a typical lower-cased letter such
as “a” or “e”. The height of such letters which can be
used as a measuring device is termed as “standard Handwriting Characteristics Subject for Examination
1. Space between letters and words
Speed- this refers to the manner on which a particular 2. The height, width, and size of letters.
handwriting is executed which either fast or slow. 3. Pen lifts and separations.
Characteristics of Fast writing 4. Unusual letter formations
1. Smooth writing movements 5. The slant of letters
2. Elongated and misplaced i dots and t 6. The baseline habits of writer.
crossings 7. Flourishes and embellishment.
3. Words or initials are connected 8. The placement of diacritics such as the “I”
4. There is a flattened appearance of the letters dots and “t” crossing
Characteristics of Slow writing Other Characteristics of Forged Documents
1. Presence of hesitation, tremor, and more
angular writing. 1. Slowly written
2. The “i” dots and “t” crossings are in correct 2. Lack of individuality
position. 3. Unnatural appearance
3. There is a sharp delineation between 4. Unnatural starts and stops
separate pen movements. 5. Presence of careful corrections by the forger
4. Presence of blunt stops and starts. 6. Identical signatures
5. Writing is made of individual letters and
legible. Principles of Handwriting Identification
6. The movements may be ornamental.
1. No two persons can ever write alike.
Entry-exit strokes- this may repeat themselves in similar 2. It is not possible for a person to produce a
letter formations such as “U” and “V”. They could also superior wring than his best, but it is possible for
be in the form of a beginning or ending embellishment, him to write inferior to his own.
or a continuation from one letter to the next. This can 3. The numerical adequacy in writing standards
be habitual and therefore be considered as identifying shall establish the range
characteristics. 4. Natural variations from an inherent part of an
individual’s handwriting, and its range is entirely
Roundedness-sharpness- the manner on which edged a personal attribute.
and rounded letters are written by the writer can be 5. Degeneration of individual’s handwriting is
used as an identifying characteristic. prone to affect all the handwriting characteristics
cumulatively and is not confined to a few of
Spelling-Spacing- the misspelled written words and the them.
space between letters or the space of words from 6. If properly scrutinized, a forgery maybe
another word can be an identifying characteristic of treated as a mixture of two distinct writing
handwriting. personalities, that is, the forger or the traits of
the model signature being forged.
Zones- the three zones in handwriting are the following.
What Sorts of Documents are examined?
1. Mid-zone- this is usually the beginning point
for most handwriting considerations. This is where Documents which are often the subject of
most activity in handwriting takes place in general and dispute in an investigation or litigation are those
where letters tend to start and end. business and personal affairs.

2. Upper-zone- this is where letters characters The Subjects of Document Examination

reach up toward the upper part of the page such as
in capital letters and small letters like “d”, “b” and the 1. Exemplar- this is a handwriting sample that is
likes. known to be genuine. However, the authenticity or
genuineness of such exemplar must be verified.
3. Lower- Zone- this is where the letter
characters reach toward the bottom edge of the Standard- these are condensed and compact
page such as in small letters “p”, “q”, “y” and set of authentic specimens that, if adequate and proper,
the likes.
should contain a true cross section of the material from 1. Use a questionnaire to validate circumstances
a known source. that could affect the writing.
- This refers to writings or any documents 2. Duplicate the writing conditions of the
which origins are known and can be proven. questioned document.
3. Duplicate the writing instrument.
Classes of Standard 4. Duplicate the writing environment.
5. If the document is written under unusual
1. Procured or Collected Standards circumstances, these circumstances should be
- This is writings prepared in the normal 6. Give specific instructions and make note of
routine course of business or personal affairs. the instructions given.
- Non-request standards are quietly 7. To prevent the writer from disguising his
simply writings which were indisputably prepared exemplars, increase the speed of the dictation to
by the accused as he had no reason to think rush the writer.
that they would be used for a handwriting 8. Have the suspect write with both hands.
comparison. 9. Date and sign all request writing with your
2. Dictated or requested Standards 10. Additional request writing can be worded to
include words, expressions, letters, names and
- These are the writings executed or combinations found in the questioned writing.
prepared in the presence of the examiner at his or When in case it involves numbers have the subject
her request. However, such standards collected person writes his numbers from 1 to 100.
shall resemble the surrounding circumstances on how
the questioned handwriting is executed. Cases in which no Exemplars are needed
Documents executed within two to
three years are most suitable. If ever such are not 1. In cases wherein identical signatures are
available, documents dating further from the observed.
questioned material can be used. 2. When the writer uses signature stamps and
autopens as a legitimate signature.
Dos and Don’ts in Collecting Exemplars 3. When other signs of forgery are observed.

