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In my own understanding, globalization is Globalization is a system that promotes

……….. progress and improvements from a country
to another country. Local and internationals
processes that delivers goods and

Globalization has a positive and negative Globalization has a positive like providing a
effects, like…….. cheaper good to consumer. Globalization
has a negative impact also with a rise of
production it can also damage our

Should free trade and free movement of Our liberty isn't unrestricted in any way.So
people be without limits? Is borderless peoples movements should be kept under
world really possible? control in order to avoid causing harm
because supplies and opportunities are
distributed equally.I think
people will enter a wealthier country in the
absence of a barrier to have a great life
living in a rich country so we should have a
control in everything.

TASK 1: Using Venn Diagram, compare and contrast the competing conceptions of


-LIBERALIZATION -a process -Closer integration of national

-DEREGULATION -a condition economies
-Never-ending retaliation of big -a system - integration of markets, nation-
corporations and labor union -a force states, and technologies
-Third worlds countries are left by this -an age -farther,faster,deeper, and
new system -a dynamic cheaper in reaching around the
ongoing world
TASK 2.Draw a concept map of globalization highlighting key words that you think
comprise the totality and philosophies of globalization.



Anti- Alter- Neo- integratio
globaliza globaliza liberalis Capitalis the speed n of
tion tion m m of market

An end to Maximizi Liberaliz everyon
a highly ng profits ation e
Altering Free
imbalance even at
the market
d system the
current and free
of expense
system trade of
on workers Requires
war on
Task 3. Using the T-chart, identify (5) positive and (5) negative aspects of
globalization and explain briefly


1. Multiculturalism - This is a beneficial 1. Linguistic hegemony of English- this

element since it brings people together language is prioritized in schools leaving
from all different backgrounds around the behind our own language.
world and making them knowledgeable 2. Cultural homogenization- people
and accepting one another. tend to
2. Multilingualism - It incorporates follow the culture of others because of
people into many international their
languages, enhancing their knowledge popularity.
and giving them an advantage into the 3. Third World dependence on the
world of business First
3. Cultural and Educational World- The Philippines is one example of
Exchanges - boost a student's it
educational approach and lead to a since we are dependent to wealthy
student's awareness and acceptance of a countries
variety of cultural and community in our pursuit to economic boost.
perspectives. 4. Global income and wealth inequality
4. Global Cooperation - a cooperation wealthy countries like the USA becomes
of all different nations in times of crisis even
happening globally like what’s going on richer and poor countries like Africa
right now in the race to find a solution to becomes
Covid-19. poorer since only the rich could afford to
5. Stimulate economic growth and industrialize their economy.
employment- it boost the economy that 5. Racism and anti-migrant sentiments
led to more jobs. migrant workers are much cheaper that it
results to loss of work by the residents of
certain country.


Listen to the globalization-related song entitled, “Imagine” by the Beatles and write a
300- word reflection paper on the message of the song.

I'd also want to imagine how John Lennon saw the world and people. I admire how
people are unconstrained by the current quo or the dictates of society and instead
choose to pursue their own thing. What a joy it is to roam the planet without fear of
boundaries, prejudice, or religious opposition. How it is a better place without
limitations; when you can do your own thing without the judgment of the people and
restrictions of the government. How lovely it is to imagine such.
When I was a child I thought we are not difference from other nations, I even thought
we speak the same languages,and there is no problem happening around the world
but growing up, I realized that everything I was thinking and my expectation about
world when I was a child are far away of what I saw right now. World right now has a
lot of sin people, there’s always a crime, lots of racism in every country and often the
victim here is the black people and Asian people. It also suck hearing in news about
hatred that leads to war of a country without thinking the affected people who will
suffer and It will also traumatized children who experience that situation. I often
imagined things/situations in the middle of the night and one of that is having a
peaceful world without hatred of one another,people treated equally even though we
have a different religions and race, and always sharing your blessings and I hope it
will happen someday.

I love the melody and the message of the song, but I would love it all the more if
people will reflect on this song. Let it be the bases for the changes they are going to
make to have much better decisions. As this song inspires me to be a human being
worthy to live in this world, may it also bring a transforming message to others so that
we could have the world the way the song imagines it to be.

X. POST-TEST: In your own words, answer the following questions briefly.

1. How does globalization differ from internationalization?
The difference of globalization and internationalization is that globalization is the
mutual reliance of countries all over the world, made possible through free trade and
the removal of trade obstacles. On the other hand, internalization represents a
process of developing products and services, to bring about expansion into the
foreign market.

2. Why is globalization considered as a “complex concept”?

-Globalization is a never ending process that involve of many concepts such as
integration of markets, nation-state, and technology.

3. What forces drive globalization? Is the interaction of these forces amicable or

-Globalization is driven because of new development and changes in any different
market. I could say it is amicable because it gives a positive development in the

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