Practice Worksheets Science

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(eg Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet] 1- Grop Production and Management Class Roll Numbe 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) Levelling is done by (b) Ploughing helps to______the soil. (c) Sowing of seeds is done with the help of a . (d) Improper and insufficient manuring result in _____ plant. 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) Harvesting is done by (i) plough (ii) machines (iii) seed drill (iv) hoe (b) Weeds can be defined as (i) useful plants present in the field (ii) undesirable plants present in the field (iii) plants that can be vegetatively propagated (iv) undesirable insects present in the field. (c) Manures are (i) organic in nature (ii) inorganic in nature (iii) organic as well as inorganic in nature (iv) None of the above, (d) To improve the varieties of crop, the technique employed is (i) transplantation (ii) broadcasting (iii) hybridisation (iv) cultivation. (e) Which method, according to you, can bring about the maximum increase in crop production in our country? (i) Increasing land under cultivation (ii) Using more manures and fertilisers (iii) Less wastage in storage (iv) Using better varieties of crop plants. # Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) Manure and fertilisers are source of nutrition to plants. (b) Weedicides make the weeds grow well. (c) Crop rotation helps to increase the fertility of soil. (d) Crop can be damaged by excess supply of water. Match the following: Column I Column IT Column IIT (a) Ploughing (i) By hand or (1) Putting seeds in Sprayer the prepared soil (b) Sowing (ii) Sprinklers and (2) Addition of nutrient tube wells needed by plant (c) Adding (iii), Animal, man (3) Supplying manure driven tractor water to plant (d) Irrigation (iv) Silos, gunny (4) Storing grains for bags future (e) Storage (v) By hand or (5) Uprooting and loosening a seed drill stubbles Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Define crop. (b) Which season is suitable for rab crops? (c) Name two kharif crops. (d) What are manures? Short Answer Type Questions: (a) What is irrigation? Write sources of irrigation. (b) What is crop rotation? (c) Mention two ways in which weeding can be done. (d) What is harvesting? How it is done? Long Answer Type Questions: (a) Write a short note on preparation of soil. (b) What is animal husbandry? (c) What are modern methods of irrigation? @ eg (eg Tagether with? Practice Worksheet ‘Name Class See. Friend and Foe Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) (b) (c) (d) Microorganisms are classified into Typhoid and tuberculosis (TB) are Tetracycline and erythromycin are from bacteria and fungi. major groups. diseases. which are made causes malaria and amoebic dysentery. 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) A group of microorganisms that have the characters of both living (b) (c) (d) and non-living are (i) Virus (ii) Bacteria (iii) Protozoa (iv) Fungi Cause of polio is (i) Bacteria (ii) Fungi (iii) Virus (iv) Protozoa The algae commonly used as fertilisers are called (i) Staphylococcus (ii) Diatoms (iii) Blue-green algae (iv) None of these The drug is an antibiotic. (i) Insulin (ii) Alcohol (iii) Oxygen (iv) Streptomycin is the process by which alcohol and CO, are produced by yeast cells. (i) Evaporation (ii) Respiration (iii) Digestion (iv) Fermentation 8 y Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) Tuberculosis and hepatitis cannot be prevented by vaccination. (b) Edward Jenner discovered the vaccine for smallpox. (c) Antibiotics are produced from virus (b) Oil and vinegar are used as preservative against bacteria. Match the following: Column I Column IT Column IIT (a) Bacteria (i) Chloreltin (1) Medicine (b) Algae (ii), Rhizobium (2) Antibiotic (c) Fungi (ili) Plasmodium (3) Malaria (d) Protozoa (iv) Penicittiem (4) Nitrogen fixation Write short note on (a) Food preservation by chemical method, (b) Nitrogen fixation. Draw the diagram of the nitrogen cycle. Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Name some diseases caused by viruses. (b) Where are the microorganisms found? (c) Which microorganism is reponsible for conversion of milk into curd? (d) What are pathogens? (e) Name some plant diseases. Short Answer Type Questi: (a) What are antibodies? (b) What are communicable diseases? (c) What is pasteurisation? Long Answer Type Questions: (a) How do the microorganisms help in sewage treatment plants? (b) What are protozoa? Discuss the economic importance of it. (c) Write a note on food poisoning. eg x Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet] 3. Synthetic Fibres and Plastics Name Class See. Roll Number 1, Fill in the blanks: (a) All polymers/plastics are (b) Synthetic fibres do not absorb (c) Material which gets decomposed through natural process are (d) Careless disposal of used plastic bags results in of drains. (e) Name of the plastic used to make polythene bags is. 