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Training Package

300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit

Developed by the Learning and Development Centre

Otis Elevator Co Pty Ltd

Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

13VTR Machine

300VF Controller

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

This training package contains the following;
q300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description,
q Otis 300VF System Wiring Diagram,

q 300VF Wiring Diagram Activity.

This package has been designed as a Self-paced training package. To complete the training, read through these notes, while at the same time referring to the
300VF System wiring diagram. When you have finished reading these training notes, answer the questions in the 300VF Wiring Diagram Activity booklet,
again while referring to the 300VF System Wiring Diagram.

The 300VF elevator system is a medium speed, medium rise elevator control system. Its operation and duty range is similar to the E311VF and the MCS321
systems. All 3 systems contain similar circuit components.
The principle components of the 300VF control system are;
q Ring Car Board and Remote Stations - OCSS,
q Motion Command Board – LMCSS,

q OVF30 Drive - DBSS,

q MRDS Door Operator system - DCSS,

q 13VTR or 18ATF Machine.

Wiring Diagram Conventions

Like most wiring diagrams provided for Otis products, the 300VF wiring diagram is a generic set of wiring diagrams, ie all the possible circuits that are
available for this elevator product are included in the wiring sheets.

Obsolete Wiring Sheet

The 300VF wiring diagram contains 52 sheets. Several of these sheets are not applicable to Australia. For example sheets 10 and 12 can be discarded since
they do not show the correct arrangement for the door lock circuit for the Australian lift code.
When reading through the site wiring diagrams it is important to realise that there may be some circuits that are shown on the wiring diagrams that are not
wired into the actual contract controller.

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Optional Modules


Dashed lines show Option for Australia
optional circuits
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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Optional Modules

Optional Modules
The symbols w/- and w/o (with and without) identify the optional modules that are available on the 300VF system. For a list of the optional modules see
the options table on Sheet 2
Optional modules are included in the control system because;
a) It is a country, regional or code requirement, eg Australian door lock arrangement,
b) It is sold to the customer as an extra, eg Speech Synthesiser Unit.
The symbol w/- indicates the circuit arrangement when an option is included in the controller, while w/o indicates the circuit arrangement when the option
is not included. An example of an option is shown at Area 1 on Sheet 5 of the WD, where. w/- NFBM indicates the circuit arrangement when circuit
breaker NFBM is included in the controller, and w/o NFBM indicates the circuit arrangement when NFBM is not wired into the controller.

Dashed Lines
Dashed lines are used to differentiate between the circuits that are constant and the circuit arrangement when an optional module is included.
The autotransformer drawn at Area 1 on sheet 5 is an option. Some countries require it, while Australia does not, since our standard supply voltage is 400-
415Vac. Because it is an option, it is shown connected into the circuit with dashed lines.
Another method to show an option, is to use a label preceded by an X, where the X indicates the circuit arrangement WITHOUT the module included. Such
as XARED and X-AUST in Area 7 shown above.
So in Australia the connection between UD A2 and UDX A2 is removed, and DBP 53/54, SC 53/54 and DSW 13/14 are connected into the circuit as shown
in Area 7, for module AUST CODE (Australian code change).
As contracts may differ in the options supplied, the site wiring diagrams should be marked up to reflect the actual circuit arrangement for a particular
elevator installation.

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Controller, Hoistway and Car Terminals

8LS Limit Switch connected

to HJ terminals on controller

Governor Overspeed
Switch connected to M1
terminals on controller

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Controller, Hoistway and Car Terminals

Controller, Hoistway and Car Terminals

As in all elevator controllers, the field wiring and controller wiring are connected together at terminals. The wiring terminal symbols in the 300VF wiring
diagrams, help to indicate where the control circuits, switches and components are located throughout the installation.

In the diagram above, the terminals marked with HJ are connected to safety switches in the hoistway, eg HJ4-3 or HJ2-4.

CJ terminals are connected to switches on the car, and M1 terminals are connected to switches in the machine room.

For example in the diagram above, O/S is the governor overspeed switch in the machine room. The field wiring from O/S contact is connected to the
controller at terminals M1-1 and M1-2.

8LS is the final limit at the top of the hoistway. The wiring for this switch is connected to the controller at terminals HJ4-3 and HJ4-4.

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Car Junction Box, CJB


Car Junction
Box, CJB

Controller Terminal
Test Point


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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Car Junction Box, CJB

Car Junction Box
All car control wiring is connected at the Car Junction Box, CJB. Field wiring between the controller and the car is connected at terminals marked with a
‘T’ on the controller, eg T1, T2 etc. While the flexes at the car are connected to terminals inside the CJB. The car junction box terminals are indicate by CJ,
eg. CJ16-3 or CJ1-4 etc.
In the diagram above - EEC, SOS and BRS - are three switches in the safety circuit locate on top of the car. Terminal T1-3 exists on the controller, and also
inside the CJB. A wire in the travelling flex connects terminal T1-3 on the controller with terminal T1-3 in the CJB.
CJ7-1 and CJ7-1 etc., are inside the CJB. Solid wiring connects these terminals to switches on the car.

Using Wiring Terminals for Testing Circuits

HJ and CJ terminals are not designed to provide testing points for the various parts of the circuit. Terminals 1C and 2C have been provided for testing
purposes, eg 1C03 or 1C05.