1. Don’t rely on too little writing. Principles of Choosing Standard

2. Do obtain sufficient handwriting exemplars,
at least 20 to 25 signatures, or at least 4 to 5 pages of 1. The best standards for comparison are those
handwriting or hand printing of the same general class as the questioned writing.
3. Don’t rely exclusively on writing that differs 2. The established rule is that writings or
significantly from the questioned one. signatures to admit as standards must be proven to
4. Do collect similar samples as; hand printing be genuine.
with hand printing and cursive with cursive. 3. The selection should comprise those writings
5. Don’t rely on documents recently written if or signatures made under favorable conditions and
the comparison documents were written many years in a natural manner.
ago. 4. The standards for comparison should be the
6. Do collect standards dated at approximately signatures available and best suited.
the same time as the questioned handwriting. Considerations in Choosing Standards
7. Don’t compare handwriting under abnormal
conditions. 1. Adequate standard material.
8. Do collect the documents that duplicate the 2. Duplicates all the conditions under which the
writing environment. questioned material was written.
9. Do instruct the writer to obtain similar 3. Contains the same written words and
exemplars for example printing all with capital letters. numerals of that of the questioned one.
4. Written approximately the same time with
How to take request writing? the questioned one.
5. Uses the same writing implements such as
This is done under the supervision off the police the type of paper.
investigator, document examiner and the legal counsel. 6. Written in the same writing style
7. Repeated often enough to reveal nearly all
the author’s normal variation in writing. 1. To illustrate fairly the complete identifying
details of the author’s personal habit on hid
Considerations in Determining the Numbers of handwriting.
Standards Required 2. Comparison is the act of setting two or more
items side-by-side to weight the identifying details over
1. Collect as many samples as possible questioned handwriting standards.
2. Have suitable undisputed samples than a
large quantity of little comparable value. Theoretical Handwriting Examination
3. One signature is sufficient when all the
characteristics of handwriting match. 1. Human beings never function with the
4. When proving that that an individual did not regularity of machines, which is why variation will be
write a questioned document it is necessary to obtain a characteristic of every specimen of handwriting.
larger range of writing. 2. That two specimens of handwriting written by
5. one hundred Signature might not enough. the same person can never be replicas.
Hoe ever the average would be 20 to 25
signatures and 4 to 5 pages of normal
handwriting and or hand printing preferably written in Positive and Negative Evaluation Samples
different times. After the identification and comparison of
6. More known documents are needed if the handwriting this is followed by the final phase which is
writer has an oversimplified writing, while only few the evaluation of number of similarities or differences.
signatures would be enough if the writer writes in a
complex manner. Positive- when numbers of significant
similarities exist between the disputed and the
Sources of Authentic Standards standard shows singularity of genuineness.