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) Which one among the following is natural polymer? (i) Polyester (ii) Cellulose (iii) Rayon (iv) Acrylic (b) First fully synthetic fibre prepared from coal, water and air is cellulose, (i) Nylon (ii) Cellulose (iii) Rayon (iv) Acrylic (c) Which of the following is a thermosetting plastic? (i) Pvc (ii) Teflon (iii) Bakelite (iv) Nylon (d) Which of these fibres is made from raw material obtained from plants? (i) Rayon (ii) Nylon (iii) Terylene (iv) Polyester (e) A plastic which is used for non-stick coating on cookwares is called (i), Pvc (ii) Teflon (iii) Melamine (iv) Bakelite ic) Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) Uniforms of fireman have coating of melamine plastic. (b) Polyester fibres are used for making hand knit sweaters. (c)_ Plastics are man-made materials. (d) Plastics are non-biodegradable. Match the following: Column I Column IT Column IIT (a) Rayon (i) Water resistance (1) Blanket (b) Nylon (ii) Absorbs moisture (2) Conveyor belt (c) Polyester (iii), Do not shrink (3) Shirts (d) Acrylic (iv) Water and wrinkle (4) _Bristles for resistant brushes Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Define natural fibres. (b) Define synthetic fibres. (c) What is 4R principle for being a environment friendly. (d) What are plastics? Short Answer Type Questions: (a) What are blended fibres? (b) Write difference between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. (c) Write the uses of polythene. Long Answer Type Questions: (a) What are natural and man-made materials? Give two examples of each. (b) Why are synthetic fibres more popular than natural fibres? Explain. @ eg x Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet] 4 Materials : Metals and Non-Metals Name Class See. Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) All metals except are solids at room temperature. (b) Melting point of most of the metals is than non-metals. (c) Sulphur dioxide dissolves in water to form (d) Iron needs and to rust. 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) Metals can be drawn into thin wires because (i) they are sonorous (ii) they are malleable (ji) they are ductile (iv) they are tensile (b) The best electrical conductor is (i) Gold (ii) Silver (iii) Copper (iv) Aluminium (c) A sound is produced when metals are hit hard and so they are (i) malleable (ii) sonorous (iii) ductile (iv) lustrous (d) Which gas when burnt in air gives a ‘pop’ sound? (i) hydrogen (ii) sulphur (iii) phosphorous (iv) Oxygen (e) Which metal is not corroded by air, water and acid? (i) Copper (ii) Zine (iii) Aluminium (iv) Gold 3. Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) (b) Non-metals react with dilute acids. Coal cannot be drawn into wires. @ 5 a State Right or Wrong: (a) Sodium is a reactive metal. (b) Copper foils are used to wrap food items. Match the following: Column I Column II (a) Plastic (i) Magnesium oxide (b) Sodium reacts in air to form (ii) Sulphur dioxide (c) Magnesium burns in air to form (iii) Poor conductor (d) Sulphur and oxygen form (iv) Sodium oxide Write short notes on: (a) Displacement reaction. Give examples. (b) Reaction of copper and iron with moist air. Explain: (a) Why does sodium not occur in the free state? (b) Why is copper used for electrical wiring? (c) Why is iron used to construct bridges and houses? Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Name two metals which are so soft that they can be cut with a knife. (b) A non-metal is very reactive, name it. How is it stored? (c) Name one liquid metal and a metal that reacts slowly with water Short Answer Type Questio (a) Name three metals and non-metals, (b) What are metalloids? Give example. (c) Write two physical properties of non-metals. Long Answer Type Questions: (a) How do metals and non-metals differ in physical properties? (b) Write the common uses of metals and non-metals in our daily life. @ eg (eg Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet] 5-Coal andPetroleum ‘Name Class Sec. Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: 2 (a) is used in place of coal-tar for metalling the roads. (b) Fossil fuels are non-renewable because they take of years. to form. (c) and are formed from coal. (d) is also called black gold and is a dark oily liquid. (e) The full form of LPG is Multiple Choice Questions: (a) Natural gas consists mainly of (i) Oxygen (ii) Hydrogen (iii) Ammonia (iv) Methane (b) Coal mainly contains (i) Carbon (ii) Nitrogen and sulphur (ili) Hydrogen and oxygen (iv) None of the above (c) The natural solid fuel is . (i) Coal (ii) Charcoal (iii) Coke (iv) LPG (d) Petrochemicals are obtained from (i) Coal and petroleum (ii) Coal and natural gas (iii) Petroleum and natural gas (iv) None of these (e) Coal gas was used for street lighting for the first time in (i) New York (ii) Pennsylvania (iii) London (iv) Tokyo ic 3. Alternative Response Type: 4. State Yes or No: (a) Hydrogen gas from natural gas is used for fertilizer production. (b) Fossil fuels are renewable sources of energy. We must use them maximum as much as possible. State Right or Wrong: (a) Refining is the process of separately various products of petroleum. (b) Natural gas is found in Tripura, Rajasthan and some other parts of India. Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) (i) Name two primary fossil fuels. (ii) Write the full form of CNG. (b) Write the name of the fuels commonly used for cooking. (c) Where is Natural gas used? Short Answer Type Questions: (a) (i) Name the harmful products formed by the burning of coal. (ii) Why are these products considered to be harmful? (b) Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable sources. Long Answer Type Questions: (a) Why coal, petroleum and natural gas are called fossil fuels? (b) Write briefly the advice given by the petroleum conservation research association (PCRA) to save petrol/dieasel. (c) Differentiate between coke, coal tar and coal gas. Write one use of each. (d) Write at least five uses of petroleum. @ eg x Together with? Practice Worksheet| 6. Combustion and Flame Name Class See. Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) A reaction in which large amount of gas is liberated is called (b) A good fuel should burn at a rate and its combustion should be (c) The outermost zone of the candle flame is called zone. (d) contains oxides of. and nitrogen dissolved in rain water, (e) The amount of heat energy produced on complete combustion of 1 kg of a fuel is called its . 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) Unit of calorific value of a substance is (i) kcal (ii) caloric (ili) ka/kg (iv) Jkg= (b) Which poisonous gas is formed as a result of incomplete combustion? (i) Carbon monoxide (ii) Coal gas (iii) Carbon dioxide (iv) Nitrogen oxide (c) Which one gives us pollution free environment on burning? (i) Wood (ii) Kerosene (iii) Cowdung cakes (iv) Biogas (d) zone of a candle flame is least hot. (i) Outermost (ii) Luminous (iii) Middle (iv) Innermost. (e) The substances that have very low ignition temperature and can easily catch fire with a flame are called (i) combustible substances (ii) Non-combustible substances (iii) Inflammable substances (iv) None of these. @ Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) Air is necessary for combustion, (b) Increased concentration of carbon dioxide causes global warming. State Right or Wrong: (a) Luminous zone is the hottest part of a candle. (b) Soot produced by combustion is not harmful for us as it consists of oily carbon. Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Define combustion. (b) Define ignition temperature. (c) What are the requirements for the production of fire? (d) Can combustion take place in the absence of air or oxygen, why? (e) Write the calorific value of cow dung, petrol, CNG and Hydrogen. Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Write the conditions necessary for combustion to take place. (b) Differentiate between rapid combustion spontaneous combustion. (c) (i) Name the three parts in a fire extinguisher. (ii) What are the substances used in it? Long Answer Type Questions: (a) (i) What are the different parts of a candle? Explain. (ii) Draw a diagram showing different zones of a candle flame. (b) Write short note on how matchstick is made. @ eg (eg Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet] _7- Conservation of Plants and Animals ‘Name Class Sec. Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) Species of animals that cannot be found on the earth is called (b) In a sanctuary, only are protected. (c) means to preserve and protect environment. (d) species are those which are in the verge of extinction. 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) National park and wildlife sanctuary are protected forests to preserve (i) wildlife (ii) water (iii) Forest conservation (vi) Petroleum (b) Wildlife is depleting due to: (i) soil erosion (ii) loss of minerals (iii) hunting and poaching (iv) loss of sunlight (c) is responsible for extinction of a species. (i) Loss of habitat (ii) Excessive use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides (iii) Providing artificial habitats for animals as in zoos (iv) Animals infected by disease (d) Those species of plants and animals which are found exclusively in a particular area are called (i) extinct species (ii) endangered species (iii) endemic species (iv) wildlife @ 5 Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) Naturally occurring useful materials are called natural resources. (b) Population growth has no effect on depletion of natural resources. State Yes or No: (a) Species of plants together are known as flora, whereas those of animals are known as fauna. (b) Zoo and sanctuaries keep orphaned or sick animal. Match the following: Column I Column IT Column IIT (a) Corbett National Park (i) Kashmir (1) Indian elephants (b) Desert National Park (ii) Rajasthan (2) Famous for tiger (c) Dachigam