Field Wiring Tables

Terminal wiring tables are shown on sheets 40-46 of the WD. There is a separate table for each terminal plug on the controller. For example on sheet 46 the
table at the top of the sheet shows that plug HJ1 has 6 pins with wiring connected to only 4 of the pins.

HJ1-1 1LS-1
HJ1-2 1LS-2
HJ1-3 SS1-1
HJ1-4 SS1-2
HJ1-5 No connection
HJ1-6 No connection

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Main Controller Connectors and Terminals

Circuit test


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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Main Controller Connectors and Terminals

Main Controller Connectors and Terminals

The arrangement of the terminals on the controller is shown on sheet 51. The terminals are arranged for connections to the Car, hoistway, machine room,
REM, Group etc.

Terminal board TBL1 and TBL3, 1C and 2C, and HL1, HL2 etc. have been designed to enable circuit testing to be carried out at these terminals.

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Circuit Board Interface - Input and Output Level Converters


AREA 5 L1 –Input Level Converter

for AC voltages

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Circuit Board Interface - Input and Output Level Converters

The LMCSS is the Motion Command Board (MCB). While INTF is the drive (DBSS) Power Interface Board. The interface between high-level elevator
signals (100Vac or 30Vdc) and low level (5Vdc) microprocessor signals is provided by level converters on these two circuit boards.
There are several different types of level converters and they are divided into input level converters or output level converters. See sheet 52 for a complete
list of the different types that are used with the 300VF controller, as well as an internal circuit diagram for each type of level converter.
Sheet 52 is reproduced in appendix A of this training package.
The signals connected to input level converters are used to monitor external elevator signals such the safety circuit, door locks etc. Output level converters
are generally used to drive controller relays.

Input Level Converters

In the diagram above, L1 is an input level converter for AC voltages. The SAFE input is connected at the end of the safety circuit (see Area 5). It is an input
at the LMCSS. When all safety circuit switches are closed, this input is logic high at 100Vac. When the SAFE input is ON, it indicates to the LMCSS that
the safety circuit is closed.
Similarly INS is an input into the drive INTF (Area 7). This input is logic high (100Vac) when the car is on normal operation, ie when it is NOT on
Inspection. It switches low (off) when the car is switched to inspection. When the INS input is low, it indicates to the drive that the car is to run at inspection
speed only.

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - L1 Level Converter


L1 Level Converter –
HL1 connections

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - L1 Level Converter

L1 Level Converter
The internal circuit of the L1 level converter is shown above. It consists of several components inside an IC package soldered onto the LMCSS or drive
INTF. In the middle of this circuit is an opto-isolator. The function of the opto-isolator is to isolate the high-level external elevator signals from the internal
5Vdc logic signals.

In order for the level converters to operate correctly the return side of the input opto-isolator must be connected to the HL1 bar in the controller.

Four HL1 connections are shown above. LMCSS terminals J1-10, J2-10, J3-10 and J4-10 connect the internal return of the input side of the level converters
to the external HL1 point of the controller.

It is important to realise that if the HL1 connection to the LMCSS or DBSS is lost, some or all of the level converters may not operate correctly and this may
appear as an input fault on the elevator system.

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - L3 Input Level Converter


L3 Input Level Converter

L3 Level Converter – Return

line is connected to HL2

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - L3 Input Level Converter

L3 Input Level Converter

L3 is a 30Vdc INPUT level converter that is used for monitoring the state of various relay contacts.
In the diagram above /INS (J7-10) is a 30Vdc input on the LMCSS. It also indicates when the car has been switched to inspection operation. However in this
case it is an input to the LMCSS to indicate that the car is to run at inspection speed only. Note that both the LMCSS and the DBSS get a signal to indicate
when the car has been switched to inspection operation.

When the car is switched to normal operation, ie not on inspection, the INS relay is energised and INS 63/64 contacts are closed (see Area 8 of wiring
diagram). The /INS signal is ON (30Vdc) indicating normal operation to the LMCSS.

The /INS signal switches OFF when the INS relay drops opening contacts 63/64, and the /INS input switches to 0Vdc.

The internal interface circuit for the L3 level converter is different to the L1 level converter. The internal circuit is shown above on page 16.

The 30Vdc input signal (/INS) is converted to a 5Vdc logic signal by the L3 level converter. For the L3 level converter to operate correctly there must be an
external connection to the HL2 terminal on the controller.

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - L2 Output Level Converter


SSR7 Opto-Triac
driver circuit

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300VF - L2 Output Level Converter

L2 Output Level Converter
L2 is an Output level converter on both the LMCSS and the drive INTF. They are generally used as relay drivers.
The diagram above shows part of the wiring diagram at Area 6.
U is the Up Direction relay coil that is energised when output XU (J1-1) switches ON. XU is switched on by the LMCSS when the safety circuit is closed,
and the elevator is to run.

For the L2 level converter to operate correctly it must have a 100Vac source to drive the U relay coil. Terminal UDRTN (J1-6) provides this voltage source
when the safety chain is closed (see Areas 5 & 6 of the WD or turn to page 58 of this training package for drawing of the full safety circuit).

The level converter L2 is actually a triac driver circuit. A section of the LMCSS internal circuit is shown above.

