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Video 1944 Life Hacks for Parents!

1. Alarm clocks are nothing but trouble.

2. Who’d ever want to be up so early?
3. Tina(Drowsy): «Not a chance! I’m still sleepy!»
4. Tina: «Ugh, fine. C’mere.»
5. Tina(Screaming in fear): «Ah! I overslept!»
6. Tina has to hurry!
7. She can’t be late for her math class!
8. Oh no, anything but that! (Fear, disappointment)
9. Tina: «Mom, help!»
10. Mom: «What’s wrong, sweetie?»
11. Mom: «Oh, your hair? I’ll help.»
12. Whoops! Harder than it looks.
13. Mom(Rubbing the bruise): Ow. No, this won’t do…
14. Whatever will we do?
15. Mom: «How about some stylish braids, Tina?»
16. Tina: «Are you sure about that, mom?»
17. Mom: «Oh, don’t worry. It’ll be fine.»
18. Mom: «Se, we’ll just pull a strand through here and…
19. Mom(Happy): …done! Easy as one-two-three.»
20. Mom: «And then we’ll add some bright hair clips.»
21. Mom: «Perfect!»
22. Tina(Clapping): «I love it!»
23. Mom: «Hold on. Something’s missing.»
24. Mom: «Your hairdo could use some glitter!»
25. Mom: «Let’s take care of that!»
26. Tina: «Wow! I’ll be the prettiest girl in class!»
27. Mom: «Have a great day, honey!»
28. Mom: «Bring us back straight A’s!»
29. Such perfect weather for a walk!
30. Whoops. Shouldn’t have drank so much soda!
31. Uh-oh. Where’s the toilet?
32. Tina: «Mom, I’m in big trouble here!»
33. Mom: «I’m on my way, honey!»
34. Mom: «Alright, don’t panic. I know what to do.»
35. Mom: «Follow me.»
36. No one’s around. Great.
37. This place is perfect if you need to follow nature’s call.
38. Mom: «Tina, those bushes look like they were made for this. Go on!»
39. Tina: «I can’t do it like that, mom!»
40. Tina: «Don’t even ask!»
41. It’s not looking bad.
42. If bushes aren’t private enough…
43. …we’ll set up a tent!
