Proposal Workshop (2022)

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Usually short (around 8-15 words), accurate, and clear. Uses appropriate keywords and
avoids acronyms and technical jargon.


 “Advancing Good Governance through Virtual Communities of Practice”

 “Regressive Effects of COVID 19 on Gender Equality”

Abstract- Should be easy to read and understand. It should convince the reader of the
significance of the research project and make them curious to read your research. One
paragraph of about 100 words

What is the Research Question?

What is the rationale?

What is the objective of doing this study?

What is the research approach?

What is the significance of the intended findings (For the dissertation –significance of the main

Introduction: Makes a “pitch” and gets the reader excited about your topic. The length is often
about 1-3 paragraphs, and it will briefly answer the following:

 What is the central research problem?

 What is the background to the problem? – Historical and Current Context of the issue?
 What the research questions (central RQ and sub questions) that will be used to investigate the
 What are the objectives of your study?
 What is the hypothesis or central phenomenon being studied?
 What methods will be used to analyze the problem?
 What is the significance of the study?
 What are the possible limitations you might face?

 Preliminary Literature Review- Synthesizes and critically reviews the work of scholarly authors
who have previously studies the topic.
 What is the current state of scholarship on this research problem?
 What are key texts or studies about this research problem?
 What theories, methodology and findings have been presented by previous researchers
 How does the present study build on the prior research? (e.g., new directions, addressing
flaws, filling in gaps, etc.)

Research Methodology: Provides a research design that allows readers to understand how you
will answer your research question(s) in a realistic timeline. Should answer the following:

 What type of study is this?

 What is the central phenomenon/ hypothesis (for quantitative study)
 Who is the target population?
 What sampling technique will be used
 How will you collect data?
 How will you analyze your data?
 What are the ethical considerations that you will observe for this study?
 What is the timeline for carrying out your research? Visualize this on a Gant chart. You will have
3 months to complete the dissertation.

Conclusion: In one or two paragraphs, this section reiterates the importance of your research
and briefly summarizes the study. Can briefly answer the following: 

 Why should this study be conducted?

 What are the intended findings
 What are the main implications of the study?
 What are your reflections on the process- limitations and how you will mitigate them

References: Cite your sources in Harvard Referencing format .This section does not count
toward the total page length of your proposal.

 Do not number of use bullet points

 Entries should be arrange alphabetically.

What is the timeline for completing your dissertation?

 Divide the semester in which you will enroll in MPA901/MPP901/MIM715 into weekly
tasks that will lead to the completion of your dissertation
 Organize your completion timeline according to the stages of the dissertation
 Map this on a Gant chart

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