SSR7 in the diagram on page 18 above, is part of an opto-isolated triac driver IC on-board the LMCSS. Signal XU is connected to pin J1-1. When the
internal 5vdc signal is connected across SSR7 pins 3 & 4, the opto-triac switches on (conducting) and signal XU on pin J1-1 is connected to signal UDRTN
on pins J1-6 (100Vac)
When the external contacts around relay U are in the correct state, relay U will pick up and the elevator is able to run.
The conditions to enable relay U to be energised are;
q Safety Chain closed – 100Vac on UDRTN (J1-6),
q Car on normal, INS relay energised, INS 33/34 closed,
q D relay de-energised, D 22/21 closed,
q Car not at the top terminal floor, 6LS up direction limit closed.
When all of these conditions are met and the LMCSS switches on internal signal XU, the U relay is energised.
Note: The circuit operation for D relay (not shown above) is similar to U relay, except it operates when the elevator is commanded to run down.

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300FV – Motor Control Circuit


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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300FV – Motor Control Circuit

The start of the controller circuits is shown at Area 1 on sheet 5. The circuits commence at the main line disconnect switch - MLDS. The MLDS is the three-
phase main circuit breaker located on the machine room wall.
The output of the MLDS is connected directly into the DBSS (OVF30 drive), via Terminal board, TBL1 and circuit breaker, NFBM located in the
controller. The autotransformer is not supplied in Australia.
The function of the DBSS is to control the operation of the motor and brake. It does this by converting the standard building supply voltage (415vac, 50Hz)
to a variable voltage, variable frequency supply, suitable for the machine motor.
The motor is a 3-phase AC induction motor, which is part of the 18ATF or 13VTR geared machines. The output terminals of the drive (U, V, W) are
connected to the motor terminals (also U, V and W), via UDX contacts 1/2, 3/4, and 5/6, Noise filter ACL and terminal board, TBL1.
UDX is the main contactor. Its purpose is to disconnect the motor from the drive the instant the safety chain opens. ACL is a noise filter that reduces RFI
emissions from the drive.

Resistor DBR is the Dynamic Breaking Resistor. DBR is connected across the DC-buss inside the drive when the buss voltage exceeds a preset value. Its
function is to protect the DC buss section of the drive. It does this by dissipating the excessive voltage that the motor regenerates, and feeds back to the drive
with an overhauling load on the motor. An overhauling load occurs when the elevator is running up empty car or down fully loaded.

Circuit breaker NFBC supplies the primary winding on the main transformer TRF1 in Area 3 of the wiring diagrams.

In Australia, the autotransformer and module ARED (Automatic Rescue Device) are not supplied with the 300VF.

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF – Main Transformer, TRF1


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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF – Main Transformer, TRF1

TRF1 is the main transformer. It provides several different voltages for the different circuits throughout the elevator control system.
TRF1 has one primary winding, and several secondary windings. The primary winding has five taps for 360V, 380V, 400V, 415V and 440V. The choice of
tap used depends on the incoming building supply voltage, and the voltages required at the secondary windings of TRF1.
The following secondary windings are provided on TRF1;
q A – 10Vac and 12Vac supply to RCB.
q B – 12Vac to Car Junction Box, CJB.
q C – 10Vac supply to LMCSS,
q D – 24Vac, rectified to 30Vdc to provide a supply for relay contact monitoring into the LMCSS and DCSS. See Area 8 and 14.
q E – 24Vac, rectified to 30Vdc for the three Remote Serial Links.
q F – 100Vac for the Safety Circuit and Door Lock circuits.
q G – 95Vac rectified to 140Vdc for the door operator and brake circuits.
q H – 12Vac ASCB supply.

The ASCB is the ANSI Speed Check Board. It controls the operation of two relays, SC and ETSC.
The RCB and LMCSS are two circuits boards that control special functions of the elevator.
CJB is the Car Junction Box, fitted to the top of the car.
PAP is a power supply panel, fitted inside the controller. It consists of various power supply components, such as rectifiers, RF1 and RF2, and Capacitors
C1, C2 and C3.
Controller circuit breakers are labelled CP1, CP2 etc.

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Door Operator, Lambda and Safety Chain Supply


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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF Door Operator, Lambda and Safety Chain Supply Area 4

The safety chain voltage is 100Vac, supplied from secondary winding F. The safety circuit is protected by circuit breakers CP3 and CP5.
The Lambda power supply is also 100Vac supplied from winding F, and protected by circuit breaker CP6.

ELEVOA is the optional Voice Synthesiser module. Its power supply is also derived from winding F and rectified by PSR1 to 12Vdc. This is then
connected to the car junction box to supply the voice module behind the COP (Area 22).

The door operator power supply comes from winding G, protected by circuit breaker CP4. The door operator is an MRDS, with a DC door motor operating
at 140Vdc (Area 13).

ESR is the Emergency Stop relay. ESR contacts 13/14 and 23/24 are connected in series with the door operator supply. ESR coil is connected at the end of
the safety circuit. If the safety circuit opens, ESR relay drops to de-energise the door operator as required by the lift code.

