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JOM, Vol. 73, No.

12, 2021
 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society


Additive Manufacturing of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy

for Biomedical Applications: Review of the LPBF Process



1.—Department of MIME, University of Toledo, Toledo, USA. 2.—e-mail:

NiTi shape memory alloys (SMAs) are used in a broad range of biomedical
applications because of their unique properties including biocompatibility and
high corrosion and wear resistance as well as functional properties such as
superelasticity and the shape memory effect. The combination of SMAs and
additive manufacturing can lead to revolutionary changes to the uses of SMAs
in the biomedical industry. This article discusses the potential biomedical
applications of NiTi that benefit from the AM process. We share the lessons
learned in processing NiTi alloys with a focus on the laser powder bed fusion
(LPBF) technique. The manufacturability, build quality, stable phases and
transformation temperatures, microstructure, thermomechanical properties,
microstructure tailoring, and functional properties of NiTi alloys produced via
AM processing are reviewed. Current challenges such as expanding the pro-
cess window, controlling the chemistry, and the performance and property
responses are discussed, and potential opportunities including alloy design are

To provide the ability to enhance the character-

istics and applicability of SMAs, one of the main
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are notably differ- challenges is their effective fabrication. Casting is
ent from traditional alloys due to unique features the most common method applied, followed by post-
such as their superelasticity, shape memory effect, machining to obtain the final part. The formation of
elastocaloric effect, and biocompatibility.This com- unwanted secondary phases such Ni3Ti, Ti2Ni
bination of characteristics along with their good (Ti4Ni2Ox), and TiC due to segregation and impurity
mechanical properties such as high corrosion resis- pickup is a challenge with this method that can
tance,1 good damping properties,2–5 low stiffness,6,7 degrade the functionality of the material.11–13 More-
and excellent strength and ductility (tensile elon- over, the high wear-tool and temperature sensitivity
gation > 30%8,9) make these materials useful for a of NiTi make them very challenging alloys to
vast range of applications. These characteristics machine. Although the conventional powder-metal-
have enabled the integration of these materials in lurgy technique can address some of these casting
many biomedical applications such as stents, sen- challenges, it cannot form parts with complex
sors, orthodontic arch-wires, eyeglass frames, and shapes.14–17 However, additive manufacturing
miniature grippers. 10 (AM) technologies have been shown great capability
to fabricate SMA materials due to their high
flexibility and freeform capability, opening opportu-
nities to eliminate or minimize the processing
(Received July 1, 2021; accepted September 21, 2021; problems facedwhen using conventional
published online October 26, 2021) approaches.18–20

3772 K. Safaei et al.

METALLURGY AND BIOCOMPATIBILITY cytotoxicity. Due to the formation of a natural Ti

OF NITI SMAS oxide layer on their surface, NiTi alloys exhibit
excellent corrosion resistance comparable to that of
The shape memory effect and superelasticity are Ti and Ti-6Al-4V alloys. This oxide layer, which can
the two fundamental features of SMAs. Briefly, the
be thickened via passivation procedures, acts as a
(one-way) shape memory effect is a phenomenon
protective layer that prevents toxic and allergic
through which a mechanically deformed material reactions such as Ni-ion release.24 It has been
returns to its original shape after heating, whereas
shown that laser irradiation can increase the oxide
superelasticity is the phenomenon by which the
layer on the surface of the NiTi alloys and improve
unloaded material recovers after considerable
the corrosion resistance.25,26
amounts of inelastic deformation. These effects
result from a reversible microstructure ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING OF NITI SMA
NiTi alloys have three temperature-dependent Additive manufacturing (AM) is a technique to
phases: austenite, martensite, and R-phases.21 build three-dimensional (3D) parts by consolidating
Austenite is a hard, strong, high-temperature phase materials by melting and joining layers of material
with B2 cubic crystal structure, being considered to on top of each other using a high-power energy
be the parent phase. The ordered B2 structure has a source. The AM (also known as 3D printing) method
body-centered cubic (BCC)-type unit cell built from opens the opportunity to fabricate a wide range of
two interpenetrating cubic sublattices. These unit structures and complex geometries from a com-
cells represent the smallest portion of a crystal puter-aided design (CAD) model with less waste,
lattice, repeating to form the entire crystal struc- freedom of design, and at the same time high control
ture (or phase). The B2 structure can be determined over the build process by adopting a computer-
by a 50:50 atomic distribution.22 Martensite is controlled approach.10
ductile, soft, low-temperature or daughter phase Several AM methods have been developed to
with monoclinic B19¢ structure. The B19¢ structure manufacture various structures with fine desired
is basically a transformation of B2 into B19 in the quality. The main AM approaches that can be
first step, then monoclinic martensite is derived by considered to process NiTi SMAs are laser powder
applying shearing forces on B19.23 bed fusion (LPBF), electron beam powder bed fusion
As shown in Fig. 1 and starting with the austenite (EPBF), wire-arc additive manufacturing (WAAM),
phase (Fig. 1a) followed by high-temperature trans- ultrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM), and
formation to the martensitic phase after cooling directed energy deposition (DED).10 The LPBF
(Figs. 11, 2), the particular feature of SMA material process is an attractive AM technology for metallic
is its ability to accommodate strain in such a as way components with complex structures that require a
to create a twinned martensite structure (Fig. 1b). higher feature resolution as well as a better-quality
Then, in the case of external mechanical load, the surface finish.28 For this reason, our research group
twinned martensitic microstructure deforms has mainly focused on LPBF of SMAs over the past
through reorientation and detwinning of the lattice 10 years.
structure (Fig. 1c), which leads to macroscopic The LPBF process usually starts with the depo-
material deformation (Fig. 1, 2, 3). At this point, if sition of a thin layer of powder onto a substrate from
the martensitic structure (twinned or detwinned) is a powder container. This layer, typically 20 lm to 75
subjected to subsequent thermal flux, the low- lm thick, is then heated and melted by scanning a
symmetry martensitic microstructure transforms laser beam. As soon as the first layer is scanned, the
again into the well-ordered, high-symmetry austen- platform moves downward along the z-axis by the
ite form (Fig. 1d, 3, 4). Such a transformation occurs thickness of a single layer to allow the despoition of
with microscopic deformation, leading the material a new layer of powder. The laser beam then
to return to its original shape. In the superelasticity continues to melt the new powder layer selectively,
effect, starting again at high-temperature, high- and this process is repeated until the last layer has
symmetry, well-ordered austenite phase (Fig. 1e), been processed. The entire process is controlled by a
the material turns into the lower-symmetry marten- chamber purged with inert gas (typically argon) to
sitic (Fig. 1F) phase by the application of external prevent oxidation during manufacturing.29–32 The
load (Fig. 1, 5, 6). This transformation occurs in a laser power (P), scanning speed (V), hatch spacing
temperature range in which the martensitic phase (H), and layer thickness (L) are the main effective
is unstable without loading, thus the phase turns process parameters. The volumetric energy density
back to the original austenitic form upon unloading, 
(VED) and linear energy density can be defined as
in turn reversing the deformation (Fig. 1, 6, 7). VED ¼ P=ðVHLÞ mm 3

