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Box HP 217
Diana Mawuena Kumah Ho Technical University
Mobile: 0507614484


Highly motivated entry-level graduate with interest in Customer Service, Procurement, Business Management, and
Entrepreunership. Now seeking an opportunity to contribute to your organisation and develop a career.


HND Purchasing and Supply Ho Technical University February 2017– June 2019
 Majored in Procurement and graduated in Upper Division, Second Class.
 Completed one internship with Royal hospital Ho during undergraduate programme.
 Interests in negotiations, contracts, Customer relations, Best value optimisation and profit maximisation.

WASSCE (General Art 2 Student) Ghanata Senior High, Accra May 2012 – May 2015
 Appointed as Prep perfect overseeing the school library.


Customer Service & Administration Royal Hospital Ho Volta region June 2018 – August 2018
 Worked as an Assistant in the records office of Royal Hospital where vital patient information is collected and
stored. Took charge of the department during busy schedules and emergency meetings. Commended by Head
Of Department for good work ethic.

 Key Achievements:
o Coordinated customer service and acted as the single point of contact when patients visit the hospital.
This role included collecting vital information, patient profile, hospital visitation records, drugs collected,
purpose of visit.
o Increased the number of visitations by 10% by using my personal networks and human relation skills.
o Undertook daily routine rounds in the hospital stores and pharmacy to update records of drugs
availability and made purchases of drugs that are unavailable.
o Maintained register of authorised and well evaluated suppliers, managed negotiations on key hospital
equipment, and complied comprehensive records of all purchases.

Entrepreneurship Deebee Ice Kenkey January 2018

June 2019
 Started a campus business that was into the production and sales of refreshment. The business began with only
Iced Kenkey, but expanded to include fruit juice, Anana, Asana, Sobolo, and sandwiches. The initial target was
only students but expanded to serve corporate workers in the office buildings. In the second year, the company
introduced an event service that delivered profit of 1500GHC for large events.
Project Management Ho Technical University May 2019 june 2019
 Led the project on ‘Assessing the buyer -supplier relationship in public sector, a case study of Ho Technical
University’. This involved end to end project management, data collection, assessment in the school office and
submitting a final report.


 Course Rep:
I was a student coordinator between the lectures and my colleagues in a class of 110. Managed the flow of
communication between students and lecturers and shared feedback.

 Group leader:
Acted as a group leader to oversee team projects and group assignment. I ensured all members participated in
the work assigned and the team delivered the final work on time and in full.

 Winner:
Won a reading competition in Junior High School and became Librarian


 Coaching: Give out free consultation to people who are interested in entreprenuership.
 Interests: Reading, travel and fashion
 Language: English,Ewe, Twi, French (Basic)


Dr Ameho
Ho Technical University
P.O.Box HP 217

Albert Bediako
Head of Department
Ho Technical University
P.O.Box HP 217

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