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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Brake Circuit


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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Brake Circuit

The 18ATF and 13VTRmachines are fitted with a DC brake. The brake supply (140Vdc) which comes from winding G on transformer TRF1 is rectified by
The brake coil is labelled B on the WD, and the brake terminals B1 and B are connected to the controller at terminals M1-5 and M1-6 respectively.
The operation of the brake is controlled by several contacts connected in series.
Contacts UD 33/34, UD 43/44 and UDX 23/24 ensure that the brake is not energised before the power is applied to the motor. They also ensure the brake is
immediately disconnected from the supply if any part of the safety chain is opened while the elevator is running.
The brake operation is controlled by LB, the ‘Lift Brake’ relay. LB relay is controlled by an output of the drive, J13-3 (see Area 7). The operation of LB
relay is coordinated by the drive, to ensure that the brake lifts and drops at the correct instant during acceleration, and when the car is brought to a stop at the
end of a run.
Resistor B1 is adjusted for the minimum brake current to enable the brake to lift positively. Setting the brake current to the minimum for positive lift, reduces
the chance of the brake coil overheating.
Resistor B2, ETSC 33/34, ETSC 43/44 and the two diodes B, provide a discharge path for the self induced current that is generated by the brake coil when
the brake is de-energised and the magnetic field around it collapses. This provides a short time delay and soft drop off when the brake is de-energised at the
end of a run.

The two diodes B ensure that the brake coil is not short-circuited when the brake is energised and contacts ETSC 33/34 and ETSC 43/44 is closed.

The ANSI Speed Check Board, ASCB (see Area 7) controls ETSC relay. ETSC is energised when the car speed is less than 94% contract speed, and is de-
energised when the car is above 94% contract speed.
With ETSC contacts connected in parallel with the brake coil, this ensures that the brake drop off at the end of the run, is slightly delay for better operation.
However if ETSC drops due to an emergency terminal stop, the brake drops instantly without a delay to bring the car to a quicker stop.

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300VF - Safety Circuit

L1 Inputs on


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Otis Elevator Company – 300VF Wiring Diagram and Circuit Description

300VF - Safety Circuit

The Safety Circuit voltage is 100Vac. The safety circuits it is a series circuit made of contacts located in the hoistway, on the car and in the machine room.
The integrity of the safety circuit is monitored by two inputs on the LMCSS. Inputs SAFE (J3-3) and /ESS (J3-5).

The SAFE input monitors all the safety circuit connected before the in-car emergency stop switch ES1, and the top of car emergency stop switch, TES1.

The /ESS input monitors the entire safety circuit. If either the SAFE input or the /ESS input go low, the LMCSS will sense this as an open safety circuit and
the elevator will not run.

The end of the safety circuit is connected to the car gate switch(s), GS.

ESR relay is the Emergency Stop relay. If the safety circuit opens this relay drops to de-energise the door operator power supply (see Area 4).

SC is the Speed Check relay. SC relay is controlled by an output of the ASCB. SC coil is energised when the car speed is below 0.6m/s and de-energised
when the car speed is above 0.6m/s.
SC 13/14 contacts are connected in parallel with INS 13/14 to ensure that the safety circuit opens if the inspection speed exceeds 0.6m/s.

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300VF - Emergency Terminal Stopping Circuit ETSC

SS1 and SS2 mounted
inside TM box on car top


ETSC relay
controlled by ASCB
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300VF - Emergency Terminal Stopping Circuit ETSC

The lift code requires that every elevator with a rated speed greater than 1m/s, is to have an emergency terminal speed checking and stopping
device. Its purpose is to check the car speed near the terminal floors. If the car fails to slow down as it approaches a terminal landing, the safety
circuit opens, safely bringing the car to an emergency stop.

Distance from Terminal Landing Function

Stopping switches SS1 and SS2 measure the distance from the terminal floor. The distance where SS1 or SS2 open is dependent on the contract speed of the
elevator. For example, at 2.0m/s, SS1 1/2 are set to open at 1400mm from the bottom landing, and SS2 1/2 are set to open at 1400mm from the top landing.
For contract speeds up to 1.75m/s, SS1 and SS2 are limit switches in the hoistway. For contract speeds of 2.0m/s and 2.5m/s, SS1 and SS2 are stopping
contacts inside the TM box on top of the car.

Emergency Terminal Speed Check Function

ETSC is the Emergency Terminal Speed Check relay. Its operation is controlled by the ASCB.
ETSC relay is in when the car speed is below 94% of contract speed, and out when the car speed is greater the 94% of contract speed.

Circuit Operation
As the car approaches the top or bottom landing, stopping switch contacts SS1 and SS2 are closed. They open when the car is within 1400mm (for car speed
2.0m/s) of the terminal floor. At this position ETSC contacts 13/14 must be closed to prevent the safety circuit from opening.
At contract speed, ETSC relay is out and ETSC contacts 13/14 are open. As the car approaches a terminal landing, and starts to slow down,
ETSC relay will energise, contacts 13/14 make up, and mask the contacts of SS1 or SS2.
ETSC relay must energise before the contacts of SS1 or SS2 open, otherwise the safety circuits opens and the car will come to an emergency stop.
Contacts U 13/14 and D 13/14 are connected in parallel with SS1 and SS2 respectively, to ensure that the safety circuit does not drop when the elevator is
accelerating away from a terminal landing.
On some elevators, the acceleration rate enables the car to reach contract speed before SS1 or SS2 make up again. If U 13/14 and D 13/14 were not
connected as shown, the safety circuit would open when ETSC contact 13/14 opens at 94% of contract speed.