44. There’s nothing a mom won’t do for her kid!
45. Mom: «Alright sweetie, welcome to your private toilet!»
46. Tina: «How does THAT thing even work?»
47. Mom: «A little patience, sweetie!»
48. Mom: «All we need is this toilet kit!»
49. Mom: «We’ll set it up like this. Then, put the bag and the seat on top.»
50. Mom: «Here we go. Neat, right?»
51. Mom: «You can do your business now.»
52. Tina: «Ugh, fine.»
53. Tina: «Thanks, mom.»
54. But what about the toilet paper?
55. It doesn’t grow on trees!
56. Good thing Tina’s got all the necessities with her!
57. Tina: «I’m done, mom!»
58. Mom: «Then let’s pack our toilet up.»
59. Mom: «But go easy on the soda from now on, okay?»
60. What’s for dinner today?
61. Let’s start with some delicious fruits!
62. Here they are, so close!
63. But Tina’s too short to reach the top shelf.
64. She’s not giving up, though!
65. Good thing she’s got a grabber arm.
66. Success! The banana is in her grasp.
67. Now it’s time for some oranges!
68. Nice!
69. But no dinner is complete without grapes.
70. Challenge accepted!
71. Tina: «Thanks mom!»
72. Mom: «Enjoy your meal, honey!»
73. M-m-m! Delicious.
74. Mom spends so much time working!
75. She’s got no time to play at all.
76. But Tina will take care of that now!
77. Even work is fun when you do it together.
78. Just press on the buttons and get paid!
79. Why does mommy get so tired doing this, I wonder?
80. A-ha! Our first payday.
81. But these banknotes are so drab!
82. Let’s give them some style.
83. Tina: «Here, mommy! You’ve got a whole heap of money!»
84. Mom(Strict): «Tina! What’s this?! You can’t do that!»
85. Tina(Sad): «But m-o-o-om…»
86. With an artistic daughter, it’s hard to keep your valuables clean.
87. Let’s put our money in a safe where crayons can’t reach!
88. Mom: «Would you help me out, dear?»
89. Tina: «Sure, mommy! I’ll do my best!»
90. Make sure to think of a reliable combination.
91. Wow! It works!
92. So exciting.
93. Counting money never gets boring.
94. Mom: «Don’t forget your hat, Tina!»
95. Mom: «Make sure to keep your feet dry!»
96. Tina: «Yes, mommy. I’ll make sure.»
97. Mom: «Enjoy your walk, sweetie!»
98. Finally, some peace and quiet.
99. She really earned it.
100. But all quiet has to end eventually.
101. Mom: «Tina, what’s all this?»
102. Тина(Flustered): «Mom, I got a little wet…»
