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English Learning Guide

Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF


1827900-1 06th 2019
Training program: ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Instructor:



This workshop attempts to help you improve your basic interaction with others at your workplace,
sharing personal information, identifying formal and informal communication, and asking and
giving information on phone calls your coworkers and you will learn about customer service and
how to interact with others at your workplace.

Objective: From the development of these activities, you will be able to introduce yourself and
other people using formal and informal communication at work.

1. Work in groups and discuss the following questions:

- What do you understand for personal information?

Respuesta: It refers to the information that can be used to identify, contact or locate a specific person
Se referee a la information que puede usarse para identificar, contactar o localizar a una persona

- What data corresponds to personal information?

Respuesta: the data are name, surname, address, telephone, email, date of birth, age, nationality,
sex etc.
Los datos son nombre, apellido, dirección, teléfono, correo electrónico, fecha de nacimiento, edad, nacionalidad, sexo, etc.
- How can you ask a person about their personal information?
Respuesta: You ca ask through an interview, face to face and by email
Se puede preguntar por medio de una entrevista, cara a cara y por correo electrónico.

- Share your answers with the rest of the class and practice asking and answering personal
information questions.

2. Create a business card using your personal information. Use the image as an example. Take into
- Name of the company
- Full name
- Position in the company
- Contact information
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

3. Skills practice: Do the following activities to practice the learnt vocabulary and English structures.

3.1. Speaking practice

GC-F -005 V. 01

Image taken from internet as an example.
Now, practice your oral skills and perform a small personal presentation in groups. Suppose
you are a new employee at a company and you will introduce yourself to the team. Switch
roles and get to know each other. Ask and answer questions about everybody in the group.
Share your business cards.

3.2. Listening practice

Before watching the video, discuss:
- What is communication?
- How do we use communication at work? Give some examples.

Watch the video, make notes, and answer or complete the following statements: -
What is communication?
Respuesta: Communication is the process of information exchange between two or more people
La Comunicación es el proceso de intercambio de información entre dos o más personas

Verbal communication Body communication written communication

- Mention 3 ways of communication
, ,

- What does influence how people imagine you?

I imagine myself judious, quiet me imagina juiciosa y callada

- Who can you communicate with in a casual or informal way?

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF


Chief Friends

Teacher Family

Coordinator Persons

- Texting Abbreviation, Emoji, and being silly is fine to communicate with


3.3. Reading practice

Before Reading the text, discuss the following questions:
- Do you think it is necessary to have a communication code at work? Give examples.
Codes are the basis for effective communication because they are the basis for the transmission
of the message.
- What can you say about formal and informal communication? Describe.

Identify the key words from the text. Look for their definition, pronunciation in English.
Interchange Exchange is called the action of giving one thing or doing one action
in exchange for another thing or another action. Exchanges are
common in society as a consequence of the specific circumstances
of each individual.
Role Paper is a material made from ground and bleached vegetable
paste, which is available in thin sheets and is used for writing,
drawing, etc.
Organization An organization is a system designed to achieve certain goals and
objectives. These systems may, in turn, be made up of other related
subsystems that perform specific functions.
channels of communication It is the means of transmission through which the signals carrying
the information intended to exchange transmitter and receiver
travel. It is also frequently referenced as a data channel.
Verbal communication It is the process by which two or more people interact by sharing
information through the word. Verbal communication is often
complemented by non-verbal communication to reinforce the
Spoken communication It is the one where spoken word are used or sounds are emitted
verbally. Intonation and vocalization play a fundamental role in this
type of communication so that the message actually reaches and
be interpreted by the receiver.