Sanctuary (iii) Uttarakhand (3) Stag (d) Bharatpur Bird (iv) Thar desert (4) Siberian cranes Sanctuary (Migratory Birds) (e) Bandipur Sanctuary (v) Karnataka (5) Famous for Blackbuck, Neelgai, Chinkara Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) What is biodiversity? (b) Define an ecosystem. (c) Write names of two endangered species. Short Answer Type Questions: (a) What is flora and fauna? (b) Define extinct species. Give two examples of extinct animals. (c) What are national parks? Name any two national parks famous for tigers. Long Answer Type Questions: (a) (i) How are forest fires controlled? (ii) Give a method to control forest fire. (b) Why do some animals become endangered? @ eg (eg Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet] 8- Gell—Structure and Functions Name Class See. Roll Number 1, Fill in the blanks: (a) The is the control centre of a cell. (b) An is a cell that can be seen without a microscope. (c) Cell wall is found in cell. (d) Genes are units of inheritance present in cell. 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) Sac-like structures in a cell are called (i) cell wall (ii) nucleus (iii) mitochondria (iv) vacuoles (b) Animal cells have (i) large vacuole (ii) three vacuoles (iii) small vacuoles (iv) no vacuoles (c) Which of these is multicellular? (i) Paramecium (ii) Amoeba (iii) Bacteria (iv) Mushroom (d) Which organelles are responsible for energy production in the cell? (i) Vacuole (ii) Chloroplast (iii) Mitochondria (iv) Golgi bodies (e) Chlorophyll pigment is ‘ (i) red colour (ii) green colour (iii) yellow colour (iv) blue colour & Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) All animal cells are spherical or oval in shape, while plant cells are rectangular. (b) Most of the cells have nucleus. State Right or Wrong: (a) All living organisms are made of cells. (b) The outermost covering in an animal cell is called cell wall. Draw neat diagrams of the following and label them. (a) Plant cell (b) Animal cell Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Define cell. (b) Who discovered the cell? (c) What would you call a living being whose body is composed of cells? (d) Write names of three unicellular organisms. Short Answer Type Questions: (a) What is nucleus and what is its function? (b) What are cell organelles? (c) What is cytoplasm? Write its function. Long Answer Type Questions: (a) What are the basic units of life? Why are they so called? (b) Mention the function of the following: (i) Cell membrane (ii) Chromosomes @ eg (eg Tagether with? Practice Worksheet| 9- Reproduction in Animals ‘Name Class Sec. Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) The process of ensures continuity of life. (b) are unisexual. (c) During fertilisation a sperm moves towards (d) Budding is a type of reproduction. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) The fusion of a male and female gametes results in the formation of (i) Testis (ii), Sperm (iii) Spore (iv) Zygote (b) A place where fertilised ovum develops into an embryo inside a body (i) vagina (ii) fallopian tube (iii) uterus (iv) ovary (c) Egg producing animals, such as birds are called (i) viviparous (ii) oviparous (iii) hermaphrodite (iv) unisexual (d) The process leading to the fusion of the gametes in plants and animals is called: (i) growth (ii) fertilisation (iii) development (iv) fusion (e) The stage of the embryo in which all the body parts can be identified is called: (i) egg (ii) foetus (ii) uterus (iv) zygote @ Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) The method of reproduction that involves only one parent is called sexual reproduction. (b) Earthworms are bisexual. State Yes or No: (a) The egg cells are larger than sperms. (b) The unfertilised egg is called foetus. Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) What is meant by reproduction? (b) What is gamete? (c) What is zygote? Short Answer Type Questions: (a) What is hermaphrodite? Explain with examples. (b) Why is reproduction important? (c) Define asexual reproduction with an example. (d) Draw the life cycle of a butterfly. Long Answer Type Questions: (a) What is fertilisation? Write the types of fertilisation with one example each. (b) Define oviparous and viviparous animals with examples. eg x Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet] 10. Reaching the Age ‘Name of Adolescence Class Sec. Roll Number 1. Fill (a) (b) (c) (d) in the blanks: In male, the sex chromosomes consist of one X and one chromosome. Endocrine glands release hormones into the bloodstream which slowly reaches the that responses and takes appropriate action. The female sex hormone is called “ All human beings have pairs of chromosomes. 