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Diff b/w ADO.NET & Entity Framework

ADO.NET provides better performance as it is directly connected to the data
which makes the processing faster than Entity Framework as it translates LINQ
queries to SQL first then process the query.
Ef gives better maintainability compared to
2. Data types in Javascript
 Number
 String
 Boolean
 Undefined
 Null
 Object
 Symbol

3. Which is faster ADO.Net or Entity Framework?

 ADO.NET provides better performance as it is directly connected to the data
 which makes the processing faster than Entity Framework 4. Value type &
Reference type in c#
5. Diff b/w Linq to SQL & Entity Framework?
6. View state & Session state?
View state
View State Is A Client Side State managment Technic
Which Is Used To Preserve The Data B/W Every Postback
It stores the data in the form hidden field
View State disadvantages:
 The performance overhead for the page is larger data stored in the view
 Stored as encoded and not very safe to use with sensitive information.
 Sessiion Is A Server Side Statemanagement Technic
 Used To Hold The User Specific Information
 Session Stores The Data In Server In The Form Of Object
 Session Data Is Secure

7. What is MVC?

Model view conreoller

Modle contains the datta in the form class
View displays the data(.cshtml)
Controller act like as bridge between model and view controller interacts with model
and gets the data and passed to view for displayeing purpose
8. Which supports one to one mapping & one to many mapping? Linq to SQL or
Entity Framework?
Entity Framework LIN
Allows one-to-one, one-to-many & many-to-many mappings It a
Generates an .edmx files initially and relation is maintained using 3 different files .csdl, .msl and It g
.ssdl rel
Works with various databases like Oracle, DB2, MYSQL, SQL Server, etc. It c
Supports Code-first, Model-first, Storage-first approaches Su
Supports the complex type. It d
Supports TPH (Table Per Hierarchy), TPT (Table Per Type) TPC (Table Per Concrete Class) Su
Allows you to query data using EntitySQL, ObjectContext, DbContext. It a

9. Joins in SQL Query

There're 4 types of Join in SQL Server, they are:
1. Inner Join
2. Outer Join
i. Left Outer Join
ii. Right Outer Join
iii. Full Outer Join
3. Cross Join
4. Self Join

10. MVC Controller & WebAPI controllers?

  An API controller is derived from the API Controller
 Mvc is derived from controller class
  An API controller can not return view instead of they return serialized data
 MVC controller can return a view.

11. Uses of Stored Proc?

 Reusability
 Performance
 Easy to maintain
 Security:we can prevent sql injection attacks using procs
12. Interfaces & Abstarct Class
13. Can we have a try block without catch block? If yes, how?
Using try finally
We have a try block using catch or finally
14. What is Eager & Lazy loading in Entity Framework?
Ondemand loading is called lazy loading
where a child entity is loaded only when it is accessed for the first time. It simply
delays the loading of the related data,
Eager Loading helps you to load all the needed entities at once
Using include keyword we can send multiple db calss at once
User usr = dbContext.Users.Include(a => a.UserDetails).FirstOrDefaul
t(a => a.UserId == userId);

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