Brothers, We Are Not Professionals

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Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: Father’s delight in the panorama of His own perfections reflected as

a plea to pastors for radical ministry a perfect image in His Son.

John Piper

Who is the most God-centered Person in the universe? – God is.

Is God an idolater? – No, He has no other gods before Him.
Preface What is the chief end of God? – God’s chief end is to glorify God and
Insulated Western Christianity is waking from the dreamworld that enjoy His glory forever.
being a Christian is normal or safe. More and more, true Christianity
is becoming what it was at the beginning: foolish and dangerous. (1 “[God] had respect to himself, as his last and highest end, in this
Cor. 1:23, John 16:2) work; because he is worthy in himself to be so, being infinitely the
The rise of radical Islam simply intensifies the ever-present truth: greatest and best of beings. All things else, with regard to
preaching Christ crucified ruins professional pastoral politeness and worthiness, importance, and excellence, are perfectly as nothing in
wakens us to the wreckage of relativistic pluralism. comparison of him. . . . All that is ever spoken of in Scriptures as an
ultimate end of God’s works is included in that one phrase, the glory
Professional peacemakers rush to the podium to announce the of God”
common ground of monotheism and everybody’s high regard for the - Jonathan Edwards, The End For Which God Created The
prophet Jesus. World.

God loves His glory more than He loves us and that this is the
One Sunni Muslim says, “Muslim believe that Allah saved the
foundation of His love for us.
Messiah from the ignominy of crucifixion much as Allah saved the
Seal of the Prophets from ignominy following Hijra.” And another The foundation, the means, and the goal of God’s agape for sinners
adds, “we honor him [Jesus] more than you do. . . . Do we not honor is His prior, deeper, and ultimate love for His own glory. Therefore,
him moer than you do when we refuse to believe that god would brothers, tell your people the great ground of the gospel: God loves
permit him to suffer death on the cross? Rather, we believe God His glory!
took him to heaven.”
Chapter 3: Brothers, God is Love
The issue is not whether Islam is monotheistic. The issue is not
whether the Islam tries to honor Jesus. The issue is: Does Islam or Spiritual leadership – knowing where God wants people to be and
any other faith besides Christianity – cherish the crucifixion of the taking the initiative to get them there by God’s means in reliance to
God-Man, Jesus Christ, as the only ground of our acceptance with God’s power.
God wants people to be where He is going – God loves His glory and
Beware of replacing real truth-based tolerance with spurious He aims to magnify His glory in all He does.
professional tolerance. Once upon a time tolerance was the power
that kept lovers of competing faiths from killing each other. It was Goal of Spiritual Leadership – to muster people to join God in living
the principle that put freedom above forced conversion. It was for God’s glory.
rooted in the truth that coerced conviction is no conviction. That is
Objection: God is self-centered egomaniac who seems never to act
true tolerance. But now the new professional tolerance denies that
out of love.
there are any competing faiths; they only complement each other. It
denounces not only the effort to face force conversions but also the
Holy – He is one of a kind. There is none like Him. He is in a class by
idea that any conversion may be necessary.
Himself. (Ex. 15:11; 1Sam. 2:2; Isa. 40:25; Rev. 4:8-11; Isa. 6:3; Hab.
3:3; Lev. 10:3). The holiness of God is the absolutely unique and
infinite value of His being and His majesty. To say that our God is
Chapter 1: Brothers, We Are Not Professionals holy means that His value is infinitely greater than the sum of the
value of all created things.
The more professional we long to be, the more spiritual death we
will leave in our wake. For there is no professional childlikeness Righteousness – He has a right assessment of His own ultimate
(Matt. 18:3); there is no professional tender heartedness (Eph. 4:32); value. He has a just regard for his own infinite worth, and He brings
there is no professional panting after God (Ps. 42:1) all His actions into conformity to this right judgement of Himself.
God would be unrighteous and unreliable if He denied His
Chapter 2: Brothers, God Loves His Glory ultimate value, disregard his infinite worth, and acted as though the
preservation and display of His glory were worth anything less than
God’s first commitment is to His glory and that this is the basis for His wholehearted commitment. God acts in righteousness when He
ours. God does everything for His glory, and that is why we should. acts for His own name’s sake. For it would not be right for God to
The role of the Holy Spirit is to burn in me what He has been burning esteem anything above the infinite glory of His own name. (Ps.
with for all eternity: God’s love for God. Or more precisely, God the
143:11; 31:1,3; Dan. 9:16-17) For God to be righteous, He must
devote Himself 100 percent, with all His heart, soul, and strength, to
loving and honouring His own holiness in the display of His glory.

Love – does not contrary to His holiness and righteousness but is

demanded. His holiness is the absolute uniqueness and ultimate
value of His glory. His righteousness is His unswerving commitment
always to honor and display that glory. And His all-sufficient glory is
honoured and displayed most by His working for us rather than our
working for Him. And this is love.

Test: “Do you feel most loved by God because He makes much of
you, or because He frees you to enjoy making much of Him

God is loved because He is infinitely valuable (His holiness) and is

committed to displaying that value for our everlasting enjoyment
(His righteousness). God is the one being in all the world for whom
the most loving act is self-exaltation. For it is He and He alone who
will satisfy our hearts.

There is no absolute interpretation for the absolute truth - R.A.

Torrey, Evangelist

2 Law
Law of Morality – Exodus
Law of Grace – Leviticus

God sends the Picture before He sends the Person

Shemah: hear O Israel the Lord is God, the Lord is One.

Western dichotomized things.

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