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Which of the following combination of chromosomes leads to the birth of a baby girl? (i) Xx (iil) XY (ili) X (iv) Y is the male reproductive organ in human. (i) Sperm (ii), Ovum (iii) Testis (iv) Ovary The hormone produced from pancreas is: (i) thyroxin (ii) adrenalin (iii) insulin (iv) all of these. The first menstrual flow that begins at puberty is: (i) menarche (ii) puberty (iii) menopause (iv) ovulation The growing voice box in boys can be seen as a protruding part of the throat called: (i) larynx (ii) adam's apple (iii) hormone (iv) gland @ 3. Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) The hormones control several processes in the body. (b) The period of transition from a child to an adult is known as adolescence. State Right or Wrong: (a) The voice of girls becomes high pitched at puberty. (b) In human females, one mature egg is produced once in every month by any one of the ovaries. Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Name the hormones responsible for sexual maturity in males and females. (b) Which hormone affects the growth of the body of a person? (c) What is menopause? Short Answer Type Questions: (a) What are hormones? Name the hormone produced in adrenal gland. (b) Explain puberty, Long Answer Type Questions: (a) How is the sex of a child determined? (b) What is the endocrine system? Name the two hormones which influence sexual behaviour in humans. eg Tagether with? Practice Worksheet 11. Force and Pressure ‘Nain Class See. Roll Number (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (d) (eg 1. Fill in the blanks: A is used when we twist a wet cloth to squeeze out water. The force by the earth on a body is always in the direction. 1 kilogram force is equal to newtons. A can act on an object with or without being in contact with it, 2. Multiple Choice Questions: A stone thrown with a catapult (Gule/) falls back on the ground because (i) The muscles apply a force (ii) The stone applies a force (iii) The Earth exerts a force (iv) The catapult exerts a force Under which condition can a moving object change its direction? (i) By reducing friction (ii) By increasing friction (iii) By applying force (iv) By not applying force In desert areas, a camel can walk very easily as compared to a horse because it has (i) lesser weight (ii) smaller feet (iii) broader feet (iv) heavier body When a given force is applied on larger area of contact the pressure exerted by it (i) increases (ii) decreases (iii) does not change (iv) none of these @ 3. Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) Force always has a particular direction. (b) Friction is always harmful. State Right or Wrong: (a) When you stand on a foam mattress it depresses more than when you lie flat on it, because the area remains the same but thrust changes. (b) The air pressure is exerted in all directions. Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Write two effects of force. (b) Give one example of an elastic force. (c) How is it possible to suck up lemon soda through a straw? Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Define: (i) Contact force (ii) Non-contact force (b) Why are the walls of a dam thickened near the base? (c) Why does a camel easily walk in the desert? Long Answer Type Questions: (a) Give two examples of each of the following: (i) Muscular force (ii) Gravitational force (ii) Frictional force (iv) Electrostatic force (b) Give one example of each where: (i) A force moves a stationary body. (ii) A force stops a moving body. (iii) A force changes the speed of a moving body. (iv) A force changes the shape and size of a body. (c) Why divers and mountaineers have to wear special suits? Explain. @ eg (eg Tagether with? Practice Worksheet 12. Friction ‘Name Class Sec. Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) The force which opposes the motion of a body is (b) Friction is more on a surface than on a surface. (c) In a tug-of-war match, there is friction between the rope and the and also between the ground and the (d) Lubricants friction between the rubbing surfaces. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) The force of friction between two bodies is: (i) parallel to the contact surface. (ii) perpendicular to the contact surface. (iii) inclined at 30° to the contact surface. (iv) inclined at 60° to the contact surface. (b) A coin pushed on a table stops because: (i) no force acts on it. (ii) it is very heavy. (iii) the table exerts a frictional force on it. (iv) the Earth attracts it. (c) Wheels make movement easier because: (i) they can roll and reduce frictional force. (ii) they can be oiled. (iii) the surface touching the floor is very large. (iv) none of the above, (d) A ball rolling on the floor stops due to: (i) gravitational force (ii) magnetic force (iii) muscular force (iv) frictional force (e) A matchstick catches fire when struck against the side of the matchbox because (i) of the chemicals. (ii) of rolling friction (iii) friction produces a spark and the chemicals catch fire. (iv) none of the above. & Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) Wheels reduce the friction between a moving body and the ground. (b) Powder applied to a carrom board increases friction. State Right or Wrong: (a) Friction acting on a moving body always acts in the direction of motion of the body. (b) Friction of air makes the meteors burn. Match the following: Column I Column IT (a) Sparks are produced when a pair (i) To make them rough of scissors is sharpened against and increase friction. a grinding wheel. (b) A piece of chalk wears out as it (ii) Friction produces heat. is used on a blackboard. (c) Trolleys have wheels (iii) Tt acts as a lubricant. (d) The leather soles of new shoes (iv) Friction causes wear are rubbed on a rough surface. and tear. (e) A surgeon powders his hands (v) Rolling reduces friction. before pulling on his plastic gloves. Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Write two properties of friction. (b) Why are aeroplanes and ships bodies streamlined? (c) Why are old and smooth tyres discarded? Short Answer Type Questions: (a) What happens when you try to walk on a smooth well-polished floor wearing brand new shoes? (b) Why do vehicle tyres have treads (grooves) on them? (c) Why do painters use sandpapers in white washing the walls and in polishing doors? Long Answer Type Questions: (a) How does friction help in (i) walking and (ii) writing? Explain. (b) Show with an activity that friction due to air is much smaller than friction due to liquid. eg (eg Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet 13. Sound Name Class See. Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) Sound requires a to travel. (b) The SI unit of frequency is (c) Sound travels fastest in (d) The loudness of sound is measured in . (e) The frequency determines the of a sound, 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) The ultrasound equipment works at a frequency (i) less than 20 Hz (ii) Higher than 20,000 Hz (iii) Between 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (iv) None of these (b) If an object oscillates times in one second then its frequency is 20 Hz. (i) s (ii) 10 (ili) 20 (iv) a (c) The amplitude of the sound wave decides its (i) Speed (ii) Pitch (iii) Loudness (iv) Source (d) The number of oscillations per second is called (i) Time period (ii) Amplitude (ili) Pitch (iv) Frequency 3. Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) (b) We can hear all the vibrations made by different bodies. Sound has two important properties—loudness and frequency. & 5 State Right or Wrong: (a) Asound with large amplitude is louder than one with small amplitude. (b) The amplitude determines the shrillness of a sound Match the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Column I High pitch sound Number of vibrations produced by a vibrating particle in one second Flute Time in which vibrating particle completes one vibration Maximum displacement of a vibrating particle from its mean position Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) What is noise pollution? (i) (ii) (ii) (wv) wv) Column It Frequency Amplitude Time period Air column High frequency (b) Write the audible range of sound of a human ear (c) Name any two musical instruments. Short Answer Type Questions: In what different ways can sound be produced? Name any two musical instruments and their vibrating part that (a) (b) (c) produce sound. If you shout on the moon, will the sound travel faster or slower than on the earth? Why? Long Answer Type Questions: What is musical sound? Name any two instruments/devices that produce musical sound. Is the sound produced by horns of buses (a) (b) (c) and trucks musical sound? Describe an experiment to show that sound cannot travel through vacuum. What are the hazards of noise pollution? & eg x Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet| 14. Chemical Effects of Electric Current Name Class See. Roll Number 1, Fill in the blanks: (a) An electric current can pass through some liquids called (b) Most liquids that conduct electricity are solutions of _____, and : (c) When electricity is passed through a liquid, it causes a change. This effect is called the chemical effect of (d) The full form of LED is 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) A battery is used to (i) Convert chemical current into electric current (ii) Maintain a potential difference (iii) Measure the current (iv) Measure the temperature (b) Current is the flow of (i) Atoms (ii) Protons (iii) Neutrons (iv) Charges (c) A positively charged ion is called (i) Atoms (ii) Neutral ion (iii) Anion (iv) Cation (d) Depositing a layer of any desired metal on another material by means of electricity is called (i) conducting (ii) insulating (iii) electroplating (iv) None of these & (e) Tin cans, used for storing food, are made by electroplating (i) Iron over tin (ii) Tin over iron (iii) Tin cover copper (iv) Copper over tin Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) Pure water is a good conductor of electricity. (b) Bodies of human beings and animals are insulators of electricity. State Right or Wrong: (a) Petrol is a good conductor of electricity. (b) Copper sulphate solution is an insulator. Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Define electric current. (b) What are conductors? (c) How can we find out whether the electric current is passing or not? Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Define insulators and name two insulators. (b) What is meant by the ‘chemical effect’ of current? (c) What is liquid conductor? Give an example. (d) Tap water is a conductor whereas distilled water not. Give reason. Long Answer Type Questions: (a) What is electroplating? List two uses of electroplating giving reasons in each case. (b) Describe an experiment to show that liquids conduct electricity. @ eg (eg Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet] 15. Some Natural Phenomena ‘Name Class Sec. Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) (b) (ce) (d) (e) The body which possesses electric charge on it, is called Like charges and unlike charges was the first person to prove that clouds build up charge. The explosive sound heard after lightning is called An is a sudden shaking or trembling of the earth. 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) (b) (d) The two objects rubbed against each other (i) Will lose electrons (ii) Will gain electrons (iii) One will lose and other will gain electrons (iv) None of the above. Which of the following can be charged with static electricity? (i) Metal (ii) Alloy (iii) Insulator (iv) Semiconductor The process of transferring of charge from a charged object to the earth is called (i) discharge (ii) electrode (iii) induction (iv) earthing When a body comes in contact with a charged body, some charges from the charged body get transferred to the uncharged body. This method of charging is called charging by (i) Friction (ii) Conduction (iii) Induction (iv) Repulsion @ Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) The weak zones are known as seismic or fault zones. (b) Dissimilar charges attract each other. State Right or Wrong: (a) Positive electrification is due to the deficiency of electrons. (b) Silk gets positively charged when rubbed with glass rod. Write correct word for the following: (a) Opposite electric charges repel each other. (b) If a body has a charge similar to the charge produced on glass rod, then the body is negatively charged. (c) Lightning conductor is made from thick strip of iron metal. (d) Lightning strikes on small buildings. (e) Similar electric charges attract each other. Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Why does an inflated balloon stick to a wall after rubbing against dry hair? (b) What is an electric charge? Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Define the following: (i) Crust (ii) Mantle (b) Write two damaging effects of lightning. Long Answer Type Questions: (a) When two bodies are charged by rubbing them together they acquire equal and opposite charges. Explain. (b) What is lightning? How does lightning take place between the clouds? @ eg x Tagether with? Practice Worksheet 16. Light ‘Name Class Sec. Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: 2. (a) (b) (c) (d) (2) A object is a source of light. Resource are of two types, and aids. A plane mirror all the light falling on it. Kaleidoscope is based on the principle of . Owls eye has a large cornea and large pupil to allow more light to enter. The owl's retina has large number of and very less Multiple Choice Questions: (a) (b) (e) (d) The splitting of white light into its seven constituent colours is called (i) Refraction (ii) Dispersion (iii) Deviation (iv) Reflection The angle between the normal and reflected ray is called the angle of (i) Reflection (ii) Refraction (iii) Emergence (iv) Deviation The person suffering from has foggy eyesight. (i) diabetes (ii) hypermetropia (iii) cataract (iv) myopia is not a source of light. (i) Fire fly (ii) Tubelight (iii) The Sun (iv). The moon @ 3. 4. (e) A system for visually challenged person was developed by (i) Louis Black (ii) Louis Pasteur (iii) Louis Brane (iv) Louis Braille Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) Non-optical aids are bifocal lenses and magnifiers. (b) The two types of cells present are rods and cones. State Right or Wrong: (a) Irregularities in the reflecting surface cause diffused reflection. (b) Blind spot is located at the junction of optic nerve and the retina. Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) Define lateral inversion of light. (b) Name the colours, the order in which they appear in a light spectrum. (c) Name the main parts of a human eye. Short Answer Type Questions: (a) What are the laws of reflection? (b) Draw a labelled diagram of a human eye. (c) Mention any three activities that may cause damage to our eyes. (d) What is night blindness? How can it be cured? Long Answer Type Questions: (a) Show with a help of an activity that light travels in a straight line. (b) State four characteristics of an image formed by a plane mirror. (c) Describe a kaleidoscope and briefly explain its working mechanism. (d) Suggest methods to take proper care of the eye. @ eg (eg Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet] 17. Stars and the Solar system ‘Name Class Sec. Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) A cluster of billions of stars is called (b) Ursa major is also called (c) Galaxy to which we belong is called (d) A heavenly body that revolves around a planet is ‘eroom as. and those that revolves around a star are called Multiple Choice Questions: (a) Distance between stars are measured in (i) Metre (ii), km (iii) AU. (iv) Light year. (b) Pole star is seen when you look towards the from the Earth. (i) South (ii) North (iii) West (iv) East (c) Farthest planet of solar system at present is (i) Uranus (ii) Pluto (iii), Mercury (iv) Neptune. (d) Ursa major is (i) a star (ii) an asteroid (iii) a constellation (iv) a natural satellite of Mars Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) All planets move from West to East. (b) Orion has seven bright stars where three are in the middle forming the belt of the hunter Ss State Right or Wrong: (a) (b) All the planets of the solar system have one or more satellites. Cassiopeia is visible only during winter months. Name the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) The morning star. The red planet. The planet closest to the Sun. A Comet which is seen after every 76 years. Shooting stars. Two American astronauts who landed on moon for the first time Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) (b) (c) (d) Write the names of inner and outer planets. How many times is the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn bigger than the Earth? (i) What does INSAT stand for? (ii) Name some important satellites that has been launched recently. (i) Can we talk on the moon? (ii) Write two interesting features of Saturn. Short Answer Type Questions: (a) (6) (o) (i) Which is the smallest planet of our solar system? How many satellite(s) do(es) this planet have? (ii) Name two planets that have satellites more than two. (i) What are asteroids? (ii) Write about an unique feature of Uranus. Differentiate between a natural satellite and artificial satellite. Long Answer Type Questions: (a) (b) (o) What is the difference between meteors and meteorites? Write short notes on: (i) Supiter (ii) Moon (i) Draw a diagram showing different phases of moon. (ii) Explain briefly about it. @ eg x Tagether vith” Practice Worksheet] 18. Pollution of Air and Water Name Class See. Roll Number 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) The major components of air are and (b) Contamination of air, water and soil is called : (c) During many plants and trees are planted to make a difference in the environment. (d) was launched in 1985 to reduce the pollution levels in the river (e) Some alternative fuel instead of fossil fuel are and energy. 2. Multiple Choice Questions: (a) The following gas forms acid rain (i) Carbon dioxide (ii) Sulphur dioxide (iii) Carbon monoxide (iv) Ozone. (b) Akind of pollutant that is used in refrigerators and air conditioners is (i) Chlorofluorocarbon (ii) Carbon monoxide (iii) Methane (iv) Oxides of nitrogen. (c) Potable water is the one that is (i) Kept in a pot (ii) Fit to drink (iii) Not fit to drink (iv) Used only in laboratory, (d) Presence of dead algae serve as food for the (i) fungi (ii) snails (iii) bacteria (iv) fishes 3. Alternative Response Type: State True or False: (a) (b) CNG contains sulphur which forms sulphur dioxide upon burning. Clean fuels like natural gas do not contribute to the greenhouse effect. @ 5 State Right or Wrong: (a) (b) Quality of water is affected by the presence of bacteria in faeces of mammals. Carbon dioxide, ozone, methane and water vapour are all greenhouse gases. Match the following: (a) (b) (2) (d) Column I Column II Global warming (i) CO, Water pollution (ii) Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur Air pollution (iii), CFCs Ozone layer depletion (iv) Fertilizers, pesticides, sewage Very Short Answer Type Questions: (a) (b) (c) (d) What is sewage? What happens to the algae present in sewage water? What is the difference between clean water and portable water? Write the 3R to conserve water. How does polluted water affect us? Short Answer Type Questions: (a) (b) (9) (4) What do you mean by the air pollutants? What steps did the government take to save Taj Mahal? What does suspended particulate matter (SPM) consist of? Why and how are there present in air? Define the following: (i) Ozone hole (ii) Greenhouse effect. (i) Why have some countries banned Indoor smoking? (ii) How is carbon monoxide produced? Why is it considered harmful? Long Answer Type Questions: (a) (b) (c) Explain three ways by which (i) air gets polluted (ii) water gets polluted. Discuss the causes and effects of global warming. Name other greenhouse gases. What is Kyoto Protocol? Explain the contro! measures of air pollution. @ eg

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