Biocompatibility is another main characteristic of representing the amount of energy interacting

SMA material. The biocompatibility of NiTi alloys with the material. This parameter is key to the
has been widely investigated in three different control of defects and the microstructure of the
regards: corrosion resistance, Ni-ion release, and processed alloys. The LPBF process has received
Additive Manufacturing of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy for Biomedical Applications: Review of 3773
the LPBF Process Ecosystem

Fig. 1. (a) Shape memory effect and (b) superelasticity demonstration. Stress–temperature graphs showing the stress and temperature state of
the material at each state; Steps 1–4 show a complete shape memory cycle: (1) NiTi wire in original shape, (2) deformed NiTi wire after loading/
unloading, (3) heating the deformed NiTi wire and reforming the initial shape, (4) NiTi wire returned to its original shape. Steps 5–7 show a
complete superelastic cycle: (5) NiTi stent in the original shape, (6) deformed stent after loading, (7) Stent turned back to the original shape after
unloading. (A, E, G) Austenite microstructure, (B, D) twinned martensite microstructure, (C, F) detwinned martensite (Adapted from Refs. 14,27).

Fig. 2. Demonstration of design process of patient-specific, stiffness-modulated bone implants (adapted from Refs. 40,41).

increasing attention for the fabrication of intricate parts with little to no postprocessing by providing a
NiTi parts in comparison with other techniques. AM vast number of controllable parameters to tailor the
offers flexible processing to achieve near-net-shape final properties of the material.31,33
3774 K. Safaei et al.

Fig. 3. (a) Schematic process parameter map showing regions with different defects as well as an acceptable region with no major defects. (b)
Effect of input energy density on density of NiTi fabricated by LPBF (reprinted with permission from Ref. 67).

Fig. 4. Crack formation in LPBF: (a) Ni-rich NiTi, (b) Ti-rich, and (c) Ni-rich NiTiHf (reprinted with permission from Refs. 31,63,70)

BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS OF AM NITI desired location to provide additional support to the

artery/vein. The main challenges in fabricating self-
One of the major and most important applications
expanding NiTi stents are achieving the fine geom-
of conventionally fabricated NiTi is to form self-
etry of the parts as well as high superelasticity at
expanding stents that enable transcatheter and
body temperature. The successful use of additive
minimally invasive solutions. Most cardiovascular
manufacturing facilitates the product development
stents have a mesh structure and provide the
procedure and enables the fabrication of patient-
overall geometry of an artery or vein (similar to a specific solutions. In addition, it has the capacity to
thin, hollow tube). Thanks to their superelastic
reduce the required postprocessing, including heat
property, NiTi self-expanding stents can be com-
treatment, by controlling numerous factors includ-
pressed to fit through a small catheter. Using a ing build and process parameters to tailor the
minimally invasive procedure, a physician can
quality, microstructure, and properties of the as-
insert the catheter into a defective blood vessel,
built component (see ‘‘Microstructure Section’’). In
then the embedded NiTi stent expands at the exact comparison with stents manufactured by laser
Additive Manufacturing of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy for Biomedical Applications: Review of 3775
the LPBF Process Ecosystem

Fig. 5. (a) Parts fabricated using various laser powers and scan speeds; the results suggest that region B contains suitable combinations of P
and V to fabricate macrosize defect-free parts, while choosing P and V values in regions A and C may result in failure and defects (reprinted with
permission from Ref. 71). (b) It has been shown that EL (= power/scan speed) is a more suitable parameter compared with Ev to assess the
likelihood of successful fabrication. EL values above 0.5 J/mm have been shown to result in successful printing (reprinted with permission from
Ref. 63).