103. Mom: «A-ah. You need special gear for going outside!»
104. Mom: «Waterproof covers for your feet…»
105. Mom: «…and a cute umbrella hat for your head!»
106. Tina: «Thanks, mom!»
107. Mom: «Have fun!»
108. Now Tina is protected.
109. No way the rain could ever touch her!
110. O-o-oh, but look at this awesome puddle!
111. Tina(Happy): «I’m back, mommy!»
112. There’s never a dull moment with Tina. (Sighing)
113. Well, at least her feet are dry.
114. But the floors will need a lot of cleaning.
115. Tina: «Mom, I’m so-o-o hungry!»
116. Mom: «No snacking, Tina!»
117. Mom: «You’re covered in dirt!»
118. Mom: «Go and wash your hands!»
119. Mom: «Lather them up and rinse!»
120. Mom: «Come on, you can do it.»
121. Tina: «Mom, I’m a grown-up! I don’t wanna wash my hands!»
122. But what if Tina had her own special soap?
123. Let’s make it heart-shaped too!
124. There’s nothing a mom can’t do!
125. Mom: «Check *this* out, Tina.»
126. Mom: «Wanna wash your hands now?»
127. Now that’s better.
128. What a nice soap! It smells nice too!
129. Bye-bye, microbes!
130. Tina: «I’m done, Mom!»
131. Mom: «Now we’re talking! Now, dig in.»
132. Mom can’t be distracted right now.
133. Manicuring is a ve-e-ery important business.
134. But sitting still for so long is impossible!
135. Mom: «Sweetie, please be quiet like a good girl!»
136. Tina: «Wo-o-ow. So pretty and shiny!»
137. Tina: «How does that work?»
138. Tina: «Can I have a look?»
139. Tina: «I want a manicure too!»
140. Beautician(Stressed): «That’s it!»
141. Beautician: «I can’t work in these conditions!»
142. Beautician: «Tina, look what I have for you.»
143. Beautician: «You’ll have the prettiest nails ever.»
144. Let’s check this new gadget out!
145. First let's paint our nails.
146. Not bad!
147. And now let’s add some nail wraps!
148. It’s so easy to use!
149. Hooray! It worked.
150. Let’s keep going!
151. A good manicure takes time and effort.
152. Beautician: «I knew it’d work.»
153. Beautician: «No girl in the world could resist that toy.»
154. Meanwhile, Tina is finished with her nails!
155. Beautician: «Tina, that’s beautiful!»
156. Mom: «You’ve got a real talent for this!»
157. Tina: «M-hm! Am I great or what?»
158. Tina: «Want me to do your nails too?»
159. You can’t look away from these series!
160. All of our favorite heroes are there!
161. Mom: «Tina, you know our rules!»
162. Mom: «Don’t sit so close to the screen.»
163. Tina(Unhappy): «Yes, mo-o-om.»
164. Mom: «That’s my girl.»
165. Mom: «What did I tell you?!»
166. Mom: «You’ll need to follow the rules from now on!»
167. Tina: «Wow. What’s that?»
168. Mom: «A magnifier, sweetie.»
169. Mom: «Now you’ll see every little detail!»
170. Mom: «Don’t forget - keep away from the screen!»
171. Mom: «Like this! Not an inch closer!»
172. Tina: «Fine. I get it.»
173. Tina: «Mo-o-om! That’s unfair!»
174. Tina: «What kind of example is that for your daughter?»
175. The bathroom is full of cool stuff.
176. You’ll never get bored here.
177. I’m sure Mom wouldn’t object…
178. She’s so nice, after all!
179. Bubbles! More bubbles!
180. We’ll just wipe these splatters off the mirror.
181. Mom won’t even notice!
182. Mom: «Are you done already, Tina?»
183. Aw-w-w, how cute!
184. Our little girl is having fun.
185. Tina: «Hi, mom. I’m super busy.»
186. Mom: «Did you brush your teeth at least?»
187. Tina(Sad): «Not yet…»
188. Mom: «Let’s get to it then.»
189. Mom: «But not before we set up this toothpaste dispenser.»
190. Tina: «It’s so cool, mom!»
191. Mom: «If you like it, you’ll *love* THIS.»
192. An alligator-shaped tap!
193. So stylish!
194. Brushing teeth with these cartoon gadgets is a lot of fun.
195. And they make sure we won’t make a mess in the bath again..
196. Tina: «We’re almost there, mommy!»
197. Tina: «You can open your eyes now!»
198. Tina: Surpri-i-i-ise!»
199. Mom(Awkward): «Oh, it’s… so pretty, Tina.»
200. Mom(Awkward): «You’ve got a gift for painting!»
201. Mom: «But our new wallpaper is ruined.»
202. Mom: «Don’t go anywhere.»
203. Ugh, it’s so hard to make parents happy!
204. They don’t enjoy *anything* fun.
205. Mom: «Tina, I’m back.»
206. Mom: «No more wall paintings!»
207. Mom: «From now on we’ll only use cardboard.»
208. Mom: «Let’s put a butterfly here…»
209. Mom: «…and give it some friends too.»
210. Mom: «Do you like it?»
211. Tina: «Ugh, how will I play with that?»
212. Mom: «I just need some duct tape.»
213. Mom: «We’ll use it to cover the cardboard…»
214. Mom: «…and we can start working!»
215. Mom: «Choose a color and paint it.»
216. Mom: «Аnd if you need to, just wipe it off!»
217. Tina: «Mom, you’re a genius!»
218. Tina: «I’ll color the bat!»
219. We can forget about boredom now!
220. With a canvas like that, we can paint until the end of time.
221. What a disaster! You could see these pimples from outer space!
222. Tina: «Mom, help me!»
223. Oh yes. This is a problem indeed!
224. But Tina’s mom knows a perfect life hack.
225. Mom: «Don’t touch your face, Tina! It’s bad for you!»
226. Mom: «You should pop these fake pimples instead.»
227. Hey, this is fun!
228. No need to fret anymore.
229. Perfect. The kid is busy playing…
230. …and her mom can do her makeup.
231. Mom: «Say goodbye to your zits, Tina!»
232. Mom: «It’s like they aren’t there at all.»
233. Tina: «Wow, mom! You’re like a beauty fairy!»
234. Let’s celebrate this with some snacks!
235. Oh, but you can’t eat sweets without getting more pimples!
236. Tina(Sighing): «Mo-o-om, it happened again!!»
237. Mom: «Alright Tina, we’ll need to start eating healthy.»
238. Ugh, fine.
239. No price is too great for beauty.
240. Tina is *never* bored.
241. She’s got *so* many toys.
242. Here comes mom.
243. Mom: «Tina, what is all this?!»
244. Tina: «A-ah!!!»
245. Tina(Angry): «Mom, you startled me!!!»
246. Tina: «Who’s going to clean up this mess?»
247. Mom: «You, obviously! Get to it, Tina!»
248. Tina: «Nuh-uh, never!»
249. How do you convince a kid to clean up?
250. With the help of an interesting life hack, of course!
251. Let’s wrap our hands in duct tape…
252. …and just walk around the room!
253. Simple *and* easy!
254. All the tiny pieces are collected.
255. But our mom’s got even more ideas!
256. We can collect other toys with a vacuum!
257. All we need is a special nozzle.
258. A kid-sized sock will do!
259. Mom: «I’ll give it back soon, okay Tina?»
260. All done.
261. Time to clean up.
262. Now all the toys are in the sock…
263. …and we can put them all back.
264. Tidying up is not hard at all!
265. Mom: «You did it, Tina! Good job!»
266. Tina: «I did my best, mom.»
267. Ugh, that icky duct tape!
268. I wonder if Mom’s got a life hack for *this* sticky situation?

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