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

Written communication It is the one that is done through written codes. Unlike oral
communication, written communication can last in time. This
causes interaction with the receiver not to occur immediately.
non-verbal communication This is when messages are transmitted using non-linguistic signs.
This is the oldest type of communication, as it was the way people
communicated when language did not exist.
eye contact Eye contact is the situation where two individuals look into each
other’s eyes at the same time. It is a form of non-verbal
communication that has a great impact on social behavior. The
continuity and interpretation of eye contact varies between cultures.
Workplace A job is that space in which an individual carries out his work
activity, also known as a station or workplace.
1. Employees Person working for a salary in a public or private company. It should
be distinguished from worker, since this is a broader term that
includes those who work and are not dependent on an employer.
2. Duties Duty is a responsibility established prior to its fulfillment, Duties
relate to attitudes expected of all human beings, regardless of their
origin, ethnicity or living conditions, to ensure community forms
with equal rights for all humanity.
3. Hierarchical The hierarchy is a structure that is established according to its
criterion of subordination between people, animals, values and
dignities. Such criterion can be superiority, inferiority, precedence,
later, etc; that is, any categorical quality of gradation agent that
characterizes its interdependence
4. Command A small group of shock forces specializing in incursions into enemy
territory is called a command. The concept is also used with
reference to soldiers who make up this type of force.
5. Network A communications network is a set of technical means that allow
remote communication between autonomous equipment.
Normally it is a matter of transmitting data, audio and video via
electromagnetic waves through various media (air, vacuum, copper
cable, fibre optic, etc.).
6. Requests Where the communication indicates an intention to take up a job, it
may be referred to as a letter of application for employment. The
subject thus applies for a job opportunity, expressing to a company
his intention to work there.
7. Bottom-up Bottom-up development or bottom-up development arises in
contrast to the mainstream established in the top-up development
paradigm below in which policies are designed by technicians and
bureaucrats in ministerial offices, based on theoretical statements
and secondary information.
8. Top-down Communication between them is vertical, as different levels are
communicating. Once vertical communication refers to different
levels, there are two flows within that communication: Vertical

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

Ascending: it happens from the bottom up, when a collaborator

communicates with his/her manager/ leader
9. Strand chain Communication takes place between the people who are closest,
usually through the different hierarchical levels, that is, from the
boss in the middle and from this to the worker and vice versa.
10. Cluster chain scientific racism is the use of pseudo-scientific or apparently
scientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief
in racism, racial inferiority, racialism or racial superiority.1 2 3 4
Alternatively, is the practice of classifying 5 individuals of different
phenotypes in different breeds.
11. Secrecy A secret is the practice of sharing information between a group of
people, in which information is hidden from people who are not in
the group. Secrecy is often a source of controversy. Many people
claim, at least in some situations, that it is better to make public a
given information
12. Time-consuming onsumption is the action and effect of consuming or spending,
whether products, goods or services, such as energy, meaning
consumption, as the use of these products and services to meet
primary and secondary needs. Mass consumption has given rise to
consumerism and the so-called consumer society
13. Reliable l reliable adjective is used to qualify that or that which provides
security, guarantees or is reliable. It may be a person, an object, a
procedure, etc.
14. Supporting "poyo" is a term to be supported. This verb refers to making
something rest on something else; to founding or basing; to
confirming or sustaining some opinion or doctrine; or to favoring
sponsoring something.
15. available It is said especially of a thing that can be freely disposed of or that
is ready to use or use. It is said that a member of the military or an
official in active service is not assigned or is assigned immediately.
It refers to a person who is free from hindrance, difficulty, and
inconvenience to render any service to anyone.

Difference Between Formal and Informal Communication

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
March 27, 2015 By Surbhi S[21]

Someone said correctly “The very attempt of,

not to speak, speaks a lot.” Communication
plays a crucial role in our life,
as people interchange their ideas,
information, feelings, and opinions
by communicating. Formal
communication passes through predefined
channels of communication all over the
organization. On the contrary, Informal flows
in every direction, i.e. it moves freely in the

Communication can be verbal – spoken or written, or non-verbal i.e. using sign language, body
movements, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact or even with the tone of voice. In an
organization, there are two channels of communication – formal communication and informal
communication. People often confuse between these two channels, so here we present this article
that explains the difference between formal and informal communication network.

Text adapted from:
used by SENA for pedagogical purpose, exclusively.

Definition of Formal Communication: communication in which the flow of information is already

defined. The communication follows a hierarchical chain of command established by the
organization. This type of communication is used exclusively in the workplace, and the employees
follow it while performing their duties. Some examples are: Requests, commands, orders, reports
etc. There are four types of formal communication:
• Upward or Bottom-up: The information goes from subordinate to superior authority.
• Downward or Top-down: The goes from superior to subordinate.
• Horizontal or Lateral: The communication between two employees of different
departments working at the same level.
• Crosswise or Diagonal: The communication between the employees of two different

• departments working at different levels.