Fig. 6. Schematics of melt-pool morphology and possible defects (a) without and (b) with remelting (reprinted with permission from Ref. 75)

cutting a solid tube, additive manufacturing can geometries such as lattice structures and parts that
reduce the material waste and increase the produc- include engineered porosity. In addition to biocom-
tion speed. Recently, two groups reported successful patibility, scaffolds must be capable of letting cells
proofs of concept of the use of additive manufactur- migrate and attach to surfaces. This lowers the risk
ing for the fabrication of self-expanding NiTi of an immune system response and minimizes the
stents.34,35 risk of inflammation or infection. AM-fabricated
Besides cardiovascular stents, researchers have NiTi has shown promising results in terms of bone
also explored the possibility of using AM-fabricated ingrowth and cell adhesion.36,37
NiTi for orthopedic implants, including artificial The mechanical properties of scaffolds are
bone grafts (also called bone grafts or scaffolds) and another important characteristic that should be
bone fixation plates. Unlike cardiovascular stents, designed in such a way as to prevent or reduce
bone fixation plates and bone grafts are not con- stress shielding. Stress shielding implies the
ventionally made of NiTi, mainly because of the removal of the typical stress applied to bone tissue
limitations of conventional fabrication techniques as required by bone remodeling theory (also called
when using this alloy. Additive manufacturing Wolff’s law), leading to a reduction in bone density
eliminates these limitations and enables the fabri- (osteopenia) or bone resorption. It has been shown
cation of these components as well as more complex that the use of high-stiffness implants may lead to
3776 K. Safaei et al.

Fig. 7. (a) Process of grain growth during LPBF, starting from a single melt pool in which grains grow toward the maximum temperature and that
are overgrown epitaxially in the build direction as subsequent layers are built up (reprinted with permission from Ref. 80). (b) A zigzag columnar
grain of LPBF NiTi passes several layers in the LPBF process (reprinted with permission from Ref. 78). (c) Fine grains with no preferred
orientation formed at the outer surface of an NiTi part due to the high cooling rate in this region (reprinted with permission from Ref. 79). (d)
Presence of fine equiaxed grains at the melt-pool boundary having a high cooling rate (reprinted with permission from Ref. 80)

stress shielding and bone resorption.38 The combi- annealing can be applied for further modulation of
nation of the unique properties of NiTi (superelas- the mechanical properties. Finally, chemical and
ticity, low stiffness, high corrosion resistance, and electrochemical methods can be used to remove
biocompatibility) and the manufacturing flexibility unmelted powder particles fused to unreachable
of AM methods (the possibility to manufacture parts internal surfaces of porous sections.41 Figure 2
with engineered porosity) allows the introduction of summarizes a demonstration of the design process
bone implants with modulated stiffness to mimic of patient-specific, stiffness-modulated bone
bone behavior and minimize this stress shielding implants.
effect. In addition to modulating the stiffness, As NiTi medical devices are susceptible to corro-
scaffolds with interconnected pore structures allow sion after implantation in vivo, corrosion resistance
adequate diffusion of nutrients to cells and the and biocompatibility optimization and testing are
growth of tissue and blood vessels. The possibility of obligatory to both enhance and evaluate the long-
fabricating NiTi structures with interconnected term performance of the material. Nickel has been
engineered porosity that can be used in bioscaffolds shown to cause metal ion toxicity, kidney failure,
has been investigated in several studies.39–41 and pseudotumors,42 and there is no known safe
Like artificial bone grafts (scaffolds), reconstruc- threshold to prevent a hypersensitivity response.
tion bone fixation plates used for immobilizing two While corrosion is related to biocompatibility assess-
pieces of bone can also lead to stress shielding and ment,43 they are not identical. Hemocompatibility is
bone resorption. It has been shown that NiTi bone the detection and evaluation of the thrombus
fixation plates with a modulated level of stiffness response caused by a foreign organ or foreign
can be designed and fabricated using AM.40 The material (e.g., NiTi) that comes into contact with
required level of stiffness is calculated using med- blood. Considering NiTi-based biomaterials, sodium
ical images (e.g., computed tomography scan data) citrate and heparin are widely used as anticoagu-
and finite element (FE) simulations, and the stiff- lants.44 The lysis and thrombogenicity test is
ness modulation is achieved by defining the applied to check the tendency for clot formation
required level and type of porosity in the digital due to an implanted NiTi material when exposed to
(e.g., CAD) file describing the bone fixation plate. blood.45 Cytotoxicity testing using the methyl thia-
Additive manufacturing is then used to fabricate zol tetrazolium (MTT) assay is a quantitative chem-
the parts. Following fabrication, aging and solution ical analysis to measure the metabolic activity of
Additive Manufacturing of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy for Biomedical Applications: Review of 3777
the LPBF Process Ecosystem