1. Public Records Negative- when the weight of divergent

2. Bank Records characteristics that exist between the disputed writing
3. Identification cards and the standard shows significant difference.
4. Signature on legal documents
5. Handwriting samples taken by a handwriting Instrument Used in A Questioned Document QD
expert in the presence of at least one witness or Laboratory
taken in court.
      1. Stereo Microscope - The stereo or stereoscopic or
Preserving of Evidential Handwriting dissecting microscope is an optical microscope variant
designed for low magnification observation of a sample,
1. Specifically, do not fold, staple, perforate, typically using light reflected from the surface of an
impress rubber, or metal stamps, or make marks object rather than transmitted through it.
that will alter evidential handwriting.
2. Place small inconspicuous initials and dates in       2. Light Microscope - light microscope works like a
areas of the document where they do not conflict refracting telescope except that the object is very
with the original writing. close to the objective lens.
3. Do not carry evidential documents carelessly
in your wallet, notebook, or briefcase.       3. Video Spectral Comparator (VSC) - is an apparatus
4. Make certain that the handwriting is which can:
photographed and scaled prior to the application of any
chemicals.           a. Analyze and compare inks: reveal alterations
on a document;
Comparison of Handwriting Characteristics      b. Visualize security features printed into
When the class and individual           c. Use the spectrometer and various built-in
characteristics have been identified, the second phase light sources for U.V., visible spectrum and I.R.
of investigation is the comparison of examinations of ink and documents to visualize
characteristics. fluorescence; examination with transmitted light or low
angle light, and recording/comparing differences in
Objectives of Handwriting Comparison reflectance, and absorption under variable wavelengths
of light and with various filters which will discriminate
between different inks. Original documents, if possible, shall be made available
to the hands of the examiner.
      4. Electrostatic Detection Apparatus (ESDA) - is an 1. Original documents are most suitable for examination
apparatus which can: and comparison than photocopies. And often lend
      a. Produce an evidential record of any themselves to more definitive options.
indentations (writing impressions) which are present 2. Documents in the form of facsimile and microfilm
upon a page, resulting from previous pages of over- reproduction, while occasionally useful as standards, may
writing in a writing pad, notebook, or upon a letter be inadequate as questioned material.
placed inside an envelope which was then addressed. 3. Reproduction method often masks the very indicators
      b. Visualize and record any other transmitted of spuriousness that the Questioned Document
impression, such as from a machine postal stamp Examiner is looking for.
upon an envelope; or visualizes and record any paper 4. If the examination is to determine the genuineness of
edge impressions of a page-portion that was torn from a a photocopy (Xerox forgery), the photocopy itself is the
page within a note-pad, even if the page was removed questioned document.
some time later.

Tools of Examination Document Examination Forgery Examination

Forgery can be committed in two ways.
1. Microscopic Examination- examination which 1. Forgery by addition
uses microscope or the so-called stereoscopic 2. Forgery by deletion
microscope with flow and high-power objectives which
is used to detect retouching, patching and unnatural The two methods of alteration
pen-lift in signature analysis
1. Abrasive Erasure- the most common and clumsy form
2. Transmitted light Examination- this type of of erasure. This can be detected by observing the surface
examination aims to determine the presence of of the paper whereas erased portions has a disturbed
erasures and alterations, as well as match serration. The surface and even decreases the thickness of the paper on
document is viewed with the source of illumination the abraded area.
behind it and the light passing through the paper.
2. Chemical- this is the erasure done by the application
3. Oblique or Side Light Examination- this of bleaching chemicals to erase writing characters. The
procedure aids in the decipherment of faded most likely undetected chemical erasure is the use of
handwriting. This is the determination of outline forgery iron base ink.
and embossed impression. The illumination is controlled This can be detected using ultraviolet examination.
that it gazes or strikes the surface of the document from
one side at very low angle. 3. Other means of erasures
3.1. cutting- this is done by cutting away some portions
4. Photographic Examination- this is essential in of the material and inserting with another to fill the gap.
document in document examination, particularly in 3.2. Lift-off ribbon- an erasure using lift-off ribbon this
comparing the magnification of two specimens which can be detected with the use of low angle or oblique
are recorded in the photograph. lighting revealing the indentations of the lifted off script.