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300VF - Door Lock Circuit

Lock Masking
Door Locks


Door Locks

Input Signal

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300VF - Door Lock Circuit

The door lock circuit is connected at the end of the safety circuit, after the gate switch, GS. The door lock safety relay is DSW. Its function is to ensure that a
single short circuit across both sets of door locks will not allow the elevator to run.
Contacts INS 53/54, DBP 33/34, DBP 43/44 and SC 23/24 form the lock masking circuit. These contacts are closed when the car is not on inspection (INS
53/54 made), car is in the door zone (DBP 33/34 43/44 made), and the car speed is below 0.6m/s (SC 23/24 made). This circuit enables the car doors to open
when the car is levelling into the floor (Advanced Door Operation, ADO). It also allows the car to re-level with the doors open.
LMCSS input DFC (J3-7) monitors the state of landing doors. Input DFC is high (on) when the doors are closed, and low (off) when the doors are open.

DBP Relay
DBP is the Door Bypass Relay, which is controlled by LMCSS output XDBP (J2-6). See Area 7.
DBP provides two functions.
1. DBP forms part of the lock masking circuit described above, so that DBP 33/34 and 43/44 are made when the car is in the door zone, and the doors are
commanded to open.
2. DBP contacts 21/22 open to disconnect the feed to LMCSS input DFC (J3-7) when the lock masking circuit is enabled. When the doors are closing DBP
relay drops to remove the lock masking circuit, and contacts 21/22 make up to enable the feed to DFC input. This indicates to the LMCSS that the lock
masking circuit is disabled, and the landing doors are closed.

DBSS Input
The purpose of DBSS input J10-7, is to signal to the drive that;
1. Safety Circuit, gate switch and door locks are close and,
2. Relay U or D are energised.
Input J10-7 is essentially the drive ON switch. When this input is high (on), it is a signal for the drive to switch on since the safety chain is now
closed. It then waits for the speed profile to be sent from the LMCSS to the drive interface board. When the drive receives the speed profile, it
outputs sufficient motor current to enable the car to accelerate in the direction dictated by the LMCSS.

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300VF - Jumper Panel Limited Version, JPLV

Door Jumper

Top of Car
Inspection Buttons

AREA 7 Inspection
Relay INS

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300VF - Jumper Panel Limited Version, JPLV

The jumper panel JPLV is provided to enable the door locks and gate switch to be safely bridged for maintenance or repairs.
The Otis World wide Job Site Safety Standard (WWJSSS) states that “new elevators shall be designed such that the elevator must automatically be
placed on inspection mode before it can be moved with a jumper on the door contacts”.

The JPLV switch is a single operation switch that provides the following functions when operated.
1. It places the car onto inspection mode by dropping the INS relay (Area 7).
2. It provides a means of safely bridging the landing doors and gate switch without the use of external wire jumpers.
In the circuit shown on page 34 above, when the JPLV switch is in the NORMAL position terminal TB1-4 is connected to terminal TB1-5 (see Areas 5 &

When switch JPLV is switched to inspection mode, relay INS drops when the link between TB1-4 and TB1-5 is opened. At the same time the door locks
and gate switch are bridged because terminals TB1-1, TB1-2 and TB1-3 are connected together (see page 36 below).

Inspection Relay - INS

The circuit for the Inspection relay, INS is shown above. INS relay is energised for normal operation and de-energised for inspection operation. The car can
be switched to inspection mode by anyone of three switches that drop out the INS relay.
1. Open the Top of Car Inspection switch, TCI,
2. Open the Controller Inspection switch, CIS,
3. Operate JPLV switch at the side of the controller **.
**Note to Point 3: Only JPLV switch, bridges the gate switch and hoistway door locks.

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300VF - JPLV Door Bridge Circuit

Circuit bridges created
when JPLV is switched
to Inspection Mode



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300VF - JPLV Door Bridge Circuit

When JPLV is switched to normal, there is NO bridge connected across the gate switch or landing door locks. And the car can run at contract speed.

However, when JPLV is switched to inspection operation (INS relay dropped), the gate switches and landing door locks are bridged by contacts of JPLV, as
shown in the diagram above. When JPLV switch is turned to inspection mode, terminals TB1-1, TB1-2 and TB1-3 are connected together (see Areas 5 & 6).
This effectively completely bridges the gate switches and landing door locks.

On page 36 above, the gate switch and door lock circuits are shown when they are bridged by the JPLV switch. At the same time the elevator has been
automatically switched to inspection operation.

The function of DSW relay is to prevent the elevator running on inspection when the landing door locks are bridged, as shown, and the landing doors are
standing open.

For example, if the primary door locks are faulty (open circuited) and the JPLV bridge is connected as shown, the elevator can not run unless the secondary
door locks are made to enable DSW relay to pull in. The same applies to the secondary door locks. If the secondary door locks are open circuited, then the
primary door locks must be closed to enable DSW to pull in.

Therefore although the landing door locks are completely bridged by JPLV, the elevator is unable to run unless the landing doors are completely closed.

DSW contacts 13/14 controls the operation of UDX relay (see Area 7). UDX is the main motor contactor.