cells in response to an implanted material.46 For However, not all parameter settings result in a
corrosion resistance, potentiodynamic testing in continuous laser track; For example, discontinuous
Ringer’s solution,47 ASTM F21296 ‘‘Standard Test tracks may be observed at low laser power and high
Method for Conducting Cyclic Potentiodynamic scan speed, while very low scan speed results in
Polarization Measurements to Determine the Cor- wavy structures, thus defining two process param-
rosion Susceptibility of Small Implant Devices’’,48 eter windows that are suitable for further consider-
and ASTM standard G5-14’’ Standard Reference ation.16 Figure 3a shows an example process map
Test Method for Making Potentiodynamic Anodic where only the process parameter settings in a
Polarization Measurements’’ are performed for NiTi narrow window may result in macrodefect-free
material.49 parts. Further investigation of the manufacture of
A major current line of research is to optimize the dense parts from loose powder by LPBF has shown
fabrication and surface finish of NiTi material to that there is a minimum required input energy. As
achieve higher corrosion resistance and biocompat- shown in Figure 3b, as the energy density increases,
ibility. This area has been less well studied due to pore formation due to the lack-of-fusion mechanism
the complex thermomechanical processes that NiTi decreases, but a further increase enhances the
alloys undergo, the high cost of postprocessing, and chance of spherical porosity formation. The decrease
the assumption that optimization of other NiTi at very high energy densities can be attributed to
properties was more crucial.47,48 Several works the formation of keyholing porosity.53 Keyholing in
have studied the effect of pulsed laser parameters, AM of NiTi alloys has not yet been investigated, but
in particular the laser power, pulse frequency, laser the interested reader is encouraged to consult Refs.
irradiation density, and laser surface area, on the 53–58 for details on the formation of this type of
biocompatibility and corrosion resistance of porosity. Very high and low energy densities can
NiTi.48,49 As LPBF uses a laser to treat the mate- result in porosity, thus intermediate energy density
rial, it opens the opportunity to tailor the afore- levels are recommended for AM of dense parts from
mentioned properties by selecting appropriate many alloys, including NiTi alloys.59–64 Note also
process parameters.36,50 that, although a minimum energy is required to
achieve dense, defect-free parts, there is discrep-
MANUFACTURABILITY ancy in the literature regarding the value of this
AND MICROSTRUCTURE DEFECTS energy.16,63,65 A first possible reason for this may be
OF AM-FABIRCATED NITI differences among different research papers. More
importantly, the energy density has been shown to
In general, the LPBF AM process offers design
be not a suitable parameter to assess the printabil-
flexibility, albeit it suffers from the potential to form
ity of metallic parts since experiments showed
unintended local anomalies that may be severe
single tracks with a fixed energy density, but
enough to be deemed unacceptable (defects).51
different sets of process parameters resulted in
These general irregularities are significantly
different characteristics.63 Such limitations on the
related to material chemistry and can mainly be
energy density have also been reported for other
categorized into four types: solidification, homoge-
nization, environmental, and solid-state phenom-
ena.51 These may occur within each deposited bead,
or intermittently based on process variations or DELAMINATION AND MICROCRACKS
other external factors. The formation of defects such Stresses that build up during the LPBF process
as porosity, cracking, and delamination is a common can cause defects. When the stress exceeds the
issue among different SMA alloy systems fabricated ultimate yield strength of the material, cracking
by AM. occurs. The high temperature gradient and high
cooling rate during the LPBF process are the major
POROSITY factors resulting in residual stress and cracks.
Pores with irregular or spherical shape are two Besides interlayer residual stresses, the elongated
common types that are formed in LPBF-processed nonsymmetric shape of the melt pool also induces
parts. The lack of sufficient energy to fuse the an inhomogeneous thermal gradient and shrinkage
powder is the main reason for irregular pore along the melt track, leading to local residual
formation, also known as lack-of-fusion porosity. stresses.68 Reducing the scanned area in each layer
Basically, single laser beads or tracks vary when by orientating the part and using a shorter scan
changing the laser parameters, mainly the power vector by implementing an island scanning strategy
and scan speed. Each track has a width and depth, can reduce such residual stresses and cracking.69
which should be greater than the hatch spacing and However, no studies have been carried out yet on
layer thickness, respectively, to achieve dense parts the effect of the scanning strategy on the printabil-
and minimize pores. It has been shown that higher ity of NiTi alloys. Another source of cracking is
laser power and lower scan speed result in larger insufficient bonding between subsequent layers,
melt pools, so the hatch space should be considered which results in delamination. Figure 4 shows crack
accordingly to achieve a macropore-free structure.52 formation during LPBF of NiTi-based alloys.
3778 K. Safaei et al.

