Workshop 2 - Customer Service

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English Learning Guide

Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

Name: FRANCY YOHANA CHUNZA MEESA Cohort: 1827900- Date: 15th Nov
1 2019
Training program: ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Instructor: YOLANDA



This workshop attempts to help you improve your basic interaction with others at your workplace,
sharing personal information, identifying formal and informal communication, and asking and
giving information on phone calls, describing the office, your coworkers and you will learn about
customer service and how to interact with others at your workplace.

Objective: From the development of these activities, you will be able to interact with others at your

1. Work in pairs and discuss the following questions:

- Think of a company you know and describe it (location, facilities, departments) - What
kind of company is it? What products, services do they offer there?

The popular bank has different offices in the departments of Cundinamarca Antioquia,
Valle Atlántico, Bolivar Cordoba, Tolima Huila, Caldas among others.

Respuesta: Banco Popular is a Colombian financial entity belonging to the Aval Actions and
Securities Group, with its headquarters in the city of Bogotá

The products of the popular bank are current account training product, commercial
support, electronic banking, placement products.

What services/facilities/products can you highlight from this company?

the popular bank carries out promotions in jumbo and metro by acquiring the express
credit card, international locker etc.
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
- Share the information with the rest of the class.

3. Skills Practice: Do the following activities to practice the learnt vocabulary and English

2.1. Listening: talking about your company in English

Before listening, identify the following vocabulary (look up the meaning of the words and write
some examples).

Company Merchandise Advertising

Manufacture Design Campaigns
Develop Sell Major/Players
Industry Field Represent Rated
Produce OEM Distribute Serve
Market Reputation Awards Small/Medium-Sized
Branded Distinctions Retailer
Known for Equipment


1. Company: Entity in which capital and labor are involved as factors of production of industrial or
commercial activities or for the provision of services.
travel agency, banks, supermarkets, hairdressers.

2. Manufacture: Make a product from the combination of its components, especially in series and
by mechanical means.
Capital consumption products and materials and supplies.

3. Develop: Take place or happen a thing in a certain way.

Example: The meeting was held normally.

4. Industry Field: Industrial agriculture is that agriculture that focuses on the mass production of
products made for the satisfaction of people and carries a high level of technification and needs
a high investment of capital, energy and other resources.
Examples: an orchard, a cereal steppe

5. Produce OEM: OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer and refers to companies such
as TSMC that manufacture products for other companies

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
Lenovo, HP, Dell or Acer that sell computers already
assembled with the components of other companies.

6. Market: Public place with shops or stalls where it is traded, especially with food and other
Import market, offer, food.

7. Branded: Signal that allows you to identify or distinguish something or to give some information
about it.
Coca Cola, HP, Lenovo, Huawei, adidas and Google

8. Merchandise: a good is a movable thing that is constituted as an object of treatment or sale. The
concept usually applies to economic goods that are susceptible to purchase or sale.
perfumes, books, cars, computers, furniture, appliances and apartments.

9. Design: It refers to a sketch, sketch or scheme that is made, either mentally or on a material
support, before specifying the production of something.
rollers, cases, suitcases, drawings, paintings.

10. Sell: Give something to someone in exchange for a certain amount of money.
sale via internet, through social tests etc.

11. Represent: It is the action and effect of representing, presenting something with figures or words,
referring, replacing someone, executing a work in public
through images, videos, models show something to people.

12. Distribute: It is the action and effect of distributing, dividing something among several people,
giving something a convenient destination, delivering a merchandise.
Banking sector: the bank directly markets its products to the customer; Agriculture: in the markets
of supplies and markets in general there are many farmers who sell their products.

13. Reputation Awards: Reputation is the consideration, opinion or esteem of someone or

something. The concept is associated with prestige.
certificates of excellence and awards, diplomas, vecas.

14. Difference that makes each thing different from the others.

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
It allows its diversity. inequality, difference,
dissimilarity, singularity equality, similarity.

15. Known for Advertising: Advertising is a form of communication that tries to increase the
consumption of a product or service, insert a new brand or product into the consumer market,
improve the image of a brand or reposition a product or brand in the mind of a consumer.
Marketing, market offers.

16. Campaigns: It is the set of acts that are carried out with the intention of achieving a certain
objective. Campaigns can be developed from civil society or marketing
Coca Cola advertising campaigns, YouTube, Facebook, consumer products.