5. Ultraviolet Examination- this examination is Detection of Mechanical Erasure

performed in the dark room. The lamp is
warmed up to render maximum output of the 1. Loosening or disturbance of paper fibers which creates
ultraviolet light. Exposure to ultraviolet light should a feathering effect on the ink.
be kept to the minimum duration to avoid the fading of 2. Thinning out of the affected area resulting to a
writing ink and typewriter ribbon. transparency.
3. Fibers appear as a grassy substance.
6. Infrared Examination- this employs invisible
radiation beyond the red portion of the visible spectrum Interlineations Method
“rainbow”, which is usually recorded on specially This is the insertion of a particular word, letter, number
sensitized photographic emulsions. or any element to a certain word, phrase, sentence and
so on and so forth.
Original Documents vs. Photocopies Elements of Interlineations
Charred Document – refers to partly burned or brittle
1. The lack of uniformity of ink. document. Decipherment is usually accomplished with
2. The work of more than one pen or typewriter. the used of infra-red-light examination.
3. Crowding
4. Uneven margins 5. Development of Invisible writing
5. Unusual spacing of modifying section, if type written Invisible writing – writing that has no readily visible ink
6. Evidence that the document has been removed and strokes made by Sympathetic inks such as acids, juice,
reinserted in the same or another machine. and others. They are possible of development
7. Indication of more than one typewriter ribbon or a depending on the ink used. Methods of development
marked change in its condition if it is a fabric ribbon. can be by heat. Water, chemical fuming or by ultra-
8. Evidence of the insertion of pages through study of the violet light process.
paper and fastening devices.
9. Sharp variation in handwriting. 6. Decipherment of Contact writing
Contact writing – refers to partially visible ink strokes
Examination of Obliterated Documents cause by sudden contact between sheets of paper with
another paper containing fresh ink. These can be
Obliteration- this refers to the blotting out or smearing enhanced through fuming or ultraviolet light process.
over of writing to make the original writing become
invisible or undecipherable. 7. Examination of Cross-Marks
The purpose of examination is to determine if Cross-marks are markings such as the “x” mark and other
the obliteration is the result of an honest mistake or is a similar markings used by other individual in signing or in
deliberate attempt to conceal information, in which in filling up documents such in electoral ballots. Cross-mark
case, it will be necessary to decipher and identify the indentions on one ballot from the mass markings of
original entry that it was obliterated. other ballot are conclusive evidence of fraud which is
easily demonstrated.
Miscellaneous Document Problem
8. Left-Handwriting
1. Detection of Alteration It is estimated that there are three to five
Alteration percent of mature writers normally writes with the left
- refers to any form of a changes either an addition or a hand. The question can the examiner detect left-handed
deletion to the original content of the document which is writing is yes and no. Certainly, no qualified examiner
not a part of its original preparation. would contend that he or she could invariably distinguish
right-handwriting from left-handwriting. However, there
2. Decipherment of Erased Writings are peculiarities of execution that the examiner
Erasure – refers to removal of a writings or any part of a recognizes as usual characteristics of left-handwriting.
document either by mechanical or chemical process. 1. Most naturally left-handed writers cross their “t” from
right to left. They inject right to left movement in “i” dots
Mechanical Erasure – done by means of abrasive and punctuation markings in many instances.
method through rubbing or scrapping. 2. The left-handed writers who write from above the
writing line may reveal contortions of movement in a
Chemical Erasure – done with the aid or use of bleaching pattern of smudges or smears as his hand progresses
agent called ink eradicator. across the previously written page.
3. The natural hand-writer who resorts to his left hand
Usually this is examined with the aid or fuming, under abnormal writing conditions, such as injury or
transmitted light, oblique light, and ultra-violet light deception, may adopt awkward counter-clockwise ovals
examination. and circles as in “a”, “o”, “d”, “g”. Clumsy left hand may
uncertainly be apparent at the turns and upstrokes of the
3. Decipherment of Obliterated writing upper and lower loop letters “b”, “f”, “g”, “h”, “j”, “k”
Obliteration – is the process of smearing over an original “p”, “q”, “v”, and “z”.
writing to make it undecipherable or illegible. Done with
the used of superimposing inks usually examined with Types of Forgery
the used of Infra-red light.
1. Check fraud
4. Examination of Charred Document and water-soaked Forgery - making, altering, or falsifying a person’s