Experimental process optimization has shown surface modification techniques. However, all of
that the power and scan speed are the dominant these technologies increase the manufacturing cost
factors affecting the susceptibility of parts to crack- and time. The surface roughness can also be tailored
ing, and certain combinations of process parameters by controlling the process and build parameters.74
can result in crack-free samples while processing In the processing map, as the process parameters
outside these regions will produce parts with macro- approach the keyholing boundary and move far
or microcracks. As shown from Fig. 5a, both high away from the balling effect, there is a higher
laser power with lower scan speed and low laser chance of forming a smoother surface, but the
power with high scan speed are unsuitable regions chance of keyholing is increased. Moreover, utilizing
for manufacturing NiTi by the LPBF process. In appropriate build parameters such as the scanning
other words, region A does not supply enough strategy remarkably affects the surface roughness.
energy for material bonding and parts cannot be For instance, having a contour with optimized
fabricated, whereas in region C the chance of parameters can improve the surface quality. In
cracking is too high. Figure 5b shows that the hatch addition, the build orientation of the sample is a key
spacing is not a significant factor affecting the factor, specifically when making channels, because
manufacturability of NiTi alloys and cracking may of the staircase effect. Besides controlling the
still occur for any value of H. More importantly, the process parameters, selective laser remelting
linear energy density (EL), defined as the ratio of the (SLRM) is a novel approach that can be used in
power to the scan speed, is found to be an informa- the LPBF process to smoothen upfacing surfaces.75
tive design parameter to assess the manufactura- Remelting is also a useful technique for increasing
bility of defect-free NiTi parts by the LPBF process. the density and reducing the porosity (Fig. 6).
As shown in Fig. 5 (b), EL values above 0.5 J/mm are
suggested to produce defect-free parts while the use MICROSTRUCTURE OF NITI ALLOY
of EL values below 0.4 J/mm increases the likelihood PROCESSED BY LPBF: GRAIN
of defects. In the range of 0.4< EL< 0.5, there is the MORPHOLOGY, TEXTURE,
risks of defect formation, as explained above. AND PRECIPITATION
Due to the high thermal gradient in the build
direction, epitaxial grain growth in this direction is
Balling is another common defect during LPBF of the typical solidification mechanism that occurs in
metals. The use of a nonoptimal process parameter LPBF additively manufactured parts. The solidifi-
combination, especially high laser power and scan cation process starts from a single molten pool. As
speed, can result in melt-pool instabilities and thus shown in Fig. 7a, the elongated grains grow per-
the balling effect in which the liquid scan track pendicular to the semicircular melt-pool boundary
breaks up and produces spherically shape particles. and toward the centerline of the melt pool, which is
In another type of balling effect, a low laser input, the hottest point76 When processing of a whole part,
for example, due to low laser power, results in each point in the part experiences several remelting
insufficient liquid and poor wetting, thus causing processes during the process because of the neigh-
discontinuous scan tracks.72 Poor surface rough- boring tracks and subsequent layers. This repetitive
ness, porosity, and delamination can occur as a remelting overgrows the elongated grains in the
result of the balling effect.73 While little has been build direction with the highest temperature gradi-
reported on the balling effect during LPBF of NiTi, ent.77 The columnar grains may cross several layers
Xue et al. presented a framework for the printability and reach hundreds of microns in length.78 Chang-
of NiTi alloys and defined a criterion for the balling ing the scanning strategy in each layer can lead to a
effect in the region where the length to width ratio zigzag growth pattern (Fig. 7b). Moreover, near
of the melt poolpexceeds
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2.52 In a similar study by open surfaces and the melt-pool boundaries experi-
Zhu et al., pW
> 2=3 (where W and L are the width encing higher cooling rates, equiaxed grains with no
L preferred orientation can also be found (Fig. 7c,
and length of the melt pool, respectively) was used
as the criterion for balling, and it was found that d).79,80
decreasing the hatch space can reduce the occur- Besides the grain morphology, the grain orienta-
rence of balling.72 tion is also influenced by the thermal history
resulting from the AM process. Crystals with cubic
Surface Roughness structure have an easy growth direction toward
<100>81 during solidification. Therefore, additively
Surface roughness is not categorized as a defect, manufactured NiTi-based alloys with BCC crystal
but it is an essential parameter for LPBF-fabricated structure typically have columnar grain morphology
part quality. Partially melted powder, the balling in the build direction with preferred <001> crys-
effect, spattering, and an unstable melt pool can tallographic orientation.82 However, the process
influence the surface roughness. Different sec- parameters and building parameters (e.g., build
ondary surface treatments (mechanical, chemical, direction and scanning strategy) significantly influ-
and electrochemical processes) can be employed as ence the grain morphology and orientation because
Additive Manufacturing of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy for Biomedical Applications: Review of 3779
the LPBF Process Ecosystem

of their effect on the thermal history.83 Figure 8a determines the level of overlap between two adja-
shows electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) cent melt pools, which leads to recrystallization
results for AM-processed NiTi parts with three during the remelting process. During the remelting
different hatch spacings while the other AM param- process, misoriented grains become aligned toward
eters remain the same.84 The hatch spacing of 80 the<001> build direction. Therefore, the lower the
lm results in strong texture in [001] direction, while hatch spacing, the more the melt pools overlap and
more random grain orientation is observed for the the stronger the <001> texture. The layer thick-
hatch spacing of 120 lm and 180 lm. It is well ness has the same effect and results in the same
reported that high scanning speed and small hatch trend in the crystallographic texture.85
spacing result in strong<001> texture, while other As shown in Fig. 8b, the orientation of the parts in
fiber textures such as <011> and <111> or ran- the build plate remarkably affects their crystallo-
domly oriented grains occur for slower speed and graphic texture.80 Although the orientation of the
larger hatch distance.81 Such grain growth behavior parts does not affect the strong <001> texture
relies on the melt-pool shape and the temperature formed parallel to the build direction, it does alter
gradient during the solidification process. As the texture along the load direction, thus profoundly
depicted in Fig. 7a, grains in a single melt pool affecting the thermomechanical behavior.
grow perpendicular to the melt-pool boundary Besides the main phases (B2 and B19’), Ni/Ti
toward the centerline of the melt pool. The grains precipitates as a secondary phase have been seen in
that nucleate from the very bottom of the semicir- as-fabricated LPBF NiTi parts. Ti2Ni, Ti4Ni2Ox,
cular shape of the melt pool have a greater tendency Ni3Ti, and Ni4Ti3 are the most common phases to
for the favorable <001> orientation. Besides, high precipitate during the LPBF process. Ti2Ni is the
scanning speed can lead to high cooling rates that most widely reported precipitate, mainly forming in
increase the chance of growth with <001> orienta- the Ti-rich or near-equiatomic NiTi alloy sys-
tion.81 On the other hand, the hatch spacing tem.71,86 Depending on the process parameters