17. Major/ Players: protagonist allows you to name the main character of a work of fiction, whether
literary, cinematographic or otherwise.
example: an agency, organization, group or individual that has an interest (direct or indirect) in
the planning process

18. Rated: Nominal is an adjective that allows you to name what belongs to or related to the name.
Marital status, with the following modalities: single, married, separated, divorced and widowed.
The sex of a group of people (male - female) The colors of the flowers (red, pink, yellow).

19. Serve: Be a person or a thing suitable for performing a function

he does not serve to be a seller; This flour is not used to make the cake.

20. Small/ Medium-Sized: Small Producer: Generally, it is a family activity, between 25 to 30 hectares
maximum, Medium Producer: 30 to 100 hectares, there is more technology, Large Producer:
More than 100 hectares, in general they become industrial companies. They usually have their
own crops.
Small: Supermarket
Medium: Coca cola

21. Retailer: it is a term that is used to name the particularities or circumstances of some specific
“I was reading the contract details and there are some clauses that seem confusing to me.

22. Equipment: It is a group of human beings who meet and work together to achieve a common goal.
For this, the team maintains a certain organization that allows it to achieve its objectives
1. Generates a sense of belonging.

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
2. Involve each participant in the decisions.
3. Build a trust between members.
Set a common goal.

GC-F -005 V. 01

Listen and read the audio script1 at

Then answer the following questions:

- Mention three things you can mention about a company:

1. It gives great importance to the vision.
2. They adapt to change.
3.They have well defined processes.
- Give 5 examples of what OEM industry can produce
1. The term OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer and refers to companies
such as TSMC that manufacture products for other companies.

2. A supplier that offers excellent quality support service internationally and provides
quality products at competitive prices.

3. Microsoft sells them to computer manufacturers, so that they can be installed on the
computers that are then sold to users.

4. Suppliers of OEM products specialize in their production, making the cost lower than
what it would have if the company were to manufacture it.

5.OEM is widely used in the world of technology.

- Write down one example of reputation of your model company. Use the expression
“Known for….”

Taken from: Used by SENA for pedagogical purposes,
exclusively. 2
Adapted From: Used by SENA for pedagogical purposes,

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
- The project is aligned with the bank's strategy regarding its
stakeholders and is articulated as an active listening tool.
Its usefulness as a tool focuses on the shareholders of the bank since, in addition to
addressing or responding to their social concerns, it serves to have a reference element
regarding the development of CSR actions and their alignment with the interests of this

2.2. Speaking: provide basic information related to your workplace

- Work in pairs and perform a role play/ dialogue using your model company as an example.
Ask and answer questions giving specific information about it. Include location, facilities,
products and departments. Use model questions to practice.
- Prepare an oral presentation of your team- Describe at least three different people from
your workplace.


the popular bank offers Payroll Application

Choice of the tax-exempt account for Financial Movements
Identification Special Savings Account for pensioners
Banco Popular Español was a Spanish bank founded in 1926, a subsidiary of Banco Santander since
June 2017 and absorbed by it in September 2018. It was based in the city of Madrid. It was the entity
that led the Spanish SME business, where it held an 18% market share in 2017.

2.3. Reading about behaviors at work

Before reading the text, discuss the following questions?

- What do you think it is the most difficult fact to deal with at work?
When the person the ego of the person, the smarty, evasion of responsibility for few ideas,
group pressure and lack of trust.
- Can you tell a nice or bad experience you had with a person from work?
If I had the experience in the first job I had in which a co-worker was a person offered to
everything they would send when it was not necessary.

Read the text and then complete the proposed activities.


Co-authored by Abayomi Estwick
Your attitude is just as important as your skills and abilities. From offices to restaurants,
learning to navigate any new job requires a unique mixture of people skills and dedication. You
can learn to make a good impression on your first day, and turn that good impression into a
good reputation into the future.

