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 3. a) Fill in the correct prepositions or adverbs.

1. any evidence of his guilt 11 to do justice to sb; evidence 12. to accept his judgements in the matter;
3. to be brought to punishment for one’s 13. to try your Italian out on Francesca;
4. to bring to justice 14. to try out for a place at Oxford; my judgement 15. witness for the defence;
6. judged by modern standards 16. to take witness;
7. to punish sb for stealing 17. to bear witness to ;
8. to try one’s hand at sth 18. to witness for sb;
9. to be tried for sth 19. to justify yourself to sb ;
10.a crime punishable by 20 years in prison the evidence of their recent matches.

b) Choose an appropriate preposition (multiple choice) if necessary:

1. He was trying the varsity football team.
 A. on with  B. out on  C. out for  D. with
2. Do not try it your new boss! He is a man of tough character.
 A. on with  B. out for  C. for 
3. He thought he’d try his luck farming in Canada.
 A. by  B. out for  C. out on  D. at
4. Mary tried everyone’s patience to the limit.
 A. by  B. into  C. about  D.-
5. I need to try this dress . I think it will perfectly suit me.
 A. by  B. on  C. off  D. at
6. He was arrested and tried the rape.
 A. for  B. into  C. on  D. with
7. You have a chance to try your hand the ancient art of drystone walling.
 A. by  B. at  C. out for  D. with
8. I tried the doors, but they were locked.
 A. -  B. into  C. on  D. with
9. The vaccine was first tried animals.
 A. by  B. into  C. at  D. out on
10. He was tried murder
 A. on  B. into  C. at  D. for

 4. Give each word next to its definition.

An identifying phrase A word
1 impose a penalty for violation Punish try
2 examine evidence in court witness
3 constitute sufficient grounds являются достаточным evidence
основанием для
4 decide sth in dispute upon its merits вирішувати що-небудь у judgment
суперечці по суті
5 see sth happen (typically an accident) witness
6 act, practice of rendering to a person what’s his or its due Judge
7 a person who decides issues that are in controversy Judge
8 the facts or information used to believe that sth is true evidence
9 a person who gives evidence in court witness
10 an attempt, effort try
 5. Match the following words to the suitable synonyms or antonyms.
1 evidence n J A attempt
2 witness n C B penalty
3 Punishment B C bystander, spectator
4 justice n E D umpire арбітр
5 try v A E equity справедливість
6 try n I F vindicate виправдовувати
7 judge n D G chastise карати
8 evidence v H H avenge, get back
9 justify v F I effort
10 punish v G J testimony, proof

 6. Fill in the suitable synonyms.

try, attempt, endeavour, strive
1. No one has this strive experiment before.
2. We always ENDEAVOUR to provide our customers with the highest standards of
3. A rescue was STRIVED by Coast Guards, but it wasn’t successful.
4. He TRIED to walk past me down the stairs, but I stopped him.
5. Any prisoner who ATTEMPTED to escape will be shot.
6. He always ENDEAVOUR to provide our customers with the highest
standards of service.
7. I was TRIED hard to concentrate, but my mind kept wandering.
8. The company must constantly ATTEMPT for greater efficiency.
9. He has been TRYING to achieve musical recognition for the past 10 years.
10. I remained for some time ATTEMPT to engage Mr.Campbell in conversation.

 7. Complete the sentences using EVIDENCE, WITNESS,

TRY, JUDGE, JUSTICE, PUNISHMENT and their derivatives.
1. His action JUSTIFY to his trustworthiness.
2. We had JUDGED one of the most outstanding theatrical perfomances of the decade.
3. The room bore EVIDENCE of a struggle. . У кімнаті були СВІДКИ бійки
4. He succeeded to jump higher than his rival at the first TRY.
5. The case TRIED before a jury.
6. On the evidence of their recent matches, it is unlikely the Spanish team will win the
7. Two instructors ARE TRIED\JUDGED\PUNISHED for harassing female students.
8. Foreign and local monitors were watching to JUDGE whether the elections
were free and fair.
9. There’s not enough evidence to such accusations.

10. They were accused of attempting to obstruct JUSTICE.

 8. Translate the expressions into English.

1. Давати свідчення проти когось; 1. To give evidence against someone;
2. робити перехресний допит; 2. cross-examine; cross-inerrogatory
3. на основі всіх фактів; 3. based on evidence;
4.ухвалювати судове рішення; judge;
5. збирати докази проти когось; 5. collect evidence against someone;
6.покарати когось; 6. to punish someone;
7. намагатися зробити щось; 7. to try to do something;
8. зазнати покарання за злочини; 8. undergo punishment for crimes;
9. давати свідчення; 9. give evidence;
10. притягати до судової 10. bring to justice for murder;
відповідальності за вбивство;
11. чинити перепони правосуддю; 11. obstruct justice;
12. суворий суддя; 12. strict judge;
бути присутнім в якості свідка/ 13. to be present as a witness/ witness
понятого при арешті; during the arrest;
залишитись без покарання; 14. to remain without punishment;
15. покарання ув’язненням; 15. 15. punishment by imprisonment;
16. визначити міру покарання; 16. determine the measure of
17. показати себе якнайкраще; do yourself justice
страта; punishment;
19. на мою думку; 19. 19. in my judgment;
20. захист свідків. 20. 20. witness protection.

 9. SYNONYM DISCRIMINATION. Match the synonym with the given

# The definition The word
1 a person who sees something happen and is able to describe it witness
to other people
2 to make an attempt or effort to do or get something try
3 (formal) to do something, especially something new or Try ones hand at
4 a person who is watching an event, especially a sports event spectator
5 a person who attends a meeting, lesson, etc. to listen and OBSERVER
watch but not to take part
6 to try very hard to achieve something strive
7 to make an effort or try to do something, especially something attempt

10. Choose an appropriate synonym (multiple choice)

1. We encourage all members to for the highest standards.
 A. strive  B. try  C. endeavour  D. attempt
2. Police are seeking to the accident.
 A. observers  B. witnesses  C. spectators  D. bystanders
3. According to , the election was peaceful and fair.
 A. witnesses  B. observers  C. onlookers 
D. passerby
 4 The final game attracted a lot of .
 A. spectators  B. eyewitnesses  C .observers 
D .onlookers
 5 They are a climb up the mountain.
 A. trying  B. striving  C. attempting  D. endeavoring
6. Hold on to your dreams and always to achieve your goals.
 A. strive  B. try  C. experiment  D. endeavor
7. We have to make the vehicle environmentally friendly.
A. striven  B. tried  C. endeavored D. attempted

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