Fig. 8. EBSD maps of NiTi parts fabricated by LPBF process: (a) effect of hatch spacing (80 lm, 120 lm, and 160 lm) on the crystallographic
texture (reprinted from Ref. 84 under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0); (b) effect of building orientation (0 ; 45 ; and 90 ) on texture
in loading direction (reprinted with permission from Ref. 80)
3780 K. Safaei et al.

and starting composition, the morphological struc- slip.90 This improves the martensite transformation
ture of Ti2Ni precipitates can be formed in inter- strain by decreasing the chance of plastic deforma-
dendritic regions (Fig. 9a) or uniformly dispersed in tion. Despite the beneficial effect of Ni4Ti3, there are
the matrix, more likely at grain boundaries (Fig. 9- limited studies showed the presence of Ni4Ti3
b–e). Ti-rich Ti2Ni precipitates have also been precipitates in as-fabricated NiTi parts processed
observed in parts fabricated from Ni-rich powder. by LPBF. In Ref. 91, it was shown that the process
This phenomenon can be explained by two mecha- parameters influence the content and morphology of
nisms: (i) Ni evaporation during the AM process and Ni4Ti3 precipitates. In parts fabricated using low
(ii) the rapid formation kinetics of Ti2Ni. Regarding energy density (40 J/mm3 to 80 J/mm3), fine Ni4Ti3
the former mechanism, the high energy input from particles are dispersed uniformly and coherently in
the laser beam results in Ni loss during the process, the main matrix, while as the energy density
thus shifting the NiTi matrix to the Ti-rich region. increases, the Ni4Ti3 particles become noncoherent,
In the absence of Ni, the chance of Ti-rich precip- coarse particles with low volume fraction, as illus-
itations increases, with Ti2Ni precipitates appear- trated in Fig. 10a–f. From the thermodynamic point
ing as a secondary phase in the NiTi matrix. On the of view, the formation of the metastable Ni4Ti3
other hand, due to the rapid formation kinetics of phase is more likely to occur at lower temperature
Ti2Ni phase and oxygen stabilization, they can also (below 600C), so lenticular Ni4Ti3 particles are
be found in the Ni-rich NiTi matrix. In the presence more dominant in parts that are fabricated using
of sufficient oxygen and reaction time, Ti4Ni2Ox is lower energy input and thus experience lower
derived from the reaction between Ti2Ni and temperatures. On the other hand, a high energy
oxygen.87 input results in Ni loss from the matrix and
Ni3Ti and Ni4Ti3 phases compose the main Ni- decreases the chance of formation of Ni-rich
rich precipitates that can form during aging heat precipitates.91
treatments or manufacturing processes.88 For the The Ni3Ti intermetallic phase is less reported for
LPBF process, the repeated passage of the laser and NiTi alloys processed by LPBF since it can mostly be
corresponding reheating processes provide a semi- observed in very Ni-rich NiTi alloys with high Ni
aging effect in which the part is held at tempera- concentration (> 51 at.%) close to the eutectic
tures between 200C to 700C for a while, being point.92 However, some works have reported the
suitable for the formation of the metastable phase of presence of Ni3Ti in Ni-lean NiTi alloy processed by
Ni4Ti3 precipitates.89 Ni4Ti3 precipitates play an LPBF.93 Ni segregation occurring during the pro-
eminent role in improving the shape memory effect cess would be the main reason for Ni3Ti formation,
and superelasticity of NiTi alloys. The hardening even in a slightly Ti-rich NiTi matrix. Unlike Ni4Ti3
effect of Ni4Ti3 impedes the occurrence of, and leads phase, Ni3Ti is a nonpreferable soft, incoherent
to an increase in the critical stress, for austenite phase that cannot play a part in hardening NiTi

Fig. 9. SEM images of NiTi parts fabricated by LPBF: (a) Ti2Ni secondary phases formed at grain boundaries (reprinted with permission from
Ref. 71); (b–e) Ti-rich precipitates formed at grain boundaries result in Ni-rich regions in the middle of grains (reprinted with permission from Ref.
Additive Manufacturing of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy for Biomedical Applications: Review of 3781
the LPBF Process Ecosystem

Fig. 10. Ni4Ti3 precipitate formation and morphology in NiTi parts processed by LPBF at energy density of (a, d) 37.88 J/mm3, (b , e) 79.37 J/
mm3, and (c , f) 104.17 J/mm3, revealing an increase in the size but decrease in the volume fraction of precipitates with increasing energy density
(reprinted with permission from Ref. 91)

