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FANGY Apeglattl Bae glt og Jill os ginal Software a. re — = = 2 Linux, © ¢ ey, 8.22. Graal uo - Application Software - System Software Software Software (programs): are the instructions that tell the computer hardware what to do. There are two major kinds of software: 1. Application software. 2. System software. Application Software Application software: Programs that enable users to perform specific tasks on a computer, such as writing a letter or playing a game. Commercial software: is software that is developed and sold for a profit. Shareware. Copyrighted software that is distributed on the honor system; consumers should either pay for it or uninstall it after the trial period. Application Software Freeware: Copyrighted software that may be used free of charge Installed software: Software that must be installed on a computer in order to be used. Cloud software: Software is run directly from the Internet Three types of application software are: 1. General-purpose. 2. Specialized. 3. Apps. Application software General-Purpose Applications General-purpose applications include: 1. word processors. . Spreadsheets. 2. 3. presentation graphics. 4. . database management systems. General-Purpose Applications 1. Word processors create text-based documents and are one of the most flexible and widely used software tools. Examples: Microsoft Word , Apple Pages, Google Docs, Corel WordPerfect, and OpenOffice Writer. Microsoft Word General-Purpose Applications 2. Spreadsheet allows users to organize data in rows and columns and perform calculations on the data. Examples: Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, Corel Quattro Pro, Google Sheets, and OpenOffice Cale. Microsoft Excel General-Purpose Applications 3. Presentation Graphics programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations. Examples: Microsoft Power- Point, Apple Keynote, Google Slides, OpenOffice Impress, and Prezi Click to. add title Microsoft Power-Point General-Purpose Applications 4, database management system (DBMS) or is a program that sets up, or structures, a database. Examples: Microsoft Access, Apple FileMaker, Google Obvibase, and OpenOffice Base. Microsoft Access Application software Specialized applications Specialized applications are widely used within specific professions. These programs include graphics programs and web authoring programs. 1, w Desktop publishing programs: Microsoft Publisher. Image editors: Adobe Photoshop drawing programs: CorelDRAW. Video editors: Windows Live Movie Maker, Apple iMovie Web Authoring Programs: HTML. 0 CorelDRAW Application software Mobile Apps Mobile apps or mobile applications are add-on programs for a variety of mobile devices including smartphones and tablets. music, viewing video, social networking, shopping, and game playing An app store is typically a website that provides access to specific mobile apps that can be downloaded either for a nominal fee or free of charge. Two of the best- known stores are Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store ra eer Google Play Software Suites A software suite is a collection of related software programs bundled together and made available as a group. lower cost and ease of use. office suites, cloud suites, specialized suites, and utility suite BE Microsoft Office e) ofa Professional 2016 (alatalayay als} A csuite B System Software System software programs (operating system and utility) that control your computer and allow you to use it. enable the computer to boot and launch application programs. Serves as the interface between the user, application, and hardware. @ Tt bl " ACOs) MacOSX PN iTel ce) is} System Software System software consists of four types of programs: 1. Operating systems: is a collection of programs that manage and coordinate the activities taking place within the computer. 2. Utilities: perform specific tasks related to managing computer resources. 3. Device drivers: are specialized programs that allow particular input or output devices to communicate with the rest of the computer system. 4. Language translators: convert the programming instructions written by programmers into a language that computers understand and process Operating Systems An operating system (OS) is a collection of programs that manage and coordinate the activities taking place within the computer. Functions of operating system: ils Ya we YH Interfacing with Users, Booting the Computer, Configuring Devices, Managing Network Connections, Managing and Monitoring Resources and Jobs, File Management, Security User Interfaces Command-line interface, a user types commands or presses special keys on the keyboard to enter data and instructions. Graphical user interface (GUI), user interact with menus and visual images such as buttons and other graphical objects to issue commands Command line Categories of Operating Systems 1. Stand-alone - Embedded operating systems, are entirely stored within (embedded in) a device. cash registers, cars, consumer electronics 2. desktop operating systems, designed to be installed and control a single computer. windows, mac. 3. Network operating systems are used to control and coordinate computers that are networked or linked together. Windows Server 4, mobile operating systems that are designed to be used with mobile phones and other mobile devices. Ios, Android. Desktop Operating Systems During the 1980s and early 1990s, DOS (Disk Operating System) was the dominant operating system for microcomputers. DOS traditionally used a command line interface, ‘ANGE DIRECTORY (C0) ‘CoMMaND Changes to anew locaton cn he cure eve. DRIVE COMMAND Changes anew deve, COPY COMMAND Copies es from one heaton to eraer DIRECTORY (OR) COMMAND Dispose Mes and toler se cures een Desktop Operating Systems Windows is the most widely used personal computer operating system developed by Microsoft. Windows 8 in 2012, Windows 10 in 2015 Mac OS: Designed to run only with Apple computers, Desktop Operating Systems UNIX and Linux ae ~~? ‘The UNIX operating system was originally designed in the late 1960s to run on minicomputers in network environments Linux is an open source operating system that extended one of the UNIX versions. Open Source: allowed free distribution of the operating system code and encouraged others to modify and further develop the code Desktop Operating Systems Linux Mobile Operating Systems 1. Android was introduced in 2007 It was originally developed by Android Inc. and later purchased by Google. 2. iOS, (iPhone OS), The mobile operating system designed for Apple mobile phones and mobile devices in 2007. 3. Windows Phone 8 in 2012 by Microsoft A 4. Windows 10 Mobile In 2015 by Microsoft rg imp! ios PVatelce) (| Utility Programs A utility program, also called a utility, is a type of system software that perform specific tasks related to managing computer resources. Backup programs File compression programs Troubleshooting or diagnostic programs Aniviow pow B SG Norton Repo Utility Suites combine several programs into one package

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