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300VF - UD, UDX, BSR and LB Relays


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300VF - UD, UDX, BSR and LB Relays

INS is the inspection relay. It is controlled by the top of car inspection switch TCI, controller inspection switch CIS and jumper switch JPLV. Input INS
(J12-5) on the DBSS interface board, is used to signal to the drive the state of the INS relay. This signal is high (on) for normal operation (INS energised)
and goes low (off), when the car is switched to Inspection mode. This forces the drive to run the elevator at inspection speed only.
DBSS input AC100V (J15-1) provides a 100Vac supply for internal drive relays and the drive cooling fans.
LB is the Lift Brake relay, which controls the operation of the machine brake.
U or D relay must be energised before LB operates. U and D relays are controlled by an output from the LMCSS, and will not energise unless the safety
chain is closed.
U and D relay also control the operation of UD and UDX relays. UD is the Up and Down direction relay, UDX is the auxiliary Up and Down direction relay.
Relays LB, UD and UDX operate together to ensure that the brake does not lift until the motor is connected to the drive output.
Contacts DSW 13/14 are connected in the HL1side of UDX coil. This ensures that UDX relay can not be energised before the hoistway door locks are fully
closed. DBP 53/54 and SC 53/54 are connected in parallel with DSW 13/14 to maintain UDX coil energised when Advanced Door Operation (ADO) is
enabled, or when the car is revelling in the door zone with the doors open.
DBP and SC are part of the door lock masking circuit. See page 32 above.
When the car is standing at the floor with the doors open, DBP and SC are energised. When the doors are commanded to close DBP relay is de-energised to
remove the door lock masking circuit.
BSR is the Brake Switch relay. BSR relay is energised when the brake shoes are clamped to the drum, (brake off) and brake switches BS1 and BS2 are
closed. These contacts open when the brake is energised and the brake shoes lift off the brake drum (brake on).
A contact of BSR, 13/14 (Area 8) is connected into the drive interface board. This signal enables the drive to monitor the operating state of the machine
brake. This is essentially a feedback signal to the drive, since it controls the brake operation through the relay LB.

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300VF - ANSI Speed Check Board, ASCB

ANSI Speed
Check Board

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300VF - ANSI Speed Check Board, ASCB

The ASCB provides an independent means of checking the elevator speed at two critical points when the elevator is running. This speed checking is
independent of the LMCSS and DBSS, and is a requirement of the lift code.
The ASCB controls the operation of two key safety relays – SC and ETSC. SSR1 and SSR2 are relay contacts on the ASCB.
SC is the speed check relay critical for door operation in the door zone and as a speed check when the car is running on inspection mode. See page 29 above
ETSC is the emergency terminal speed check relay that ensures that the car can not run at full speed into the pit, or the overhead structure at the top of the
SC is energised (pulls in) when the car speed is below 0.6m/s. It drops when the car speed is above 0.6m/s.
ETSC is energised when the car speed is below 94% of contract speed. It drops when the car speed is above 94% of contract speed.

The PVT is the Primary Velocity Transducer. It is attached to the motor shaft to monitor the speed and direction of the elevator machine. The PVT is a 3-
channel digital encoder providing three functions for the elevator control.
1. Speed of the elevator in millimetres per second,
2. Direction of the elevator up or down,
3. Position of the elevator, measured in millimetres from the bottom landing.
Channels A and B of the PVT are connected directly into the DBSS interface board. These provide feedback signals of the machine operation to the drive.
The drive provides the 8Vdc supply for channels A and B of the PVT. See Area 7 for these connections.

PVT channel C is connected into the ASCB specifically to enable relays SC and ETSC to operate at the correct speed during an elevator run. The ASCB
also provides an independent 8Vdc supply for channel C only.
As the elevator runs and the PVT rotates, it outputs a series of digital pulses. The ASCB counts these pulses and computes the speed of the elevator. When
the elevator reaches the predetermined preset SC and ETSC speeds, the ASCB switches on the correct output to energise these relays.

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300VF - Limit Switch 1LS/2LS

Hoistway limit switches
when car speed is 1.75m/s

TM stopping switches when car

speed is 2.0m/s or 2.5m/s

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300VF - Limit Switch 1LS/2LS

Limit switches 1LS and 2LS are the Normal Terminal Stopping Limit switches. The function of 1LS and 2LS is to force a normal slowdown (car stops
within the door zone) if the LMCSS fails to signal the drive to slowdown as the elevator approaches the top or bottom floor.

1LS contacts opens as the car approaches the bottom landing, while 2LS contact opens as the car approaches the top landing.

In addition, when 1LS contact opens the LMCSS corrects its internal floor counter to zero. The bottom landing is always zero (0) in the LMCSS floor table.
When 2LS contact opens, the LMCSS floor counter corrects to the top landing.

For elevators speeds up to 1.75m/s 1LS and 2LS are mechanical limit switches located in the hoistway. 1LS is located at the bottom of the hoistway and 2LS
is located at the top of the hoistway.

For elevator speeds 2.0m/s and 2.5m/s, 1LS and 2LS limit switches are replaced by stopping switch contacts located inside the TM box on top of the car. TM
contacts SS8 1/2 are connected to /2LS input (J4-3) on the LMCSS, and SS7 contacts 1/2 are connected to /1LS input (J4-1) on the LMCSS.

When the elevator is away from the terminal floors SS8 and SS7 contacts are closed, and /1LS and /2LS signals are high (on). This indicates that the car is
not at a terminal landing.
As the elevator approaches the bottom landing SS7 contacts open and /1LS signal switches low (off). Alternately as the elevator approaches the top floor SS8
contacts open and /2LS signal switches low (off).

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300VF – LMCSS Contact Monitoring


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300VF – LMCSS Contact Monitoring

When the elevator is operating, the LMCSS monitors the state of several key relays. Area 8 of the WD shows the monitoring contacts of these relays are
connected into the LMCSS via several L3 level converters. L3 is a 30Vdc input level converter.

