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<title>Types of Viruses</title>

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<h1><center><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Goudy Stout">Types of


<h2><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great Vibes">What is a


<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">A computer VIRUS(VITAL INFORMATION

RESOURCES UNDER SEIGE) is a program or a code designed specifically to interfere
with the normal functioning of a computer. It acts as a type of malicious software
or malware, which may cause harmful effects. It spreads from one computer to
another through email attachments, portable devices, file downloads, or malicious
scripts introduced by a website. It attaches itself to a number of host files or
processes and is triggered as per its design. A computer virus then proceeds to
harm a computer.</Font></p>


<h3><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great Vibes">Types of



<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">On the basis of infection and mode of
operation, Computer viruses are classified as:
<ul type="disc">
<li>Macro Viruses</li>
<li>Memory Resident Viruses</li>
<li>File Infector Viruses</li>
<li>Direct Action Viruses</li>
<li>Boot Infector Viruses</li>
<li>Directory Viruses</li>
<li>Email Viruses</li>
<li>Multipartite Viruses</li></font></p>


<h4><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great Vibes">Macro Virus


<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">A virus written in macro language as

used in the software program and infects files created in Word, Access, Powerpoint
and Excel.</font></p>

<h5><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great Vibes">Memory Resident

<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">A virus which saves itself in the
memory of the computer and then infects other files and programs because it is
hidden in the memory and is hard to be removed from the system.</font></p>

<h6><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great Vibes">File Infector


<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">This virus first infects a single file
and then later spreads itself to other executable files and programs. The main
source of this virus are games and word processors.</font></p>

<h7><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great Vibes">Direct Action


<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">When a virus attaches itself directly

to a .exe or .com file and enters the device while its execution is called a Direct
Action Virus.</font></p>

<h8><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great Vibes">Boot Infector


<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">It is a type of virus that infects the
boot sector of floppy disks or the Master Boot Record (MBR) of hard disks. The Boot
sector comprises all the files which are required to start the Operating system of
the computer.</font></p>

<h9><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great Vibes">Directory


<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">Directory Virus (also known as Cluster

virus) infects the file by changing the DOS directory information. In this case,
DOS points to the virus code rather than pointing to the original

<h10><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great Vibes">Email


<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">An email virus is a virus that is sent
with or attached to email communications. It hijacks a user's email account to
replicate itself. It hides in an email, and activates when the email is

<h11><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great Vibes">Multipartite


<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">A virus which can attack both, the
boot sector and the executable files of an already infected computer is called a
multipartite virus. The action of this virus differs with its previous attack based
on the <b>Operating System.</b></font></p>


<h12><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great Vibes">Solutions for

these virtual threats.</font></h12>

<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">The most suitable way of making your
computer virus-free is by installing an Anti-virus software. Such software help in
removing the viruses from the device and can be installed in a computer.</font></p>

<h13><font size="7"><font color="white"><font face="Great


<p><font size="5"><font face="Comic Sans MS">An anti-virus is a software which

comprises programs or set of programs which can detect and remove all the harmful
and malicious software from your device. This anti-virus software is designed in a
manner that they can search through the files in a computer and determine the files
which are heavy or mildly infected by a virus.

Given below is a list of few of the major antivirus software which is most commonly
<ul type="disc">
<li>Norton Antivirus</li>
<li>Kaspersky Antivirus</li>
<li>AVAST Antivirus</li>
<li>McAfee Antivirus</li> </font></p>

<marquee behavior=Slide bgcolor=light green height=20% width=80%>Different Types of


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