Translation Video 1940 WOW Poor Pregnant Girl in A Rich Family!

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Video 1940 Poor Pregnant Girl In a Rich Family!

MIAH (Tired): E-e-eh…

MIAH: Finally, a moment to rest.
BODYGUARD: Good morning, boss! I’ll get the door!
JACK (Laughing): Ha-ha-ha! It goes the other way, Sam!.
BODYGUARD: Heh, whoops. Won’t happen again!
JACK: I believe in you.
MIAH: Hello, Mister Anderson! Careful there.
MIAH: Allow me to help, Mister Anderson!
MIAH: Oh, Mister Anderson, Mister Anderson!
MIAH: Are you hurt?
JACK: No-no, I’m fine.
BODYGUARD: Boss? Everything okay?
BODYGUARD(Coughing): Augh. Cough, cough.
JACK: Nothing is okay now. I'm in love! Please, let me take you out for dinner!
MIAH: But I need to finish cleaning this mess!
JACK: Somebody else will do the cleaning now.
MIAH: Tee-hee!
JACK (Off-screen): Tidy this place up!
BODYGUARD: A-ah! Ow! Ow-w-w!
ADAM: What in the world is this about?
ALICE: What’s the deal? Where is our cleaner?
ADAM: She lives one street over.
ADAM: We gave her a private jet, but she still manages to be late.
JACK: I made about five million today!
MIAH: Hah! You’re a funny. What kind of number is a million anyways?
JACK: And this is where I live, ha-ha!
MIAH: Wow! This house is amazing! I’ve never seen anything like this!
MIAH: Somebody, pinch me!
JACK: Heh.
ALICE (Disgusted): How do you turn this thing on? E-e-eh…
ADAM (Catching the bucket): O-op!.
JACK: Mom, dad, we’re home!
ADAM: Ah, here’s our cleaner! My son is *not* your personal driver, you know. Thank you, Jack.
ALICE: Get to work. We don’t pay you to stand around!
MIAH: O-oh.
MIAH: You’re going to *pay* me?
JACK: Actually, this is my wife-to-be!
ADAM and ALICE (Laughing): Ha-ha-ha!
ADAM (Laughing): What a joker you are, Jack! Ho-ho. Ha-ha!
JACK: This is my bride! Her name is Miah.
MIAH: Pleased to meet you!.
ALICE (Faints): He-e-e… e-eugh.
ADAM: My love...
ALICE: I don’t feel so good! I need to buy something, quickly!
ALICE: Phew. Phe-e-ew. That’s better.
JACK: Make yourself at home.
ALICE: This must be some sort of joke!
ADAM: I just don’t get it. She is *not* going to clean up, then?
ADAM: Hm-m?
ALICE: He-eh.
MARTIN: Perfect.
MARTIN (Clearing his throat): Oh! Hem-hem. Here, please.
ALICE: Thank you..
ADAM (Laughing): Ho-ho-ho.
MIAH: Gimme that!
MIAH: Find yourself another seat.
MARTIN: Ladies and gentlemen.
ADAM: Thank you, Martin.
ADAM: Is… she alright?
JACK: Miah? Miah!
MIAH: M-m-m! This soup is delicious!
ALICE: Such bad manners! Pfeh.
JACK: Honey, this is for your hands!
MIAH: Oh. I knew that. I was just testing you!
MARTIN: Here, chef’s specialty.
MIAH: Wow! Can I have some?
JACK: You can have as much as you want!
MIAH: I hope you won’t regret saying that!
MIAH (Eating): M-m-m!
ADAM: Is that… normal for the *poor*?
JACK: This is my first time seeing this!
ALICE: I think I know what the matter is.
ALICE: Come with me.
MIAH: Don’t touch anything, I’ll finish it later!
ALICE: Come!
ALICE (Clearing her throat): Hem-hem. She’s pregnant.
ADAM (Having a coughing fit): A-hem! Cough! Cough-cough! Khm, a-hem-hem-hem!
ALICE (Sighing): Why didn’t I think of that sooner?