document signature or any other aspect of a document with the
intent to deceive another
* Counterfeit the letters are printed either at the top or bottom, left or
* Alterations right of inclined from its proper position.
2. Paper money 10. Carriage Return - referred to a mechanism or lever
Counterfeit - When false documents or other items are on a typewriter. It was used after typing a line of text and
copied for the purpose of deception caused the assembly holding the paper (the carriage) to
return to the right so that the machine was ready to type
Most common counterfeited items again on the left-hand side of the paper (assuming a left-
to-right language).
Travelers’ checks Food stamps
Certain bonds Postage stamps Techniques Used in Type Writing Identification
Currency Paper money
Coins 1. Measure the type face pitch
2. Verify the type size and design (W-G-T)
3. Identity 3. Look for individual type face defects
Social Security Driver’s license
Typeface Defects
4. Credit cards
Theft of card or number 1. Vertical mal alignment – a character printing above or
5. Art—imitation with intent to deceive below of its proper position.
• Microscopic examination 2. Horizontal mal alignment – an alignment defect in
• Electromagnetic radiation which the characters are printed to the left or right of its
• Chemical analysis proper position.
3. Twisted letters – letters and characters are designed
6. Contracts—alterations of contracts, medical records to be printed at a certain angle to the baseline. Once
letters lean to the left or right of its proper position such
Examination of Typewriting is called twisted letters.
4. Off-its-feet – is a condition of the type face printing at
Definition of Terms: which then character outline is not equally printed, that
is the printing is heavier in one side than the remainder
1. Typeface – is the printing surface of the type of block of the outline of the character.
in a conventional typewriter. In electric typewriter it is 5. Rebound – typeface defect in which a character prints
the printing surface of the rotating head sphere. a double impression with the lighter one slightly off-set
2. Typeface defect – any form of peculiarity of the type to the right or left.
printing caused by actual damage to the typeface metal 8. Actual breakage – any peculiarity of typewriting
or which maybe an abnormality in its printing condition. caused by actual damage to the type face metal.
3. Characters – in connection to typewriting, it is used to 9. Clogged type face (dirty) – is a typeface defects
include letters, symbols, numerals, or points of characterized by dirty prints due to constant used
punctuation. without cleaning of the type of bar or due to use of new
4. Pica typeface – type face impression ordinarily spaced carbon. These are common in closed letter outline such
ten (10) characters to the horizontal inch. as o, a, p, g etc.
5. Elite typeface – type face impression ordinarily spaced
twelve (12) characters to the horizontal inch. Types of Typewriters
6. Proportional spacing machine – a typewriter with a    
type of letter spacing like the type spacing of 1. Keyboard typewriter - is the simplest kind of
conventional printed in which all letters are allotted typewriter functioning from the QWERTY formation of
horizontal in conformity with their relative widths. letters and having a type (a metallic cast with letters
7. Transitory Defects – is an identifying typewriter molded into it) that's attached by a bar or rod.
characteristic which can be eliminated by simply cleaning 2. Single-element typewriter - enable the user to print
the machine or replacing the ribbon. data in different languages or fonts. Instead of using a
8. Permanent Defects – any identifying typewriting bar mold for the type (called a type of bar), single-
characteristics of the type face which cannot be element typewriters use type wheels, type sleeves or
corrected by simply cleaning the machine or replacing type shuttles for molds. The most popular single-element
the ribbon. was the Hammond type-shuttle typewriter produced in
9. Mal alignment or alignment defects – refers to defect 1884.
in the printing condition of the type character in which 3. Type-bar typewriters, as the name suggests, use type
bars, or molds of iron shaped like bars, for their types.
Type bars are the most common kind of typewriter and Examine the watermark on the unprinted portion of the
the original invented by Sholes, Glidden and Soule was a note
type-bar typewriter. – The watermark is the silhouette of the portrait
4. Index typewriters - were far less costly in the pre- appearing on the face of the note. Sharp details of the
modern era, but also less useful. An index typewriter light and shadow effect can be seen when the note is
required that users first input what key they would like, viewed against the light. The contours of the features of
and then perform another action (usually pressing a the silhouette can be felt by running the fingers over the
lever) to print the letter to a page. Usually these didn't design on relatively new notes.