alloys.17 However, the presence of such a nontrans- The data mining focused only on Ni-rich NiTi
forming Ni3Ti phase in the main NiTi matrix may compositions (Ni > 50.5 at.%) since they are more
lead to an alteration of the thermomechanical sensitive to the energy density. The increasing
behavior, such as stress hysteresis.92 Many studies trend of TTs versus energy density saturates at
in literature report no Ni4Ti3 precipitate formation very high levels of energy density, as demonstrated
in LPBF processing of NiTi parts.52,71 84,89,94 in Fig. 11. High energy densities result in excessive
Ni evaporation and shift the NiTi matrix to Ti-rich
PHASE TRANSFORMATION compositions in which the TTs are less affected by
TEMPERATURES the Ni content. In the region of low to medium
energy densities, a wide variation in the data can be
Phase transformation temperatures are one of the
seen, even within the same study. This indicates
important features of NiTi alloys, being mainly
that adopting the energy density as the main factor
affected by the chemical composition of the mate-
impacting the TTs may not be an effective way to
rial. The transformation temperatures (TTs) of Ni-
explain all the phenomena. Besides Ni loss, precip-
rich NiTi (50 at.% to 51 at.% Ni) are strongly
itation occurrding in the LPBF process remarkably
dependent on the Ni/Ti ratio in the NiTi matrix,
changes the TTs. As discussed above, the formation
although this dependence becomes weaker for Ti-
of Ni/Ti-rich precipitates drives the NiTi matrix to
rich NiTi alloys (Ni< 50 at.%). In Ni-rich NiTi, a 1%
an Ti/Ni-rich composition, thus increasing/decreas-
change in the nickel content alters the transforma-
ing the TTs, respectively. Concerning the pick-up of
tion temperatures by 100C. Besides the composi-
impurities, and oxygen (O2) in particular, the
tion, stress is another factor that can change the
oxygen level of the chamber plays an important
TTs in NiTi material based on the Clausius–
role in the occurrence of Ti-rich oxidation (e.g.,
Clapeyron relationship.
Ti4Ni2Ox). With increasing oxygen level, a higher
The extent of Ni evaporation is a function of the
chance of oxidation and lower TTs are expected,
heat input, which is defined by the process param-
assuming that the process parameters are kept
eters. The volume energy density (Ev) is a well-
constant.96,99 The presence of dislocations and ther-
reported factor influencing the TTs, revealing a
mally induced residual stress are the other factors
general rising trend as the energy density increases.
contributing to altering the TTs of as-fabricated
To illustrate the effect of the energy density on the
NiTi. In the LPBF technique, due to localized high
TTs, datasets from several major studies have been
heating/cooling rates, the as-built parts experience
extracted and are shown in Fig. 11.52,63,84,91,94–98
residual stress.100 Based on the Clausius–Clapeyron
3782 K. Safaei et al.


Low-Mid energy High energy



A f (C )


L. Xue et al. 2021

20 J. Gan et al. 2021
Y. Yang et al. 2019
H.Z. Lu et al. 2019
N.S. Moghaddam et al. 2019
0 M. Speirs et al. 2018
S. Saedi et al. 2018
M. Mahmoudi et al. 2018
T. Bormann et al. 2014
0 100 200 300 400 500
Volume energy density (J/mm3)
Fig. 11. Effect of energy density on austenite finish temperature of as-built NiTi alloys processed by LPBF. Datasets collated from Refs.

relationship, the induced internal stress shifts the LPBF process typically comprises columnar grains
TTs to higher temperatures. Moreover, the hetero- with the favorable <001> orientation. Such a
geneous microstructure (i.e., composition, precipi- microstructural texture results in anisotropic ther-
tates, and internal stress) of as-built NiTi parts that momechanical behavior that is unsuitable for most
results from the nonuniform thermal distribution applications involving multiaxial loading. The theo-
during the LPBF process may broaden the trans- retical transformation strain shows that the texture
formation peaks. These effects can be suppressed direction of<001> is favorable for compression but a
after proper solution treatment. hard orientation with a small transformation strain
under tension.103,104 NiTi samples processed by
THERMOMECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF LPBF LPBF show good agreement with the theoretical
NITI ALLOY transformation strain for the<001> direction in the
compression mode, but this is not the case in the
The mechanical properties of AM parts are
tension mode.80,84,105 In tensile loading, defects
strongly linked to the microstructure, defects, and
caused by AM significantly affect the mechanical
residual stress. The thermomechanical behavior is
behavior of NiTi parts. The presence of such defects
the last chain of the process–structure–properties
in NiTi tensile samples results in premature failure,
relationship, which is highly affected by both the
lower fatigue life, and higher irrecoverable
process and microstructure. Achieving a defect-free
strain.106,107 The type, size, and location of defects
part with high relative density is the primary goal of
play a key role in the performance of LPBF-processed
any AM process, but the mechanical performance of
NiTi alloys. We have shown that, in parts with a
the as-fabricated part is also of great importance.
vertical build direction, failure occurs sooner in
The recovery strain and thermomechanical stability
comparison with samples fabricated horizontally.33
of additively manufactured NiTi alloys are the main
Vertical samples with a higher number of layers
factors that can be tailored via the LPBF process. As-
compared with horizontal parts are more susceptible
fabricated NiTi parts show anisotropic thermome-
to premature failure due to the greater chance of
chanical behavior under different stress states. Like
defect formation. Moreover, in vertical samples, the
conventional NiTi, lower stress-induced transforma-
loading direction is perpendicular to the porosity and
tion (SIM), higher recovery strain, and flatter
has a more detrimental effect. Concerning the
plateau have been observed for NiTi under tension
fatigue life of as-fabricated samples, the surface
with respect to compression.101,102 Besides the
defects negatively affect the performance of parts.107
anisotropic behavior seen in different stress states,
LPBF-fabricated NiTi alloys show brittle behav-
the preferred grain orientation of LPBF parts also
ior under tension with elongation normally less
leads to remarkable anisotropy.80,84 As described
than 8%.33,80,97 However, some studies recently
above, the NiTi microstructure resulting from the
Additive Manufacturing of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy for Biomedical Applications: Review of 3783
the LPBF Process Ecosystem