DOCTOR: Finally. Please pick up your trash and leave. I’m expecting some VIP customers!
ADAM: Where are you going?
MIAH: To take out the trash! For the VIPs!
JACK: *We* are the VIPs, doctor.
DOCTOR: A-ah! Oh, my goodness!
DOCTOR: I’m so sorry! Why didn’t I see that…
DOCTOR: That you… are the VIPs…
ALICE: I think it’ll be a girl.
ADAM: In your dreams. It’s a boy. Jack needs an heir for his firm.
ALICE (Sighing, irritated): Hm-m-m-mph!
DOCTOR: I’m sorry to say but… it’s a low-income boy.
ALICE and JACK: Wha-a-at?
ADAM: See? Didn’t I tell you? Wait, what?
JACK (Clearing his throat): Hem-hem.. There has to be a mistake.
ALICE: Doctor, can’t you do something? A-a-ah!
DOCTOR: There *is* a way, bu-u-ut…
ADAM: Here, and keep the change.
DOCTOR: Let’s see where I left it…
DOCTOR: You’re lucky - that’s the last one we have!
JACK and ALICE: Yes, yes!
ADAM: Ah, I love you so much! A-a-ah!
DOCTOR: Well then… Now it’s a normal boy!
ADAM: Thank you, doctor!
JACK: Let’s go!.
DOCTOR: Happy to help! Ah, I love rich people. So gullible!
ADAM: Miah! Jack and I have a surprise for you!
MIAH: O-oh!
MIAH: Wow! What’s that, a giant pepperoni pizza?
JACK: Ha-ha!
JACK: No, sweetie. Not quite. O-op!
ADAM: This is a panic button. The moment you need anything, press it and we’ll come running!
MIAH: Well then!
JACK: Nuh-uh, Miah. We’re already here, aren’t we? What do you need, honey?
MIAH: A giant pepperoni pizza!
ADAM: Heh! You’ll have your pizza in a moment!
JACK: Meanwhile, we’ve got some work to do. Have fun!
JACK: So, we can see on the chart that our only conclusion is…
JACK: *This* is the reason our profits decreased. From now on, we must take our coffee without
ADAM: Pf-f-f-f! Coffee without cream?!
JACK (Off-screen): Miah!
ADAM and JACK: Miah!
ADAM (Winded): A-ah… Cough, phew…
JACK: Phew. What’s wrong, my love?
MIAH: I’ve been testing you! It took you a minute and a half!
ADAM: Miah, this is for emergencies only! You got it?
MIAH: Got it.
DOCTOR: Open u-
JACK (Slurring): Hello? Yes… yes, yes.
DOCTOR: Open up!
JACK (Slurring): What about my money? Yes, money! Yes… M-hm… Yep….
JACK: Ha-a-a…
DOCTOR: Alright, young man, let’s get to work!
DOCTOR: But what about your…?
JACK и ADAM (Winded): Phew… phew… what?
MIAH: I can’t open this jar!
ADAM (Struggling): Unf… urgh… e-e-e-egh…
ADAM: A-a-ah… phew.
JACK: Wo-o-o-o! Ha-ha.
JACK: Pilot! Turn this plane around!
ADAM (Swooning): Aw-w-w.
JACK: Shh!
ADAM (Whispering): I think I’ll take that away. She can use a phone instead.
JACK (Whispering): Yeah, alright.
ADAM (Whispering): Let’s go.
MAN: Phew. That’s the last one.
MIAH: What do we have here?
MIAH: Aha! Thanks!
MAN: Oh… I should get a different job.
MIAH: This’ll be our nursery!
MIAH: Let’s see. No. Nope. Nuh-uh… Now that’s exactly what I need!
MIAH: This place will make for a great crib!
MIAH: Done!
MIAH: Ah, I wish I had a crib like that when I was little!
MIAH: Hm. Something is missing, though…
MIAH: Oh! These will be our toys! Who even drinks so much soda?
MIAH: You’re so-o-o lucky! I’m spoiling you so much!
JACK: You know, I think Miah will be a great mother!
ADAM: We’ll trust you on that, son.