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

Starting a new job

1. Get there early. On your first day, it's important to make a good impression and to
show up on time. Make sure you're there early enough to get fully prepared and
changed, if necessary, to start your shift. Be there ready to go 10-15 minutes before
your shift starts. Give yourself an extra 30-40 minutes as a buffer for things like traffic,
getting lost, and finding parking.
2. Listen and apply what you hear. You are not expected to excel right away at most
jobs, and most employers know that there will be a learning curve with new hires. So,
don't worry so much about making mistakes and messing up your first day, but focus
on learning as much as possible and listening carefully to make sure you don't miss
3. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Lots of new employees will be too sheepish to ask
questions, and will blunder into doing things incorrectly. Identify when you really
need help. There's no shame in asking for help, especially on your first day.
4. Try to anticipate what needs to happen next. The process of every workplace is very
different. Even if you're skilled and talented, it takes some time to figure out what
needs to happen, and in what order.
5. Clean up without being asked. One thing that's consistent at every workplace is
cleanliness and safety. Straightening up doesn't usually need to be coached. Look out
for things you can organize, or ways that you can clean up to make the workplace
much easier.
6. Just be yourself. It's not what you know, how talented you are, or even what you do
on the first day that will make it a success. It's your attitude and behavior. Your
employer hired you because there was something about your combination of skills
and personality that will benefit your workplace.

You don't have to act like your coworkers act, for good or for worse. It takes time for people
to adjust to a new person in the workplace, so give your co-workers time to adjust to your
personality rather than changing your behavior to match theirs.

Answer the following questions:

- What is the text about?

try to give advice and tips for good behavior at work and the success of the first day, give all
the best of one to be satisfied with what a person develops.

- Give some ideas to overview the information given in the text.

- Ask questions not to do things wrong, try to anticipate what should happen next, clean up
without being asked. One thing that is consistent in each workplace is cleanliness and
safety. And always have a good behavior towards the elderly

Look up the underlined words from the text:

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
Find the definition and a synonym for each one of them. Write
them down and use them to refer to your workplace.



show up

Go [a person] to a place where he is seen by other people, especially if he does it unexpectedly.


In many cases, it is used as a synonym for replacement, exchange or replacement. The verb
change, meanwhile, refers to leaving one thing or situation to take another.

to excel right away

Be more outgoing, stand out, stand out or be distinguished by something.


Place where a stream of water sprouts, either from the ground, from among the rocks, from a
pipe or from a key.


Recruitment is the realization of a contract to an individual through which, agreed between

the parties, usually employer and employee agree.

messing up

mistreating someone, leaving him crippled ”, that is, where a serious injury is incurred; "I
mistreat, damage or deface something" in this case refers to the objects and finally "spoil,
spoiling any matter or project" concerning acts or circumstances.


GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
it refers to the person and individual, the one who causes,
originates, provokes or produces shame. That he is easily
ashamed or that he is susceptible to shame, this meaning can be used as a noun.


The concept refers to the lack of ability or ability to perform certain tasks or to develop certain


person who is very skilled or experienced in certain activity or work The cook is an expert in
sweet dishes. 2. Person who has a lot of knowledge in a subject The surgeon is an expert in
her field.


It is one that has a capacity or skill superior to that of the majority in an activity that requires
certain skills.

figure out

refers to the action of discovering the content that is written in unknown characters or codes.


Cleaning refers only to the use of water and soap to remove dirt and most germs


GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
Daily it can refer to the absence of risk or to the confidence in
something or in someone. However, the term can take
different senses depending on the area or field to which it refers in security.


Intention in the realization of something.


Attitude is a procedure that leads to a particular behavior. It is the realization of an intention

or purpose.


It is the way to behave (conduct, behave). It is the way people or organisms proceed in the
face of stimuli and in relation to the environment.


Person who shares with another or others the stay in a place, studies, a job or the practice of
a sport or other activity.

Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) according to the text.

- Your skills and abilities are more important than your attitude at your workplace ( T ).
- Arriving early to the office gives a good impression, especially the first days of work ( T ).
- You are not allowed to ask questions at work the first day ( F ).
- It is very useful to identify what should happen at work ( V ).

2.4. Writing: Draw a floor plan of your model company, indicating places, facilities, services and
make an oral presentation, include also some behavior codes for the employees. Add more
ideas to your drawing.

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

The bank has an administrative management office, ATMs, boxes, customer service, attention to
PYMES, human resources department, boardroom.

3. Extension activities: the extension activities will help you improve your performance in the topics.
You need to reach at least five hours of practice on your own2.

- To watch more videos and learn more vocabulary about the workplace communication,
visit the channel 925English at YouTube.

All the materials, websites and links used by SENA, are used for academic purposes only.

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 2
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
- Explore the following website to know more about behave
at the workplace to expand your knowledge and share it
with your instructor and your classmates.
- Based on your instructor’s orientation, explore the following website and practice the
English structures. Do at least 2 activities from each topic studied in class and deliver them
to your instructor:

GC-F -005 V. 01

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