use type bars, but instead type wheels, type shuttles,
type plates and even more novel types. Examples of the SECURITY FIBERS
index typewriter are the American Visible, first Inspect the security fibers– Embedded red and blue
manufactured in 1901, and the French Virotyp of 1914. visible fibers are scattered at random on both surfaces of
5. Teletype Typewriters - (Teleprinters) came on the a genuine note and can be readily picked off by means of
scene in the mid-1950s and peaked in popularity in the any pointed instrument
1960s. They were used mostly for communicating
information from point EMBEDDED SECURITY THREAD
to point, much as modern fax machines are used. Most View the embedded security thread – The embedded
non-IBM computers had teletype terminals. Teletypes security thread is a special thread vertically implanted off
were completely mechanical and thus required regular center of the note during paper manufacture. This can
lubrication; they didn't have type bars in the strictest easily be seen when the note is viewed against the light.
sense and instead used plastic gears to print messages. It appears as a broken line for 5’s, 10’s and 20’s and
6. Electric Typewriters - The most modern typewriter, straight line for 50’s, 100’s, 200’s, 500’s and 1000’s.
still used today, is the electric typewriter, most notably
IBM models such as the Selectric. The electric typewriter WINDOWED SECURITY THREAD
minimized the force necessary to print out a message by View the windowed security thread on the improved
using a motor and type ball to print letters on paper. version of 100’s, 500’s and 1000-piso notes and the new
200-piso notes. –The windowed security thread is a
Know your Philippine Currency narrow security thread vertically located like “stitches” at
the face of the note with cleartext of the numerical value
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has the sole power in repeated sequence and changes in color from magenta
and authority to issue currency within the territory of the to green or green to magenta depending on the angle of
Philippines. Every day, these issued currency notes and view.
coins continually circulate or change hands among the
public. The public generally accepts and/or passes them IRIDESCENT BAND
on as legal tender, without full knowledge if the currency Look for the iridescent band on the improved version of
is genuine. Those who fail to carefully examine the 100’s, 500’s and 1000-piso notes and the new 200-piso
money they receive are potential victims of counterfeit notes – A wide glistening gold vertical stripe with the
currency. numerical value printed in series.
This booklet is designed to help the public recognize
genuine Philippine currency and guard against PORTRAIT
counterfeits. Recognize the portrait – Appears life-like. The eyes
“sparkle”. Shadings are formed by the fine lines that give
STEPS IN RECOGNIZING GENUINE BSP NOTES the portrait a characteristic facial expression which is
extremely difficult to replicate.
STUDY and FAMILIARIZE yourself with the characteristics,
designs, and distinct features of BSP banknotes by SERIAL NUMBER
following these steps: Check the serial number – Composed of 1 or 2 prefix
letters and 6 or 7 digits. The letters and numerals are
PAPER uniform in size and thickness, evenly spaced and well-
Feel the paper – The genuine note is printed on a special aligned, and glow under the ultraviolet light. A banknote
kind of paper which is rough when you run your fingers with six “0” digit serial number is a specimen note and
through it. It does not glow under the ultra-violet light. not
During paper manufacture, the watermark, security legal tender note.
fibers, security threads and iridescent band are included.
Scan the background/lacework design– The background off center of the face of the note that glows when
designs are made up of multicolored and well-defined exposed to ultraviolet light.
lines. The lacework designs are composed of web-
crisscrossing lines which are continuous and traceable MICROPRINTING
even at the intersection. Verify under the lens the presence of the microprinting
on the denominations 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000–
VIGNETTE Microprinting are the minute and finely printed words
Verify the vignette – The lines and dashes composing the “Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas” or “Central Bank of the
vignette are fine, distinct, and sharp; the varying color Philippines” located at the face or back of the note that
tone gives a vivid look to the picture that makes it “stand are clearly printed and readable
out” of the paper. Microprinting - is one of many anti-counterfeiting
techniques used most often on currency and bank
VALUE PANEL checks, as well as various other items of value.
Check the numerals found at the four corners of the Microprinting involves printing very small text, usually
front and back of the note. The numerals denote the too small to read with the naked eye, onto the note or
denomination of the note. item.