succeeded in achieving elongation of more than 15% highlight the process–structure–properties interre-
by adopting optimized process and building param- lationship. We summarize below our findings and
eters.52,78 The brittle oxide phase Ti4Ni2Ox formed discuss the challenges and a possible pathway to
during the LPBF process degrades the performance tackling these challenges:
of as-built samples. It is thus essential to keep the
oxygen level in the chamber as low as possible to  The capability of fabricating complex shapes and
reduce the chance of oxidation.87 Most literature porous structures via the LPBF method gives
studies have focused on the uniaxial compression/ practitioners the flexibility to design patient-
tension behavior of LPBF NiTi parts, while the specific components. Despite the great potential
torsional behavior of NiTi-based alloys is becoming of the LPBF technique for processing NiTi
of interest due to the application of torque tubes. biomedical components, there are still no com-
Recently, and motivated by the growing interest in mercial NiTi components on the market. The
SMA torque tubes, we studied the torsional behav- lack of a standard framework defining the
ior of NiTi tubes.87 We showed that surface defects pathway from processing to application is a
and oxides have detrimental impacts on the ther- major roadblock. Moreover, the repeatability of
momechanical performance of the tubes. the process remains a main challenge.
Porous NiTi can enhance bone growth and  The volume/linear energy density plays a dom-
improve fluid transportation because of its high inant role in the printability of NiTi. It is well
surface area and low density. The superelastic agreed that the intermediate range of energy
response of LPBF porous samples with porosity density is the window resulting in dense parts
levels of 32% to 58% has been examined at body with few defects. Insufficient energy density
temperature. It was demonstrated that the level of leads to the formation of lack-of-fusion porosity,
porosity can affect the mechanical properties of the while high energy density results in keyholing
parts, such as their superelasticity and strain and hot cracking.
recovery. Acceptable superelastic behavior of  Performing single-track experiments is an effi-
around 3.5% to 4% at the first cycle has been cient way to assess printability before printing
observed for parts with porosity levels of 32% and coupons. In this method, single-track experi-
45% at body temperature. It has been shown that a ments are performed for a wide range of laser
higher porosity level leads to lower elastic modulus powers and scanning speeds. Based on the size
and compressive strength.108,109 and shape of the molten tracks, they can be
The design of SMA components with porous classified into acceptable and failed. The evalu-
structure for medical devices requires the charac- ation criteria are defined based on various defect
terization of material performance on small scales to types such as lack-of-fusion, keyholing, and
assess the local properties effectively. Indentation balling effect. After narrowing down the process
characterization is an approach to probe the macro-, parameters, standard coupons can be printed for
micro-, and nanoscale mechanical properties of further characterization.
SMAs such as the Young’s modulus, hardness,  Similar to other alloys with cubic structure, NiTi
strain-hardening coefficient, indentation hardness, shows the iconic microstructure with columnar
depth recovery ratio, and superelasticity.110 For grains and strong texture in the build direction.
superelastic SMAs, the deformation imposed by The LPBF technique represents a powerful tool
spherical indenters can be almost fully recovered to tailor the microstructure and texture by
upon unloading, while the depth caused by the controlling the process and build parameters.
Berkovich indenter shows only partial recovery.111 Based on the target application, the microstruc-
The instrumented indentation method can be used ture can be modified to favor the development of
to demonstrate the indentation-induced two-way a specific texture or to suppress the strong
shape memory effect112,113 as well as to determine texture by producing fine and randomly oriented
the phase transformations.114 The load–displace- grain structures.
ment curve, work/depth recovery, and remnant  The transformation temperatures (TTs) are impor-
depth recovery as functions of temperature are tant properties of NiTi alloys that can be tailored
typically used to characterize the transformation via the LPBF process. Ni loss that occurs during
temperature and superelasticity.115 the process is the main source of TT changes. The
formation of precipitates and dislocations along
CONCLUSIONS with thermally induced residual stress plays an
important role in tailoring the TTs. The localized
Processing of NiTi alloy, which is a promising and heterogeneous microstructure induced by the
candidate for use in many biomedical applications LPBF process leads to broadening of the differen-
such as stents, dental braces, and bone fixation tial scanning calorimetry (DSC) peaks. Solution
implants, was reviewed with a focus on the LPBF treatment can resolve some of the inhomogeneous
technique. The processability, microstructure, and microstructure and residual stress.
thermomechanical properties of the alloy were  Besides common AM challenges such as porosity
reviewed and attempts made to link them and and crack formation, unwanted Ni loss and
3784 K. Safaei et al.

impurity pick-up remain big challenges for DECLARATIONS

additive manufacturing of NiTi. It has been
reported that oxygen pick-up and Ti-rich oxida-
tion may occur even at low oxygen levels (< 500 CONFLICT OF INTEREST
ppm). On the other hand, to address such Ni loss,
some studies have suggested starting with a On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author
higher Ni content. We believe that this may be a states that there are no conflicts of interest.
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