ALICE: Wait, what’s *this* about?
ADAM: Wow.
JACK: Huh.
ALICE: A-ah…
MIAH: Oh! I thought you’d come by!
ALICE (Scared): E-e-eugh.
ADAM (Disgusted): E-e-ew. What’s going on here? What’s this smell?
ALICE: Yeah!
MIAH: This will be a cozy little nest for our baby!
ALICE (Disgusted): Well, we have different views on what’s cozy! Bleh.
JACK: Miah, dear, how about we build a *different* nest?
MIAH: But I worked so hard…
ALICE: M-hm!
ADAM (Blows on the gun): Fwo-o-o.
ALICE: That’s better.
JACK: Presto!
MIAH: Oh, wow!
JACK: How is it?
MIAH: I’m so happy!
MIAH (Off-screen): I wanna hug you all!
ADAM. Uh, no.
JACK: Mom! Dad!
ALICE and ADAM (Awkward): Heh-heh…
ADAM: Well?
PHOTOGRAPHER: A little to the right… yep.
PHOTOGRAPHER(Off-screen): Alright, keep smiling, almost done…
PHOTOGRAPHER: Hm. Oh, you - more to the right, please….
PHOTOGRAPHER (Off-screen): Further. Further…. Even *more* to the right please.
PHOTOGRAPHER: Hold! That’s perfect. Alright.
JACK: Hold on. Either we’re doing this together, or we’re going to find a different photographer.
ALICE: Miah could use a new look. Yep.
ABBIE (Contemplative): Hm-m-m..
ABBIE: Let’s cut a little here.
ABBIE: Eugh. And clean up a little there.
ABBIE: And this, we need to just burn.
MIAH: Why don’t you ask what *I* need?
MIAH: Phew.
ABBIE: Well, how is she?
ADAM: Too old-fashioned..
ABBIE (Unhappy): Hmph!
MIAH: O-oh!
ALICE: Too bright!
JACK: Oh, you’re so beautiful!
MIAH: Really!?
ALICE (Clearing her throat): Hem-hem. We’re ready.
PHOTOGRAPHER: O-oh! Say “Cheese”!
JACK, MIAH, ALICE and ADAM: Che-e-e-ese!
REPORTER: Today, the whole world is celebrating the birthday of Jack Anderson - the richest
man in the world!
REPORTER: Happy Birthday, Jack! We dedicate this dance to you!
ALICE and ADAM (Singing): Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!
MIAH: What’s all this ruckus? E-eugh…
ALICE and ADAM (Singing):: Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!
ALICE and ADAM (Singing):: Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!
JACK: Ha-ha, wow!
ALICE: Hooray!
MIAH: Oh no! I completely forgot about Jack’s birthday! What should I do?
MIAH: I am a genius!
JACK: Wow. Gilded fruits? Ha-ha! That’s so nice, mom!
MIAH: Gilded? Who’d even eat fruits made of gold?
MIAH: The best gifts are the ones made with love!
MIAH: Man, I’m so talented!
ADAM: My beloved son… she belongs to you now.
JACK: Father! Father, are you kidding me?
ADAM: Oh, don’t sweat it…
JACK: Incredible! Ha-ha!
ADAM: M-hm, indeed! Ha-ha!
JACK: I always wanted one!
ADAM: Ha-ha!
MIAH (Crying): A-a-augh! Sob, sob!
JACK: Ah! Sweetie, what’s wrong?
MIAH (Crying): I forgot about your birthday!
ADAM:Don’t be so sad. It’s nothing to cry about!
MIAH (In pain): A-a-ah!
ALICE: Are you blind?! She’s about to give birth!
ADAM: Ah! I’ll get our plane!
JACK: And I… And I… What should I do?
ALICE: Grab Miah and go!
JACK: Alright!
ADAM (Swooning): Aw-w-w-w.
MIAH: I’m so sorry, Jack. I didn’t give you a present and I ruined your birthday!
JACK: No, Miah. This was the best present I could wish for!
ADAM (Sighing, happy): Ah-h-h. Wait, he said the same thing about the Statue of Liberty!

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