INS relay is energised when the car is on normal operation and /INS input (J7-10) is high (on) when INS 63/64 are closed. The /INS input goes low when
INS 63/64 open, to indicate that the car has switched to inspection operation.
U (J6-1) and D (J6-2) are two separate inputs that indicate when U or D relays have energised. U and D are both controlled by the LMCSS, so these two
inputs are essentially feedback signals to the LMCSS when U or D has energised.
Input SC (J7-7) provides a feedback signal when SC relay is energised, and DBP (J6-3) and ETSC (J6-5) provide the same functions for these relays as well.
FSO is the Front Safe to Open relay. FSO is controlled by the LMCSS to provide a signal into the DISS (DOCB) when the door are commanded to open.
FSO input J7-9 provides a feedback signal when FSO relay energises.

DBD is the Drive/Brake Disconnect signal. DBD input J7-6 must be high (on) at the start of each run of the elevator. If DBD input is off, the elevator will
not run and the fault is stored in the LMCSS Event Log.
DBD input switches on when each of the main motor and brake control contactors are de-energised and have dropped out. In the diagram above, for DBD
input to switch on UD 21/22, LB 21/22 and UDX 21/22 all must be de-energised and dropped out. This ensures that the elevator can not run if one of these
contacts has mechanically jammed in.
For these inputs to operate correctly, the connection J6-7 to HL2 must be solid. If this input is removed then these inputs will not switch on when required.
The elevator will stop running and a fault will be stored in the event log indicating the one of these key feedback signals has not switched on when it should.

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300VF – DBSS (INTF) Contact Monitoring


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300VF – DBSS (INTF) Contact Monitoring

The DBSS interface board (INTF) also monitors some key functions of the elevator control system. Specifically those functions related to machine and brake
operation. These inputs shown on page 46 above are also 30Vdc inputs.
Input BL (J18-1) provides a feedback signal from LB relay. This input switches high (on) when LB relay is energised and LB 53/54 contacts make. This
indicates that the brake has energised and the brake shoes have lifted off the brake drum.
Inputs BMODE 1 (J18-3) and BMODE 2 (J18-4) provide feedback signals from BSR relay when the brake has operated. BSR relay drops when the brake
has energised and the brake shoes have lifted off the drum. BSR contacts 13/14 open and inputs BMODE 1 and BMODE 2 go low to indicate that the brake
has lifted.
Input THM (J18-2) monitors the motor over temperature contact MTC. THM goes low (off) if the motor temperature exceeds a preset value. The purpose of
this input is to stop the motor overheating and possibly burning out. MTC is the motor thermal contact embedded in the motor stator winding, it is a thermal
contact that opens at a preset temperature. If the drive senses that the motor is overheating, it will send a signal to the LMCSS. The elevator will stop at the
next available landing and park with the doors open until the motor temperature returns to the normal operating range.

Inputs MO, MU and MD are construction mode inputs only. These inputs are redundant when the elevator installation is complete and the elevator is put
into service and operating under the control of the LMCSS. As shown on the WD at area 8 the do not provide any function and contacts UD 13/14, U 63/64
and D 63/64 are not needed for the elevator to operate.

Note: These contacts are provide to enable the drive to operate in stand alone mode during installation when the controller wiring is not complete.

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300VF – LMCSS to DBSS Communications


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300VF – LMCSS to DBSS Communications

DBSS BU is an output channel on the DBSS interface board (INTF). Its function is to provide an 8Vdc back up supply from the DBSS to the to the LMCSS,
when the controller is powered down or when there is a power failure on the elevator controller. The 8Vdc back up supply is derived from the 600 volt DC
buss inside the drive power section. When the drive is powered down, the drive buss voltage remains high for several minutes until the internal capacitors
have fully discharged. This time delay is used to provide the back up voltage to the LMCSS to enable it to back up essential operating data, such as
fault/event log data etc. in the E2 (EEPROM) when a power failure occurs.

The LMCSS and DBSS communicate via serial communication lines. The communication link is full duplex. This enables very fast communication since the
drive and LMCSS are able to transmit and receive data simultaneously.
The communication lines are twisted, shielded and earthed as shown at Area 9 of the WD.

In the diagram above, RX+ and RX- is the receive channel on the DBSS Processor board (PROC). TX+ and TX- are the transmit channel from the drive
processor board. Similarly the LMCSS also has receive and transmit channels. The LMCSS transmit channel TX+ (J8-5) and TX- (J8-6) is connected into
drive receive channel RX+ (J6-5) and RX- (J6-6) respectively. While the drive transmit channel TX+ (J6-3) and TX- (J6-4) are connected into the LMCSS
receive channel RX+ (J8-3) and RX- (J8-4).

The LMCSS receives output signals from the PVT, buffeted by the drive processor board (PROC). Area 7 of the WD show that PVT output channels A and
B are directly connected into the drive interface board (INTF). From here the PVT signals are sent to the drive processor board, and then passed on to the
PVT channel A is connected into the LMCSS at PVT A (J8-8) and PVT /A (J8-9). PVT Channel B is connected into the LMCSS at PVT B (J8-11) and PVT
/B (J8-12). The LMCSS use this data to determine the speed and direction of the elevator, and the car position in the hoistway relative to the bottom landing.

