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Slide 4

The culture of cooperation will contribute significantly to the restoration of psychological and social
functioning, especially after the trauma of conflict/disaster has caused upheaval.

People benefit from having regular contact with providers of physical activity who provide
trustworthy and reliable role models which is an important aspect of building resilience and
overcoming trauma.

Psychosocial sport and physical activity programmes do not have a primary focus on competition
and winning but rather an emphasis on the cultivation of a cooperative and supportive environment.

Slide 19

1. The warm-up: How to use the tool kit

2. Method of scoring: How to protect young people through Sport for Protection? (Social inclusion
and cohesion)

3. The court: There are different approaches: Human Rights-Based Approach, Socio-Ecological
Approach, Protection

Systems Strengthening Approach, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Approach

4. Principles of play: cross-cutting analysis, strategic and operational planning and right

... in which there are six aspects to consider particularly:

Slide 21

3- Age

Point 2 - For example, walking may be more appropriate for older adults but would not be
stimulating enough for children.

Point 3 - The needs of children will change with age, therefore a psychosocial sports programme
intervening with an 8 year-old child will be different to a sports programme for a 16 year old child,
and the coaching and treatment of the children needs to be adapted according to their age.

4- Gender

For example, if separate sessions are required for men and women, you may need additional
coaches or to schedule additional sessions to cater for this.

The impact of having male and female coaches may differ between cultures and may also have very
large influences on the programme structure and design.

In some cultures, girls are not allowed to participate in sport programmes, or are not allowed to take
part in any activities where girls and boys participate together.

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