Definition of Informal Communication: Communication does not follow any pre-defined channel
for the transmission of information. This type of communication moves freely in all directions, and it
is very quick and rapid. This type of communication is very natural as people interact with each

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

other about their professional life, personal life, and other matter. Some examples are: Sharing of
feelings, casual discussion, gossips, etc.
There are four types of informal communication:
• Single Strand Chain: The communication in which one person tells something to another,
who again says something to some other person and the process goes on.
• Cluster Chain: The communication in which one person tells something to some of its most
trusted people, and then they tells them to their trustworthy friends and the
communication continues.
• Probability Chain: The communication happens when a person randomly chooses some
persons to pass on the information which is of little interest but not important.
• Gossip Chain: The communication starts when a person tells something to a group of
people, and then they pass on the information to some more people and in this way the
information is passed on to everyone.

Key Differences
1. Formal communication is also known by the name of official communication. Informal
Communication is also known by the name of grapevine.
2. In formal communication, the information must follow a chain of command. Conversely,
the informal communication moves freely in any direction.
3. In formal communication, full secrecy is maintained, but in the case of informal
communication maintenance of secrecy is a very tough task.
4. Formal communication is written, whereas Informal communication is oral.
5. Formal communication is time-consuming as opposed to Informal communication, which is
rapid and quick.
6. Formal communication is more reliable than Informal communication.
7. Formal communication is designed by the organization. Informal communication starts itself
due to the urge of ‘human to talk’.
8. In formal communication, the documentary evidence is always available. Informal
communication supporting documents are not available.

According to the text:

- Answer your instructor´s comprehension questions and share your answers.
- Establish a comparison chart between formal and informal communication. Work in pairs

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

Answer your instructor´s comprehension Answer your

questions and share your answers. instructor´s
questions and
share your
Establish a comparison chart between formal Establish a comparison chart between
and informal communication. Work in pairs formal and informal communication. Work
in pairs

- Make a graphic illustration of the 4 types of in/formal communication. Use mind maps models and
share it with the rest of the class. Work in pairs

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF


The communication CLUSTER CHAIN The communication
starts when a person happens when a
tells something to a person
The communication in which one person tells randomly
something to some of its most trus
group of people, and chooses
then they pass on the
information to some some persons to
more people and in this pass on the
way the information is information which is
passed on to everyone. of little interest but
not important.


The communication in which one

person tells something to another,
who again says something to some
other person and the process goes

Upward or Bottom-up
Down Ward or Top-Down
: The information goes from The goes from superior to
subordinate to superior
authority. subordinate.

Horizontal or Lateral Crosswise or Diagonal

The communication between The communication

two employees of different between the employees of
departments working at the same two different departments working at different lev

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

3.4. Writing Practice

Let’s suppose that you are part of a design team. Write a short paragraph, saying who the
members of your team are. Use the following text as a model. 3
Hello, My name is Kevin Galindo. I am a graphic
designer at Draw your Dreams Corporation.
These are the members of my team. On my
Blanca and Jeisson, they are
the copywriters for the new products on the
production department. On my left, you can see
Rosa, Julian, and Miriam. They are the sales
representatives of the company.
And I am the one in the middle of the picture. We
are a great team with lots of ideas for our

Now, try your own text. Use a picture to have

more ideas!

hello, my name is Francy Chunza legal representative of the sport life company next to
me is Valentina Camargo and Laura Collazos partners of the company, basically the
company is in charge of marketing sportswear for women, and motivating women in
sport to have a healthy life.

he company consists of 1 accountant 5 workers in production 5 administrators, 1 tax

reviewer, 1 lawyer

Extension activities: the extension activities will help you improve your performance in the topics.
You need to reach at least five hours of practice on your own.
- For further information, listening practice, pronunciation, and more about this, check the link
below to a YouTube video:
- Based on your instructor’s orientation, explore the following website and practice the English
structures. Do at least 2 activities from each topic studied in class and deliver them to your

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 1: Customer Service
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

Image taken from internet as an example.

GC-F -005 V. 01

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