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300VF – Door Zone Sensors

ID1Z input
switched ON

Optical Door Zone

Sensors on car top

Door Zone Vane

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300VF – Door Zone Sensors

The optical door zone sensors are mounted on top of the car. The sensors are labelled ID1Z, ODZ and ID2Z.
These three sensors operate in conjunction with a metal vane at each landing, the door zone vanes. When the elevator car is situated within 75mm of the
landing door, the door zone sensors switch on, to signal the controller that the elevator car within the door zone. If a car or hall call is set at the landing, the
controller then enables the car doors to open safely to let the passengers on and off the elevator.
The door zone sensors are an infrared optical switching sensor. When the vane blocks the infrared beam, the sensor switches ON. The output signal from the
sensor is connected into an input on the LMCSS. These inputs are labelled ID1Z, ODZ and ID2Z. The inputs are Active Low.
The sensors provide four functions;
1. To indicate the position of the car in relation to the landing, ie door zone position.
2. To enable car doors to open when the car is approximately 75mm away from the floor - Advanced Door Operation, ADO.
3. To allow the car to re-level with the doors open.
4. To update the floor position counter in the LMCSS software.
The position of each door zone vane is accurately determined when the elevator is adjusted after the equipment is installed. The trailing and leading edge of
each door zone vane is a set distance, measured in millimetres from the bottom landing. This data is stored in the LMCSS during the ‘learn run’, when the
elevator is being adjusted.
As the car runs through the hoistway the LMCSS compares the relative position of the car, calculated from the machine PVT signals with the known position
of each door zone vane in the hoistway. If there is a difference, which may have been caused by rope slip, the LMCSS adjusts the car position in software.
The sensors operate at 24Vdc supplied from the DBSS (INTF). The door zone inputs on the LMCSS are all active low inputs, ie. when the sensors switch on,
these LMCSS inputs are connected to the 0V (J21-4) pin on the DBSS (INTF) board.

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300VF – LMCSS to Ring Car Board Communications



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300VF – LMCSS to Ring Car Board Communications

The LMCSS and RCB (Ring Car Board) communicate via serial communication lines. The communication link is full duplex. This enables very fast
communication since the LMCSS and RCB are able to transmit and receive data simultaneously.
The communication lines are twisted, shielded and earthed as shown at Area 11 of the WD.

In the diagram above, S1TXA (P4-5) and S1TXB (P4-6) is the transmit channel on the RCB, while RX+ (J10-4) and RX- (J10-5) is the receive channel on
the LMCSS. Similarly the LMCSS also has a transmit channel, TX+ (J10-1) and TX- (J10-3) that is connected into RCB receive channel, S1RXA (J4-7) and
S1RXB (J4-8) respectively.

The Ring Car Board is the Operational Control Subsystem, OCSS. Part of the OCSS functions is the control of group operations for the elevator. A group
may consist of 2-8 elevators. When there is more than one elevator in the group, the elevator RCB’s combine the form the group controller, communicating
to each other via the ring communication lines, or ring.

Through this communication process, each elevator gets the same information provided to all the elevators in the group. The software then acts together to
determine which is the best elevator to answer a call in the system.

In the diagram above, if the group consists of only one elevator, ie. simplex operation, then jumpers are connected on the ring communication terminals. This
is because there are no other elevators to talk to in the group. When there are two or more elevators in the group, then each elevator is connected to the next
elevator via the ring communication lines connected at plug 3 on the RCB.

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300VF – LMCSS to DOCB (DISS) Communications

Door Operator Control

Box on car top


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300VF – LMCSS to DOCB (DISS) Communications

The LMCSS controls all door operations of the elevator. It determines when the elevator doors will open and close. The doors are controlled by an MRDS
door operator. The operator itself is controlled by the Door Interface Subsystem, DISS, located on top of the car inside the Door Operator Control Box,
The LMCSS communicates with the DISS via serial communication. In the diagram above, TX+ (J9-4) and TX- (J9-6) are the transmit line on the LMCSS.
These are connected to the DISS receive line MRXA (CJ10-4) and MRXB (CJ10-5), via the travelling cables and the car junction box. Similarly RX+ (J9-1)
and RX- (J9-2) are the LMCSS receive lines, connected to the DISS transmit lines, MTXA (CJ10-1) and MTXB (CJ10-2).

FSO Signal
FSO is the Front Safe to Open signal, generated by the LMCSS. In the diagram above, FSO 33/34 is connected in series with SC 33/34 into the /FSO input
on the DISS (P3-7, see Area 13). The FSO signal is used by the DISS to enable the doors to open, when the car is in the door zone.
Notice that /FSO is an active low signal, ie it switches to HL2 when FSO and SC relays are energised. FSO relay is energised when the car is within the door
zone (within 75mm of the landing). SC relay is energised by the ASCB when the car speed is less than 0.6m/s.

RSO is the Rear (door) Safe to Open signal. It is only provided if the car has a rear door as well as a front door.

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300VF – Door Operator Control


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300VF – Door Operator Control

The MRDS door operator is controlled by the DISS from signals generated by the LMCSS. The MRDS is a DC door operator, operating at 140Vdc. See
Area 45, sheet 38 for an internal sketch of the operator armature and field connections.

The control relays for the operator are located on the DISS board at the operator. For a complete description of the MRDS door operator see Technical Self
Paced Training module – Door Systems Module 13 – Door Operators, Unit 3 – MRDS Door Operator.
DOL is the door open limit. The DOL contacts open when the car door is fully open. The contacts close as the door starts to close.
DCL is the door close limit. The DCL contacts open when the door is fully closed.

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Appendix A – Safety Chain

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Appendix A – Level Converter Internal Circuit Sheet 52

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