Recognize predominant color of each denomination: Check the concealed value on the 500-piso denomination
1000-piso Blue 50-piso Red –This concealed value is located at the lower left corner
500-piso Yellow 20-piso Orange of the face of the note and is recognizable when the note
200-piso Green 10-piso* Brown is held at eye level.
100-piso Mauve 5-piso* Green
*The BSP has stopped printing these banknotes and are OPTICALLY VARIABLE INK
being replaced by coins; however, the existing 10- and 5- Check the optically variable ink on the 1000-piso
piso notes remain legal tender. denomination –It changes color from green to blue or
blue to green when the note is held at different angles
Look for the presence of the fluorescent print when
the note is exposed under the ultraviolet light– The
fluorescent print is the invisible numerical value located


One Hundred Thousand Peso Commemorative

Obverse :  Cry of Pugadlawin, Philippine Obverse : "Ang Sigaw ng Himagsikan", "Ang
Centennial Commission Logo, salaping papel na ito ay bayarin
BSP Logo ng Bangko Sentral at
pananagutan ng Republika ng
Reverse :  Declaration of Independence Pilipinas", "Isandaang Libong
Piso", "Republika ng Pilipinas"
Width :  356mm
Reverse : "Pagpapahayag ng Kasarinlan ng
Height :  216mm Pilipinas Noong Hunyo 12,
1898", "Isandaang Libong Piso",
Pieces Issued :  1000 "Republika ng Pilipinas”
collector's item was sold at P180, 000. Today, it is worth
This banknote was issued during the Centennial many times more. It is recognized by the Guinness Book
of Philippine Independence in 1998. It is as large as a of world Records as the world's largest legal tender
legal-sized bond paper. Produced in Germany, the banknote.
banknote has 21 security features including a hologram,
making it very hard to counterfeit. On release, this CENTENNIAL COMMEMORATIVE BANKNOTES
Casting - was one method used to produce
counterfeit coins in Britain and America during the
colonial period. Basically, it consisted of melting metal
Two-Thousand Peso Commemorative Banknote and then pouring the molten liquid into a mold having a
reservoir in the shape of a coin.
Obverse :  President Joseph Estrada being Coin Clipping - shaving off a small portion of a
sworn into office in front of the precious metal coin for profit.
Barasoain Church in Malolos, Coin Mutilation - cutting a portion of a coin.
Bulacan with his wife Loi
Estrada, scroll with the Malolos IF YOU SUSPECT A COUNTERFEIT NOTE
Constitution, seal of the Central • Do not return it to the passer.
Bank • Delay the passer by some excuse, if possible,
Reverse: Re-enactment of the without risking harm.
proclamation of Philippine • Observe and record the passer’s appearance
Independence at the Aguinaldo and that of his/her companion/s.
Shrine in Kawit, Cavite during • Note the license plate number and make of
the Philippine Centennial the passer’s car.
Celebration with President Fidel • Place the note in a protective envelope.
Ramos and his wife Amelita
Ramos, Philippine Centennial In case you get hold of a doubtful note, please
Commission logo contact the Cash Department, Bangko Sentral ng
Length :  216mm Pilipinas for assistance at: Currency Analysis and
Width : 133mm Redemption Division Room 202, Multi-Storey Bldg., BSP
Composition :  20% abaca, 80% cotton fiber Complex Malate, Manila
Pieces Issued :  300,000 Tel. Nos.: 524-7011 local 2296524-2777
Investigation Staff Room 302, Multi-Storey
Text Bldg., BSP Complex Malate, Manila Tel. Nos.: 524-7011
Obverse :  "Ang panunumpa sa tungkulin local 2388 or go to the nearest Bangko Sentral Regional
ni Pangulong Joseph E. Estrada Office/Sub-Regional Office Unit at Angeles City, Bacolod
sa Simbahan ng Barasoain, City, Batac-Ilocos Norte, Cabanatuan City, Cagayan De
Malolos, Bulacan, noong ika-30 Oro City, Cebu City, Cotabato City , Dagupan City, Davao
ngHunyo, 1998", "Simbahan ng City , Dumaguete City , Iloilo City , Kalibo-Aklan, Legazpi
Barasoain, Lunduyan ng Unang City, Lucena City , Naga City, San Fernando-La Union,
Demokratikong Republika sa Tacloban City, Tuguegarao-Cagayan and Zamboanga
Asya", "Malolos Constitution City.
1898", "Republika ng Pilipinas",
Bangko Sentral at pananagutan
ng Republika ng Pilipinas" 1. Article 163, Revised Penal Code (RPC). Making and
importing and uttering (issuing or circulating) false
Reverse : "Pagdiriwang ng Sentenaryo ng coins.
Kalayaan sa Kawit, Cavite na 2. Article 166, Revised Penal Code (RPC). Forging
pinangunahan ni Pangulong treasury or bank notes or other documents payable to
Fidel V. Ramos noong ika-12 ng bearer; importing, and uttering (issuing or circulating)
Hunyo, 1998", "Sentenaryo ng such false or forged notes and documents.
Salapi", "Dalawang Libong Piso" 3. Article 168, Revised Penal Code (RPC). Illegal
possession and use of false treasury or bank notes and
The security features of this banknote include a other instruments of credit.
3-dimensional cylinder mould-made portrait watermark 4. Article 176, Revised Penal Code (RPC). Manufacturing
of the two presidents, and the years 1898-1998, and possession of instruments or implements for
iridescent band, color-shift windowed security thread, falsification.
latent image, and perfect see-through register. 5. PD 247–Defacement, mutilation, tearing, burning or
destruction of Central Bank (BSP) notes and coins.
6. Chapter II, Circular 61, Series of 1995.Reproduction
and/or use of facsimiles of legal tender Philippine
currency notes.
7. Chapter III, Circular 61, Series of 1995.Reproduction
and/or use of facsimiles of legal tender Philippine
currency coin

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